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what shota made you a shotacon? it was nate from yokai watch for me honorable mention to sora from Kingdom hearts
Stop making redundant threads, we already have a current shota one.
full load of them actually

plz post cute pikmin boys... :3

If even one person replies, I can die happy.
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Majima, Kiryu, Daigo .. etc.
the boysss

(by marshallmigraine on tumblr)
y no one

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Real oldfags remember. If anyone has some Noiz, let's make some Noiz
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Leave it to me to get hyperfixated on the freaky twins instead of literally any end game option. It couldn't have worked with Aoba being the protag, but I would have loved a no-Aoba ViTri route
My bad they're not twins

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thread for all Naruto boys because there isn't one
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>only active threads are from old anime like death note and nardoto
hazbin hotel and genshin aren't old or anime
also there's a new thread >>3893767
bump lol
??? Thread hit image limit and there's another Naruto thread now
link above

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previous >>3820739

MXTX, MDZS, TGCF, SVSSS, 2HA, other Chinese BL
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Russian cover for SVSSS first volume

The base game got updated! Post FNF boys! Mod characters are allowed
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Cruel and unusual how little DD art there is.
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Post and rate husbandos
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damn why don't we have a devilman thread?
We did, once
Jinguji is wonderful. Shou Hayami's voice is absolutely exquisite.

Ramuda is a cutie, too. He's the one who caught my eye and got me to check out Hypnosis Mic in the first place.

I'll be honest there isn't a single HypMic character that I dislike. I just gravitate the most to Juushi both because of the visual kei aspect and him being such a crybaby.
I do! Top tier taste anon
Thanks, anyone in particular?

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Miquella’s DLC finally got a trailer and release date.
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don't stay upset with him, he's just weak as a kitten and thick as two planks
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Miquella being a villain is so very upsetting to me...
Image limit hit, move along...

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i imagine one day where i can wake up to an irl version of cyno, that is to me, the dream. holding each other close, putting my head under his chin, him adding some pressure to reassure me, playing with my hair. i can feel him breathing on my hair, random shorter strands flailing around, but too engrossed in the moment to care.
maybe we might go shopping, maybe we might watch a movie, or he can just watch me play some games. maybe we play something together? tony hawk?
it’s a nothing day. one of the best days.
we go shopping! we head to a second hand store, i’m looking out for some old games while he’s looking around for whatever’s cool and old. honestly, i’m not really sure why he wants to come with, he rarely gets anything, but he seems to find something interesting all the time. maybe it’s just because of me, but i immediately head to the video game department, which is usually just a couple sport games on the ps2/ps3, but rarely i find something… this time though, no luck. it’s all just shovelware and sport games, which is fun but ehhh, not today. we both leave empty handed.
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I want to play old-school Yugioh and Magic with him.
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i imagine us first meeting. it would be wonderful. just strangers to each other, turn lovers in an afternoon. perhaps we meet at a coffee shop, or a book store, or maybe a mutual friend hooked us up… i would love any encounter. though, i probably couldn’t contain myself, i would most likely pass out if we were to we see each other. i imagine him reading a book in a library, tucking his hair behind his ear. the long flow of his hair as it curls around his ear and settles in a new position. his eyes piercing through his hand as it moves down from his head to a resting position. his intense stare into a book. i would definitely lock up. i’d have nothing else to do there, nothing more to see, nothing more to read. he would be all i needed.

i don’t know how i would even begin approaching him. i would be too nervous to even walk up to him with the intention of talking. maybe he notices me staring at him. and i break eye contact out of embarrassment. then we bump into each other at one of the aisles of books. nonfiction. i lock up again as he looks at me. he would probably ask what’s wrong… and normally i’d say something like “nothing, sorry…” but for whatever reason this time i blurt out… or more so whisper… if i could have his number.

he would never say yes to someone like me. but i somehow got it anyway. he smirks, turns around, and walks to the checkout counter and leaves. i stand there dumbfounded. a piece of paper in my hand. written by him. ten whole numbers. his ten numbers. numbers i never thought i could’ve ever thought to be this important. numbers that link me to him. numbers to happiness.

i could probably be blown away at this point, my soul left my body, a cheap fan could slowly turn towards me and sweep me off my feet. i have nothing else on my mind other than him…
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maybe i should call him. maybe i should text first to see if he’s available to call. maybe i should send a test text to make sure i wasn’t tricked. maybe he hates me, some weirdo staring at him at the library, really? what is this person’s problem? (my problem is him, he’s too gorgeous) (i don’t know how much father i can stress how badly i wish for him to be my bf irl) (i need him) (please)
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Oldfag here, haven't visited the site for years. It's changed a bit, I like the new boards.

I just watched House for the first time. Looking for some House/Wilson. It's surprisingly hard to find fanart.

Post what you got, especially if you can share a link to an archive.
I think you should post like 4 or 5 and maybe we will start
did you try the medicine drug?

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In another world, another time...

Previous thread: >>3896375
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Previous thread: >>3887074
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This thread is at image limit. The new thread is at >>3901648

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Summer is shota season edition.

Previous: >>3893846
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Need new bread...
I can't remember the last time I fell asleep next to someone. :(
>a sho meeting up with his bf
New thread: >>3897661
Need more shota harem content preferably with lucky oniichan

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Mascot of a certain website that shall not be named
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Pls sharty, do more of these threads in the future!
You're making 4chan a better place <3
from: moot, hiro, rapeape, wt.snacks, soot, kuz, doll, froot, root, satoko_houjou_fan, Albert, Italian_Chad, FNF ESL PEDO, JartyCvck and Cobson >:33333
I can't believe this is a real thread.
This thread was a mistake.
Nice selfies
mistake but fun

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