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>Yona Faedda
>French nationalist
>2 boomers mad as fuck VIOLENTLY snatch their equipment.


Poor queen
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Their main target is islam.
They cannot name the jews because freedom of speech doesn't exist in France/Europe
Controlled-op and Tommy is openly Philosemtic.
Anyways, I know we've had our differences (I still kinda hate you) but regardless we have a common enemy that wants to destroy us, so we have to unite like in the crusades.
Godspeed France.
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>At least you had English Defense League and Tommy Robinson
lmao fuck off kike. Take your kosher nationalism and stick it up your ass.
black and white is such a powerful aesthetic
>Their main target is islam
Of course, the counter-jihad movement is Jewish. The only nationalism you can have is one that targets the enemies of Israel and traditional values simultaneously.

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Battle for Kupiansk, day XXX. A Ukrainian rocket truck went into a tree line. A Russian drone spotted it, and some time later the tree line was hit.
How do the Russians make sure they actually hit the targets? Do they simply hope that the Ukrainian drivers are too lazy to move the vehicles a bit more under the cover of the leaves?
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kek it's always hilarious how you can never see the aftermath strike in ukrainian "kino"
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welp you got me there, I guess I'll have to tell the french-hive mind to stop DLing my files
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>still no aftermath

kek no wonder almost no posts any new ukie "kino" for how garbage it has become lmao
240p is sovl
Noooo, that's ignorant!
Ukraine is winning!
Russia loose 1000doldoers every day!

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This is the ultimate level of memory hole. It does not get more extreme than this.

This 4th year UCLA students life is ruined (webm related). He has permanent brain damage, he will be saddled with medical bills for the rest of his life, it WILL affect his ability to get hired once he graduates.

He has no legal recourse, he can't file charges as no Law Enforcement Agency will even begin an investigation much less acknowledge his existence. He can't file a lawsuit because while he can get a lawyer, the courts are ignoring him and denying him his rights.

The media has a gag order on this story. Even the controlled opposition "alt media" names famous for "naming the jew" like Nick Fuentes are ordered to not so much as mention the story.

All this because an active duty IDF soldier by the name of Eliran Bismut lost his cool and attempted to murder the UCLA student by smashing a 2x4 over his head as hard as he could on the night of April the 30th on livestream. Now the entire pozzed system is collapsing in on itself to protect him and the money flow that funded his plane ticket to West Los Angeles. Money flow that connects other powerful jews directly to the funding of the Israeli American Council, jews like Alon Abishoor who were present at UCLA on April 30th, 2024. These powerful and wealthy jews (see: https://archive.is/IXAt4).

It is pointed out in previous threads such as this one https://archive.is/oZLsd,and in this report by The Nation https://archive.is/mOD6A that the funding for the Pro-Zionist "counter protests" comes from the Adelsons and the Israeli American Council or IAC which is a hardline zionist organization that believes in a ONE STATE (jew state) solution for Israel unlike AIPAC which still to this day publicly supports a two state solution.

Aaron Cohen an Israeli intelligence officer can also be seen here https://archive.is/g8bYY working with the LASD at UCLA during all of this.
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if success is not possible per your statement, what then is your strategy?
information seems vital to locating a criminal, and i highly doubt good faith attempts at locating or apprehending a felon will be shut down.
remember bike lock guy? he galvanized a lot of people against him by being so universally repugnant in his behavior.
so many people: are emotionally invested on one side, know how long this war has been going on for, and how each side behaves when attempting to garner support. this leaves little room for error, and whats happening now in these threads doesnt have enough consensus. its a huge gray area for a ton of people, even though the violences of bike lock guy and abishoor are nearly identical.
my two cents.
bump for TKD

Don't give Reddit explanations for why these threads got shoah'd. We know it's because these thread name names.
The only "side" I am on is the total destruction of Israel.
jews do NOT have a right to exist
oh that is stupid
sue the school, sue the city
easy peasy

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Not saying she's wrong, but why is she going so hard about this?
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I don't care about her politics. I just want her to sit on my face. Is that too much to ask?
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She's in on it.
You see this video of her?

Because she unwittingly(?) became center-front spokesperson for a large portion of the trans debate.
Harry potter is grooming material, not for sexual activities with minors, but definitely for their hearts and mind. While I don't agree with bible-thumbing religious nuts, claiming that HP is the direct work of Satan, I will agree that it's hefty importance in recent modern culture makes it a prime target for social manipulation from those who may not have Miss Rowling's best interests at heart when promoting it.
The best propaganda is propaganda that your subjects create themselves. The way the left works, they probably thought that since THEY enjoyed Harry Potter and THEY came out with a lefty, feels-good, always-wrong take on social issues, then EVERYONE who enjoyed harry Potter must have. I also believe that the powers that be, the deep state, also saw this and had an inkling that it might just be true.
It wasn't. There's a lot of Potter fans who don't give a shit about wokeism. And it seems that most of the movie cast didn't either.
So the deep state/real rulers/aliens/illluminati/etc. really missed that one.

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There's currently a movement where young people are restoring urban nature
Their plan is simple.
Plant flowers - everywhere.
The dandelion is the bane of the Boomer.
A colorful world full of beautiful flowers with children happily running through them makes them seethe.
This is hyper political as we are surrounded by brutalism and RoundUp(TM) grass, uniform in color and texture.
We must make a more beautiful world for our children - it's political because this is what the Boomers loathe to see.
Natural beauty.
As intended by GOD.
This is not what GOD intended.
We are the cure.
We start with planting flowers.
Dandelions are now called Boomerbane.
Lupins, clover, berry bushes, fruit trees, plant them, put them in the ground.
We full repopulate the bees from doing this.

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I'm not reading all of that long and badly formatted shit, be more succinct. That being said, if you want to plant Dandelions everywhere, I'm all for it! They are pretty to look at and healthy as fuck!
> oh no my gay concrete shit is getting broken
even if dandelions could melt concrete beams the roads and shit are broken already so whatever
Awesome thread. Guerilla gardening is the way to go. If in doubt, spread clover seeds. Good nitrogen fixers and awesome food source.

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Can't poo if you don't eat
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We have "winters"
Our winters are the equivalent of summers in most countries.
Aka 26 C.
Your wife will be fine, especially if shes used to mountains too.
I don't want to be Caucasian if that's what you're asking. I am happy with what I am.

You better repay us bro and do the same. Too many libshits here. I've become a hardline fundo Muslim thinking of joining the taliban Pakistan division.
Anyone who utters "labour shortages" should be treated as a treasonous commie and have the Suharto/McCarthy treatment
liberal commies arent human, they get helicopter rides.
Hindus are anti-human
definitely would if we could, bi'ithnillah
>brown jeet
Says the shitskin trying to derail an antipoo thread. You niggers are all the same.

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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Hehe, I'm the contrarian again :D
> How their feelings inform them? Women can go to the city, not have any interest in children for years and then move away and start a family. The difference in that equation is the man. If she's with some soicuck
Women do know what they want, their behavior is consistent across every culture and ethnicity worldwide, only the environment changes.
Individual lack the ability to protect women from the environment. Men have to collectively enforce the environment, and women can EASILY use sexual influence to manipulate anything men try to do.
Only a kind of external environmental influence affects things.
You argue that I talk like a woman, but then get hung up for 800 words about my tone and language.
>ukraine needs to surrender so less people die
makes sense to me
there's good reason to think fuentes is a fed, but not devon
what they have in common is their message: "everyone but me and globohomo are losers"
it's a gay man's attitude, basically worshipping the television
maybe he's filling the desert with fucked-to-death little boys

Do you also feel a deep bond with Poland in your country?
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it's like this
thats a jew you fool
well yeah. basically a mixture of jewish and slavic blood.
I hate it, the people, the land, the rules, the traditions, I think its all shit.

But it's my shit. So I'll piss everywhere proudly and walk around making the best out of it.
It's a ZOG'd up shithole, neck deep in rotchschilds debt loans with no future.

May as well stay in canada, at least the maple syrup there is good.

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... and think that this is a normal thing to do to an innocent being who didn't consent to it.
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How did you get yours Moshe?
"without my consent"
Why is is all you faggots say the same thing?
Because you're all fucking pussies who don't have the slightest clue about how the real world works.
God damn it, son, I should have made your mother swallow you.
Very weak ragebait. Like it came from a middle school.
Next one you get to fight on your own, Frenchie. Better start practicing your Russian.
"What do French women put behind their ears to save them from German troops?"
A: Their ankles.

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It will never be a real AI but it will replace CEOs and managers.
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>wall of text
>reddit spacing
>cringe sissy-tier speech
>computers don't solve problems unless someone is watching them
it's a bucket of water/voltage. you count what's high and low. Yeah, pretty sure someone/something is doing the counting. can make a computer using water
In reality, of course, what characterizes intellect isn't that it "solves problems". A slime mold is doing precisely the same thing that a bucket of water does: it mindlessly plays out its molecular dynamics, solving as many problems as anyone cares to read into it. What characterizes intellect is that it finds useful isomorphisms and to a lesser degree, that it sees problems where there are none.
What a shallow and retarded retort. I bet he secretly reads the posts and seethes as well.
I saw this crazy ass interview about ai

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral - https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow - https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's - https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs

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I mean, the fact that the Iranians are coping by saying it was a "rough landing" on the helicopter means it probably wasn't that
don't know
probably none, unfortunately
i can't, she's a real person, not AI. remember this song from a few years ago? that's her

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Northwest and the Connecticut Avenue corridor, down to and including Georgetown, MARYLAND must be returned immediately to Montgomery County.
Our historic forefathers inhabited this land and in the name of God, the faith and our Montgomery race we demand that our historic borders be restored to us!

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I will support you only if you advocate for the return of Georgia's original state and sea to sea borders and territory
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Sudden medical incident, as usual. Yet few hours before sudden demise she was perfectly fine. As usual...
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Bump for the dead jaboid.
I know like 8 people who have died in the past year, all vaxfags.. youngest 22. Suddenly or turbo cancer. I know people who have lost legs and toes from clotting who I assume will be dead by year end, one guy needs a heart transplant, he can’t even walk without chest pain. None will consider it’s the jab or that it’s their fault.

It’s wild to see happen in real life, it’s crazy that so many got jabbed and complied, I don’t know why I expected people to stand strong if you asked me pre 2019 I would have not guessed they would fold so easily. It’s made me lose hope for people, you get what you deserve. /rant.
Fucking frustrating.
How many vaxmaxxed people do you hang around? Multiple boomers I know died from turbocancer recently, but maybe they would have died anyway.
I wish I knew some stories but to no avail. Noone I know did died. Only one guy got prostate cancer.
Almost everyone I know got at least 1 shot but I only know 2 people who died of heart attack. However, they might have had a pre-existing conditions and one guy was pretty old.
They might be playing the slow kill long game by cancer though. Only time will tell I guess.


The Stuart family is a very large royal criminal bloodline with current noble titles of peerage in Ireland, Scotland, Nova Scotia, and England. They are the essence of evil and self righteousness. They are completely ruthless.


Many Scottish Peers are high level Freemasons and use their authority and command over the masonic brotherhood to create a defense for the House of Windsor and other high level royalty. Freemasons in the United States infiltrate government, politics, law, and business and serve the grand lodges of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The name Stewart derives from Steward which refers to deputy or second in command. They were originally deputies of the fraudulent House of Normandy and later became loyal to the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach through Jacobitism while currently pretending to be loyal to the House of Windsor.


The Stuart or Stewart families have various noble branches and still own several estates and palaces today. The Stuart family are also merchants and involved in business at the City of London Corporation (hub for money laundering).

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Previous: >>468538549

â–¶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

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Why didn't you let your chinksect buddy know?
>the primary issue Ukraine faces
That's like your opinion, man.
It’s kind of crazy how delusional people can actually get
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Hey, let's give (((YOU))) some credit, 14000+ threads of (((YOU))) saying the same retarded shit, yet Ukraine still bombs it's own country and hasn't held Crimea in over 10 years!
Comically consistent Crimea bombing?
It's more likely than you think

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calling all leafs edition
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you forgot the ring on the finger

no, i'm not editing it myself. fuck off.
I bet he's wearing the Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun: Firestorm install disc, because that's the greatest game ever.
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i hate women so much. i just wanted to test google, so i searched for two things and got these results:

"why do men like meat so much?"
>"actually, it's toxic masculinity."
>"actually, meat is bad for you and you should cut it from your diet."
>"actually, eating meat makes men feel manly and men just don't know it."

"why do women like onions so much?"
>"actually, onions is very very good for you and should be a larger part of your diet."
>"fighting toxic masculinity and the myths about onions."

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>Many non white countries such as india and china are turning to European donors
>danish sperm banks are the largest in the world with 90% going to other European countries and 10% elsewhere
>most ask for dna with blue eyes
>european traits are basically a commodity
What do you guys think of this? Is bleaching based? Could it backfire really badly?

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It is not sperm that makes us whiter like Michael, but heart.
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Mind your own biz lol
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Happens in Japan and in Brazil too. Also, I was watching a guy in Madagascar ask women questions and apparently it's pretty common for them to want light skin babies.
poo in the loo

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>no christcucks allowed
Well the children are safer for it.
Atheist doesnt mean poop lover.
What it means is: if God’s existence is the same as yours; can you credibly deny your own existence?

This simply an inversion of atheist position.

> Christcucks: we need prayer and religion in schools!
> Trolls: Ok, let's put satanism in schools

There are at least two religions that were created just to troll christucks, because of how easy and hilarious it is
>they didn't need gay marriage
True, but only because marriage is a contrivance - it is the product of an institution attempting a self-insert upon a working, pre-established relationship.

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Hate Speech is destroying the Software Development community!
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>tacit death threats
Why lie and act hysterical? Just say fuck this shit and archive it.
Gay ass rant many systems including finance etc. Running just fine on JS. Just avoid retards and you can make things work in any language, find a group of jeets and they take a typed language and make everything an object for convenience
What do you want to use instead? For web everything compiles to js unless you just use static html or only forms
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This mook has a screw loose. The lights are on but NO ONE is home. Diagnosis: crippling brain failure.
Why? Should web apps not have tie-ins to the directory? Seems like an asinine statement.

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You know I'm right.
I dont care about sandnigger muslim shitskins anymore than I care about sub suharan niggers. I will never 'unite' with them.

Fuck talmud, fuck kikes. Fuck qu'ran, fuck niggers.

If it's really necessary to unite with araps, then the fucking kikes have already won.

I will not pick a side in the semitic chimp war. If you can't denounce the talmud and the qu'ran you're subhuman.
Why do kikes only post about themselves like the neurotic yids they are?
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A broken clock is right twice a day

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requesting alt-right cover of "Africa" song of Toto band. obviously lyrics were different. i cannot find it anywhere, i dont even remember who it was who sang it, i think 2 guys, maybe one of them was an ancap
Why's is there even a jew sitting behind him? What's his role there? Keep a leash on Musk?

Keep a leash on Milei?

Observe and report back to Netanyahu?
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