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Found this Yuri gem on steam, wondering if anyone else has enjoyed this series
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Play offline if you're worried that your normie friends know you like to read stories about gay women
>shit art
It's just mid, which is in some ways worse than actually shit art because at least shit art gives you something to talk about.
no, but would love to try it out. is it ever on sale or is there a way to get a cheap key for the game?
Newfag opinions like yours don't count.
Stop lying just so you can bump, shitposter.

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4267609
Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

Related threads:

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Just because you put an AI into a female body doesn't make it born female either.
1. Yes, if the fucking AI was programmed to be female from the start.
2. If you just digitize and copy the mind of a woman and put her into a gynoid there is no difference from a normal woman beyond not being organic.
Maybe the AI refers to itself as female. It has no reason to lie.
new thread

But by all means, keep that robot debate in this thread.
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>game about vampires
>is revamped

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Previous Thread: >>3911737
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Woooow. This took some effort. Shamitop! So cute!
Why is this webm pillarboxed?
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So what did Shamiko do the night before instead of sleeping?

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1.7 waiting room.
Reverse:1999, a mobile turn-based RPG with a female MC and numerous yuri pairings to enjoy. The age of the characters may vary and the older ones tend to be just as (if not more) gay.
Although the game's primary language is english/chinese, it also has full korean and japanese versions, with the latter featuring many known and skilled seiyuus.
>Version 1.6 Trailer
>Download (PC & Mobile):
>Community Resources:
>Kornblume (THE database)

Previous thread >>4186455
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High quality doomed yuri tomorrow
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Giga autism yri. Very nice

Previous thread: >>4180945
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>Takina and Chisato now ask us to recommend the colors for their matching jackets for the Winter.
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Nice, it looks like it will be their standard red and blue.
>Takina still wear Chisato's scarf, cute!

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Hat World is an incredible freeware yuri themed doujin RPG where you choose one of six main characters and play through their unique campaigns. It has an exceptionally good turn-based battle system, some very challenging boss fights, sidescrolling platformer exploration, and great storytelling, visuals, and music all throughout.

Hat World got a high quality fan translation last year and you can download it here:

Rumors are this game is coming to Steam soon
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Any news on the steam release? Every time this thread gets updated I hope it is for good news.
Does Prim start off as a default sidekick for any of the main 6? I started with Lavie and I'm realizing that between the charge move, doublejump move, and access to Toy World, it's quite hard to recruit her.
No, most routes require you to access the special area to recruit her, and in some routes you can't recruit her until certain story events. Everything carries over though, so once you beat a route you'll be able to recruit Prim as soon as you're able on subsequent routes.

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Discussions for Mahoik/u/. Previous thread >>2853792

>Official Yen Press Light Novel Releases

>Fantranslations Tumblr

>Official Twitter

Episodes Δ is set to release on December 14th, 2021 by Yen Press.
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That gives me some hope it will actually see the light, someday, it'd be awful to pretend it's still happening if Endou knows otherwise.
You guys know they showed ALL of the characters in the last stage play, right? They only showed character sheets for Pfle, Shadow Gale and Pechka publicly from the recording, but those who attended the plays in-person attested they'd shown all of the restart characters designs. In fact, they just rereleased a good chunk of the books in Japan with promotions featuring the anime designs.
Do we have staff yet? I'm hoping we get a different director.
Pfle - Nanjō Yoshino
Shadow Gale - Reina Kondō (yes THE reina)
AFAIK they haven't revealed any other character voices yet.
They're keeping Hiroyuki Hashimoto as the director, however, I have a little copium he'll have learned from his mistakes and taken the criticism to heart. That and the CEO of Carmina Slots, Keiichi Sato, is pretty much funding the entire thing (he also funded the stage plays and bought OddInformation, the company that produced the plays), and given he's a huge mahoiku fan, there's a good chance he'll keep an eye on the production. I saw him liking some tweets before Twitter hid likes of some Japanese fans' wishes for improvements against the original anime, specifically remember one fujkta tweet he liked where they mentioned the flashbacks killing the impact of character deaths. Who knows, but if I were a millionaire, I'd want my favorite series to have a nice adaptation.
Otherwise they've been recasting seiyuu to revise their roles from the anime for the stageplays. Seems like it'll be loyal to the cast so long as said cast wishes to keep working. The character designer and studio haven't been confirmed, but it looks like they have a different artist who's staying closer to maruino's old artstyle. On the mahoiku news Twitter blog, they recently mentioned they're in a period of production they can't talk about, so there's a good chance Restart is being animated at this very second!
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Did you get your copy? Thoughts?

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What's your favorite GL manga? Tell me about it!
>Shōjo Sect is about a popular high school girl who beds many women. But none of them can fill the hole left by the fleeting memory she has of a girl she met when she was a child. Will her memories become clear enough to discover the girl's identity? What effects will her loving manipulation have on her fellow classmates? Will Matsuri ever get Kirin's love? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z
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Yeah! Just gotta look I suppose. Its very good! Theres also anime, but it deviates a good bit. STILL GOOD! But not manga game
there is interest for it however most h studios take safe projects since they already have issues with keeping things afloat
however, considering H anime quality keeps degrading more and more maybe it's for the better
The Shoujo Sect anime was kino
GuP: Ribbon Warrior. Nothing more romantic than the relationship between a warrior maiden hand her loyal steed.
Other than that, probably Vampeerz.

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post quality /u/ fan content

Bringing it back with some licking
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Last thread >>3834654

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The Bocchi love must never end.

Previous thread: >>4197656
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How has no one uploaded the new Kitaku doujin he finally did of these girls, we got a group sex doujin by one of the best artists in the scene right now and theres no sign of it anywhere

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A thread about all things Heaven Burns Red!
Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973710/

English database for event schedules, styles, gacha & enemy stats etc.: https://hbr.quest/
HBR play order guide for beginners (made by /u/ anons) https://pst.innomi.net/paste/8y5bwofdz5s8h7zyuqfu4nqr
Main Story EN subbed by defenselessperson (Prologue, Chapter 1 & 2): https://youtu.be/iYgk2QsNu74
Main Story and Event Stories EN subbed by FLEreverse (Prologue, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 + Mari, Ichigo, Kura, Iroha, Irene and Swimsuit 3 events + AB collabs + Bond episodes) https://www.youtube.com/@seraph1305
U140 event EN subbed: https://youtu.be/KUVLZCdk4I0

JP/general info:

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They can always throw in a week long filler Score Attack boss like they have done many times. Even the Miya --> irene transition wasnt clean. At least Irene --> Amari had the scheduling with the anniversary to consider.

Just saying, the in-game timer for when event stuff runs out isn't good enough.
If nothing else they will release new styles next Friday because money, so it would be odd if those weren't even styles. It could be a solo style though. Sometimes they throw one in a gap as filler.
Score attacks and styles have their own schedules. Look at the event info in the info section, it has the schedule for the event period, exchange, etc. These are the dates you need. Miya's event was
>2024/4/26(金)11:00 ~ 2024/5/31(金)10:59(JST)まで
so it was right until the Irene event started as well.

New thread
Do you know that there's literally a roadmap?

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SuleMio is unstoppable: https://akiba-souken.com/vote/v_7820/#goog_rewarded

Previous thread: >>4258936

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

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>We're a image limit

My fucking god, shut up, and let it be. Yes yes Suletta loves Miorine and is willing to do anything for her, we know anon, the term waifufag sounds awful for someone who eats her wife's pussy, just say a "devoted lover".
Are you suggesting it's not the other way around as well and Miorine wouldn't do anything for Suletta? Cmon now.
>retarded anons are going for it

Yes anon, we know Miorine is as devoted as Suletta, the difference is the former isn't as open as the latter.
>Miorine wouldn't do anything for Suletta?
New thread

Previous thread: >>4144425
One Piece thread: >>4188727
Chainsaw Man thread: >>4085971
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New thread: >>4283192

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