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I don't know if there's a name for this, Victorian boy fit maybe?
But god it's so cute I love ittt so I am making a thread for it and hoping to find more anons who are into it too
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Classical/baroque/romantic/neoclassic paintings/sketches/sculptures/prints, etc.

Similar to Historical bishounen: >>3823613 But NO EXPLICIT NUDITY this time you dummies.

Post sources/name of the piece when possible.
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>tfw no qt brown shota bf

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Catboys, dogboys, nagas, mermaids, fairies, taurs, lions tigers and bears, etc.
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I spot a cloaca OWO
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Post boys with horns, I have an insatiable desire for them
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>Haru birthday event still on for June 30 @ Yokohama Buntai. There will be merch, as expected.

>Listen to Free!

>Previous Thread: >>3888347
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no i mean this one >>3898185
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I have no idea.
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understandable, have a nice day
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You too.

post ranfren boys
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Let's finally post some idv boys
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I think that's about it for now. There's more but I don't want to completely take over the thread.
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One more...

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Sunny days, beaches, bug-catching, sunflowers, popsicles and anything else that represents these hot months.

Boys of all ages are welcome.

Also feel free to discuss anything related to the season.
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So this is how these "male vagina bones" are called. Thanks for the info.
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Hot summer
Hot boys
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Post Fire Emblem boys, doesn't matter what game, just post em.
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Previous thread: >>3843826
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<3 all the pics
Boys make me ToT
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In the middle of a rewatch and thought it would be nice to have a little thread. Nobody ever did it like them.
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A thread for posting traps. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus. No women, or boobs- fake or real. Crossdressing is also acceptable, but not drag queens/ambushes.

Trans/boobs/hrt/twinkdeath posts are off topic/contrarian to the spirit of the thread and should be reported and subsequently hidden along with anyone who replies to them.

Previous thread >>3895388
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