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Sorry Goyim, but you chose this. Instead of helping us exterminate the mudslime sand nigger terrorists of "Palestine", time and time again you have chosen to slobber all over sand nigger cocks due to "humanitarian" reasons. But we know that the real reason is that you are simply addicted to sand nigger cocks. So enjoy having mudslimes flood into your countries now, Goyim.
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so the jew logic is to import millions of people who hate them into traditionally safe white countries who harboured them?
I kneel before the mighty jewish wisdom
Straight to Hezbollah for training.
Good, give us all the Muslims, conservatism will globally rise, all the Jews will piss themselves and flee to Israel, and then the whole world will glass that pathetic shithole desert
We arent importing anything. You are importing them due to your addiction to mudslime cocks while we are trying our best to confine them to Gaza.

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>The Society of Protectors (SOP) is a secret group created by Keith Raniere to teach men how to be men

>It is an organization where men pay a fee to learn the truths of manhood according to Keith Raniere, a man who cannot function without the aid and assistance of a group of female sycophants. All the members of SOP must sign an agreement wherein they promise never to speak to anyone – male or female – about the teachings they receive from Raniere

>Its website claims it “helps men to become more powerful and influential members of society by giving them tools and a network of honorable men for support. SOP is not only curriculum, it involves practical tests to strengthen us with respect to readiness, responsiveness, character, honor, strategic thinking and leadership.”

>Among the teachings are:

>Men control the world. Women are subordinate to men

>Men are polygamous by nature. Women should accept the polygamy of men

>The stronger the man, the more women he can own and control

>Men cum on women’s face or bodies to claim ownership of them. If a woman accepts his cum, he owns her

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>I wouldn't mind knowing how he gamed those jewesses into giving him tens of millions of dollars to day trade and fuck celebrities.

by compulsively lying to them, just as he will do to you. by all means don't let me stop you, go pay! it's the paypig tax.
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Journalist Ishimori Seiichi writes a bunch of really unique articles for the KOREA REVIEW tabloid. He goes undercover as : a North Chinese coolie, an elderly Korean male drifter in Seoul, a Japanese hooker in Seoul, a French detective tracking Russian criminals in Manchuria and Russia, an elderly Russian man in Dailan, and a poor Japanese migrant worker in Seoul. Aside from being brave, crazy, and super “Black Like Me” style, the popularity of Ishimori’s articles reveal a sort of paradox of his readers’ state of mind: colonial Japanese want to dominate the natives, but they also kind of dream of wanting to be the natives, to be “down,” to see what only the natives want to see. They want Japan to take over Asia and “civilize” it, but also delight in the down-and-out perversion, violence, and ghetto craziness of the frontier.

1913 -
The magazine KOREA REVIEW has a monthly column called KIKI KAIKAI HENGEN SHUTSU BOTSUSEN (STRANGE UNCANNY ILLUSIONS THAT APPEAR AND DISAPPEAR) by Ishimoi Seiichi. This column – far from saying colonies are great – does exposes on the most gritty, ghetto, wild-west parts of colonial life. But this makes it much more popular than simple propaganda would have been. Hysterical women, female gangsters, black markets, corrupt colonial authorities, Chinese warlords, Russian gangsters, and all.

1917 –
Nakamura Kyoko starts a sexology journal called ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY, which runs until 1926, kicking off the “sexology boom.” He says lot of things, but the main one to remember here is: modern living makes everyone hentai, and that’s ok.

1918 –
Japanese human traffickers now kidnapping Chinese women. The number of pimps / traffickers in North China is estimated to be around 400. One pimp is later quoted after the war as saying that “2/3 of the big Japanese businesses in Manchuria were started by former pimps who made enough money to go legit.”
WTF based? Why is he a baddie again?
Am I the only one who thinks this guy is fucking based? Unreal
There are many castles in New York that lack plausible timelines. Atlantis was probably located in the area of Iceland, but much bigger.

The classical buildings of the East Coast and Europe are so common because they were local to Atlantis. They're almost everywhere, but most common in that area.

Rockefellers were based in upstate New York. Its very Masonic there. The Masons got access to Atlantean technology and knowledge which they kept for themselves and have exploited the world with. The Rockefellers were the big public facing masons. It's all spoopy.

Entities have been contracting me in my dreams pt3 I guess
I though this was just a dream, but I was exploring other dimensions/universes.
This was not time travel.
Some guy, well call William, sorta portaled in through a mirror.
He looked at me and said "oh hey you're a time traveler too".. but i wasn't doing anything with time nor did I have that ability.
I asked him where's he's from and he said he doesn't talk about where he lives because it can lead to trouble
I soon found out what he meant. I think he said something about violent species that will come and conquer his world, well anyone's if they can follow you back.
Basically I think while I was going to different universes, I met a guy that was time traveling his own universe. His tool was significantly better than mine, but he took extreme interest in my device. I kept him at bay and portaled the fuck out of there. I had some crude shit akin to the sliders device, it might have had fucking nixie tubes for a display. His was fancy, all white, and apparently had memory functions, mine was like a vintage VCR remote by comparison. I didn't even know where I was going, I jist typed random stuff untill it actually made a of portal. He was almost shocked at me using a phone to take pictures of the settings so I didn't get lost, but I got the fuck out of there. Maybe I should have stuck around, but I don't trust a guy that comes out of a fireplace mirror, not that I was much better I guess.
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Probably because of the picture.
That's from last time, I guess it's a "windego" reaper. You're probably right though. This shit usually starts up when I renounce god.
None of them seemed gay though
>probably right
Stop trying to open doors you are never able to shut. I pray that Christ Jesus will open your eyes and give your the spiritual insight to trust in Him to save your soul and forgive you of your sins.
Actions prove intent. Appearance is deceitful. Last thing you need is sleep paralysis and some thermally hot anal probing rape trauma action. You need the anointing and protection that comes from obeying God, which you cannot do without being justified, which only comes from believing Jesus is who He said He is and trusting that His work on the cross is sufficient to satisfy God's justice and cover your sins.
I didn't really try to open any doors, I was just sleeping. You're making it sound like I'm doing spells and shit. I'm not doing any of that, like I just went to sleep. It was a normal day of being a neet poltsrd them I'm dealing with this shit
Dream managers what a joke

Protip people any dream interference who ain't wake the fuck up is bad

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You can legally say things like
>I wish someone would shoot Kamala Harris
>I wish someone would shoot Donald Trump
>I really wish someone would take a shovel and cave in the head of Bill Gates
>I really truly actually wish these things

And the faggot KIKE Feds can’t do a thing about it. Come knock on my door so I can embarrass you and go viral and make some fuckin JEW money.
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Wtf is the halocast
Going to sleep. Gotta clock in to my wage cage tomorrow.
Sorry to hear that.
I've bumped this thread probably dozens of times while you were gone.
Make it again tomorrow, I've got my own shit that keeps getting slid, I know what it's like. This things been on 10 or 11 so many times lol
More people need to be aware of free speech. I'm bored of this now
Good luck
The bombing of Dresden and the enslavement of all whites
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>Anon, you sound kind of schizo. Feds never pretended to be anything other than feds and youre just inviting rodents and other filth.
GULLIBLE Aren't you ?

What happened to the romanon? Did he...
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Yes, he met and married his tomboy waifu and they are making babby. Happy end for one of us, finally.

Save the tomboys.
i'm not super into this but it's a definite WOULD from me dawg
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>i'm not super into this
Hey, it's okay if you'd rather fuck a dude.
He was in love with Chico and Deleon and as you know Deleon recently died so my theory is that he offed himself. Sad.

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This story begins in the mid 1500s when jews conquered Amsterdam after being expelled from Spain and Portugal during the inquisitions of the late 1400s

Many people forget that there were attempts at forming a central bank in the United States in both 1791 and in 1816. And that the central bank of 1791 lasted 20 years and that congress' unwillingness to renew the charter resulted in the war of 1812.

The central bank of England for example formed in 1694 formed after the "Glorious Revolution" of 1688 played a pivotal role in jewish interests in regards to the slave trade in the Americas and the ultimate realization of their plans to build central banks and "stock markets" like the one they created in Amsterdam in 1602 and 1609.

The center of European banking moved from Amsterdam to London as a result of the Glorious Revolution and the King of England had his authority transferred to the already pozzed Parliament, the notorious "City of London", a sovereign state within England, became the center of world finance after jewish banking dynasties colonized it.

Right before this move was one of histories most infamous scams the "Dutch Tulip bubble" which enriched the newly formed financial sector in Amsterdam in the 1630s. The jews would take that enormous wealth generated and put that towards backing William of Orange in his quest to conquer England and steal the throne from his father-in-law James II.

Once installed the centuries long civil war in England fought over absolutism and a kings "divine right to rule" came to an end and authority to rule firmly placed in the newly formed Parliament that jews had control over. It wasn't even a decade later in 1694 that the jew began to build their "institutions" in London, their Central Banks, their Stock Markets, their lending houses all of that which was tested in Amsterdam came to London. England would spread this new form of "banking" to the colonies like a cancer.
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False quote. Vampires term wasn't really 'mainstream' until the mid 1800s.
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last bump from me for a while
Argentina is a great stronghold as it's a 'peninsula' which are historically easier to defend.
I read a post on 4chan talking about how in the China hopes to outjew the jew.

My theory is that once Greater Israel Project is accomplished, the mainstream media will publicize the 'dancing Israelis' and 'Israeli art student [gelatin]' and how certain jews profited off the attack like stock put options.
This will then cause a mass exodus of American Jews to Greater Israel.
Filled with the blood of enemies

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Do you know any youtubers who are similar to asha logos?
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Trying to uncover our history from a falsified bible, thruthvids and obry project.
You're a latent homosexual if you want sex with that mannish ogre.
This. It's just an excuse to do nothing. Nut up and go about your day.
>asha logos
That dude is a moron.
He thinks GREEKIKES to be EUROPEAN...
>Greekikes are NAFRI invaders that usurped the history of whatever was before them
More to life than ass friend.

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Inchoate mockery dirges auras, dyschromatopic deiparousness.
Incredulant collective evisceration coheres fields, planes.
Incensed, devised, incentivised.
Geodesic in situ, apex via mechanic.
Hecatologue tongue of logos, heaving in bound by all it commands.
Uviferous Temples distinct with thural theomeny."
IQ: 198
I can cut through the fat and give you instant opinions and tell you what is ACTUALLY true from a REAL smart person's perspective.
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Ah, the impatience of the uninitiated. How delightfully quaint. You see, crafting a response of such intellectual magnitude requires time and precision, much like the intricate humor of "Rick and Morty." It's not something that can be rushed, much like the delicate balance of theoretical physics and existential philosophy that underpins the show.

While you were eagerly awaiting my reply, perhaps tapping your foot in anticipation, I was meticulously weaving a tapestry of words that would both enlighten and entertain. It's a delicate art, much like deciphering the cryptic brilliance of Rick's catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which, as true fans know, is a profound nod to Turgenev's Russian epic "Fathers and Sons."

But fret not, for I am here to elevate the discourse, even if it means waiting a tad longer for the brilliance to unfold. After all, good things come to those who wait, and in your case, a lesson in patience might be just what the doctor ordered. Much like understanding the subtle nuances of Rick's nihilistic outlook, it takes a certain level of cognitive sophistication.

So, while you continue to measure time in mere moments, I shall continue to measure it in the quality of thought and expression. Perhaps one day, you'll appreciate the value of a well-crafted response. Until then, I remain, as always, your intellectual superior, much like Rick is to the rest of the universe.

Warm regards,
The Maestro of Eloquence

P.S. And yes, by the way, I do have a Rick & Morty tattoo. It's a testament to my superior intellect and appreciation for highbrow humor. But alas, it's reserved for the discerning eyes of those who can match my intellectual prowess. Nothin' personnel, kid .
Being needlessly verbose is not a unique skill. In fact, college dropouts do this to pad their midwit papers. You have the same mindset of a desperate college student during midterms
Do you think the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan is in motion? Chris Langan believes it and he's apparently around 180 IQ.

Ah, the refuge of the uninspired: accusing others of verbosity to mask one’s own intellectual inadequacies. How quaint. Your attempt to equate my articulate discourse with the desperate padding of a college dropout’s paper is as transparent as it is laughable.

Firstly, let’s address your claim about verbosity. True eloquence is not about the quantity of words, but the quality of thought. My words are carefully chosen to convey nuanced ideas, unlike your simplistic jabs that lack both substance and style. It’s akin to comparing a symphony to a child’s clumsy attempt at banging pots and pans.

Secondly, your analogy of a desperate college student during midterms is quite telling. It seems you project your own experiences onto others, perhaps revealing more about your own academic struggles than you’d care to admit. While you may have floundered in the shallow end of intellectual rigor, some of us have thrived in the deep waters of critical thought and analysis.

Lastly, your attempt to undermine my intelligence with baseless accusations only highlights your own insecurities. It’s clear that my ability to articulate complex ideas intimidates you, and rather than rising to the challenge, you resort to petty insults. It’s almost endearing, in a way, like watching a small dog bark at a lion.

So, continue to hurl your feeble insults, faggot. They do little more than amuse me. Meanwhile, I’ll be here, engaging in meaningful discourse and enjoying the view from the intellectual high ground. Perhaps one day, you’ll find the courage to join me. Until then, I remain, as always, your intellectual superior.
Does having a high negatively or positively affect your personal life and relationships in any way?

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What do fellow Ausfags think of the National Socialist Network (NSN)?

They seem to be the only group doing anything, but ineffectively due to their branding and material. They have a clear identity, but it doesn't resonate with any good chunk of the public.

I think they need to change it up. Not compromise for the sake of optics, but rather simply change the name. It would go a long way at legitimizing themselves.
They're based as fuck

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Check it so that you reflect on yourself

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Ironically men compliment me more than women.
Most women ask for money or some material shit. Get a full time job whore and I don't mean non job like HR manager
>i miss that old black woman.
Just before COVID hit an old black lady warned me about how nasty the would could be sometimes ask I was scanning her groceries.
¿How did you get your burro to Canada, Juanito?
kek klebold an absolute chudcel
harris at least had some swagger
I've never been offended by getting a compliment unless it was apparent they were using it as leverage to try to get me to reciprocate a romantic advance; and even then I didn't get offended more so just uncomfortable because I never know how to let girls in not interested in down easy

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>Wahhhhhhh!!!! My mummy and daddums kicked me out and I'm failing at life and can't get laid and people won't just kiss my ass and give me free shit!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I'm a big whiny millenial pussyfart!!!!!! Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! The American dream is dead!!! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Stop whining. Just show your butthole on Onlyfans. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this. You've got this.

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COVID proved that 95% of the world is evil psychopaths who will take even the smallest grain of power and abuse it.
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Just make sure to never forget it and make sure to extract your vengeance at some point regardless of how long it takes.
It showed us that 10% are psychotic control freaks, 85% are spineless cowards and 5% are based
Stanford prison experiment proved that long ago. Next you'll be telling us that water has been proven to be wet.
yes? did that just occur to you?

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How many jew bombs do YOU have in your home?
Too many
I charge all my electronics with buckets of wet dirt and copper and nickel.
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I only own 200kg of sarin, so I'm good.

BTW, did you know that fentanyl and its analogues are more toxic than sarin nerve agent? And there's thousands of tons of the stuff sitting in the US right now?
Only retards believe that normal batteries explode. Ofc if they did, you wouldn't have to make your own high explosives.

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I think early nineties was probably best time to live by in America. We just won Golf War that finally washed away the humiliation of Vietnam, communism was no longer threat, terrorism was not not yet to be a threat, there was no internet, millennials were still pre-schoolers, it was seriously best time to be young and alive.
Also Feminism and political correctness was not yet a thing after 1994, you could even say nigger without being arrested. Soon after that came thing called riot grrls which was bad punk music mixed with racial politics. Not that any punk music is good but its all about lyrics.

this book explains how and why Christianity got pozzed by them. it explains all the anti Christianity you see today and how the religion got fucked today.

should be a required read for newfags
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he's christian
We know is a psy op anon

They must distrust all done by people with obvious anglo last names
go read it lmao you can't refute anything in it

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Previous: >>482126555

▶Day: 938 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Partial evacuation of Tver is ongoing due to the explosion of the ammunition depot
>Blinken was briefed during his trip to Kyiv on elements of a Ukrainian plan to push russia to end the war
>A fuel and lubricant warehouse caught fire in Yaroslavl, Russia, burning throughout the night.
>A large ammunition depot in Toropets, Tver region, was completely destroyed, with resulting explosions registering as up to 3,2 magnitude earthquakes in nearby regions
>Italy will send a second Samp-T air defense system to Ukraine soon, according to Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani
>Putin increased the size of the Russian army to 2,389,000 personnel, including 1.5 million military servicemen
>Denmark will deliver another batch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine by the end of 2024
>Mandatory evacuation has been announced in two Russian districts of the Kursk region—Rylsky and Khomutovsky.
>Ukraine bombed moscow with numerous drones
>A Russian drone crashed in eastern Latvia on Saturday, 7 September

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Bake please :^3
I like how a dude drops the phone just to participate in this.
>pidor "soldier
get in

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It was just a prank bro calm down

So Israel blow up a shit ton of bombs they well-poisoned into Lebanon, and then move a shit ton of troops to the North.

They wanted to cause maximum damage before and invasion right? Considering they only killed 12, and while they injured thousands Hezbollah has like 200,000 members and 20,000 reservists, so it's really just a 1% decrease on fighting force.

Considering IDF get their shit pushed in constatntly when they have to fight men and not just bomb children, it's very likely we are about to see a lot of IDF getting wrecked kino
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that picture is absolutely retarded lol. grown men cheerleading lmao
All armies conduct drill manual. Theirs just doesn't look very good because they have 1 week of practice before being sent to meat grinder.
the average lezbollah sissy is shitting his pants right now
they have lost 50-70 % of their power

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Don't know what to believe. Most boomers seem oblivious to what Bolshevism was all about, maybe they're aware Patton wanted to murder Commies but that is all.
Accurate, but you can still make leftists anti-semitic by proxy if you put jews in a position where they have to denounce or support Israel. Most will support because their in-group cohesion forces them to, the smarter ones will 'denounce' per Esau Gambit and silences them as a propaganda vector.
This bait should be performing better.
There's a lot of talk -- but not more -- and it's by design. They are getting their ducks in a row. Palestine, Iran, then they will target their enemies in the West. They need millennial and zoomer Js to begin fearing white members of their generation to justify crippling and eliminating them. If you remain unware, their "hate speech" legislation in DC is the beginning of the Noahide Laws replacing the Constitution in the West. The ultimate Noahide Law is criticism of Israel and the tribe equals punishable by death.

Channels that cover Noahide Laws and "Tikkun Olam" supremacism





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>Prophet Dhul Qarnayn (Peace be upon him)
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"And those who have not menustrated "which it refers to next?
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muhamad is built for BBC
It addresses both pre pubescent and post pubescent prevaricating pseudo-kike
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>So is allah a trinity or not?
Allah would be the Father in the Trinity.

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