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18 years later, they finally released the full soundtrack of Gundam Stargazer https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mAddscsXpXajSZlOTpRmdCJKO2fY-B0uM&si=vxPOoTctfPHLmS2Q
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>Faggot OP is shilling his youtube channel on /m/ instead of just posting the file share link of its proper rip.
it's a Youtube Music release, not a channel
Damn, that's sucks, I guess we should settle with these 128kbps AAC rip since Bandai doesn't give any shit about SEED series that doesn't feature Kira inside it.
Youtube rip if anyone interested, grab it while you can:

What is the consensus of /m/ on this one ?
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weird, i've never noticed this in other 80s movies ive seen
SDF Macross
Macross Do You Remember Love
Macross Flashback 2012 (it's just musical clips but if you really liked the series it's a nice short watch)
That's all that there is from the original series. Then you have:
Macross II, 6 OVAs IIRC
Macross Plus, 4 OVAs and a movie version of them with a few minutes added (worth it if you really liked the OVAs)
Macross 7, which is 49 or so episodes, then Encore, The Galaxy is Calling Me and finally 4 OVAs called Dymanite, which everyone says is the best version of 7
Macross Zero, a prequel
Macross Frontier, 26 episodes and 2 movies
Macross Delta, TV series and 2 movies I believe
Horrible dub and horrible quality, but it has the actual music of the movie and they use the actual names of the characters.
>which everyone says is the best version of 7
It's a sequel you fucking retard.
People have ripped the whole dub and paired it with better video.


A lot of kids saw the edited for time and violence version. There was two versions of nearly everything Peregrine Films licensed to Celebrity Home Entertainment like this so you could have cut or uncut Dallos, the Baldios Movie, Locke the Superman, etc.


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The funny thing is, Great DOES have a theme in the movie, but its so short that it's unusable.
Kira literally did nothing wrong.
too bad Switch version doesn't have custom OST feature.
Why did they skip the Steam release of T?

I loved putting Beyond the Time in V and X and other songs
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As a Seed and Destiny fan myself.... Incorrect? He did a few wrongs.

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Opinion on the south korean gacha girl mecha, /m/ ?
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company keeps flipflopping on censorship. and they never roll it back either. stellar blade being censored even more is my final nail in the coffin. I will never support anything that rides on the culture war ands jews you off asses. I got koikatsu if I want to fap, and atleast it's free and forever.
>um actually chink censorship is le based and super hot okay?
Even though coomer mobages don't exactly attract the best people, it's still actually depressing to see people think like this in the current day, after countless examples of various media, imported or original, getting altered and censored for no reason other than to please you-know-who, and people encourage each other to eat it up because it doesn't personally offend them. It's one thing to have no power over what happens in the industry, but to teach oneself to enjoy it? You will choose to continue consuming mobages, you will not question what happens to it, you will win the victory over yourself, you will love the big brother.
And this is only about chink mobages being forcefully shilled on a board where it don't belong in the first place. Go cope somewhere else.
>inb4 um actually it's so funny and hilarious to see people tell me to leave
You're talking to thin air, anon. The image comparison is straight up a lie, and the skin were getting next week is a girl practically naked full frontal, there's no "the Jews don't want me to cum!" here. Plus Emma getting a shirt or not she still canonically gives you a titjob in her bond story. Twice even, once in a hotspring and then once in the shower
didn't know they added mecha, guess i'll pick it up again. the girls are nice too
very nice design, although i think the feet should be bigger and the pilot should have more protection. been thinking about picking up PGR again so i might do it once i'm less busy
good design
as usual stuck in worthless media
oh well, at least someone had fun

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> J.Lo piloting a mecha
>Simu Liu as the bad guy

These fake movies keep getting faker by the day
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>From the director that watched their kid play like 20 minutes of Titanfall
Duel you don't have to simp for JayLo by samefagging your trashy slop all over the board. Stop replying to yourself already.
This was pretty refreshing after transformers One made me puke, Mech is kinda cute too
the mecha design is fine, but the dialogue is grating
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It is now Yu-Gi-Oh thread

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Relena is handsome
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The Romefeller group were really, really dumb.
>kidnap Relena and force her to be their spokesman
>Relena gives speech about peace
>Romefeller stooges are dumbfounded
>"Woah... peace. That's what we were fighting for too!"
>they make Relena their leader
I must be misremembering that plotline. It can't possibly be this retarded.
they basically wanted her as a figure head to justify the formation of a one world government. she is a charismatic peace princess of a literal peace kingdom and rommefeller intended to use her abilities as a pr buff.
>I must be misremembering that plotline. It can't possibly be this retarded.
Yep, that's basically how it goes. The only two people in Romefeller who really wanted global domination were Tsubarov and Dermail, both of which die within an episode or two before and after Relena is crowned as queen. Everybody else in Romefeller were too old, senile, or cowardly to stand up to Dermail and Tsubarov, and just went with the flow because they were getting bullied into it by the two.

Treize is generally loyal to Romefeller, but he wasn't the type to challenge Tsubarov or Dermail because he wasn't interested in power. Treize was actually just fine going along with the world domination plan until he objected to large scale use of mobile dolls.

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Is Big-O considered "so retarded it's good"?
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Americans love Big O though?
We love having and giving The Big O.
There wasn't any setup, there was never any expectation that the world or its situation would ever be properly explained. It was explained only because the contract demanded an explanation. The mystique was part of what made it so good, and any explanation would only negatively impact the mystique, but the director made a judgment call and decided it was better to have more Big O even if it ruined the mystique. I think he ultimately made the right call because even if the ending isn't anything special, it still delivered a ton of great content that would have never been made otherwise.
Its honestly one of the better /m/ shows out there.

When I was younger I used to not like the second season's ending, but the more I rewatch the show and the older I get the more I respect it. Think about it, Big O was never really about "solving the big mystery", it was about the characters and how they deal with the roles they were given in this stageplay. The setting itself was interesting, sure, but it was interesting because it was mysterious and full of unanswered questions. Having the show end on a climactic, apocalyptic battle that resets the timeline, resets the stage and its actors, except with the characters potentially having new memories from the former cycle so they can do "better" this time, while not explaining all the mysteries away is an infinitely better outcome than rushing to give us an explanation to everything. Way too many shows do that and it ends up just deflating the entire thing. Knowing how it ends doesn't ruin season 1 or 2 of Big O for me.
lmao even

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Was he a bad guy?
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Rustal was the one that hired Galan Mossa, that bearded mercenary guy, to attempt to assassinate PM Makanai and Chad in order to start and maintain the border war between Arbrau and the SAU to discredit McGillis and got a bunch of Tekkadan's Earth branch killed.

I love McGillis' last fight simply because it allows him to go full mask-off. You can tell that he was waiting for that exact moment for years. No more keeping up appearances as a member of the Fareed family, and no pretending to be the leader of a revolution with noble intentions. He just lets loose and wreaks complete havoc. It's a shame that he got too caught up in it, because if he'd divebombed Rustal's ship from the start then he would have, at the very least, been able to deny Rustal his victory.
>Geist would probably joyride in Hashmal.
He'd find a way to find more mobile armors. Unleash them on the world. Sabotage all the dansliefs in existence, because they make things boring. Watch the chaos, then proceed to go mobile Armor hunting. He also wouldn't bother using a mobile suit of any sort, too easy.
I love Geist so much. He's just unapologetically awesome. He'd fight MA with nothing but his grenade knife and maybe the grapnel/harpoon rifle he uses early on in the first OVA.
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Geist: Rustal!
Rustal: BUT HOW!?
Geist: Now.. We continue!

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Would Crossbone getting an anime make it really popular?
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Its story was written by Tomino himself.So it’s basically as authentic as Hathaways Flash.
Plus, I lost count how many gunplas and action figures of them existed.
It wasn’t written by him. He wrote an outline for it and Hasegawa deliberately didn’t follow it. But they kept his name for marketing purposes.
He was doing monthly updates for a bit before giving up and letting Hasegawa go with it. At what point, who can say.
Whywould Bandai bother with a Crossbone anime? The kits are already selling very well.
>implying the japs wouldn't just buy more crossbones and F91s.
Marketing really does a number to otaku.

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