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Bonus for NTR
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how often do you get to do rimjobs? i get a rimjob at least once a week and frankly it feels like heaven
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I love how it's always an ugly bastard too
Why didnt this cuck >>8190446 respond to this >>8190451? Seems like he accepted defeat kek
they thought they were bullying him

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Here are some uncensored webms to help repopulate the board
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There are admittedly some older titles with amazing art and great scenes, but for every one of them there are twenty trash titles.
And I don't mind a bit of plot, but I loathe when it's whole thirty minute episodes and there's maybe two to three minutes of whoopie.
I get it, they adapted a whole freaking VN into a 2-4 episode series and already don't have enough time for everything, but if you're gonna advertise it as a porno, I expect a porno.

Mezzo forte and words worth get away with it because the scenes are just *that* good.
Square of the moon does not.
I remember hentai making the evening news because of such situations, it was mosaic'd
good thread

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Previous Thread: >>8111807

Thread Rules:
- Respect /h/ and global rules.
- Do not troll or derailing the thread.
- Do not make more than one request.
- You must supply references and specify what edits you want made.
- If your request was not fulfilled in the previous thread, do not just post a link to that request in this thread. Instead, re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- No bumping or seconding requests.
- Be patient. Some edits can take a great deal of time.
- Be kind to the editors. They're giving their time to do this for you.
- Always thank the editors for fulfilling your request.
- Constructive criticism is welcome.


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requesting a nude edit or at least rippped pants
Sorry, I didn't see this message

thanks for this

I wanted something this big, thank you very much

I said huge, not giant
It seems you did it because you were upset, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to feel that way
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Requesting to have the belt moved lower so that her pussy is showing (... or remove the belt if it makes it easier) and move the ribbons a bit to expose nipples.
How do I make realistic white skin from black and white doujinshi pages? I have tried playing around with both hue/saturation and gradient map in photshop, but it always looks bad.
Can't understand what you mean. Can you send examples? Like what u have and wht u want

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anything with clothed and covered women humiliating or parading naked men for their amusement
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That and even hotter when girls enjoy this
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High quality advertising
Would be /e/ if it allowed dicks

Previous thread https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/8087400 (pruned earlier cuz mods misclicked)
Older threads: https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7980654

Guilty (Nightmare/Dash) Catalogs
https://vndb.org/p115 (https://vndb.org/p10006 / https://vndb.org/p12551)

DLC patches, MTL, Resources and FAQ (under construction): https://pastebin.com/hPRZ9fua
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/guilty---toriko-nightmare-heroines--626031

Recent releases:
Toriko no Urara ~Otoko no Sono ni Magirekonda Ichirin no Akai Hana~
虜ノ麗 ~男の園に紛れこんだ一輪の紅い花~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/thread-78794-1-1.html
MTL: https://mega.nz/file/AaFzxSIb#-0gOInZyEuxgJAIezGNv5JAwN8JukRNlnhm3oiExyDE

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Anyone has the link to the translated games? i'm looking for toriko no chikai, but i missed the link,
Mostly because i like the art, the gangbang scenes, and the fact that they start enjoying the sex later, anyway is there a name for that? When the girl hate being raped and later on she start liking?
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>girl hate being raped and later on she start liking
On vndb they refer to this process as Sexual Slavery (Choukyou Variation) https://vndb.org/g1823
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What do you think about an idea were the previous Toriko entry character returns in the role of the MC?

I know that such a change would definitely cause some changes in the plot, but still, I think it would be interesting to see how a previously 'raped' character is going to act when it's going to be up to her 'decisions' whether or not the rest of the female - naturally virgin - cast is going to retain their virginity or go through a similar experience as she did...

new info next week, probably Nightmare Omega

Who draws the best MILFs and why is it Maron Maron?
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Yokkora was at one point my favorite artist, but it seems like they've more or less retired from porn. Last things I saw from them were some fairly tame Idolmaster art, then nothing.

But got damn, I think he put me onto Venus-type milfs.
These days I'd say Announ's another one I'm quiet fond of, and TawaraH was doing great things too. Then they started drawing NTR and "Slut world" stories and now I'm pretty apathetic towards them.
Did he? From what I recall, the only netorare angle were the fathers/husbands the women had out of the picture, such as the protag's faceless uncle in Sweet Days, and that's why it technically got the tag. Did he start doing actual cuck POV stuff?
where to find artists? I guess pixiv and nhentai right?
Not familiar, I'd have to check their stuff out.

Post and Discuss all things Yoko Taro characters. Pictures involving sex prioritized, sexy and/or artistic pictures to a much lesser degree.
A wise man once said: “Due to the 2B butt controversy, many outrageous drawings are being made. Collecting them to share individually is a pain. It would be great if we can group them together to make it easier to distribute them every week.” -Yoko Taro
Lets make that compilation brothers and sisters.
>Been meaning to recreate this after the /h/ Nuke, Every picture and comment has been reproduced as it was before the nuke.
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what you see looking up before she sits on your face

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Unfortunately the artist doesn't have any socials so who knows when they're dropping a new work. In the afterword of OP pic artist said that they're thinking about doing the same premise but this time the story will focus on the 2nd son (OP cuck is 3rd son) and his British (iirc) fiancee.
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english version fucking when!

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Links to him
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Man, I gotta start looking at more of this guy's stuff. He's got some wild looking sex scenes, just how I like 'em
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any other artists out there that are similar to this dude? Either in art style or more specifically in this taboo type of work
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So its seems like Seto Yuuki's (世徒ゆうき) Yuuzai desu 有罪です will be released until August 2025, what the hell

I know there are jokes about the time it takes sensei to release his works but am I reading this wrong here? from what I gather the manuscript is done but are they fucking saying that the left over work will also take them 1 year?

Chapter 1 was released almost a year ago on November, I would not mind if it's until November of this year but come on, 2025??
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>>8171422 (You)
And I'll should add that you really should not take that "August 2025" as a set-in-stone date of release. Obviously, he's not working on this stuff full time anymore. Just pretend he's retired so you can be pleasantly surprised by any future infrequent releases.
Oh thank god for this update. I can stop waiting for new chapters now.
Shit happens, OP.

Damn and here I was thinking the new chapter was out and I just forgot to keep tabs on Yuuzai desu

Something to look forward to next year then

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Part 5/final chapter when? It's been a year since the last one...
Check his twitter. @asakawakeiji
It's releasing soon on 9/13
Oh shit that's soon, I guess my thread just ended prematurely then lol
Is there gonna be official TL like part 4 tho? Or we gotta wait for some fangroup translation?
Ask the artist
it out now

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personally, its one of my favorite pieces of media ever
the story is so heartbreaking especially by the end
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it was the first manga I ever read, and honestly the art is good, but while reading it I felt like I way being pulled into some depressing downward spiral. Didn't touch hentai for the rest of the week. Have an obsession with horror/dark manga ever since.
>My first manga, its metamorphosis
Well that’s a new one
Didn't even make me feel anything. It's praised as some existentialist masterpiece by South Americans but it's pretty platitudinous for something so drawn out. There's much better stories even in the hentai space where the moral of the story is to appreciate things for what they are. The porn itself is uninteresting btw
it should have been about the dad raping her daughter after learning that she turned into a high schooler prostitute, then he sells her off to his friends or makes her his new wife or something incest kino

Apparently you have to explicitly spell everything out, so I have to remake this thread. Female on male rimjobs, bonus for NTR.
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NTR/NTS rimjobs are too powerful.

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Akina or Chizuru? From that onsen doujin
And explain why
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Has this ever been animated before? I feel like I've seen animation with this art style before.
Nope, only doujin for now
Really? wow. I could've sworn I've seen this artwork before.. If I can find an example I'll post it.
>Has this ever been animated before?
Nope. Not even JAV

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MTL - https://sugoivisualnovel.up.railway.app/vns/22448

No translation beside MTL yet
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BGM10 already somewhere inside game files. But when trying to find what exact track they used. It linked to certain track. But sounded like this BGM remixed version of that
idk what you're trying to say
Forget it
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i love her

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