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Some pointy-eared yaoi
247 replies and 181 images omitted. Click here to view.
Breeding involves two opposite sex mates reproducing you dumb roastie cunt. Sick of gay culture being coopted by your kind.
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prove it :P

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This thread is focused around sharing videos and MEGA links to RTZeroBara and Saigon3D's content.
Here's the first MEGA link to Rtzerobara's MEGA folder! https://mega.nz/folder/7W4l2brZ#hxJY30MXM2FPAyFk8zQH6A
thanks for sharing this. for some reason his stuff is very hard to find, he manages to hide his paid stuff very well lol
Stop shilling your ugly dogshit, autismo bitch.
RTZeroBara has added some still previews to his Samoan Smash animation. They're in a new folder in the WIPs section

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Artist: Aquarina/Lenbarboza
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they look bad, lifeless, and boring.
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the ones they posted itt mostly look fine
except these that are kinda fucked for obvious reasons
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Gay porn drawn by humans have a horniness that AI can never replicate
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Thread for Hetalia porn! bonus points for America x Japan
>All body types allowed
>Tops of all sizes allowed
>Ignore the troll
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God I miss seeing this artist art. Take me back to early fujo days
that's new and even the style is recent you larping cuck
That image is more than a decade old you lying cunt.
quit fighting and post more gay countries

Post dudes getting frisky with slimes/goo creatures.
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Has anyone seen the Kishiri106 animation?
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Bara ONLY, no filthy femboys bishitnen or women report all femboys bishitnen and women!
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Needs more hair.
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I love men.


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Already a thread for this dipshit

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Let the musky rank mancunt odor flood your nostrils and mouth. No tr*ps/f*mboys allowed no scat and NO SMALL TOPS.
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Troons like you don’t count

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last one got filled up
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before this falls off the board >>3045839

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In the Name of God, the Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful.
Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.
The Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful.
Master of the day of judgment.
Thee we worship, and in Thee we seek help.
Guide us upon the straight path.
The path of those on whom Thy grace is,
not those on whom Thine anger is,
nor those who are astray.
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Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - fight until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled

O Prophet, strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination.
Any more pics like this?
Anyone seen Kyle?
Based thread
About this tall?

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Volleyball thread. No small tops!! There will be consequences!
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I've been looking for this one for so long now. So hot. What's the source?
>No small tops foid is back
this explains a lot about the state of the shitposting lately

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if I like yaoi but only if I already like the characters does that make me gay
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i have a gf for almost 2.5 years and i masturbate to yaoi without her knowledge.
does that make me gay? maybe, but who cares, it's hot.
you're worrying too much about terms

gay sex is based and beautiful, whether its in 2D or 3D. sometimes a man has certain urges that can only be satisfied by another man. embrace it.
if you have a gf and like guys you're bi
If you jerk it to child porn, ur a pedo.

>im straight but i like watching men fuck
it's called bi

so faggots are fucking disgusting but you also jerk off to faggots fucking?
Straight women shlick to lesbians all the time, go back to tumblr.

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Overwatch thread
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ok real talk: when I heard widowmaker sing with a male voice in the no mercy MV animation I got turned on
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Post GID. Doesn't matter the type of bindings. All artstyles and bodytypes welcome.
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I want to try self bondage but it seems dangerous
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it is, the entire point of having someone else there is so they can tie you properly and prevent you from actually getting hurt
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That looks so painful.

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