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he's going to die of old age before they finally manage to find the lil mullah nig.

>targeted deployments of HAARP to either assassinate with plausible deniability or create the conditions for a plausibly deniable assassination ("stochastic assassination?") is wild, living in the future is crazy
this crossed my mind earlier. especially if you look at the photos it wasnt really that foggy yet
It would have been pretty epic if ended his days as wolf meat.

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Christianity is dead in Europe.
Is this a good or a bad thing?
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>In Paganism we believe a strong body is essential for a happy life
People need to be poor and oppressed for religion to flourish.
Congratz on spectacularly losing the argument.
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Rabbi just means teacher.
Man you fedoras are extra stupid no matter what time of year it is.

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calling all leafs edition
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>made by a argie tranny nigger trying to be the next shadman
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Why? Most people in the Hub have no nukes & exist under the mercy of armed thugs running loan shark operations like the friendly lending company.
Bob Probert was a legend you keep his name out of your mutt mouth.
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Previous thread

I need a good copy pasta to put here. This thread is to help all the anons become more self sufficient in any way they can. Grow your own food, make your own soap, raise your own eggs, read and stock pile as many books as possible to ready yourself for the collapse.
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True. Bump. I look if i have some stuff to share
they dont really like anything SIG related. Never stays long on the board
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Tomatoes, peppers, chili, onions, garlic, peas, radishes, cucumbers, chives, parsley , corn and melons. Not in any great quantity, just for fun. I also bought a lot of fruit trees and bushes.
The water table underneath me right now is around 6' deep. I can use a jet pump, and in fact do. I drove my own well and have had the entire thing apart and put it back together. It is nice. I can also plumb a pitcher pump into it in case the power gets knocked out for an extended period.
Very nice anon. I’ve got a lot of the same growing for myself too, no melons or corn though. I’ve planted 4 fruit trees in my backyard this year and several berry bushes. Hoping some perennial fruit will come in handy. I’ve already gotten several peaches off my peach tree.

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Previous: >>468546485

▶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

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So it was in Sevastopol dock, how do they not learn lmao it's a stationary target
naw but little mr superwhiteboy knows all about the pani puri. tssk tssk, we know the jig is up iphonejeet.
coulda just started by saying you wanna be white.

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Didn't read
Again trannoid
Where did your images go?


>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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Yeah the titling is extremely weak and he has never made any effort to make it better. The only single video or stream title I can remember is "Zebra Murders Edition" and that just happens to be the name of the real life serial killer group case and also a catchy title.

It's a good stream, there hasn't been a hollywood movie about the case even if it has twists and turns, because it's a group/cult of blacks hunting down whites. Spoiler alert: The "zebra murders" doesn't mean because it's black and white people, it's just they chose something like radio station Z during the police investigation.
I’ve been saying this since he was making BLM riot videos. Blackpill is a fucking retarded faggot kike who should just stop making videos and kill himself, since like he says, there’s no hope at all.
so he has turned into an entertainer.
he should look into become a vtuber and make some real money
maybe he could pay some of his simps/autists a pittance to catalog his old streams for the rest of us
Checked. Never get into the "economic reason" with them. That is specifically to get around the racial stuff. If you go down the "economic reason" route you will get nowhere. If you and I are debating the economic reasons to cut down a 500 year old tree, we're already deciding we should cut it down, it's question of whether it's worth the cost, so you have to take a different approach.

You can just say you don't want to take in more Somalians because you don't want Finland to turn into Somalia. And if you get told about the "good ones", you can just say they should be helping their own country, Somalia needs them more than we need them. There's nothing even "racist" about that.

>Blackpill is a fucking retarded faggot kike who should just stop making videos and kill himself
I think the property he bought was from some coomer boomer that lived and died alone in the middle of the desert. I remember him making some video mocking the guy, but at the back of my mind I thought this guy is going to have the same fate if he doesn't change his attitude. And that was many years ago.

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>Grassroots movement
>Mandated the vaccine
>Ended COVID
>Fixed the border
>Secured Israel's sovereignty
>Most jobs ever created
>Stock market all time high
>Average price of gas is back to $3.60
>Average two-person household monthly grocery bill is $510-$820
>Average monthly utility bill is $469
>Average monthly car insurance is $212
>Average rent for a single-family house is $2,018
>Average home purchase is $540,000
>Average mortgage rate is back to 7.22%
>Average mortgage payment is $2,637

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>Stock market all time high
Well crypto suck so hard
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Biden is a pedo.
Occupy wallstreet has gone full retard I see.
>the highest ever
So it took almost his entire presidency for it to recover is what you're actually saying...

Didn't read your stats because the picture lies.

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I watch videos of people waking up every few hours to rescue animals everyday. She just sounds like a bitch.
Nothing wrong with her, raising a child is a village's job.
You ever watch videos of gay guys having sex?
>Destroy support networks
>Retarded shit like this happens and gets posted on the internet
People are too quick to let their spiraling negative thoughts out on the internet.
>All new mother I know have in one way or another felt it was emotionally and physically draining with a crybaby
>Most of them just get support of their family and shit gets resolved
Honestly he should mobilize his fucking family to hep out as well. Hell, even I watched my friends their baby for a couple of hours with my GF because my friends were exhausted. It was literally just us holding the baby and being their to talk about shit.
>Husband puts his job above his child
She picked a real winner to breed with, didn't she

OP, you are a complete fucking moron if you think this is just the woman's fault.

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WW3 is NOW!
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Why is your disgusting race obsessed with niggers?
what lil khammy gon do
kek based. you still have to die in nuclear firestorm.

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Can any of the leftypol bunker troonz tell me what's actually bad about national socialism?
Over the years here I've heard the good points but what are the bad?
And I'm not talking about the alleged actions of the ww2 era Nazis or those of the larping modern day neo Nazis. I literally mean national socialism as a political ideology.

Also to make it fair anons could share some of the good points
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Shit, forgot to change the two to three after I added the last one.
Anyway, still National Socialism is the next logical step for the foreseeable future if humanity cares at all about stability.
>They had already signed the Balfour declaration
Yeah exactly - It was a German-English alliance. They both had the same goal - Israel 2.0.
The 2 had to "go to war" to justify Israels establishment
Yeah - exactly.
You said it - jews fought for Germany.

not very Hitlery is it?
Jews weren’t going to leave their cushy lives in Europe to go to the sandbox so they orchestrated the fake and gay holohoax to scare the kike into the zionist project. There is some Talmudic shit about how “when we return to Zion we will be six million less” People falsely believe that the Jewish takeover in the west happened after WW2 but it actually happened pre WW1. How did Germany go from complete kike control of the the Weimar to 180 into based Reich in less than a decade through ((((activism))))?
Yep. It basically doesn't matter what kind of government you have, psychopaths will eventually take it over.

>>they're khazars!
>>they're slavs!
>>they're berbers!
>>they're germans!
>>they're romanians!
>>they're mutts!

No... the Jewish Master race is ancient depigmented NEGROS. It's so obvious it's hilarious that noone saw it before
>ancient depigmented NEGROS
describes literally all homo sapiens

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Unironic political thoughts on the American state of Nevada?
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Probably true but every trip I take to Vegas I meet lolbertarians and conservatives. I think I met one liberal at a blackjack table to mistook me for a libtard because I dressed in all black and a beanie.
Vegas's demographics are fine.

Nevada is still a purple state, and Nevada might become redder than Arizona.
Nye County has all the crazies.
Cheap tickets from Spirit Airlines and cheap hotel rooms
North Las Vegas has some of the most racist niggers I've ever encountered. The summerlin blacks aren't too bad, surprisingly a bunch of the black chicks are super thirsty for white guys.

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It's afraid
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To make wiggers afraid of getting shot in the back of the gead would have a cascading wave of positive effects.
We were raising 10 years ago, how long are we gonna keep raising for?
the strongest I can get man I live surrounded by indian people
I did.
It was unbelievable. I was absolutely full of energy, just going 18h/day, with stream condition of ultra concentration and relaxation at the same time, my productivity rose tenfold, I think if I took IQ test I would have had +20.
And then I broke. There was a woman on beach, tall blond with big tits, and I couldnt. I got iron boner, covered it with hat, went home and masturbated for hours, cumming a dozen times, till balls hurt.
Next day I was devastated, weak and stupefied.
kek based

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You have on yourself a Glock 19, an iPhone 14 (30% charged) and a copy of Franco’s 1967 autobiography.

How would you change the world?
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It’s magic, dude

Think of it as the matrix, rather than real shit
The only useful thing is Franco's autobiography. The good guys could see how they lost the world in our timeline and do the necessary corrections.
>You can only remain where you are in relative space to Earth… only time changes

Ok then
>fall from approx. 20m in the air and hit the ground
>suffer major trauma such a broken bones, concussion, punctured organs, etc. if I even survive
>land isn't really developed yet so any help is extremely unlikely
>die either by self inflicted gunshot or slowly bleed out
>my bones are discovered 35 years later by Mexican contractors breaking ground on real estate development
>they see severely weathered pistol and what looks like a weird sealed cigarette holder, throw them away
>my bones are never identified, case is written off as Depression-era hobo death
>history doesn't change

Ok ill do a less-autistic answer next. Is there any info downloaded to the iPhone, or does it just have the default apps?
for the first 5 secs of the teleportation you float to the ground
Jawoll, ja.

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Gospel of Thomas

>he just copy pastes two hour old new-
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Fuggin Czech’t
Also ... yesterday I read of an attempt on another world leader, yet, for some reason I cannot recall who. It made me wonder if AssassinationSeason was starting. As it was a very busy opening day, i only had time for hit & run reading.
>any idea who?
On an *other* note, woke up at his morning to a dream fragment in which SCOTUS rules DOJ, FBI, & Congress all guilty of Treason. No idea why I'd dream such a thing.
>66 00
Stay away from Azerbaijan.
Do you think Lukashenko actually has ambitions to take Putin's job when he retires?
Lol at denial
Triple doubles
Nicely done

I got this yesterday
Saved it last night
They knew they were gonna kill him and were basically sending out a calling card to anyone over seas to get their ass back home cause they know about about to go sideways over there.
>Operation Casbah
possible thread theme

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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome, yes it's some type of simulation or something similar. This world about 7000 years old now
and according to the occultists and some mesoamerican cultures this is the fifth world. Catastrophism is the name of the game as the world gets repeatedly destroyed and remade, therefore creation might as well be eternal.
your mom is flat and stationary. she just lays there and takes all comers.
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Who gives a fuck; every single muslim is going to hell because they're rapist thieves who worship a murderer.
so vulgar
your love of the mischling's smut has clearly addled your mind, leafdalf
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Hebrew is an entirely new language that was invented by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda in the late 1800s using Arabic as the base roots for most words. Picrel is Eliezer Ben-Yehuda literally copying from an Arabic dictionary while creating the language. The accepted narrative is that Yehuda (((revived))) the language. The reason they had to do this is because they aren’t the ancient descendants of the lost tribes of israel like they claim, they are frauds trying to act as if their traditions are thousands of years old. The star of david is another prime example, only being used by jews since 1897.

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that is exactly what I said you absolute lunatic.

Yellow people look like niggers if they are exposed to the sun, the arabs look like the dark brownoids they are
I am indeed spending more time in the sun.
I stopped eating seed oils months ago, only eating animal fats, and behold, I no longer burn in the sunshine.
I am turning brown instead, which is a new experience for me.
tanning wasnt a thing until around that time. the people who didnt use suncreen got old and got it over decades dumbshit
Oh good, the official list of "Things That Are Causing Massive Rises in Heart Failure" was starting to get stale.

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So who's winning?
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Russia has won. Strategically, tactically, and morally.

When the war in Gaza kicked off, it threw the Russian Special Operation into stark highlight. They are conducting their operation by military rules, because of they had been acting like Israel the whole of Ukraine would be a blasted wasteland by now.
it's pretty easy to tell who is winning, even bias cannot counter the facts because it's mathematical. simply take the population of each nation, and then take the number of casualties. whichever has lost the bigger percentage of their population is losing. ukraine would have to be the marvel avengers to win. even if the war ends and russia goes home with no gained land, the demographics of ukraine have been utterly fucked, even worse than they were before. half of the population will continue to move abroad and marry foreigners because there is a massive shortage of ukrainian men, especially those of typical marrying and fathering age. ukraine was already the poorest nation in europe rife with corruption, it's slated to be 10x worse with even more foreign puppeteering going forward.
>Ukrainian civilian dies
Russia is attacking civilians!
>Gazan civilian dies
Hamas is using human shields!

Really put the ZOG hypocrisy in full view
Which war laws is Israel breaking? Because that's what you're insinuating. I'm fucking derailing, but I have to know
Ukraine it seems.

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Javier Milei: “He has a corrupt wife, he gets dirty and takes five days to think about it.”

>Spain recalls ambassador after Argentina's Milei calls PM's wife 'corrupt

>“It is unacceptable that a sitting president visiting Spain should insult Spain and the Spanish prime minister, a fact that breaks with all diplomatic customs and the most elementary rules of coexistence between countries,” Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said.
>"With his behaviour, Milei has brought the relationship between Spain and Argentina to its most serious state in recent history," Albares said in a video statement.

What's wrong with Javier Milei? First he insult Lula (Brazil), now Pedro Sanchez (Spain) ...
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>If Brazil and Spain stop economic tie with Argentina, Argentina become Zimbabwe
He is a fucking head of state, you idiot.
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Spaniard here.

Let's first something clear about Spain. Spain's democracy is barely 50 years old. Before that, we had a dictator called Franco that reigned for 40 years and executed 5.000+ Spaniards. Who knows how many, since many are still buried on the side of the roads. The main difference between Franco and the rest of dictators of the world is that he won the war, and reigned until he died of old age.

>picrel is Franco hanging out with Hitler

Due to this, in Spain there is still a lot of people that say:

>Con Franco se vivia mejor

which means "With Franco life was better". Not a majority, but still a huge amount of people. These fellas are with the party called VOX in Spain, and their leader not only has not condemned Franco, but praised him for his fight against communism. This is the guy that Milei has been associating with the whole time.

Now, I am no commie. I actually lean slightly more towards the right lately, but for me anyone that is unable to condemn the crimes of a dictator is just unacceptable as a political leader.

I have never trusted Milei, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt after his victory in his election, but if this is the kind of allies that he is looking for around the world, then I dont care how much he improves the economy or the poverty levels in his country. He can go to hell.
Lol who cares
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