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why don't we just allow unlimited immigration for asian women?

Wouldn't this solve the whole birth rate crisis going in America?
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built for stinky huwhite NEET cock
why don't we just deport all the nonwhites?
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I support the Berlusconi Immigration plan: Let the attractive, young, childless, single Women stay. Everyone else must leave (don't let them vote, though).
Will she insert Japanese gene?
WW3 will start because the US wants it's 10 million chink waifus and we send 2-3 army groups to make it happen.

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>Do Nothing
How does he do it?
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This mutt is shitting BRICS. Enjoy waiting on bread lines when the dollar collapses
>do nothing
They're winning because they have consistent 5 year plans where they actually do things. The only things we have left is making weapons and speculation on tech-bro scams. They already won on EVs.
Not china https://youtube.com/watch?v=zbo0TfqOTOk
>Do you make music because it’s a collapsing building
Not even close.

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>mogs you
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God made us different. Smith and Wesson made us equals... bears included
>failing the shit test
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It’s over guys, the bears won
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what's the bear equivalent for women? an animal that men would choose over women

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Majority of event will be conducted over Zoom
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Lmfao they can't have those optics AND steal an election
Don't you guys think it's weird that no presidential campaigning has happened at all?

Kind of a grim portent
Without ballot harvesting votes from graveyards, there would be no democrat party.
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There is no support for this party.
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100% Biden's speech will be AI.

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>three American hate threads on the board at once
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Smells like kike d&c
They are obsessed
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imagine being this great

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Why is this allowed? And why will /pol/ immediately try to find a way to convince themselves the jews are behind it?
For people thinking that they can simply hide in a bunker from these things:
They already did a DARPA challenge to develop autonomous pathfinding in subterranean structures like bunker complexes.
They want you dead no matter where you hide.

▶What is /ped/
With AoC at an unprecedented historic high in Western Civilization, /ped/ is a place to discuss the political and societal impact of this.
Some things to consider:
>Strong pairbonding has a narrow window to occur, generally from 12-16. This leads to happy, healthier marriages.
>The decline of fertility/birth rates in the West strongly correlates with high AoC laws.
>Older women and feminists are the primary drivers of high AoC laws. Why do you think that is?
>Ancient Romans considered marriageable age to start at 12. This is not because they only lived to 35 and their lives were "compressed". That is a myth.

▶What /ped/ is NOT
>a place to share or discuss explicit content
>a place to encourage or discuss illegal behavior
Be aware that Jews fear strong pairbonding more than anything else, since it strengthens families and increases birth rates.
To that end, they will flood this thread with wild smears and accusations. Do not fall for it. Let them scream and flail.

Previous: >>467684604
I swear. If God is hearing me, I want him to know that I tried to like women.
I tried hard.
It's literally impossible. I just loathe them so, so much. It's insane.
I give zero fucks about the pedo shit I just wanted to say that cause I'm drunk.
We know, Macron.

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Who are these people still getting their news from television channels?

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Is this the precedent needed to replace the grid and fulfill agenda 21? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1PfuQq-8_s Roll for outcome of the (((carrington event)))

>fake and gay cyberpandemic
>vaxxie gene mutation
>strange and apocalyptic weather
>accidental military action
>leave the world behind fake and gay combo
>Is this the precedent needed to replace the grid and fulfill agenda 21

This is an opportunity.

Have you bought a Cybertruck yet /pol/? Elon Musk is based and you should give him money.
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>pay 150k for a worthless virtual signaling piece of useless junk
Nah I'm good.
the suspension is extremely poor can easily break
Pajeet ESL detected
So does your mom's ass but that never stopped anyone
if a bird shits on it the panels will rust

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God's creation fucking sucks bro.
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I don't think God had anything to do with these creatures
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Without nig we would not know ger
Imagine Hinduism is real and being reincarnated as an Indian is your punishment for sins in your past life.
cause you only need the light when it's going brown.
only miss the sun when it starts to poo
only know you love her when you're getting Jewed.
Poor lion

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Oil replenishes in 4 years
your mom wasn't ai generated
if the earth just resets then it doesnt matter anyways.
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>"perfect" AI
>needs slaves
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Kikes, your response?

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How do some many here simp for Russia when Russia is clearly Jewish-led controlled opposition?
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I am pro kgb. I hate America not the kgb. Russia are the good guys in this thing. Christ is king
I want Russia to do as much damage as possible to all of their enemies. Because fuck you
Why can’t people answer a question
They lack the dignity and the grace that comes with faith in Jesus Christ
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I can roundhouse kick a homosexual in the head and get a medal for that probably. Time will come when flaying kikes will become trendy again here.
Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel for you guys tho. You have shitloads of guns and can't organize so you tolerate mentally ill and negroes.

We've got a serious problem with economic migrants in the form of Ukrainian scum in Ireland, it seems 50/50 here with half the people having common sense and not wanting to take them in and half losing their minds and saying it's our duty to take them in.

Are all Ukrainians scum? no, but the ones coming to Ireland certainly are as it's purely to take advantage of our incompetent government putting them up in 5 star hotels (a small exaggeration as only some are put up in 5 star hotels, rest are in regular hotels and others having houses built for them in the middle of a housing crisis)

I get needing to flee a war torn country, but to travel past 20+ other countries who would take them in to the one giving the most money is only being done by the worst of them. in a hypothetical scenario if Ireland had another civil war tomorrow I'd go to the nearest safe country, I'm not going to travel across Europe to lets say Estonia (unrealistic I know but makes sense in distance travelled) because they're offering 3 times what the UK are giving out in weekly payments as well as the chance to be put up in a 5 star hotel for 2 years or have a house built for me.
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Send the cowardly scum back. Tip... Take them to Shannon Airport where us planes are refuelling on route to keev. Put the shitbags om the back and send them back to Zelensky
>A few deaths already including
>The man in cork
I actually hadn't heard of that which is surprising as I live in Cork, really shows how horrible all the news outlets are in Ireland especially RTE with pushing out government propaganda and hiding anything going against the agenda. It's safe to assume the Ukrainian that killed the poor cork man had no tax or insurance either right?
He was pissed off his head. Rte and the media did a lot of reporting on it after the trial you couldn't miss it, felt sorry for his family the poor fella was close to home when the ukie drove into him.
Other cases across the country but I can't stand east euros, I prefer Muslims to a lot of the scum we take from east Europe.
Romanians and Ukies are like knackers
We never had any problems with Ukrainians before or after the war. You're clearly doing something wrong in Ireland. They're just there doing low skill jobs. They're many times better than niggers. They learn proper Portuguese in a few months (it's not easy), adapt to the culture, don't make loud noises, don't bother anyone, and do a much better job than niggers. The worst I've heard of them is stealing something and I'm not even sure if it's true.
anon, if they're in Ireland they're not in the war anymore
desu I support anyone fleeing this madness, get far, far away from the front lines; neither Zelensky nor Putin is worth dying for and it doesn't matter where the border ends up if you're not one of the oligarchs running one of the countries.

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Pro-Israel bros... the leftists are laughing at us
Good. Total kike death
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All of them are standing on ladders - it's referring to the collective not to the young woman in charge.
>a ladder

Eclipse boys had their fun now it's time for us Geostorm men to have ours

Goodbye 3 days of darkness schizos
>3 days of Light begins
>we are gaining superpowers and saving the planet
No more doom posting now Hope posting begins
I wish I could mass eject like that if you know what I mean
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>No more doom posting now Hope posting begins

there is nothing to worry about maybe some power shutdowns. No big deal.

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Oy vey!

Shit Shoes = Hate Jews
I denounce all books written by Jews. Can any abrahamists say the same?
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Invaded their ancestral homeland, killing their white brothers just because some shekel driven kike said so, let that sink in.
This is in Normandy
Almost like whites have always been low IQ traitorous retards
not only once but they did it twice lmao
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You put the wrong picture, it should be dead Russians in the Donbass.

if you are from outside the USA, what are your views on the USA? Do you see the average citizen as different than our government?

over all I have had good experiences with all types of people when traveling outside the USA but Its always in the back of my mind that anyone I come across might hate me for being an American. Im not the type of person to wear USA on my sleeve or anything and dont just bring it up unless asked. Ive met some people who loved USA and Americans. some people are eager to share which states they have visited when they previously traveled to the US. During Trump's presidency obviously more people would make an anti-trump comment here or there, but thats the majority of anti-american experiences ive had. If people dont like Americans/USA they usually just keep it to themselves or ignore you, or else they still treat you like they would anyone else and give you the benefit of the doubt at first.
>be american
>get shot
>spray paint a car
>get cained
>drop chewing gum
>get cained
We laugh at you. You have guns but still are overrun by negroes.

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