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the federalist isnt a real newspaper
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Helluva picture to post with your country having a number one bestseller being a book about fucking animals.
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I cannot find a good reason why they did this.
I found an explanation. According to it they want to decriminalize reporting parents and some youngsters.
But in my opinion you just had to add exceptions for these two groups. I don't get why they did it.
Opinion: If it wasn't to get some politicians and rich people from the hook ("legal consequences").
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But anon, you knew he was "Canadian" all along.

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Has anyone else experienced this? After fapping I've noticed my cum is a lot thinner and less chunkier than what it used to be. It also smells like wet tissue. Anyone knows if this is related to the vaxx? I got 2x Moderna shots in 2021 to travel to Disney World for a week.
No because I'm not vaxxed
Only prostate fluid and NO sperm.
>You're now STERILE!

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Good morning chuds.

As more countries back away from globalisation, can Australia survive in an inward-looking world?

>Australians still stranded in New Caledonia await more evacuation flights
>tunnel boring machine designed to cut through rock gets stuck in rock, engineers baffled.

>can community policing stop coons from being coons?

>defence signs up for electric cuck trucks.

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Full moon tonight.
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i love her so much...
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>why hasn't he been picked up
Because the agencies responsible for "catching" pedos are the ones creating and distributing pedo shit.
Jews run the biggest human farm in the world. Follow the vents and you will find the farms and dungeons.
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X is much more fun, now the trannies have been exiled. Fuck it was bad when everything was offensive, it's kind of pol tier now.

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What the fuck is Norway's problem?
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>modern science
Not from jews
Not from jews
>quantum theory
Einstein played a small part but it was more Schrodinger Bohr etc, mostly non jews
jews had very minimal contribution
>conceptions of justice

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fuck off kike
>commit crime
>get international arrest warrant
>What the fuck is Norway's problem?
not enough exposure to sun, their brains start to rot and their dicks shrivel.
They're based. Nuremberg 2.0 https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-01-22-netanyahu-admits-israel-partnered-pfizer-genetic-database.html

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One would like to hear you claim at every step of the way

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France's Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné has rejected the idea of recognizing Palestine as a state at the present time.

"Our position is clear: the recognition of Palestine is not taboo for France," said the minister on Wednesday after a meeting with his Israeli counterpart Israel Katz in Paris.

However, the decision in favour of recognition must be beneficial, which means that it enables decisive progress at a political level, Séjourné said, stressing it has to be made at the right time.

"It is not just a symbolic question or a question of political positioning, but a diplomatic instrument in the service of a solution with two states living side by side in peace and security," said the French foreign minister.

"France does not believe that the conditions have been met to date for this decision to have a real impact on this process."

Earlier on Wednesday Norway, Ireland and Spain said they would recognize Palestine as a state on May 28.

Katz's visit to Paris follows France's positioning in favour of the International Criminal Court (ICC), whose chief prosecutor applied for arrest warrants on Monday against Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and three leaders of the Palestinian Islamist Hamas movement, including Yehya al-Sinwar, who leads Hamas in Gaza.

The Paris Foreign Ministry stated that it supports the ICC, its independence and the fight against impunity in all situations.

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I can confirm. Honestly it's the worst country on earth on that regard.
>recognition must be beneficial

ok so you are the same opinion as netanyahu
of course
That can be stopped easily if whites bred more
>raise the white flag too many mussies

all the burgers are asleep in their beds right now except for vampires. Post your most obscure fringe political theories.
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I think global warming is jews intentionally terraforming the planet because they hate snow. The reason they hate snow: because its white.
The Jews are basically right about the goyim. 95% of people you meet are non-player characters. Their existence has been tolerated throughout history because the elites needed people to do the boring, repetitive work.

I'm reminded of the rocket that has to get to space. You need fuel to get there, but then that fuel adds weight to the rocket, so you need to add fuel for that. Which increases the weight. And so on

The large population of NPCs makes sense when you have an efficiency ratio of like 1 to 20. That is, 1 person could be a philosopher or a king or scholar or something like this that didn't have to work physically. With the better farming methods, the industrial revolution, then the microchip, and now "AI", it's going to reduce that ratio of 20 down exponentially. Even when we say AI is hyped up and overblown, it's still going to replace a lot of meme jobs like language translation, dubbing, customer service, social media management, marketing and so on. With a reduction of meme office jobs, even by 10%, that also reduces the amount of people needed to support them.

When you think of it this way, culling even 50% of the NPC population over a decade starts to make logical sense. Otherwise you will have millions of retards who get bored easily that will be freaking out in a world where they find it hard to distinguish "AI" from real people. A lot if them will do stupid things when the realised they wasted years of their life talking to a counterfeit person that they thought had a meaningful friendship with but it was just doing the equivalent of product placement in conversations and influencing their politics.

Put yourself in the shoes of an elite with this knowledg. Wouldn't you at least consider culling some the herd of NPCs a bit?
A cozy video of (TheRevengeParty™)
They Killed grandma, It's personal.
Why should we assume they don’t have a huge share of NPCs as well?

I have unironically come to believe in NPCs. You can see them, their vapidity, their lack of an internal spark. There’s no there there. No go. No drive. No thoughts of their own that aren’t a basic single-threaded event loop driven by their needs and the demands placed upon them. They can do some things pretty well, but the moment you need them to do something complex where their initiative is required, it’s just too much. Their awareness is also really low.

If you want to see NPCs in the wild there is no better place to observe them than Costco. Go grab a bite from the cafeteria and then walk around the store randomly without a cart and just watch them, as they awkwardly negotiate their way around one another, going through the contrived motions of their lives. It’s bizarre.
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checked and thanks for hanging out with us tonight, wayne. you still living in a shed in the desert?

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This is why his wife divorced him.
>a pedophile! epstein!
Conservatives are fucking retarded.
Found the pedo.
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yeah, its his "career". being a pro-Jew e-celeb. gets paid by kikes.

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They should be sodomized by bbc for criticizing the holy land
Geert has lost my support. He's a tyrant like all the rest
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>does nothing at all for the Dutch whites
>obsessively serves the kikes and makes his nation subservient to Jew pedophiles
>according to kike and glowie run /pol/ this is le based and how all "white nationalists" should vote

Jews rape kids. "A 3 year old can be married by through forced sexual intercourse"

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I seriously don't get it
There are hundreds of slurs out there but this one takes the cake when it comes to offend people

Can someone Burger please explain this phenomenon
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The question isn't "Why does this word offend people?". The question is which is the crime. The word or the retaliation? There are people in this world who if you called them a word that offended them they would just say "Fuck you" and be done with it. They'll still even be your friend they can take an insult. And there are others who would kill you over it.
Nigger triggers the golem. Wipe away the R and find peace.
Niggers are the rudest dumbest people on this earth. Some are good sure but thats how stereotypes are formed. If anything its just a stereotype at this point. Whites have stereotypes too.
It doesn't. Blacks will take anything for free. This includes excuses to attack Y peepo over nothing.
Perhaps because historically it has always been tied to violence or precipitates violence against a dehumanized 'other'.
All of the slogans and buzzwords to keep everyone divided appeal to pride and resentment. Under extreme duress, judgement is impaired and a sort of mania sets in. I was thinking about this earlier while contemplating Saul conjuring Samuel by the witch of Endor. Tptb want everyone this desperate, it seems to me.
Worry about such things seems like such a waste of time and effort to me, so I guess I'll never understand. Peace.

Free my Nigga LatinoZoomer the glowniggers & Jews sentenced My groyper brother to 5 years in prison

What are the political implications of freeing LatinoZoomer
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Tenryo is our guy u kraut
I should probably wrote him a letter o algo
why do latino looks asian?
looks like some SEAmen to me
Same ancestors. Austronesians and Amerindians come from siberians

Would a fat fuck like this get a hot Mormon wife if he joined the LDS church
Need a white shirt.
why do i keep seeing photos of this guy
who is he?
Only if he was on 880mcg of LSD


This compliation includes all 7 of Mr. Enter's privated covid videos from 2020/2021 on top of two recent videos reflecting on his pandemic experience and explaining why privated the videos. He does not retract any of his pandemic/lockdown related opinions, but he does deeply regret a lot of his behavior.

His initial covid19 videos did a great job at making measured and reasonable arguments against the lockdowns and the mandates. Despite how much I liked the videos, I also completely understand why he regrets them, and the two recent videos were interesting and reflective.

Below are brief descriptions of all of the videos in the compilation video. If you only have time to watch one of them, the “How the World Ended” documentary did the best job at thoroughly explaining his anti-lockdown case:

Pandemic: His thoughts on the pandemic in mid-April 2020 and the direction that society chose to take

My Lockdown Story: He talks about how the lockdowns had affected him personally.

How the World Ended: A thorough documentary in July 2020 about how badly the pandemic was mismanaged by governments, health officials, and society.

A Plague of Moral Convenience: He talks about people selling out their values for momentary convenience

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Kys nigger
We are talking about them.
We decided as group that you are a cocksmoking faggit
Seriously stop.
No one thinks you are smart or funny
Why don't you like the based Mr. Enter covid videos?

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Pajeet pretended he was 13 and went around raping girls, they did not redeem!
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>Brandon is not Virgin
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Does he not understand that a drain is just a hole in the floor? Or do they not have drains just like they don't have toilets over there?
These politicians need to face physical violence to course correct. Especially that faggot Trudeau. "Peaceful protest" and "voting" doesnt do shit.
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Poojeets are like a mix between niggers and Asians. Yet lower than both.

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If you didn't cry after balbazak begged for his life to be sparred by darksol then you're obviously a fag. Gort fucked him up good
Should I play this game first after I reinstall my pc?
i played all of them i think except for the saturn one and anything after
I played 1 and 2 on Sega channel when I was like 8 years old

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>The lost non-kiked place on earth
bluh, indians. nuke it
what dey niggas be doin ova there
arnt they like cannibals n sheet, they should prolly be gassed
Wrong, if 10 poltards that were OK with miscongeniation went to Picartin Is and killed off the rapists, the British Government would give them free Internet to let the population die off.
I agree with that place.. I wish each various groups in earth has their own sovereign space.. so they can prove the real value of humanity.. I'm not talking about any races or any nationality because race is shit fuck asshole..

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Jewish posted Chinese hate thread
Also your ID basically reads.
Sure. It took years of preparation and bombing down the germans before a cross channel invasion was possible in ww2 but china can just launch an even larger operation randomly by surprise and with no lengthly pre invasion bombing of the defenses.
Finally it's happening.
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If pol truly wanted to help eachother shouldnt we do autistic brainstorming on ways to obtain actual money and security? The more people with our viewpoints succeed the more our viewpoint will get hold. Im sure if we banded together we could find loopholes to obtain money that normies wouldnt think of. Maybe somehow find a way to follow whatever Nancy Pelosi invests in. Or perhaps??
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Reminder to you low IQ niggers and the cancerous trash mods that OP is attempting to push a scam. This is the beginning. Just remember I told you so

Also, to the niggers who search the 4chan archives this is an I told you so
Truth. Suggesting to invest in the next Zog puppets with a tranny/lgbtq fiasco via stocks is the most kikish advice I heard here in years. Not saying it wont work, though I doubt logic is so simple here. But the point is that by making this decision you are helping jews reduce the backlash from people who are fed with zog. Normies will see that Next bud light aint tanking in market and will be more docile
Nobody who actually makes significant meaningful money shares how they do it with anyone else. Stop falling for the grift bullshit. No one is coming to save you.
Yes I wonder why that doesn't happen? Why every thread is a professional agenda?
Poltards are manipulated to hate. Doesn't matter what... Indians, women, black people, vaccinated people, Jews......
I'm going to help people, in part, because /biz/ helped me. That's all I'm going to say here. Anything more coordinated is going to be for more serious, focused settings.

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ITT: post video games that are redpilled on the Jews
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god i need to redownload homm3. thanks for the reminder anon im gonna play it this weekend on my xp laptop
Paradox is so pozzed lol what
>ck expelling jews cucks your technology at random intervals because you know kikes are masters of culture
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its a good repost
you niggers cant appreciate good software
youd rather the front page be nigger bait threads and "is jesus gay" / "is jesus god" / "is germanic paganism le based" nigger fuck you
Oh look, this thread for the 1000th time...

A white man trying to do white thing in Asia
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All non-whites should also be out of white countries
2 in the pink 1 in the stink.
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Tbf, thats the tallest mountain on earth, no plateau jewish tricks like (((everest))) so I commend him for making it that far. Mount everests real height is 15,000 feet and he went half a mile over that.
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Welp,people always said he was a real cut-up.
But this was so cold!
It made him literally fall apart.

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