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post League boys.

no AI art,
and no scat, watersports or other extreme fetishes please.

r63 female champions are fine as long as it's still /y/ material.
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>The group's bicycle has a bigger dong than me ;(

vanguard. gay people are smart, smart people don't install spyware.

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"Selfcare" edition
Art request of all sorts goes here!
Previous thread: https://archived.moe/y/thread/3051602

1. USUAL BOARD/GLOBAL RULES APPLY - no yiff, cuntboy, futa, shota (twink/short guy is fine), hardcore /d/, etc. Use Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme. NO CONTENTLESS BUMP(S).
2. NO THREAD DERAILMENT (spamming, begging, trolling, arguing etc.), simply report & hide filter(s) then move on. If you want to contact the jannys:
https://www.4chan-x.net/4chan-irc.html | https://www.4chan.org/feedback
3. Only make new request when the previous is delivered. (**NO MORE THAN 1 ACTIVE REQUEST**)
4. Be polite & patient. | If you're looking to add criticism, please do so respectfully.
5. Remember to anchor your post!

>To make a new thread, wait for page 7 at bump (and/or image) limit in catalog.


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Requesting Seto Kaiba getting fucked/sucked by Atem/ Yami Yugi or viceversa
General nsfw server https://discord.gg/kTCMX6Hk
Furry server https://discord.gg/jtbDHT43
Gay server https://discord.gg/QAnjU4sM
As you would expect the most populated ones are the general and furry ones, if you just want info thats plenty already but if you wanted to browse a lot of AI art I think twitter is actually a better option, though you will have zero metadata there, anyway its a game of compromise and fortunately you can join all of them and take the best of each.
Fuck off, faggot.
Requesting a humanoid adult male puppet (loosely based on Pinocchio (the 2022 Del Toro version) based on this. 30's, made of wood, joints, wooden body, male, adult male, wooden nose, brown wooden hair, painted brown eyes, groin piece, slightly chubby body, standing, full body, smiling, white background. Bonus if you can add a humanoid wooden erect cock.
>- Start your post with "Requesting" or "/r/".
Requesting She-zow, lots of She-Zow.
She-zow sexy.
She-zow silly.
She-zow with ripped hot-pants giving the world 'the Big Reveal'.
She-zow wearing a t-shirt w the legend 'nega-milk' instead of the 'mega-milk' meme.
She-zow and something that you think up?

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Artist: Aquarina/Lenbarboza
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Thank you for posting this.
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Don't die!
I'm not gonna let it die.
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Posting in another EPIC thread.

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Guys caught fucking/masturbating
No voyeurism where it’s clearly intentionally in public view
No women anywhere in the pics
No arguing
Femboys/traps and bara both welcome
Eastern and western art both welcome
Discussion of getting caught/catching others and any experiences you may have welcome
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What happened
Love this, moar
How many times was he fucked?
Please share more.
Yummie. Moar?

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Femboy Link
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Not enough Ganon on Link rape ITT..!
Link is a slut and a whore for men!

This! Link loves being Ganon's bitch!
He needs to be roughed up nicely by Ganon
Link is Ganon's cute little boyslut
im gooning so hard to links bussy

Bara and Traps are allowed
Ignore and report the spammer that complains
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Can I make an edit of this with their flys down?
always thought Yeager was hot
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Damn this is new.

Post and discuss
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Figmas are cool but they don't have the nipples or details
i'm thinking of getting a cheap male bjd from aliexpress, any recommendations ? :3
can someone tell me the name of this character and what show/game/idk does he come from pls?
do they make these with onaholes?
I also wish to know.

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Ignore and report trolling and off topic.

Previous: https://boards.fireden.net/y/thread/2951972/
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Shinji is not ugly!!
I'm just imagining pulling down those shorts and taking turns.
He’s a cute cockwarming little whore.
Yeah he is

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Spit, drool, facials

need a cute guy to spit in my mouth fr
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yes what do you think anon
always been a turn off, what's the appeal...?
It’s sexy marking boys with my cum!
So true

Breeding season is next month, so can we please get some bunny / rabbit boys please.

Can be actual bunny boys, boys in bunny suits, vieras, etc.
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Stuffing the little bottom-only faggot who’s reading this’ ass with a jumbo xxl bunny plug.
:3 bnnuy

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ocs/characters with alt aesthetics or
vampires, goths, visual kei, decora, etc

eastern and western styles and masc/fem
are fine just stay on-topic
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how tf are we on page 10 already
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I can't remember which thread but someone asked for this image's source recently and I found it in my folders
It's by https://www.pixiv.net/users/61815081
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Sadly, fireden is dead (for now, hopefully), so no link!
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I wish Bfuckr's kemono got updated this year
Gdamn I love fat Naruto boys.

Thread for all pic related to sports [basket ball, soccer, etc] yaoi and wrestling yaoi.
Report off topic and derail, don't reply to.
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>no femboy bea

Knife-ear anime yaoi

>All bodytypes (bear, twink, etc) are welcome so long as they're elves or the focus of the image is on an elf
>High quality and relevant AI is welcome- high quality western art, too

>NO heavily-stylized (WoW, pixar, chibis, etc), or comic/cartoony art
>NO proportionally oversized cocks, keep cages to a minimum, no adult baby or watersports, no smell or filth fetishes, no beastiality or vore

>All global rules and board rules still apply, however; please don't argue or announce reports. Silently report, hide, and ignore any rulebreaking, trolling, or derailing.
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