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Race is real, but it is not just the color of your skin and eyes.

Study the picture, take note of the spiky hair, take note of the thin lip, race even comes down to your oil follicles. The indo-pajeet race can get rhinophyma (whiskey nose), while indo-pajeets do not get razor bumps. Mongoloids and Negroids do not get rhinophyma.

The aryan race = depigmented pajeets

Can anyone comment if this is a colorized (but real) photo or is it doctored?

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Rouven (((Lauer))). In other words tney put ethnically jewish german cops there to protect the anti Islam demonstrations of that Mossad agent Sturzenberger.
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Apparently anyone with a big nose and a German surname is a Jew according to /pol/.
> funny how in the US the zogs they choose in these protests are also kikes
At J6 the capitol police were Antifa that were hired just for that event and laid off afterwards.
all the germans seemed to be retarded here. The guy in the light blue jacket tried to figure out who to punch, started punching the wrong guy, got grounded by the cop who missed out on the fact that there was a stabber in the midst. Seems like all germans are retarded, which I can confirm reading the posts made by Germans here.
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The Nazis were kikes.
anyone with a german last name is a jew according to /pol/

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Here’s what you do with these new bottle caps
You rip them the fuck off
Now I can enjoy my beverage
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Inefficent, i pour it into my mouth
Really faggots? I rip em daily and the bottles barely moving, certainly not as much to spill anything. Are you limpwristed that you can't just pull it off without having breaking a sweat?
you're so strong, anon
i am too weak, go on without me

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Modi losing elections. I am about to flee to Europe/USA now

>inb4 pajeet, we are full, shit—
Your govts interfered and influenced election
I am going the fuck out of this socialist shithole. Cannot bear socialism here
It was good while it lasted Modi, thanks for the temple, and thanks for the economic run, thanks for the internet, thanks for the space missions, and thanks for the development. India reenters the 1990-2014 period of uncertain times and alliance govt
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Keep your ass in phoorat baljeet that's an order.
It's the bare truth, Prandeep.
All these evil conspiracy theories actually paint them as competent, while the truth is that they're trying their best but are so incapable to do it right, it's easier to believe it was intentionally bad.
I see. Interesting
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yeah, this shortly after unifcation so lot of people still had DDR cloth (only commie block clothing)
Please come to Portugal we are friends for generations. Goa is Portugal

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china cured diabetes.
americans are angry about that.
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>giga chinks will exist in 100 years
>assumes the PRC will be a single nation with these ubermensch around

Eugenics wars warlord period will be amazing
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>Literally fake
lmao why are chinese such liars
Internet pretend isn't real life nigger
>It's fake.
or they stole it from someone else and did the last 10% of research.

This is not usual, it feels like NATO is up to something.
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flew over my house with F16
nigger does low flybys regularly
what does he want?
Vril women must be abducting Scandi twinks again.
kek cobra. fuck satan
Put me in the screenshot coach!

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>at the same time, the level of unemployment among local residents is increasing
ladies not taking jobs in construction?

>temporarily occupied Mariupol
fucking cringe
Ukraine is bancrupt, we are paying their government bills,
yet their jewish leader is threatening China lol

what can they do to reverse this "temporarily" status besides write sore comments on the internet ?

Ukraine government are cowards who are spineless and afraid to admit that they failed in their strategy.
They still call Crimea temporarily occupied, so this shouldn't be surprising
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You just wrote that from Breslau (temporarily under Polish administration).

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Which one of you did this? Israel's newspapers are putting Shlomo getting killed by Pepe in their articles
I never heard of reichman university
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Pepe is innocent. LEAVE HIM ALONE JEWS!!!

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>nothing ever happens
>two more weeks
>schizo take your meds

What are some other shill slogans?
It’s all going to be ok
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Oh it's gonna happen. You just gotta wait...just keep waiting bro
da joo000os

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I faded into obscurity, slowly all throughout my life but especially since the covid hoax.
I don't meet up with anybody anymore. Had one friend left but stopped meeting up. No point really. Men are supposed to socialize while doing something, while working on something, while getting ahead together, while making money were all parties involved benefit.
Anyway if you don't have an exciting life and have regular experiences there is nothing to talk about with people.
I could meet up with my friend that I haven't seen since last year and I would have nothing to say to him because I didn't do anything all this time.

It's over that's what it is, oblivion draws near.
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if you want we can share our facebook blogs OP ?
>True losers like being alone because they dont feel judged

Normies I know watch dumb shit like sprots, cry over police officer funerals, and just do lame normie shit. They go to lame restaurants and hang out at lame places. They live in a boring generic cookie cutter suburb.

I cook exotic meals, work on cars, study, learn, build, create stuff. I am not the same breed as these people.
Im glad for your friend. I know we just meat OP but you sound like an insufferable faggot. Never contact your friend again.
no one cares you honkaloid bitch

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In this general, we discuss the damage done to mankind by political ideologies and philosophies which have atheism as their root.

The Marxist-Leninist view of religion


Christian completely and utterly BTFO delusional ACKtheist troon fucker and its worshippers.

You can identify reddit-tier ACKtheists by these common phrases:
>I don't care/it's childish to care what people do in their bedroom
>Live and let live

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>having this pic saved
lol you are such a retarded nigger faggot, probably a faggoty kike. Is that you on the stage?

>thinks communism is atheism
You are so fucking retarded. I guess you are just a gay ass faggot fuck with nothing better to do than larp as a christian on the internet looking to troll everyone.
I bet you've never even read what communism is, what it's about, or that it is 100 percent jewish but some retards go along with it because they are christians wanting to 'be nice and share' shit, which they think communism really is - sharing!
protip: it's not sharing.
gtfo u faggot
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average atheist army
>it's actually big gay china this time
now that's more like it.
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All the top strength YouTube channels are buckbreaking arm wrestling videos
Do Whites train blacks just to buckbreak them in sport?
Man that's hilariously cruel
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>the cracker leans with body while the black guys don’t
That’s cheating??
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It's just the angle it's filmed and it's not cheating

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And why is this information so hard to find?
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maybe its society's way of telling you to stop caring about height so much
his the zodiac killer and most probably played some part in the Oklahoma city bombing !
Ben Shapiro is trans. He's a small woman. His wife does not exist.
Shoo kike
He is a satanic faggot for sure
He claims he's 5'9

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>medical industry is fully comprised, nobody can afford to go to the doctor and health care workers are entirely self interested and expect patients to pay them money they do not have, not to mention the general competency crisis going on in all sectors
>nobody can afford groceries, nobody can afford rent and landlords are only increasing the rates monthly
>nobody can afford a house, those that have houses cannot sell their houses to move because nobody is buying houses they can't afford
>inflation is getting worse by the day and wages aren't increasing, companies will not pay livable wages because they can't afford to without going under
>nobody can afford new cars nor afford to keep driving them as insurance rates get worse and less affordable. It has gotten to the point where the legal fines for not having car insurance are worth astronomically less than the actual insurance rates required to be paid
The U.S. has 8 months left at the maximum before we officially reach Weimer-tier economy. You will see streets in every neighborhood nationwide flooding with homeless people lining up for bread lines. We have a single year left at maximum before the economy becomes so bad that the USD itself cannot even be used to purchase anything. There is no social unity among anyone in this nation and everyone is divided and upset at the concurrent establishment. The very moment a handful of individual citizens break the fragile remaining social contract and normalize it is where the tipping point begins. Mass riots, looting, and bombings will be the norm before it quickly spirals into complete societal chaos and absolute collapse.
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here, here. Can't oppress me if I'm dead
>All you need to say that the cost of pussy is directly inverse to inflation.
You can run the same metric against the price of a day's wages in silver and get around $2,000/oz. Run minimum wage vs inflation and it should be around $50/hr. Run it against the price of gold and it should be $90/hr. This is for unskilled labor...
>nobody can
you mean the vocal minority of poors. restaurants are still full in LA.
Complete lie. I didn't pay medical debt (about $8000) and my credit score got wrecked by it. And eventually a few years later they sued me. The hospital itself hired lawyers to sue me, was not a collection agency, they never sold the debt.
I did the BS I found online about requesting discovery, making them "prove" I owed the debt, etc. they had no problems getting signed paperwork for it all
I settled it to avoid a judgment by making a lump sum payment of the original balance. They had tacked on 8% annual and that+legal fees were all they were willing to drop
If I hadn't settled they would have got a judgment against me and with a judgment they can put liens on your shit and take part of your paycheck.

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Why are all the elites and "science" talking heads coming out of the woodwork to attack this specific man if he's supposed to be just another insane nigger?
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So he's patenting shit and not doing anything with it other than making the rounds on some podcasts got it.
youre timesing not multiplying idiot, do you even know what multiply means?
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>do you even know what multiply means?
one is “ * “ the other is “ x “
his source is dreams so its real and based and everyone is scared hes right

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lmao emperor of europe is in trouble bros. i hope he doesnt get cholera.
Spam. Stop posting spam.
Gudée mourninguée soirs

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The King of /Pol/
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I don't know who he is, but I'd follow him to Hell and back I would.
Hell yeah, that’s most definitely what’s up
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Genuflect before the true king of /pol/!
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RUSSIAN satellite weapon found by astronomer!
Carepill me on why I should.
one space shovel per three satellites
jewish space lasers

Is it weird I find soviet architecture and vibes comforting?
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>designed to be cheap and simple
a bit like russian whores
You can clean up a Russian whore she doesn't look too bad either.
Might get hiv but, when in Rome!
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I remember running up and down the stairs of 3-4 storiy rural commie houses in the DayZ Arma mod and thinking how I would like to live there, with a smol convenient store down the road.
Jokes on them when we are content and give comfy nods to a neighbor we know, as we go for a stroll in the surrounding area.
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This is where I grew up in the eighties / nineties. Secluded off area connected to Gothenburg by trams and busses. Every child knew one another on the block. Simple but high standard for the time tier apartments. We played with Star Wars figurines in the sand box in the central playground area.

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