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Versus, Relink and more. Post your favorite boys from the franchise
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Unknown again because niggers love to post without giving credit
Very cute

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Sorry I figured someone else was going to do it since I never made it.
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I think it was a good idea to wait for the stupid protest to end first since people are not posting art anyways.
Rank your favorite ships

Notglue has already come back due to being sick, but a bunch of the unhingedsychopaths are already planning to try and cancel him or spin the narrative that he's a zionist since he's not participating in the strike.

I will say though that we really shouldn't give a shit. They're already trying to extend the strike despite its official ending so waiting too long might just burn these threads out despite there still being a bunch of stuff to post. We shouldn't give a shit about what these people are doing beyond calling them out for being narcissistic schizos.
If the usual thread maker doesn't make one later today, I'll make it (Should start including the previous threads in the op btw)

New thread's up

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Cute old men edition
Previous thread: >>3854384
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Last thread: >>3863460
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New bread?
new thread anyone?

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Cute lil bros edition
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New >>3902731

Thread for talking about manga that deals heavily with crossdressing or at least features a very prominent crossdressing character. Manga about a guy physically transformed into a woman can get the fuck out, manga about trans women is a case by case decision.

Crossplay Love - A fun little romcom. It's one of those series where they don't want to progress the main thing so they keep adding characters who fall in love with people they don't realize are crossdressing guys. But it always has a good amount of crossdressing. Sadly not very horny, but good comedy

I Think I Turned My Childhood Friend into a Girl - It's alright. Only one crossdressing character, very little hijinks, mild horniness.

Love Me For Who I Am - Main character is non-binary but there's a decent amount of crossdressing happening around them, and you can always simply decided not to respect their gender and see them as a crossdressing boy. Very dramatic, lots of crying. Mild horniness.

What else ya got?
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Fr though, does anyone know a manga where this actually happens
i've only seen it in hentai
Picrel is trangender yaoi-yuri
Yuri does not include penises and transgenders don't exist.
"The Little Lies We All Tell" is hilarious and includes the thread subject. Go read it, I won't spoil the fun

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you like hurting boys dont you
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>there is beauty in my ass being raped by a monster with a dick bigger than my entire body while i basically bleed out
did whoever draw this even play the game?
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Here's the follow-up of that pic
Did you? That is an actual game from the game.

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This thread is for
fem/andro/otokonoko/crossdressing shotas.
-Characters that physically look closer to older shounen are NOT allowed. ie: Felix/Astolfo/Rosado etc
-If above are drawn as shotas, then it's fine
previous thread >>3855211
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Really late sorry!
@ a_zzskrynytns Twitter

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Cats & Cats & Cats Edition

Previous: >>3895621
Trap shota: >>3878372
Kemoshota: >>3887400
Shota manga: >>3844997
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And it's done.
well you should.
fuck that bullshit
Why'd you bump this thread just to say that? Fuck off

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snnuy edition
Previous: >>3876836
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need new bread
lazy bastards
you have to post 5 if you make it
bro i had just made it, it takes like 6 minutes to post 5

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Can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Devilman thread?
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I don't get it
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Post boys from a Galaxy far far away. Especially Anakin. NO SEQUELS!
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it's reverse padawan au anakin and obi-wan
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Got a few solo Maul
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I couldn’t find a Deku or Hero Academia thread as of the time of writing so I decided to make one.



The previous thread ended up with images featuring Deku being posted. There was (used to be?) a Deku-centric series of threads, so if anyone wishes to revive that then consider making a thread separate from this one. Otherwise, post Deku images here.

Deku /cm/ Archive:

The Apparently Last Deku Thread (not in the pastebin):
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>in 2001, metal gear solid 2 releases, everybody makes fun of raiden for looking like a gay twink or draws fanart of him as a gay twink
>in 2024, raiden gets added to the fortnite store, everybody makes fun of him for looking like a gay twink or draws fanart of him as a gay twink
Time really is a flat circle.
MGR Raiden is fine but I'd prefer you'd poast MGS2 Raiden :^)
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If we get a mgs2 remake will Raiden look the same as Raikov will in the mgs3 remake?
I'd pinch his cheeks
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Need Raiden's bulge on my face...

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