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How are my /vip/ friends doing though?
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not good enough
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no new game this year...
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im dying
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that ISN'T marisa
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one day i will be happy
not yet
but one day
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I wouldn't know what to do without 4chan. The rest of the internet isn't 'anonymous' and it's amazing just how bad things get.
things are better now than when i made the thread.
this thread was last in the catalog when i made this post
You're a hero

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Kimi wa jitsuni baka da na

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/s4s/ does not belong on /vip/

Your fortune: Average Luck
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can't believe they didn't have a Sneed >>127340
Does s4s even exist anymore?
who is the titular cat?

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Be honest. How many of the threads on this board right now were made by (You)?
6 now
at least 5, i could have bumped forever a couple more

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What percentage of users do you think buy passes?
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idk, testing testing.
1% at best.
Frog thread bumped

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/vip/ should have a unique board culture
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We can draw stuff. Why don't more anons draw stuff? We should be able to draw stuff on any board too
nice penice
no culture
it's over
how do you do this font?
you need to buy the VIP keyboard

Test desu
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hopapa mah beeeed turn mah swag on !!!
very important test
His people spent hundreds of years trying to get out of chains, he gets money, buys chains

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I just spent my last fraction of a BTC on this pass, I hope it's worth it
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
did your test work?
testing again
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it logs me out and i have to sign in to my pass after nearly every fucking post, why is it like this?
Probably because you have something deleting cookies on your browser.

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post what you are eating
i am eating macaroni and cheese
28 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
just ate an egg mcmuffin
i ate tacos today
ate dominos pizza
ate a cubano sandwich
chicken and corn chowder

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>express genuine opinion
>guy calls it bait
Stop being retarded and people will stop assuming you're deliberately trying to annoy them

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im starting to realize he was right all along
Anyone who thinks he wasn't right about anything probably doesn't read a lot of history but the world revolution doesn't seem any closer than it was in the 1880s to me. And when it did come it came in the economic periphery and not the heavily industrialized fully capitalist core, which is the opposite of what should have happened if you take Marx seriously. And you can mock that or say it's a point that's been made a million times but I've never seen a good answer to it.
Marx predicted the Petite Bourgeoisie would die out but they only became more powerful and invented fascism. And that’s just one prediction that was proven wrong.

Outside the manifesto he also predicted that socialist revolutions would arise in the west. In reality they began in Russia and the only other countries that fell for that shit were 3rd world shitholes that were really just using socialism as an anti colonial tool.
Jew says we need to give absolute power to a small group of people so they can protect us capitalism. Ok bro.

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does anyone even use these?
10 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
You can use OneeChan on top of 4chanX.
Photon is the worst one, ossan
What's the point of photon, exactly?
This is the ugliest fucking thing I have ever seen jesus christ
I use Yotsuba B on every board

Usagi no baka!!!!! Bakamoron! Baka baka baka!!!!!!
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usagi kashikokutekawaiidamon~
test post
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test post 2

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