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/vip/, be honest

How would you have reacted if he died?
11 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
I would have been relieved that I wouldn't have to hear his crap anymore, but that's not enough to want him dead
>/pol/ cancer on /vip/
oh noes
>cites /pol/tards
your mental illness is equivalent
go outside and talk to real people
You act like real people don’t post there

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I have probably spent over £400 in Passes.
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
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i have three passes
quads checked
I don't have one to ban evade, I'm a good boy
How many years is that?

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The U.S. Government is one of the most evil entities ever to exist. They stage things like 9/11 and mass shootings to make it easier to take away our guns.
Imagine what evils they will unleash once we are sufficiently disarmed.
131 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
Gather the pitchforks.
Heated debate there.
evil presidents
you completely missed the plot
Everyone is right.

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I can only post ascii art here and in /jp/.
                          ⌒\        プリプリ
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         (⌒⌒)         . ´:_:_: `´: :_:_: `丶、       (⌒⌒)
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         {  勹  く/八 : l/ >  \| <  Ⅵ: : : : |: :│ :ヽ〈\ヽl│
        '.   ',   \/:∨| 、::、       、::、レ|/: : |_j_/  ソ  ノ
        `  }     /: ,゙: リ    (_        | : : 八 |   {  /_
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      |    |      \|\_|>‐rー   セ/|/|/     |     |
      |    |         ___>'7|    L7TT⌒>、     |     |

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Because it was often times used for shitposts and was generally just annoying
It shouldn't be allowed here either
I didn't pay $20 for this crap
they should add sijis to s4s

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it is tomato tuesday
please consume tomat
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
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take it easy
eat some caprese
I don't take food from tripfags
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mama mia
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fumo offers you banana

We don't have to take your Pooh!
>buys pass
>makes shit
Evil n word
i bumped this thread. - 50 social credit

I was banned from /tv/ for posting about a TV show.

Fucking haters.
Nice IP address.
Nice IP address.
I got a 3 day from /a/ for saying that locking your phone is stupid.

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is it ok if i take a shit?
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
in Ford Focus kaggern
yea lemme watch
Sure go ahead
Frog thread bumped
Fine with me

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1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
You forgot to rotate your Z for Zorro

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What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?
I don't remember but probably something very small like my choice of pizza topping
My soul. Literally me and another kid from my street wrote our souls onto a piece of paper then flipped for it.

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It's time for Marisa
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Marisa is a sweet and cute girl
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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting et al. belong on >>>/vip/nah.

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
See how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.io/
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4bans public ban archive:
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: >>116863
28 replies and 21 images omitted. Click here to view.
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And finally, $YTSB
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FML I forgot $BOOB
Cheat Sheet:
So far, no known / indicated effects
Changes image on hover
Changes the space between posts. WOJK's are forever alone, but clump together.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
bump for great justice
not letting the april fools emotes die yet

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Kyle is no longer with us. He ate some bad Chinese food (he had a severe cat allergy)
>Kyle is no longer with us
where is he?
the nut shack I think
fuck you spamming faggot

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I am the Author of this document and I am from Australia. Today, I sent this document to 23 world class professors from Ukraine, Russia, USA, Italy, and Bulgaria, and requested for them to conduct a review.

This initiative is designed for immediate implementation and compliance with international standards. I have been working non-stop to try make it go viral for days.

Please note that for many, it may look unattractive at first glace. This is because I have balanced it as perfectly as possible, and it has included a significant compromise from both sides, but comes with several positive gains for all of us! It is completely normal to be sceptical of such a proposal, and this is due to intensely deep historical distrust between nations. The document has been crafted without any bias, and also with hope to pave the way to a peaceful future for us all.

Please support by sharing this message. In my opinion, it is breaking news.

Happy to be contacted by appropriate officials from the Australian Government. They have already been informed about my identity.
peace is gay

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>open a new coinbase account
>buy some bitcoins
>turns out you can now pay with regular dollars
Sure, but the jannies can now link all of your posts to your real identity.

Personally, I don't care. I already know the feds are monitoring me. But it might be a turn-off for others.

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