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Previous >>3896403

Other mechas also welcome
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I'm sad that I missed a "Prowl's exes" fan event some years ago because I have so many ideas. I should maybe just draw them anyway. I recently noticed an increase of Mesotulas/Prowl fanart which is nice. Maybe it's just that one artist that got into them who inspired a few others.
FortMax/Prowl and IDW1 Sentinel/Prowl are way too rare IMO considering that he wronged the first (perfect for hate fucking) and was the lackey of the latter in his early years.
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my beautiful husband akechi is so awesome i love him very much..
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he's so perfect bros...
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Yearly thread of 2024 - Honnouji anime soon!
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Last thread hit the image limit: >>>3811016
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is Mikayuu canon already? geez this anime makes me feel old
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Been canon for at least 8 years.
The current artstyle is terrible. Nobody in this manga looks attractive anymore.
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Previous: >>3861393
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they're not even autistic stfu retards
You're acting really autistic right now ngl
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Boy liker edition

Previous thread >>3893802
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Appreciate the one anon who still frequently posts here...I'm still into it/PP myself of course I just try to not look at stuff for it every day. Trying to not burn myself out of liking it if that makes sense.
Tbh I've been posting more lately since I'm going on vacation so the posts are pretty much gonna dry up (I had a back-log of art to post that's pretty much done anyway)

Y'all are gonna have to continue this thread / the next if/when that gets made.
As a random lurker I appreciate all of you. Thanks for sharing my favorite boys!

Post about boys being mean to eachother

Try to keep more severe bullying relegated to the "ouchies" thread if you can help it.
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Harvest Moon boys are underrated.
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Me in the middle but also on the left and right.

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How are we feeling, /cm/?
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All growed up! Edition

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Needs to have his head smashed in.
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That’s mean. He’s literally the weakest (not counting his good support abilities) character available so you shouldn’t pick on him.

It’s like bullying the small dog at a dog park
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Kaveh’s trip to Natalan
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twink booba

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Lego edition

All Links are welcome~
Previos thread >>3858772
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evil link supremacy
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He should've thrown more bitches into the tv tbqhf
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I think that anon mostly meant "Is Adachi's theory about how life favors a handful of special people and everyone else are just cogs" is never really brought down by the cast since, well, they all are special people who get favored for no reason; the MC specially.
It's a popular discussion in the community, I feel.
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Adachi was right, though? I mean I've yet to hear any argument beyond "stop crying and work harder" which is not a good counter and strengthens the point.

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A thread for all Naruto boys

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For a character whose plot function was essentially being a catalyst, I feel like we didn't get nearly enough Izuna.
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Who tugs on your heartstrings? Previous thread hit limit >>3886833
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Last thread:
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He was spending his paychecks on those used panty vending machines they have
>implying adachi would pay for panties, used or not
I really want a scenario where he, Yu, and Dojima go on a panty raid but accidentally wind up in that fat chick's house.
God I love persona/user shipping, I wish it was more popular.
Feel the same about Jojo and Stands.
Need door-kun footjob

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This thread is for
fem/andro/otokonoko/crossdressing shotas.
-Characters that physically look closer to older shounen are NOT allowed. ie: Felix/Astolfo/Rosado etc
-If above are drawn as shotas, then it's fine
previous thread >>3878372
46 replies and 42 images omitted. Click here to view.
He reminds me of the Inazuma Eleven traps here.
that's one of them so yeah lol
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>manages to appeal to both shotafags and trapshotafags
>even non-shotacons love him
How does he do it?

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