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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Have you played the Legend of Network and Phantom of Network translations yet?
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no mecha, they go in >>3893311
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/cutemale/ thread for the cutest males of GG
MaleToFailure trannies NOT welcome ;D
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And any vocal synth-related boys
Previous >>3848383
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Mid. Len mogs him.

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A thread dedicated to the cute canonically nullo ken doll puppet

Not affiliated with any other Genshin threads
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Scara artists are too powerful. Just one new design from a random collab is enough to create a tidal wave of new fanart
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Feel the fluffiness
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>page 10 in 24 hours
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i think there was catalog spam that got wiped before i saw it, had to emergency dump images in a few other threads lol
even more lovely

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 just released their character creator. Have you made any cute male characters yet? Feel free to post created characters others have made or ones from other games as well.

Here’s my cute grumpy catboy arisen and his chad human pawn who always embarrasses him with hugs and kisses which make him purr uncontrollably.
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Pretty good considering how impossible it is to make a good looking oblivion character.
I also enjoy horny shotas
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PSA: You can also make shotas in Elden Ring
any guide?
No guide unfortunately, it's a mod at allthefallen.moe and I can't remember how to install it, but it can't be too hard

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Military guys doing military things edition
prev >>3891937
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no hate, but all the satake ships that are not with isami are more interesting, especially satake/plumman
but you can't really beat the mentor/pupil dynamic
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Previous: >>3836570

You WILL keep Evangelion threads alive
You WILL enjoy the series
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Which one?
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kaji, preferably
New bread?

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It's still maid day
Post boys and men in maid uniforms

P.S. report any derailing/talk about trannies, don't respond kthx.
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disgusting quality, but I forgive you
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I should've payed more attention to that before clicking post. Whoopsie hehe :)

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Previous thread >>3902317
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What's wrong with it?
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August. Just a month away.
>attention whoring retards bumping the old thread because some posts got deleted

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happy halloween!
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what's the original (with background) image?
there's only sky in the background, originally
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Rider, Sentai, Garo, Kaiju, it's all good here
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Last thread: >>3841664

/co/ refugee camp
non-/a/ generally welcome
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Just watched Exchange Student Zero, the two MCs are ugly cute
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I miss gotham threads
Strange but shockingly common case of an artist with an extremely strong vibe of basic straight guy with basic unquirky taste in cartoon women who just happens to have a pretty absurd hit rate for making quality /cm/ when he bothers drawing boys. He draws girls well, but the boys are great.
Why does this keep happening?
I see it so fucking often: the gayest bitches on the planet make designs for hot guys, and they're kinda disgusting homogenized hypersexualized beefcake with no real allure or personality, but on the rare occasion that they draw a gaggle of token girls, they'll be so cute and pretty and charismatic, while he straightest guys on the planet make these dogwater horny pin-ups of superheroines who look more rubber than human, but then they make the most kissable dudes and god-tier shotas.
What is it about being horny for something that makes certain people worse at drawing that exact thing? I don't know the answer, but I think it lies in the same region that explains why fetish artists are usually so terrible
Fatigue from always drawing/imaginating the same?
Think automation.

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Happy 18th birthday Mother 3 edition
Previous thread: >>3731744
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What are they playing?
Custer's Revenge

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