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Post guys in cock cages
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One of my fav gay artist made a piece with chastity.
this is peak
is this NTR or is he fucking his actual son
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It's cuckoldry and "daddy" is just sex talk.
not the guy fucking him, the guy watching looks like his dad

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get dat ass ate

no musk/farting/dirtiness
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I've been trying for a while to get my bf to be more open to letting me eat his ass. I've done it once and I was really enjoying it, but he's super sensitive down there, same for bottoming. So it's mostly ticklish/overwhelming for him when I'm eating his ass. Is there any way to get around this? Am I doing something wrong, is there a way to make him less hyper sensitive to it, etc? I really wanna do it more often, but I want him to enjoy it too
they have numbing creams for anal stuff, try that

Yaoi of previously female characters but as males.
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most of these r more like trannies but wtvr we gay we gay kek

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Male nudity in official non-hentai anime/manga/comics thread. No fan art/edit.
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where did you find this? it's censored on the website
the manga author published at their x @yo_shi_ki
Is this some sorta Tenchi manga?
...Yes. Hopefully...
you two should make out

New Hoyo game. New porn.
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What do we think about Xipe
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More in the mega folder
The fuckin watermark soften my dick
Waste of my $10

All art styles are accepted!
Any pairing is poggers!
Small tops are fine!
Report off-topic images and complaining!
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Need more Yuri!
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Passionate tongue action
Lip biting
Swapping spit
Tongue brushing
French kisses and throat swabs
Nothing gets my cock at rock more than a good man on man snog

No arguing or trolling, if you don’t like something don’t look at it
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Based as fk
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Breeding season is next month, so can we please get some bunny / rabbit boys please.

Can be actual bunny boys, boys in bunny suits, vieras, etc.
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bunny boys use carrots as dildos
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Just a thread for rubbing dicks
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Post diaper boys
No scat, shota, or furries

Sister /d/egen threads
Farting >>3031548
Petrification >>3040945
Smegma >>3039731
Muscle Growth >>3033541
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I'm surprised to see this likely isn't an edit, would have never guessed mentaiko made such a thing. I'm probably really biased since I can't fully understand their posts but the japanese online dl community seems tangentially less insular and autistic than others, or at least more varied, a bit less of the annoying mandatory piss and shit, easier to find stuff that feels more sexual, easier to find stuff obviously implying cum and penises and whatnots. Lots of fucked up stuff too but in different ways. Their bulky cloth diapers are funny too.

Anyway, some cloth nappy astolfo edit I made a while back (original by meadow).
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Is this rotoscoped? Good lord
I have the steam version it's been out for around a year a year and a half if i recall correctly. For the price you get a good amount of content and it's pretty fun.
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Twink death is dom rebirth, change my mind.

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fantastic thread.

i love everything in thread but this artist's rendition in particulat is unbelievably hot. i need a boy who stinks good to sniff SO fucking bad...
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>ai art
cry about it

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Which doggo boy has the biggest penis
Lettuce find out
what you just posted. Gorou is too much of a [spoiler]good boy[/spoiler] to possess something like that.
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Anyone here have more art by Op_na?
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What five animals are these from left to right?
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