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Yeah, it'll finish off the middle class once and for all.
they are doing that to "relief" the economy you dumb Chuds

They will actually loose money by doing this, but they do it in order to alleviate the systems pressure, because it you have less stock, you are owed less in dividends, which in the end comes from the interest rates of common folk

so he is helping the dollar and the economy survive by doing this, you ungrateful punks
that's certainly some sort of a move, perhaps in anticipation of a collapse, need cash to buy everything up at bottom dollar
You have lots of cash to buy stock that lost a lot of value
They're all getting into cash because they need liquidity in the aftermath of what's to come. Can't finance roving bands of raiders, security and servants with 1's and 0's in the sky. It's going to have to be something physical.

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This goy knows
So Iran will just keep cucking
Based Israel bros, never change
>restore the republic
your republic died when you let jews get away with fucking nixon over

why does this site never address the hispanic invasion of the US?
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Dude, most people here are fucking dirty Latinx
easiest way to get banned from a blue board
The Jew is correct, this board is filled with LatinX monkeys.
That happens all the time here. About 20% of the tenants in this building are Venezuelans. They don't speak a word of English. I get the sense that the single guys are dodging a draft but my Spanish is muy malo.
Beanerettes are highly breedable and crave BWC

What's stopping them?
Give them 1 week then drop it
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Either they fear retaliation from the west, or their nuclear stockpile is rusted to shit.
Because other countries would react to Russia's launching of nukes without waiting to see where they land.
Mutt nukes keep Russians from nuking its enemies and Russian nukes keep mutts from nuking their enemies
Why would they nuke this?
>Mutt nukes keep Russians from nuking its enemies
Why? I don't get this. How do American nukes prevent Russia from using nukes on Ukraine?

Why do communists say workers should own the means of production when America doesn't produce anything and the means of production are cheap?
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there's a point in time around 2009 where you could open a Subway franchise for like $50k, which is why they popped up in every small town in America
thats also why they're all owned by poos.
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based mexican at heart
go sell watermelons in the streetcorners, loose cigarrettes in your open window, tacos in the street
become the working class
Same here in Germany, but they are either fully gone now, or switch owner every year after closing down for a few months.
What people mean when they say "own the means of production" is "give me free stuff".

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Why americans are fat?
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Why is that elephant bullying that rhino and his son.

We didn't eat our soppa de macaco as kids.
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This is called gluttony and extends to food, sex and drugs.
The West is trying by all means possible to bind us to these three pillars so that they can control us.
Corn syrup and laziness

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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>leaving is a good idea if you have the means.

TO WHERE?!?!?!
Well out of all European people I think you Irish people are going to make it out of this faggotry pretty well even if it will draw out for decades more. At least I hope so because you entered into this stuff later than others which means you had more resistance to begin with.
I'd suck his dick.
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reported for saying the N-word.
What do they mean by having sex that at the same time they did not somehow want to after the fact?

How do you have sex with someone you did not in fact want to. Not in a black out drunk fucking a fatty for the male version either.

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Can someone send me the original?
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>National Socialism IS NOT MARXISM because marxism = workers own the means of production.
>In Nazi germany THE NOBILITY + rich industrials owned the means of production.
That's simply how Germany was at the time, which is one of the criticisms Hitler levies at Imperial Germany as well as Weimar Germany. Hitler only had 6 years of peace. If you can do so without legal repercussions, you really should read Mein Kampf.
Compare President A who takes over the country after 8 years of President B. The effects of B will be felt far into the presidency of A.
Romanticism is fascism, Romanticism is the rejection of industrialization, science, degeneration, the longing for the late medieval era, great leader worship, and a focus on emotionally connecting to society through religion, and state worship

18th century
>Fascism is capitalism in its extreme form.
Retarded. Please read something that isn't written by a jew. Mussolini and Gentile's Doctrine of Fascism is easily available and a short read.
>globalism is when niggers
Read a book.
Fair enough. Romanticism predates Marxism, and Romanticism when applied politically becomes National Socialism and Fascism (and a few other lesser known ideologies). I'll give you that.


Why did we take the Jewish death shot
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boo womp
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Yeah, the flu disappeared. Years ago Ontario had a flu elimination program they spent millions on. It failed. They said it was impossible to eliminate the flu. I painted the house of an old man who lives up the road from me. One day he comes up to me in the local grocery store. He tells me his family doctor told him covid wasn't real it was the flu. I told him I've seen the charts.
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Historically, usury or the charging of interest on loans was illegal in christian nations. Only the Jews engaged in it. And now we are here in 2024.
I own 6 gorillion Holobunga debts.
I have 0 debt

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He's the greatest president of your lifetime.
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Thomas Sowell unironically ranks him the worst POTUS ever:
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Remember when Germans went crazy for Obama like he was another JFK?
He's an uncle tom.
That's the only good kind of black
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I admit you guys are one of the most intelligent ppl in this world
So tell me your favorite LLM
>me currently trying gemini advanced by subscribing but i have been using gpt and copilot till recently
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Which one is coom enabled? Thats your answer.
Am just a construction worker, work on buildings and roads out in the country
UBI is never coming, you're an idiot, what makes you think that countries are going to start fostering freeloaders, when has that happened in history?
when in society has there been infinite and relatively free slave labor? Pretty sure there were freeloaders involved

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Previous: >>468533209

▶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

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You are mistaken. Russia has been purchasing Indian artillery shells and using them in Ukraine.
>You are mistaken. Russia has been purchasing Indian artillery shells and using them in Ukraine.
May I see them?
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It’s over for us zisters
Nope not one indian shell was documented

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On a serious note what do we (non nigger). when we encounter ayys. How does the European world survive. This is political janny, go clean somewhere else.
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Ayy Lmao is probably here watching us right now, making documentaries about us like we do Chimpanzees. Once you reach a certain level of progress, solve all your problems, there won't be anything to do but watch other developing species.
Rapecaves for any ayys who don't submit willingly to the BWC.
Got to think a head, all ways plan for the worst. Thats also what I'm trying to get at, we let hordes of sub human feces destory our homeland so what will do when faced with an all interstellar ayys.>>468543676
If they could see us they would exterminate us
Seriously? Hope they're friendly. If they aren't we're most likely screwed.

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Should Art be censored if it offends people?
What are the political implications of total artistic freedom?
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Morals and public opinion are goal posts that are always moving.
I got banned on /tv/ for saying Isabela Moaner was hot 10 years ago
Their youth are hypersexual and contemptuous of public norms, they'll cackle like little hyenas while they grope the statue without an ounce of shame.
How do I know? How don't you know?

Did you know that there's many video chat sites for kids? Did you know that hundreds of girls get banned A DAY for getting naked? Did you know that's why vine got taken down? Did you know girls on their own produce 90% of cp available? Did you know that if you have girls, you should kill yourself because your life will be hell?

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You joke but they really do name them things like that, remember that banker that got arrested named Bankman-Fried.
Gazag Enocide will be the next director of human rights affairs for Israel

Russia has entered the chat
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Holy meds
Even if it was like you schizo claim, if "all is scripted" lol, what would it help if you let people know, if they are in total power anyway?
Why do faggots keep posting this retard, and the other retard, the Mario one. Fucking astroturfing faggots, buy an ad losers.
Kino AF reading this in CoD4

Anyone else switch team to Spetsnaz just because their win theme is the USSR anthem and therefore the GOAT?
gay. who cares. They are fated for doom and destruction. They are self suiciding as we speak. Powerless in terms of ability to force project and in fluence, relative to the Aryan allied.
Most recent official list of nations of the Aryan Allied Forces (AAF) and of the Adjacent, non-Aryan Allies (AAA). The muslims are tentative.
The (Glorious) United States of America
Great Britain (Optimus Maximus )
Georgia (honorary/quasi Aryan)

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when will muzshits admit that satan > allah?
SINCE they think they are fighting muh satan, that is

and the fact that they keep getting BTFO?
why can't allah just a blow the a fog away abraddarr?
does allah not want his muh slaves to win, even though they are fighting against israel barraddarr?

i heard it on the news that they immediately announced praying to allah for their leader
is it because it was NOT the 3rd part of the night where allah comes down to earth to hear prayer barraddarr?

what will it take? what is the latest muzshit cope on this? satan is not greater than allah,
allahu akbar abraddarr,
but, y'know, alla knows bess?

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>Iran's leader absconding
>Paki getting btfo'd in central asia
>Paleshits getting bombed
can this get any better?
i'm not celebrating dead people, their time is up and they have fallen for the antichrist and are written up as chaff
i'm trying to get the living muzshit to see
and maybe he won't have to be also
God ain’t real tho
Prove me wrong.
>prove me wrong
why are you here and caring?
India getting nuked would be a good start.

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Why were Americans the only one who fell for the globohomo psyop of 'a car is freedom'?
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Ayyy this guy knows :D
You can walk the entire city of Los Angeles. The LA Marathon goes from Dodger Stadium to the Santa Monica pier.
Public transportation cannot happen in america until kikes and niggers are deported. Simple as.
That’s just you being a poor faggot.
Reminder that jewish and modernist developers and urbanists are responsable for car-centric spread-apart planning
Urban designed PEAKED in the 1800's. Illiterate medieval peasants are better urban planners than modern ones. Look at those cute pedestrian bridges letting people experience the noise and smoke of high traffic. destinations far-apart to make space for cars

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The german economy is in free fall and my job was in a solar panel company in Dresden but they are now closing and moving to China.

Any tips?
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Good, fuck eco bullshit.
Russian women seem to not have any soul. I feel like if I ever showed any weakness or cry in front of my Russian gf or wife they would leave me,

No thank you, ice queen bitches. In Russian people don’t have human emotions like love or kindness like Americans do.
Can you move there if you have no degree/work experience? I can't see what I have to offer the Motherland at this point in my life besides my good intentions
Kek full of aids and drunks

Free Chechnya Dagestan Tatarstan Siberia
What percentage of young Latvians speak Russian?
What percentage of young Latvians speak English?

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