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I can't believe this series isn't more popular on this board; it has so many cute boys
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he's an evil poopyhead!!
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Aladdin should've stayed a shota
The best

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A good thread deserves a sequel.
Fanart old and new welcome!

Previous: >>3854618
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New thread >>3861393

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Y'all remember Death Note? Can we have a Death Note thread?
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Thank you all for posting DN with me. No reason to stop now. I've made a new thread: >>3855934

could you make it into a mega dump?
Sure, anon. Why not? But I'll be posting it in the new thread. If you reply, please post it there.
great thread

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Shotas still #winning

Last Genshy: >>3898714
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bpd rapehon Kaveh trooned out for his birthday
Kaveh is a twinkhon
I'm sure none of you even know where shota even come from. Or what even shota complex is. Or why characters like Chilchuck are shotas despite being 30+
Yes, Chilchuck is a shota despite being 30+ much like Gorou and the other Genshin shotas are still shotas despite their supposed age. Retard. Stop bumping dead threads.
who’s childcuck

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Previous: >>3899928
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Shota post
I like how nobody called you goroutranny but you just come out and feel the need to say it yourself because you're so mentally unhinged.
awesome thread

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best shota abs and tummy

old >>3900508
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He will soon regress and become worse than ever and hai will leave
New thread >>3903988

Previous Thread: >>3820481
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Best boy that's also a cat, and whose male nipples I need in my mouth ToT
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Team Sho
Previous: >>3899338
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Schizo BPD tranny Kaveh
saving the pics

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let's do this again!
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Back on my fanventure shit.
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More boys need to get one!
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An edit I made
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Fuck off and stop spamming.

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Previous thread: >>3893637
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awesome thread
Why are you spam bumping every thread?

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Cute baby boys!!!
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toddlercon is not shota, shota is talking age to mid teens

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TF2/Half Life/L4D, etc
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I still think about TF2chan from time to time.
Utterly profound miracle that a gay sex imageboard sprouted from 2008 /v/.
my nigga, it was so kino back in the day. Overflowing with fics and art. One chick who did tf2 porn ended up doing official art for the comics. used to follow a lot of artists who cross posted on tf2chan and Tumblr.
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Ayyup. The good old days...
It's pretty cool to see so many artists and writers who started out from there. Makani is an inspiration.

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Previous: >>3780844
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I'm tempted to just say Kaiji and Akagi but it'd be nice to see the other dudes get more art too. Tonegawa? Hiroyuki? Morita?
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this is so awesome

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