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>no history besides some fairy tales written 2000 years ago
>no culture
>no identity, had to change their slavic last names to sound more ''native''
>made up language
>justification for its existence is some event that didn't even happen(the holocaust)
How do jews feel about the fact that no amount of amerigolem gibs and support can buy authenticity?
is the hebrew language being genocided?
That’s inciment of antisemitism.
That’s how they get you.
They know it will be listened to by politicians in the Middle East and they hope ti get a tit for that… so that they then ask you… if you don’t believe Israel’s neighbors wished the same thing they are wishing on the Palestinians upon them.

It’s racebaiting at the international level.
It’s just despicable they would whore themselves like that for IAPAC money
zionists were allied with hitler to transport jews to palestine years before the start f the war then blamed him for the shit show later
Idc about a terrorist state.
Anyone defending pisrael should be hanged.

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What do you guys feel about stupid people in this country making so much more than smart people?

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I am glad to have been raised in the America that did not have easy credit and money printing.

Money doesn't mean shit if anyone can get it. I will never respect a shitskin with money. You will never be white. Cope.
basically, life is about genetics
I feel that every person who has appeared in a Jubilee video should be dissolved in acid
If you were truly of superior intellect you'd think a way to the top with your current constraints.
Otherwise you're just a coper.
Take. They take more than make. A stupid person begs others. A smart person makes his own riches.

sex is for niggers
>t. virgin kissless closested chud faggot.
get ur chastity cage on whiteboy. White wombs will be bred with virile black sperm, not the weak leakage that comes out ur pindick.

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Prophet Muhammad used to meditate here a lot. This is also the place where he met Angel Gabriel for the first time thoughts?
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it contains some trace signal that only occurs when unnatural nuclear detonations occur at a rate of about 7 100thousand ton nuclear warheads exploding

the moon is the arc
we are not allowed in it until we advance far enough
and if we misbehave the moon will fuck our shit up once again and cause a great reset

or something
Get off the way then golem
>That image
Is that seriously real?
Thank you.
Nice toilet
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Some might even say, Coffee is good for you...

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You should stop watching porn because it’s sinful

Not because you want nofap super powers

When tempted, pray the Jesus Prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

Cultivate an internal silence and space that returns you to the presence of God and focuses you on a life of holiness
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You know, some people confuse a temptation with the sin it tempts them to do
I play FO4 all day long, killed thousands of NPCs. barely a temptation.
>magic semen retention.
that poltard troon has xxy chromsome aka 'april'
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When is Jesus coming back I'm getting tired of existing
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He already did. U failed to recognize. And like a thief in the night he’s gone.

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White dad defends illegal Haitian without a license who killed his son in a vehicle accident. Proceeds to blame trump, white people, and wished a 60 year old white guy killed his son instead.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans KEK
This is old, and yes it's tragic.
It's what jewish television programming does to a motherfucker.

Transfolxxx are overwhelmingly huwhite. We need to spread awareness and educate POCfolx on transness. They need to know their potential as trans people. They need to wake up their egg being and transform into the beautiful trans people they hide from the world.
If you are white you are racist for becoming trans because you are just increasing the disparity and making it harder for black trans to achieve equality
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Number one on my bucket list is to brutally beat a troon to death
There are tons of non-white trans people lol. its literally a meme that lefties are like "we dont listen to anyone but queer disabled black trans women". People constantly talk about the black trans who started stonewall
Black bipoc transfolk visibility = true equality
Have you looked up how many trans are in Africa? Staggeringly low numbers. Staggeringly low.

My vote goes to Decision 2000 - NBC
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This one was super underrated and NEEDS to come back yesterday.
Recount was a comfy movie.
Their election open with the high energy announcer makes it seem like it's gonna be the most important event in world history.
This, CNN unironically has the best election presentation out of any channel. Their production values are obviously dwarfed by the network juggernauts like NBC, but they've really defined the way modern political news is presented and formatted.
I know normies have tried to meme Steve Kornacki over the years as being your friendly social studies teacher who casually breaks down polling data, but John King still has the best election analysis and color commentary out of anyone on television.
Also, find me a better lineup of correspondents and contributors than Van "Whitelash" Jones, David Axelrod, David Urban, Anderson Cooper, etc. Whenever the democrats lose, they go up in flames and it's always enjoyable to watch.

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>funny youtuber
>makes good videos
>makes antisemitic jokes
>makes nazi jokes
>makes nigger jokes
>decide to watch an older video
>open Crusader Kings: 2.0 Review
>Borrow money from the Jews.
>Consider paying them back.
>Keep it instead by expelling the Jews from your country.
>Don't feel bad about it.
>We've been expelled so often, you really won't hurt our feelings if you do it again

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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wait. warhammer is based on reality?
ESL "huwite" shitskin level reading comprehension
Read it again, slowly.
No one has been faster to fuck me for less than "fellow whites" that I was trying to cooperate with in mutual benefit
Also Isaac Arthur, and who knows how many others.

Go figure. Every possible facet of reality and entertainment, even the supposedly based one, has to be delivered and filtered by a Jew.
Pretty sure he's a fingol

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Why is Germany of all nations the biggest supplier of warships to Israel?
Germany was never a great naval power.
Because they get these ships for FREE
Because you fucked up really hard, multiple times about 80-85 years ago
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>Germany was never a great naval power.
he doesnt know

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NOW! Let ME tell YOU who is white...
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They are Roman, Romans ruled over the Germanic peoples for hundreds of years and were superior in every single way, if anything nords are not White, what did they build?
Shut the fuck up you stupid mutt.
We are the peak of white people
Are you implying that Nigerians are as white as the french?
all the English speaking countries are either full of poos and chinks, or full of spics and niggers
I don't like euros (especially the french) but this is retarded

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After the jews showed that they have made all modern communication hardware explosive and heavily monitored, we have decided to revert back to the only safe thing left, Pictochat.

Remember to keep this political and /pol/ related. We expect a lot of new memes to come out of this project.

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I can't tell if gigapajeet is being satirical or not lol
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no idea. they arent very funny though. i wish it was easier to get more anons in here. it seems like once people figured out how to import images no one has bothered to make any good art. im not great at it. i havent seen any good art today at all.
that ones pretty good. i didnt see it in chat.
The longer the thread is at page 1, the more anons are likely to join
It's easier to just import pictures from google images than draw, so I see why people do it. Also, the fast nature of the rooms make it hard for OC to be seen, so some may not bother.

Chud jr, kek.
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chads do love them some bodegas
i wouldnt kick him outta bed
We have been hinting toward something…

N 3 2060.
>No you can’t wear a there is only two genders shirt in school
Liberals are nuts
Based Albrecht Durer enjoyer

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The orange retard finally proposes something to help the goyim
In the previous thread there was miga cope about how this meant even more that he's a jewish puppet.
How would he get congress to agree to pass a law for this? This is pure cap on god for real
That's communism.
just means fewer people get credit cards
not really helpful except from the standpoint of
>people are too stupid to understand their own affairs so government needs to protect them from themselves

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Trump with Mark "I'm a Black Nazi" Robinson.
*Trump with tranny lover Mark Robinson
Nipples protruding
Mark is a jew in az. You're being sold dianetics under the guise of racism.
Nice vetting by trump campaign. Same as JD Vance couch fucker. All fucking perverts.
Mark “D-cup” Robinson

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I'll send you to Springfield personally.
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Psycho chicks have the same allure as psycho dudes, its just not as well known because there are an order of magnitude more psycho dudes than chicks
There's nothing wrong with admitting that as long as I'm not hypocritical about it
Dangerous? Anti-depressants are literal poison, they're not just dangerous, anyone responsible for their production and delivery needs to hang from the nearest lamp post.
There shouldn't be any doubt that it was SSRIs that drove her nuts. Everyone will blame whatever the fuck, except for the pills - the actual, literal mind control tool. Because most people ingest pharma shit, whatever comes out of apothecaries.
Still the Frafrican can't deny the facts.
You already were the most heinous, arrogant and effeminate country of Europe but this was not enough for you, no: you had to become the most negrified, ghrebid and jewish country of Europe too.
This took its whole tranny discord to come up with btw

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> James Webb telescope saw something that prompted an emergency briefing to congress
> Word on the street its a giant spaceship heading directly towards Earth
> Due to arrive in 2027

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LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a lot wrong with this. First off, "they always tell you in advance" is hilarious. One of the first rules of learning to be le magician is that you never talk about it with anyone ever because that's how the magick manifests. This is basic, foundational material. So they definitely do not do that.
These posts are fun and all, but unfortunately not what we want them to be.
it is local when you factor in the size of the universe brainlet
So this ship that's coming is allegedly cube shaped and approximately 1400 miles long on each side.
faggot here is afraid of a 10 meter wide rock

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Iranians are White Caucasian Aryans. We Ethno-Nationalists of the West should extend our intentions of friendship and fraternity towards the people of Iran.
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How are iranians white
Your language is all fucking a mix with german, whatever it is, the niggers will eat you what you did in Africa
Iranians are related to us through a shared Indo-European ancestry, but after thousands of years of cultural and genetic divergence, the connection is mostly linguistic and historical rather than direct genetic kinship.
If they lose islam then maybe. Muslims are a scourge
We come from Atlantis

> Jew mods create sub to bully "hateful" communities
> Oct 7 happens
> Progressives turn again Israel and Zionist Jews
> AHS community closes

So fun to watch
Jews fear collective awakening above all else. it's why they're so relentless with psyops, distractions, and false flags to pit all the races against each other.

without Jews, many of these problems can be resolved and in fact won't even be problems in the first place.

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The story is told by Malachi Martin who was very involved with the pope and the Vatican. The release of the 3rd secret of Fatima was a lie. They said it was about apostasy in the church which was true so I guess it’s a white lie but they leave the rest out.

There’s supposedly 3 days of darkness where demons come and take peoples souls. If you walk outside you die. If you look out the windows you die.

The only way to survive is to be in your basement with holy candles and pray.

It's happening in 2027.
Nothing ever happens

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