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France has the highest birth rate in all of Europe.
Because housing is a right in France.
Lots of room to have sex.
And because you can walk everywhere, no ones fat.
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France will become the first African nation on European soil.
>then you remember all the hajis and niggers that reside there
Theres your "high birthrate"

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Dear jews, I don’t like niggers please stop making me have sex with negresses
Indo europeans are non white subhuman creatures who descend from australoid Tianyuan. K2B bvlls raped west Eurasian women.
Dear jews, please go back to your own containment zone. If Israel is so important to you, go fucking defend it, you cowardly, foreskin-munching rats.
i shoved a buttplug up my ass pretending it was Hassan's or Ahmed's. I encourage every man of palestine to do the same.

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June 2024. Final exams at the University of Valencia, Spain. Do you notice anything unusual?
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You stupid bastards are still wearing cuck masks.
Probably the mandate comes from the Valencian junta then, If it came from the National government I'd definitely be wearing a mask as well. Bit exaggerated but eh who cares.
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All those Gallinas, I would fix most of them but leave a few without my attention so that the whole lot would cluck after me more. My hope is they get the kind of fun they deserve!
graphing calculators aren’t necessary for the fundamentals of STEM, yet I don’t see a single scientific calculator anywhere.
mental agility isn’t enough to solve most gen chem, be it pH, poH, pKa, kinetics, solubility, etc… unless your professor is a failed mathematician and wants everything done in symbolic form, which is unheard of.
Yeah, they're both hot af.

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>convicted on 34 counts
>still leading in polls
wow biden sucks THAT much huh
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He is so winning there is no real reason to vote. His election is a forgone conclusion at this point. Or maybe they aren't polling the right people.
It isn't about making a martyr. It is about no one being above the law. His sycophants were going to bow anyway. At least now he has som consequences.
So is this staged? Does he want meme magic to save his campaign again?
I like voting for people who are at least competent to stand for a rigged trial.
No, right-wing Americans are just dumb and will still vote for a convicted sleazebag criminal who paid to have sex with a pornstar.

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Appalachian Scotch-Irish Americans are superior to any other white people in existence. We are the strongest, smartest, toughest and wisest of any people in the world.

We live innawoods, we own guns, we live off the land, we hunt our own game and cook our kill. If more white people were like us, we would be a lot better off as a race in general. Be a real man, be more like Cletus.

>pic related
>me right now
>grilling some deer tenderloin
>city boys will never know this feeling
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hey man what did that tenderloin ever do to you? put the gun down
Based Cletus poster
There's 0 bitches in those woods

I'd rather be in the city pooftah
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Damn straight brother. On my way to the homestead to check on the chickens as I type this. Much love from nc and tkd.

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Can you guys get me up to speed on what's going on? Is nightcore still popular? Also.. What's with all the dudes dressing like girls..?
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Holy shit I should look at /a/ why didnt I think of this sooner
>Everything peaked in quality and creativity before 2012
I always say the world stopped in 2008. The last 16 years have just been minor variations on the same music, movies, aesthetic trends, fashion, car design, tech, etc. with none of the major new genres or revolutionary technologies or anything else that we had every few years for decades before then.
i hope you like isekai anon
What's isekai
Give proof of accident.

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So the circus is back in town, and the clowns are running the show. Trump just got slapped with 34 felony convictions for paying off a porn star and trying to fudge his business records. This is what they're going to burn him for? Not the other shady deals, not the mishandling classified docs, but a friggin' porn star payoff? Let's be real, this is just another move in the Dems' playbook to make sure he can't run in 2024. They're laughing now, thinking they've won some grand victory. But do they even know what winning means?

These felony charges are just a smokescreen, an obvious ploy to distract from the real issues plaguing this country. Look at Biden's administration: a disaster in Afghanistan, runaway inflation, housing crises, and healthcare that's a joke. Yet, they're proud of their "accomplishments." All the while, they throw billions at Ukraine instead of fixing problems at home. Homelessness is up, food prices are up, and good luck finding affordable housing. But hey, as long as they can point the finger at Trump, everything's fine, right?

The Democrats say they're "winning" by convicting Trump, but all they're doing is fueling his base. You think these people who have been ignored and trampled by the system are going to sit back and take it? Hell no. They see a man who's willing to throw a Molotov cocktail at the establishment and they cheer him on because their lives are already in flames.

And let's talk about the absurdity of it all. They want to lock him up, thinking that will stop him. Newsflash: it won't. Whether he's running the show from the White House or a jail cell, his supporters are more fired up than ever. They're sick of the elites who live in their bubble, untouched by the struggles of everyday Americans. If their communities are burning, why wouldn't they vote for someone ready to burn it all down?

The system is rigged, and people are waking up to that fact.


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How many more years does America have?

>While the Biden administration is attempting to look like it’s getting tough on the border, behind the scenes it’s operating a program of “mass amnesty” for migrants, The Post can reveal.

>Data show that since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by migrants have been closed by the US government if the applicants don’t have a criminal record or are otherwise not deemed a threat to the country.

>This means that while the migrants are not granted or denied asylum — their cases are “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim” — they are removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities.

>The move allows them to legally, indefinitely roam the US without fear of deportation, effectively letting them slip through the cracks.

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>The move allows them to legally, indefinitely roam the US without fear of deportation, effectively letting them slip through the cracks.
Are employers allowed to hire these invaders?
cuck, just cuck.

You are very useful goy for jews, but cuck. Absolutely cuck.
Does the law matter anymore? Or that one at least. I've worked several jobs with illegals over the past decade. They're here and employers don't give a damn about the law.
I don't generally move to other people's countries and break their laws but I'll admit I started my application before realising nobody enforces or cares about America's laws

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Are Eastern Europeans with Nordic features seen as superior in Eastern Europe? This guy is Ukrainian and look Nordic as fuck.
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caused by intermixing with poles no doubt.
those are ukranian though
you look like the last white american lmao, what the fuck nigger get the fuck out of there fast.
>those are ukranian though
I think anybody posting Olih Monhol and claiming he's Russian doesn't actually give a shit
you're latvian lol
clean my toilet ill pay you 1 dollar if you lick it real good and then your mother can drink my piss

I miss this lil' nigga like you wouldn't believe

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>Saves your country.
Realistically do you think Nigel has a chance? I think if he plays his cards right with people like Tommy Robinson and appeals to nationalism I think he might do it.
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Why are ziggers allowed to spam our board with gore?
why cant Uks and Russians draw
Nothing like opening /pol/ and the first thing I see is a mutilated corpse.

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for GAY people now!
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but politicians have all been lobotomized, and theyre still really gay
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Nigger tier barbarism. What we actually need is a war on parasites, anal, and feminism.
>I'm a Christian
Good for you bro
They still have it in chemical form, SSRIs cause brain damage and permanent genital numbness.
> just twirl a needle in random ways in someones brain it will do something

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The greatest (((media))) manufactured “genius” since Einstein is getting hit with bad news on every front. The Cybertruck is shit and production very late, Starlink sucks dick due to massive latency, Space X rockets are exploding, X lost 20% users in a year, his mentor Netanyahu is a war criminal and Javier Milei fucked Argentina in only a few months.
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Its company ies no to organize not right o business no right to exist
>lost 20% of users in a year
total bullshit made up fake numbers
hahaha the jew now says he's right wing
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x is a worthless bag of trash kek
Part of the problem is musk a cringe old nerd but he has to be in the media spotlight at all times. Its a bad look. He needs to fund a think tank to speak for him or something. He is just so cringe.

This is a political question to Femanons. GenXer here. Six blonde/blue grands and 2 other freckled gingers.

In my experience, women have fantastic orgasms when I cum in them. Why? What is the trigger? I could be pounding away, changing angles, etc to no avail, but as I reach orgasm she's flopping and grinding all over me in her own orgasm. What's the trigger? Why does shooting semen inside you cause such a reaction?
Kys low iq simp
Indo europeans are non white subhuman creatures who descend from australoid Tianyuan. K2B bvlls raped west Eurasian women.
cum make pussy go brrrr
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Women haven't been invented yet.

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Deat Holocaust deniers.
If Holocaust was a fake, then whose names are listed in the book by Yad Vashem?
There are some 4.7 million names, you can't seriously claim Jews had pulled all of these out of their asses.
The most charitable interpretation I can agree on is that usage of gas chambers for murder is a myth, and the fact that some of the people promoting that seem to believe in young Earth creationism or lizard people somewhat erodes even its cedibility in my eyes.
Not mocking, geniunely trying to understand your position.
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what is the covenant?
>I wanna to get rid of the feeling of my racial guilt towards Jews
*breatheS in*
>young earth creationism
No. Young earth creationists are, almost exclusively, extremely pro Israel.
>lizard people
This is an antisemitic joke. No one actually believes it. Can't believe that flew over your head Einstein.
Once upon a time your math didn't math so instead of making the math math you just called everyone racists the end.
So, uh, how many jews were living in all of europe, at this time?

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...that they lost focus on producing quality products.
What or who messed with their minds so they started to be like greedy capitalist pigs not carrying what do they sell to their customers.
Or is the massive problem with this particular Japanese product (the 2024 TUNDRA truck) solely related to the fact that it was assembled in the USA, in TEXAS.

Did the American workers lost the aspiration to make quality things.
Is American society really going down to the sewer pit.

MORE 2024 Toyota Tundra Engine Failures & Owners SELLING Before Warranty Expires.
Tundra Roulette.

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Stop Asking Women On Dates, stop texting them thinking you are interesting because you are not. The reason you are getting ghosted is because you text and try to be funny, try to make her laugh or sound interesting. If you do manage to go to the next step and are actually meeting up and then get ghosted, stop taking women on dates. That stuff doesn't work anymore in the current year.


Most importantly stop approaching women, at least for a while. They are already seething and this will only get worse and worse as they get less and less attention from men.
Indo europeans are non white subhuman creatures who descend from australoid Tianyuan. K2B bvlls raped west Eurasian women.
>stop giving women attention
dw I don't think anyone on here is even trying
I don't even think about women anymore
Looking at the state of modern women and how disposable they treat male peers, it's hard not to be black pilled for the future. The only way to regain self respect is to detach, it was always a rigged game but now it's like five that only come up snake eyes. There's an army of outcast young men hiding just behind the curtain.
what the fuck is that video lol

that faggot and his forced affectations and mannerisms are laughable. he's trying to so hard to be something he isnt.

i cant even finish the video because of the second hand embarassment

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>Humanity is so evil, we should be replaced by aliens.
>You know all that bad stuff that humanity does: beating people to death with belts in the Cultural Revolution, clear cutting forests, political reeducation camps, authoritarian government, no respect for human happiness. All those human traits that all humans have. I'm sure we can all relate!
>Maybe humanity can learn a thing or two.

This book exists to make the horrors of Chinese communism appear to be universal experiences. I don't know whether that's to spread their guilt out to everyone by making us appear complicit, or because it's the only obtuse way the author can hope to criticize the evil government he lives under.
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The most overwhelming and uniquely chinese trend is Cultivation, it is positively a national obsession, justifiably so. Cultivation is synonymous with the legendary chinese pro-verb by Chinese bulldozer from Command and Conquer Generals: "China will grow larger!"
>the horrors of the cultural revolution
best bits of the new netflix effort for sure. almost quit watching after the first 4 eps but it picked up after that.
Deng Xiaoping said that Mao was, “70 percent right and 30 percent wrong.” I feel the author echoes this sentiment when he brings back the pitiful Red Guards to say, "See, everyone suffered in some way." Perhaps it's fundamental Chinese culture that they are incapable of plainly telling the truth. Or maybe it's just because the CCP still has a stranglehold on China. Now I see how annoying it is when literature and other media is presented from a solely American perspective. I resent being lectured about the "human condition" when it solely concerns one of the most horrible societies in history that still plagues all of us to this day.
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I was posting about the book on /pol/ 2006
The show was full blown retarded

If Russia is so weak and collapsing like /k/ says why can't the American government push them out of their vassal state?
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>like /k/ says
The one place to avoid when the discussion is war or firearms.
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russians are dumb trash lol
>Russia can’t beat this

>Why hasn't Ukraine taken back any territory since their failed counteroffensive?
>Why are Western countries throwing all of their support towards this conflict?
>Why is the average age of a Ukrainian soldier in their early 40s?
Russia has these things called nukes

I hear they're quite the bomb

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