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Bridget by daisy mitsumata
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Cute feet.
Posting in an EPIC thread.
what makes feet good or bad anyway

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Cute twinks, traps, femboys, bara, musclemen and ikemen in maid attire, ready to serve their masters.
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Glasses is the cherry on top
>crossdresser pouting over his shoulder as a load oozes out of his asshole
god i unironically wish that were me
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get dat ass ate

no musk/farting/dirtiness
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Douching doesn’t do anything for bacteria, unless you want to use an antiseptic internally and poison yourself.

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How do we feel about them? I love Griffith
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All these are from me. I really like gray hair characters, they have a special air of innocence, wiseness, tenderness. With light skin and thick bodies they really have a unique charm.

Btw, I don't like geiffith, I just think the image is really hot because of the pose and Guts.
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Nobody likes Griffith he's a psychopathic asshole. He's still fuckable, though.

boys with cute ears and tails!
much more obedient than catboys

bonus points:
>collar and leash
>"good boy"
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I don't wanna spam one character too much but gorou is such a good boy
>don't wanna spam one character too much
don't think anyone cares if you do js

New Hoyo game. New porn.
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But we LOVE cuntboys and hypermasc PF strangegay here on /y/ - Yaoi.
god please tell me any of you has jiaoqiu/hoolay porn
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I don’t care about either I just hate the spam.

Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.
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Just look at him taking it like a bitch and loving it
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Any male Fate/Grand Order character (incl. f-2-m rule 63 guys) is welcome. Baras welcome, femboys welcome, bishonen welcome, all pairings and sizes welcome.

The only rule is no western art or hyper, keep that shit on /aco/ and /d/. Obviously no shota/furry or anything else that breaks board rules. Don't reply to trolls/drama/whatever just report them and hide the posts.
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Here's another. I like this pairing for him the best.
he should've been male canonically, such a drastic improvement
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Western and Eastern art, Small Tops, Bara and Traps, all encouraged.

Top PoV: >>3033206
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Het porn goes on /h/.
jojobros, i would wreck him
He does look like he'd fold easy
My pov (I am hathaimy)

Anyone here have more art by Op_na?
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How does one differentiate femboy from shota? They often seem to be the same.
have you tried not being an inbred retard? lol
Shota = prepubescent like 8 year olds.
They’re the only thing that always gets moderated here other than vaginas/cuntboys and real photos. Nothing here is a shota, the op is ugly but it’s chibi.
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I want sex with Miq-kun

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What it says on the title.
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In what bizarre-o world is Chilchuck a femboy?
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he is one canonically, not in that art but it's fine

Last one hit bump limit
Prev >>3008047
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All pics are welcum from AI to western art and bears to twinky femboys :3
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sorry about posting some stuff under the wrong thread guys ... some of us gotta catch on to how to use the site lol sorry about that
Fuck off faggot, you're not and never were funny
Off topic, not YuGiOh.

A non-violent way of conquer people
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Fucking damn.
Bump for moar
I vaguely remember someone making a traditional pencil comic on /y about two native americans guys (i think? and I think they were brothers?) that had sex with cowboys or farmers? I remember it had many pages and the guy updated it from time to time... anyone else remembers it?
Yeah, I think so.

Fellatio after anal (not anilingus.)
Posts should either contain image sequences or animations explicitly showing the two sex acts in order, or still images where it's clearly implied that the cock the bottom sucks was in their ass immediately prior (by the presence of a single top, cum visibly leaking from bottom's ass, etc.)
6 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
that's just anilingus
duh. everyone here can get the real sex whenever they want. the only things we post here are the things that are better in fantasy.
you understand that, assuming you *do* have sex, right anon?
truffle butter souffle
What's that mean

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