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Time to show your love for all our cute Terran boys, from Rhodes Island and beyond!
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Last thread
sorry for the 2 week delay.
it took the last thread a year and nearly 5 months to fill up the thread last time. i'd like to say this time, we'll have more activity here, but ... probably not? long live takahashi
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Post artwork of muscular femboys.
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how is that possible?
how bout dis one?
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Post muscular big buff feminine men.
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Griffith in the newer anime is definitely an ambush, his face freaks me out a little.

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Haven't seen a thread for this in a while. Preferably anything with Murdoc.
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2D is bof
I have always wanted to rape 2D.
okay murdoc
Based Murdoc

Post the best Dangan to ever Ronpa
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Weird way of saying men.
Except they also gave him a massive cock.
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If he were allowed to live he would’ve gotten shredded and turned into the beefiest ambush.

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Post cute boys from Made in Abyss
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D is love. D is life.
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Still going

Tsuritama thread

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/4d_bY550wIs?si=7BVQP60bzikJSzrn

Previous thread: >>3712633
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>...But he's a guy.
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Older Ruka is hott
that's cute but why are the eyes grey
That's from SG Zero, the apocalyptic future timeline, guess that's connected
Or just an artist's mistake

Previous Thread
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heshe’s just a disingenuous bpd tranny who got raped as a baby
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It’s not female-fied he’s just basedfied because their managers have to pander to fujo that like boys who look like women
I can’t be a tranny since I totally believe I’m my birth sex and like it
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Let's post cute gay lawyers!
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It makes me so mad 'cos fan translation was already perfect and make the wordplay jokes work.
>>Best kid turned into a weiner
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Can't wait for the Duology, I've been so excited since the announcement

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Previous thread >>3843479
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Cute, post more. They would have been good friends at that age
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New Akutamu's just style ruined his appearance...

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A thread for posting non-shota otoko no ko, crossdressers, and more. Ignore and hide all bait and tranny posts. No Genshin posting either, please -- Venti is everywhere, I'm tired of seeing him.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Offshoot of: >>3895388, as it's been converted into a general trap thread.
Girlysho thread: >>3878372
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every single boy like this needs love and delicious dick guaranteed in his life
she fingers herself to male attention
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Lol troooons
He looks so cute!

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Desu Noto
Previous: >>3855934
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New thread: >>3875261
any near x wammy??

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