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Since the thread got purged from what happened a few days ago, here it is again. There was a livestream on twitch a few hours ago where they revealed the names (under pseudonyms) of the VAs for Suzuna, Tomomi, Sayaka and ail. Their main page also updated with samples of some of the voice work. Their second crowdfunding campaign is still ongoing.
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They just hit the 4 million stretch goal, so now we’ll get a comic version of the game.
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No, all new VAs

Like was said in the last thread, the only reason for 2 CFs is system limitations and trouble with the first one combined with far more than expected engagement. If Ci-En had allowed it they woud have just edited the original CF or extended it, not made a new one.
Wonder how they'll handle ii. The original VN had a lot of doujins from Carnelian and a comic anthology, not an official comic.
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Give me your three wishes, /h/, and I shall make them true!
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>all men get regenerative powers for their balls, healing them from any issues and keeping them at prime efficiency
>all women between 18-30 get telekinetic powers
[spoiler]>all women starting with 12 develop a secret ballbusting and castration fetish[/spoiler]
i wish bodysuit porn where they keep the suit on
i wish for more NTR were the cuck take backs his girl..then rape and in-slaves her (i read one where this happened)
i wish for Yandere Tomboys
Azur Lane’s St. Louis with her tits popping out of that silver dress as she hits a bong.
Slave girls in belly dance outfits smoking hookahs.
A cute girl drinking a Coke
>turn you into a magical girl
and impregnate you
every wish itt is a monkeys paw

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Tall Trees cut down 2.
As men we have an instinct to cut down these tall trees. They think they can just cancel just stand tall over us and shove their tits in our faces?(that actually doesn't sound too bad) Well they're wrong

Tall girls getting Dominated by guys shorter than themselves
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New Big Sister ~Threesome With Brothers~ by Kayumidome
Is that the tag name?
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Nah, I just made it up since it fit
Wouldn't "woodpecking" be a more appropriate term?

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Let's fucking goo boys! The most Peak eak doujin finally here! Imma post my fave page as I read this
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Queen Bee you mean?
Is the OP a Chink? There are only Chinks posting in the comment section of this mediocre artist and over 50 of them posted within the first two minutes of the latest upload. And who else besides Chinks is fucked enough in the head to post every page instead of copy pasting the URL to Exhentai.
queen bee is the second best option after lunesoft studios
I love when women do this pose with the pants half on.

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You get the idea.
Previous: >>7658960
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forgot about the writings.
Nano for sure
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How do you even separate NTR/cheating and other stuff when they can get mixed together like pic related? Why do Japanese mix them together in the same book like this?

Was there ever a trend of NTR artists switching to non-NTR like how we see vanilla/non-NTR artists start doing NTR? Is NTR popular in Japan compared to other genres?

Most importantly. how do you learn not to be bothered by NTR/cheating? Funnily enough, Korean NTR doesn't seem to do anything to me but Japanese NTR hits different.
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I just want MILF vanilla but those are rare as fuck. NTR takes all the good MILF hentai.
Cheating is wrong irl but most people can separate reality from fiction.
>why are most of the NTR bulls always so UGLY?
so troons(the majority of the ntr demographic) can self insert as the bull
Unironically not losing to the cock.

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Bro, this happened 12 in this month.
What I don't get it though is, why weren't you guys talking about this when it happened?
Where do we get our points now?
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But none of that is available on dlsite, I no longer have any way of buying anything from them now. And my defeatist mindset is fueled by the shit we're facing now.

Another issue we're facing is the guy most likely to replace the current japan prime minister is anti loli and JK fanservice/hentai, if he wins and it's looking like he will this issue will worsen by a ton.
>defeatist mindset
Until DMM stops fucking around blocking us by not letting us access their page, I won't give a fuck about any good news
>Also, did you guys notice playasia and other weeb e-shops stop selling dlpoints?
Well that explains why I can't buy bitcash to convert to toracoin now. Are there any alternatives? If not then bye to all the folks I support on fantia
>if he wins and it's looking like he will this issue will worsen by a ton.
There's a lot of ifs.
>if he wins
>if he sees it as a priority over more important things like the economy, demographic crisis and the ton of shit japan has to deal with right now
>if his party back him on it
>if him or his party don't back down after industry lobbying

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Women bowing at their Masters feet

Lets go
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wear a condom of course
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I love this shit

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New cum thread as the old one got nuked.
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not enough

Bonus for NTR
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how often do you get to do rimjobs? i get a rimjob at least once a week and frankly it feels like heaven
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I love how it's always an ugly bastard too
Why didnt this cuck >>8190446 respond to this >>8190451? Seems like he accepted defeat kek
they thought they were bullying him

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Here are some uncensored webms to help repopulate the board
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There are admittedly some older titles with amazing art and great scenes, but for every one of them there are twenty trash titles.
And I don't mind a bit of plot, but I loathe when it's whole thirty minute episodes and there's maybe two to three minutes of whoopie.
I get it, they adapted a whole freaking VN into a 2-4 episode series and already don't have enough time for everything, but if you're gonna advertise it as a porno, I expect a porno.

Mezzo forte and words worth get away with it because the scenes are just *that* good.
Square of the moon does not.
I remember hentai making the evening news because of such situations, it was mosaic'd
good thread

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Previous Thread: >>8111807

Thread Rules:
- Respect /h/ and global rules.
- Do not troll or derailing the thread.
- Do not make more than one request.
- You must supply references and specify what edits you want made.
- If your request was not fulfilled in the previous thread, do not just post a link to that request in this thread. Instead, re-state your request and re-post your reference.
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- Constructive criticism is welcome.


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requesting a nude edit or at least rippped pants
Sorry, I didn't see this message

thanks for this

I wanted something this big, thank you very much

I said huge, not giant
It seems you did it because you were upset, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to feel that way
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Requesting to have the belt moved lower so that her pussy is showing (... or remove the belt if it makes it easier) and move the ribbons a bit to expose nipples.
How do I make realistic white skin from black and white doujinshi pages? I have tried playing around with both hue/saturation and gradient map in photshop, but it always looks bad.
Can't understand what you mean. Can you send examples? Like what u have and wht u want

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anything with clothed and covered women humiliating or parading naked men for their amusement
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That and even hotter when girls enjoy this
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High quality advertising
Would be /e/ if it allowed dicks

Previous thread https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/8087400 (pruned earlier cuz mods misclicked)
Older threads: https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7980654

Guilty (Nightmare/Dash) Catalogs
https://vndb.org/p115 (https://vndb.org/p10006 / https://vndb.org/p12551)

DLC patches, MTL, Resources and FAQ (under construction): https://pastebin.com/hPRZ9fua
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/guilty---toriko-nightmare-heroines--626031

Recent releases:
Toriko no Urara ~Otoko no Sono ni Magirekonda Ichirin no Akai Hana~
虜ノ麗 ~男の園に紛れこんだ一輪の紅い花~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/thread-78794-1-1.html
MTL: https://mega.nz/file/AaFzxSIb#-0gOInZyEuxgJAIezGNv5JAwN8JukRNlnhm3oiExyDE

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Anyone has the link to the translated games? i'm looking for toriko no chikai, but i missed the link,
Mostly because i like the art, the gangbang scenes, and the fact that they start enjoying the sex later, anyway is there a name for that? When the girl hate being raped and later on she start liking?
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>girl hate being raped and later on she start liking
On vndb they refer to this process as Sexual Slavery (Choukyou Variation) https://vndb.org/g1823
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What do you think about an idea were the previous Toriko entry character returns in the role of the MC?

I know that such a change would definitely cause some changes in the plot, but still, I think it would be interesting to see how a previously 'raped' character is going to act when it's going to be up to her 'decisions' whether or not the rest of the female - naturally virgin - cast is going to retain their virginity or go through a similar experience as she did...

new info next week, probably Nightmare Omega

Who draws the best MILFs and why is it Maron Maron?
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Yokkora was at one point my favorite artist, but it seems like they've more or less retired from porn. Last things I saw from them were some fairly tame Idolmaster art, then nothing.

But got damn, I think he put me onto Venus-type milfs.
These days I'd say Announ's another one I'm quiet fond of, and TawaraH was doing great things too. Then they started drawing NTR and "Slut world" stories and now I'm pretty apathetic towards them.
Did he? From what I recall, the only netorare angle were the fathers/husbands the women had out of the picture, such as the protag's faceless uncle in Sweet Days, and that's why it technically got the tag. Did he start doing actual cuck POV stuff?
where to find artists? I guess pixiv and nhentai right?
Not familiar, I'd have to check their stuff out.

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