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Thread for Tamsyn Muir's Locked Tomb series, Gideon the Ninth, Harrow the Ninth, Nona the Ninth. Post fanart and discuss the books
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New art from Naomi
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Thread for yuri discussion of:
>Genshin Impact
>Honkai Impact 3rd
>Honkai Star Rail
>Guns GirlZ
>Zenless Zone Zero

and other applicable miHoYo/Hoyoverse games

Previous >>4258188
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>looking at the camera for some reason
>weird presenting pose

I don't like this...
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They're looking at Kiana, of course
Outside of the Xilonen and the Candace event. we got anything else to be interested about? Outside of Mavuika talking to women that is.
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This thread is for any kind of VTuber (Hololive, Nijisanji, upd8, indies, mangaka, etc...) as long as they're gay.

Useful links:

Rules for /jp/ and /vt/ visitors:
No shitposting, no reddit memes, no waifufaggism, no to any kind of hetshit. Keep it gay.

Previous: >>>>4236244
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Why's he larping as a girl then?
Doesn't matter to me as long as people stop posting him here.
How does a voice changer work when they're using the same mic?
A yuri artist make an illustraction
Who cares? The art itself isn't yuri.

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>I am not attracted to my mom.
Why not? What is wrong with you?
Jessie isn't a mom, so doesn't this completely miss the point of the thread?
technically, is this alternate universe canon of the artist, jessie marries ash's mom, so she becomes a mom by default
I don't think that counts. If marrying in counts then any adult yuri ship would count. This thread is specifically about two moms getting it on, not about married couple. As in both must have children. Jessie being "legally" a mom doesn't make her an actual mother.

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>Stay at my side forever

Previous thread: >>4269981

Extra materials:

>Cradle Planet

>Vanadis Heart Manga

>Special Drama CD - Episode.01: What Miorine Wants
>Drama CDs part 1-2

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Still, I'll try to avoid marriage as much as I can.
>Would it really be that awful?

>Marrying me means becoming part of the 'group'.
>You'd have no will of your own, or self-determination.

>Suletta has her own desires.
>I can't let her get chained down by something so stupid.
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>Suletta's going to graduate with no problems, return to Mercury, and set up her school! That's what I've decided!

>You Spacians are such a freakin' nuisance!
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Thank you very much TL-nee!
Tbf sun_4x3 posted the second part separately.
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OP-chan, your time has come.
New thread:

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Previous electrolysis: >>4061340
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Definitely a possibility and very true. Nitrogen works best when she's doing busy work. Lithium's gonna put her head in her hands once she learns Nitro's close to the same age as the various aunts that harass her about progress. At least she better knows how to deal with her now.
Would be an interesting move, although she can't prove anything beyond besides a sinking feeling when she gets in late. Tungsten is also probably not that happy to see her if Moly visits. In spire of the easy work she gives her.
No wonder Lithium was so wary about her.
That's not too surprising, considering their history. They may be old acquaintances, but Tungsten never liked the way Moly carried herself. No, she wouldn't have been too fond of her at all, but work is work. Someone out there seems to have taken an interest in her, however.
Word on the street is that Molybdenum was seen leaving Krypton's last night after a clandestine meeting with none other than Polonium. Officer Lawrencium declines to comment.
That would probably be the simplest solution to the gynoids in that scenario. Just making them people and what not.
A fun idea, not least of all because it gives them some room to stretch their legs conceptually. For example, maybe Americium is busy organizing a labor strike, and Nobelium could be a well-known philanthropist.

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Time for this overlooked yuri series to get a properly yuri thread on /u/. Season 4 is coming.
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I only have Jashin hypnotizing Medusa.
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if you knew the artist it'd be easier to find some site that scraped it.
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June is for Pride and June Brides.

So before the month ends lets celebrate the most important vow two girls an make.
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I prefer de facto
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Minase Miki

Kigo Edition

Previous thread: >>4152491
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Rich girls are very well-fed.

Following the example of >>3665398 a thread for erotic lesbian fighting or wrestling.
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Ooh, very nice. Damn the whole ring shook, Tifa's gonna feel that one in the morning. It's kinda cozy and cool there's a whole community for an admittedly pretty out there interest. Keep it up!
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Bumping for the culture desu

Cosplayers being hella gay.

Been a while since the last one: >>3937233
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Weissa see be into yuri since the last one is a from a old yuri manwha t
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hate the ship, but to make hot yuri cosplay is such a goal, fuck,

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Previous Act: >>3927450
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The new 3d costume was incredible
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I sought out this thread from months ago just to say that this song is fire!
Any other greats from Shizuka since the anime?
Considering her VA, you can just search Kessoku Band songs, she sounds exactly the same.
Cover of Stellar Stellar and original song Wish Upon a Star.

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Magenta x Sulfur Edition

Previous thread: >>4259335
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Selfcest is no different than fucking your twin.
Which is based.
Baiser can probably pull off such a trick with her wax clones...
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Full doujin
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Good stuff.
Gen Z chan?

All kinds of lesbian machines. Koukaku no Pandora, Nier Automata, Megaman, Transformers, Medabots, whatever.

Signalis has its own thread.
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Previous: >>4255448
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