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Post zams
appreciate zams
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>>Nemo Virsago
Very cool.
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Name this team
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It's only the v2 buster dumbass
Promo stuff. Starting out, they heavily focused how they'd have original animation of 0079 era Gato, Char v Amuro at Gibraltar, Moon Gundam, etc. Then they did a big Char/Amuro retrospective. Now they're promoting upcoming late-UC focus.
Funnily this month's welfares in NA are starting into the CCA era variants with FA Engage Plan A and Psycom Test Zaku III
I miss Inmu.... cannot listen to Omanko spirit in full version with each girl's part-duet to Chorus. Hahahaha omanko kimochi^~
I only saw V2 as AB type in most games.

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Rinne's the daughter of the previous great alchemic hero and the creator of Hotarou's Gotchardriver.

i think she's special enough already.
>No, we've already seen what Rinne looked like as a child.
The homunculi are based on real people, doesn't mean they need to be literally equal to their templates.
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So apparently China leaked the first 3 episodes of Gavv already. Did any of you manage to catch it?
The guy didn't make the videos public, so all we have are a few stills. Check /krg/

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is it good ? I've been warned about emulating it
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>>22714427 1 feels like an extended tutorial/ prologue for part 2. I always hoped that if they remade it that they'd be combined, with part 1 shortened.

>Get to the end of zoe2
>Nohman gives his "destruction to end all" speech
> That voice sounds familiar
> Credits
> Nohman- Roger L Jackson
>Pic related

I am morbidly curious what kind of shit show happened with the dub. I'm not sure about the other English vas but that motherfucker knows how to emote.
Okamura, the original director/writer of ZoE1, wanted to make a remake/enhanced remaster of the game. But ZoE2MARS sales in 2018 were abyssal. So this plan died for now.

As for the English dub, fun fact : the original dev team extremely loved it.
Yes but you will live a life yearning for more ZoE afterward.
>the original dev team extremely loved it
tbf I've heard this a few times about different series and it turned out what actually happened is they heard it at a convention or something and said "yeah that's cool man".
Some staff actually were there in the recording booth

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Bad Redesigns
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>you sound like that thing that never happened
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>They looked too close to the classic designs and feel like the designer wanted to spite the design with his own "improvements" instead of trying to make something entirely new.
Then you're a retarded EOP. They initially started with incredibly dynamic and distinctly different Rider 1 designs and over time it literally whittled its way back into just being a slightly more greebly version of the original because it turns out that design is just perfect as is.
It's not an attempt to cynically "improve" a design, it's just outright Kamen Rider carcinization. The ultimate Kamen Rider design is the original. It's even discussed in the Design Works book, if you weren't an EOP you'd kow this.
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It's literally just the Tohl Narita concept art, you gay retard.
It always kind of bugs me when someone tries to "fix" the Turn A by giving it a more traditional head and doing almost nothing else to it. It always clashes really hard with the overall more rounded curves and smooth panels the rest of the body has. The Turn A Shin is probably the best attempt because it at least tries to balance it with other new parts.
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Shoulda asked this a whole while ago prior to my trip to japan desu.

I've visited the 1:1 Scopedog(& the other Okawara statues there), 1:1 Unicorn, Hetare Gramps, 1:1 Gigantor, and the 1:1 Nu.
Unfortunately I've missed the opportunity to visit moving gramps but I do plan on visiting the veritech fighter at the tokyo skytree.

There any other /m/ecca pilgrimages I can make?
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That's Hyper Zeta designed by Kazumi Fujita. I don't think it's ever appeared in any media but it's been a popular subject for garage kit's since the 80's. I believe it has no wave rider mode and I wish Bandai would make an RE100 fir it.
Fujita's Tyrant Sword design getting a plastic kit would be awesome as well.
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Which /m/ work had the best captains?
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I watched it for Tatiana, and Tatiana only, so can't really complain.
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My favourite captain is a Titans guy, not a big fan of the Titans but I loved Gady. He was a pretty competent fleet officer.
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Standard military issue ZR

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Galaxy Force was the last good Transformers show desu
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I think we should make a separate thread dedicated to hating on them. It’s about time we tear that shithole down.
Is it just TFwiki or does anyone else in the fandom share this mentality?
Hard to say because TFWiki inadvertently spoon feeds opinions to people who don't feel like watching things to form their own opinions.
Transformers Animated and Prime were good.

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Why was there a big space tuna in SDF Macross?
You are the stupidest mother fucking person on this entire godforsaken hellhole of a website
Even stupider than that guy from that other thread?

>industrial machinery
What is the common link between all these, and why is it so appealing to men? I've noticed that it's almost universal men will be into at least one, if not most of these things.
But why?
>because it's fuckin cool
I know, but there must be a deeper reason
What say you anon?
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>it's crazy
Men are attracted to dangerous machines, women are attracted to dangerous animals.
It's an extension of power and beauty and sometimes is intellectually stimulating and connects to the souls of men.
shame on you for forgetting the /m/ national anthem
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We need another mecha ecchi anime.
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Did they make her tits and ass bigger than it is in the show?
For me it's Mikoto.
Noriko's pubes, that is all.
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Why do people like Cagalli? She's written horribly and never does anything.
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He might just hate the cosmic era and wants to make threads annoying in an attempt to curtail SEED threads
Until Hathaway 2 comes out and he starts scatposting on those threads.
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New releases on Mondays (usually)

McDonalds collab
Plastic Rail CW Phantom Shinkalion

Previous talk
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The recap is chronologically between ep 12 and 13 but was there a reason they couldn't air it in that order? Didn't seem like it revealed much.
I think it's because SRG feels like an endgame power-up that makes Erda Vehicles obsolete. Once all models come out, they will abandon Erda Vehicles and go ham on the SRG variations, as it only needs three Shinkalion to perform. Basically, it's the Shinkalion Trinity, but with more freedom than the original.
The new guy didn't give a good first impression to me. I've never liked how the student council president has the highest authority in Japan after the prime minister either.
He's an inflexible dweeb. His character design is uninspired, too. He just looks like a background character.

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They literally talk about the "mistakes of the universal century " in the show and they do it ALOT
It's even in the first episode.
>You forget that the Fed government genuinely does not give a shit what it's population thought.
I know that but that's what I mean when I say how the war went in-universe is not how it would go irl. Everyone says this about undemocratic/oligarchic/authoritarian systems but it just isn't true past a certain point. There are levels of public discontent that even Totalitarian leaders have to be wary of less another powerful leader in the state uses that uproar to remove them and install themselves in power. Not to mention that the death count from the Zeon attacks was so high even the ruling class would have been affected. There's no case of "Only the poors died" here, The rich would themselves be equally pissed the fuck off and bloodthirsty, and also now see Zeon as an existential threat to their power. I guess what I'm saying is there would have never been an Antarctic Treaty, Side 3 would have been nuked in a glowing debris field the minute the colony fell, Hell they definitely would have done it when M'Quve used one. which also negates the factor of the Fed military being exhausted. Honestly SEED was right to technobabble away nukes because it rightly figured that no amount of Antarctic Treaties would stop the bloodlust of the backstory they wrote. In hindsight Tomino should have just said some bullshit about "Minovsky Particles turn off nukes" or something.
Actually now that I think about what's the status of Nukes in each setting barring the already mentioned UC and CE?
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the good 'ole Zaku II
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En taro Deikun(For deikun), Templari por Munzo!!(We shall retrieve Side 3)- Zeon dialect

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How did Cosmic Era end up in the state it's in?

It's the biggest AU after UC. It continued to get games for years after its two TV series ended, manga series after manga series, an ONA, a feature film that broke franchise records. It's no exaggeration to say it's fucking huge - but it only seems to be liked within Japan.

Japan adores Cosmic Era. They rank SEED among their top 3 Gundam works, SEED Destiny seems to consistently place near Turn A in rankings, SEED Freedom outperformed most contemporaneous anime flicks. Yet in the west, the only generally liked CE work seems to be Stargazer, which Japan doesn't regard anywhere near as well.

It goes beyond that. We deride Jesus Yamato, they put him right after Amuro and Char. SEED Destiny production horror stories and drama take up a lot of the western discourse, but are virtually unknown to the typical Japanese fan. The west hates SEED Destiny, Japan genuinely loves it. I'm just wondering, why?
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I think that Seed did a lot of the right things at the time to get as big as it did. The music was great, the character drama resonated with a lot of the younger people it was trying to captivate. The show was basically lightning in the bottle and It came out at the right time. I don't know if it would have been as big as it is now if it came out in this current day and age.
Even by Japanese standards, SEED is very... saccharine in its naivete. If it came out today, I think it would fail. The world and media have become very dark and jaded, and the message that Lacus presents would fall flat.

The first half of SEED and the first half of Destiny would probably do pretty well overall, but it's the back half that's weak and, unfortunately, that's the half with the message that the show ultimately tries to run with rather than the premises that it starts on. Fears about genetic manipulation and the lingering scars of war are way more interesting concepts than Lacus Clyne's empty platitudes and Kira's slavish devotion to them.
English comments tend to be, “after this the show went to hell”, “it’s so satisfying to see Kira taken down a notch”, “how the hell did Kira survive getting impaled and blown up?”
Japanese comments I’ve seen are more like, “after this, Des (what they call GSD) starts getting more interesting”, “Kira did amazing but Shinn had every advantage and the will to win”, and so on. They seem to generally be way more fond of it. Even when there’s a Japanese comment asking how Kira survived, when they get the explanation, they’re more likely to roll with it.
Yeah I don't get it. Wish we got more 00 and WfM stuff instead.

Hell, a new FC entry would be sick too.
Interesting. Thanks anon.

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