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Previous: >>492695374
>What is this?
My Hero Ultra Rumble is a new battle royale game based off the My Hero Academia anime. It features various different characters from the series (with more to be added) with different quirks and costumes, separated into 5 archetypes. The matches are made up of 8 teams with each team having 3 players. Last team alive wins!
-Season 6 is here
-Endeavor is now obtainable via Hero Tickets
-Overhaul is now available in the gatcha
-Shoto's new Skill set is now available in the gatcha
>Game's database
>Google doc with damage numbers
>/mhurg/ agencies
PC: Toga Lovers (ID: 1695305727)
Froggers (ID: 2203659952)

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Previous: >>495055708

>Character Trailer - "Kinich: Fiery Pursuit

>Character Teaser - "Kinich: Business"

>Kinich Web Event "Saurian Egg Adventures" live until September 19

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Kinich, Raiden Shogun, Chevreuse, Thoma, Kujou Sara

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Look at this old lady!
Previous: >>493970027

>8/1 Stream
>Senran Kagura Runner app announced: Senran KaguRUN!
>6th Anniversary Stream

>Complete Character Listing
>NewWave card wiki

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Katawa Shoujo General #4008

Wiosna Edition

Last Thread: >>494139867

Official Website: https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:

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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>494688645

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)

>Scratch Tickets:

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Previous: >>494774918

TFD Tools and Pattern Suggestor


Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)


Module Combination Percentages


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S Edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

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The Wheel has turned once again.
Divine Emperor edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed) (embed) (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)

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Alicesoft/Rance General #1231

Alicesoft 35th Edition

Last Thread: >>492065534

FAQ: files.catbox.moe/vxrbu5.txt
Torrent: https://files.catbox.moe/zxwsje.torrent
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.

>Useful Links
Wiki: https://alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alternate Wiki (under construction): https://alicesoft.miraheze.org/wiki/AliceSoft_Wiki:Main_Page
Rance World Notes (Translated): DEAD
Booru: https://hannybooru.com/

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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site


>Enlisted Community Resource

>Weapons List (Alpha)

>Current Battlepass

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character trait edition

Previously: >>492503570

Latest News:
>New 4th conjure (defensive waste of ectoplasm)
>New "elite" dungeon: Sanctum of Rebirth
>Hard and Elite diary for the Underworld
>Mining and Smithing increased to a max level of 110
>New quest coming Sept 16th
>New skilling boss coming Sept 23rd

2024-25 Content Roadmap:

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Sniiiiifffff edition


We discuss Minecraft news, projects, build ideas, smps, mods, etc.
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see builds!
Literally no one is reading this.
If you develop anything Minecraft related, keep us updated for feedback.

► 2. NEWS

>MCC endercup + chance to get a free cape for bedrock AND java:


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Moyo edition

>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?

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"Gluttony" Edition

A place for the works of japanese game director, writer and absolute madman Yoko Taro (aka Toko Taro, aka Yoko Yaro, aka Coco Taro, aka Taro Yoko).
Discussion of the NieR/Drakengard/Voice of Cards games, as well as spanking and cashgrab kusoges like SINoALICE, NieR Reincarnation and 404 GAME RE:SET are welcome!

>NieR Automata Anime Adaptation Season 2 IS ON AIR
>SINoALICE Movie home release OUT NOW
>NieR Replicant Remake on Steam
>NieR Automata on Steam
>Voice of Cards games on Steam

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Previous: >>494211070

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Upcoming Cup

>Current Invitationals

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Previous: >>495016458

Caesar combat intelligence
Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

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Twisted Wonderland, a rhythm and turn-based combat game featuring cute boys based on Disney villains, released in March 2020.

Playful Land rerun: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
Jamil Birthday Campaign (1 Normal 10-key): 09/12
Jamil Birthday Missions (2 Bday 10-keys): 09/11 16:00 JST - 09/17 14:59
Ace Birthday Campaign: 09/23
>Current Gacha
[Event] SSR Fellow Honest & Gidel: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
[Event] Playful Land SSR Ace, Ortho, Kalim & SR Leona, Cater, Vil: 09/09 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
Ortho & Cater Rate-up: 09/17 16:00 JST - 09/24 14:59 JST
Kalim & Vil Rate-up: 09/24 16:00 JST - 10/01 14:59 JST
[Campaign] SSR Loungewear & Platinum Jacket Jamil feat. Past Bdays banner: 09/11 16:00 JST - 09/17 14:59
>Upcoming Gacha
[Campaign] SSR Loungewear & Platinum Jacket Jamil feat. Past Bdays banner: Late Sept.

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Filia thick edition
Previous >>491863749
>==Skullgirls 2nd Encore==>
>Latest Update:
>Season 1 Pass
Beginner: http://skullheart.com/index.php?threads/beginner-resources-thread.242/
FAQ: https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Skullgirls/FAQ
Gameplay Wiki: https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Skullgirls
Character Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMlK6ZrYVqg
Combos vs Resets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKsyy_RhN_4
Beginner Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8PFx4ZYP8k
History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69mQb1vfgkU

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Welcome to the Anime Fighting Games General!
Here we play, learn, and discuss Anime Fighting Games.
If you're a fan of Arcsys, Team Arcana or Eighting, you've come to the right place!
Please keep drama, game wars, early threads, and interpersonal drama out!

Various game info, beginner friendly: https://pastebin.com/yT5CpLgr (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Additional Resources:


Previous: >>492592757
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