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A thread dedicated to the cutest boys in the DC Universe, because why not

Official art and fanart both welcome
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So was this a thread exclusively for super sons together or?
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Damian gets a bit jealous if someone else talks to his crush
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separate or together, both are fine

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previous: >>3795066
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For the love of god please tell me someone knows who the artist is on this one
Fight Fight Fight!
top kek m8
Define country first and then we'll talk

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last thread: >>3779052

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never liked tom looking too soft or not unfriendly. he is the embodiment of misanthropy


1) Be polite to the drawfriends - they're drawing for you, after all.

2) Specifics, details and references pics are always appreciated, and increase the likelihood of your request being fulfilled.

3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all - not every request is going to get done. If you think it's been overlooked, wait a while and relink or repost it.

4) Stick to fictional characters.

5) No nsfw requests. Stuff like that belongs in >>>/y/drawthread

6) Please limit image posting to references and request fills. We don't need a bunch of reaction pictures and such killing the thread early.

Previous thread: >>3706182

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Hey there /cm/!
I wanted to invite you guys for this year’s Summer Scramble! Summer Scramble is 4chan’s version of Artfight, and the two teams are Sweet and Spicy. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, this is your chance to shine. Bring your unique style and compete with fellow 4chan users. It's an opportunity to show off your OCs, get new art, improve your artistry, and most importantly, have fun! https://discord.gg/vFcVN9Zn
does anyone actually draw anything?
what, you want anything?
this sounds pretty fun
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>Requesting Naruto in more underwear

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The shota manga thread >>3734757 has hit the bump limit and is currently on page 10, so we need a new one, with a place for all kinds of cute boys. I'll start.

The Summer Hikaru Died is probably my favourite currently running manga. It's a horror manga where the protagonist's friend gets replaced by a monster that (almost) perfectly mimics his looks and personality, but isn't quite right. It's full of gay subtext and apparently it's supposed to be an analogy to growing up gay in the countryside.

If you like it, you can also read the 10 page oneshot by the author (mokmok_len) called "Period".
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A boy named Eve?
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I found a new manga (Favela no Mangaka) the other day. It's about a failed mangaka named Hiroto who travels to Brazil to forget about his previous life but instead meets a really cute slum boy named Joao that wishes to be a successful mangaka.
>Favela no Mangaka
Looks really good, put this one on my waiting list

He's so adorable and retarded at the same time it's fucking insane
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Stealing other boards' identities
Yass baby more of our dude, MOAR
if i was an artist i'd drew a whole load
Now put him in keksandra’s clothes and make him say he’s submissive and breedable, or dubsmissive and memeable, or whatever is cuter

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Previous: >>3723021
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How was the last movie?
I really enjoyed it. I'm a huge fan of Kenma and this was basically the Kenma movie.
I still would've preferred to have another season instead.
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Jannies nuking the thread edition >>3757128
(why tho)
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there's literally nothing wrong with them
You do know a lot of artists struggle drawing hands right

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previous thread >>3872710
post those viking men and farming lads
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>proper family
>shirtless Bjorn
I know, I know. I'm just a sucker for the idea of Askeladd actually seeing the kid as his son despite the fucked up circumstances
>probably the coomest character so far
>never seen again after Farmland
This is bullshit

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Last thread: >>3700113

More of the cutest grimdark boys from 40k, Fantasy, and Age of Sigmar!
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The most hated anime villain in the medium's history... and arguably the sexiest.
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>I have two sides
>hot and hotter
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we're talking anime baddies not real people
If Griffith (Golden Age or post-Eclipse) was real and was in your bedroom, how romantic would you be with him?
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>ywn meet the God Hand and ask them for hot sex with Femto in exchange for someone you love as a Sacrifice
>ywn see the Blessed King of Longing blush with embarrassment from your bluntly-requested wish
>ywn see the Hawk of Darkness dominantly fuck you in missionary
>ywn see a contented, non-evil smile form on Femto's face as you lie in his arms during post-coital aftercare

Righteous, indeed...

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Shin Megami Tensei #19

Anything SMT besides Persona is welcome
Previous: >>3868365
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it just doesn't make sense for Aogami, a remnant of susanoo to exist in chaos ending, so he certainly will be gone
I always appreciate the way most mainline games leave some character intentions and ideologies to the players understanding of them, they definitely want people to have their own reading of them. Still I hope they don't go radio silent again, if nothing else I want to see the concept arts for the different designs and characters.
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My biggest issue with the chaos ending is how it doesn't do picrel justice. the alignment lock should have happened sooner so you would get to experience more alignment exclusive stuff. IV and SJ probably could do it cause they were low budget games.
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Also happy DDS anniversary. the soundtrack is up on Spotify, but I don't expect them to do anything more.
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>it just doesn't make sense for Aogami, a remnant of susanoo to exist in chaos ending, so he certainly will be gone
Nothing says anything bull related is wiped out. Yoko even says you'll be in the void with her. Nahobino are two halves of a soul (debatable if it's an equal half and half but you get the idea) so if Aogami can't exist for some reason then neither should you. Nothing implies he's gone at all. I don't want to shit on people's interpretations but there is dialog surrounding that ending that I just think people aren't reading.
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the existence of Aogami himself is what helps you be the dragon slayer. you are bound to repeat your assigned role of oppressor and contribute to the system as long as you're susanoo in some fashion, and Yoko wants to erase the system itself.
>neither should you
I don't think anything in the form it had in the last world will exist in the next one. not only you and aogami, nothing will. maybe Aogami thinks your bond with him transcends shape and material existence so whatever will take shape from the primordial chaos will also keep that bond, specially because there's no oppressor/oppressed in your relationship.

Osomatsu-san and Osomatsu-kun
BLmatsu allowed
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Posting the most underappreciated man-thing in Naruto.
>long, black hair
>Chad jawline but also androgynous
>basically just Chris Keller (manipulative sociopath)
Why is Orochimaru so slept on in /cm/?
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Oh yeah, Orochimaru is 70. Then again, with all the body-stealing he does, it's easy to forget that.
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My first husbando
Do tell, Anon...

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