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I was talking to a friend and he mentioned something about how theres a gundam manga where all the mecha are gijinka'd into anime girls? Is this true? What is it called?
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What's your favorite pilot suit, /m/?

Love from India
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Full body skintight suits like plugsuits that cover the body except they expose gentials
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for me it's the original Gypsy Danger suits, the white ones.
Pacific Rim did have nice suits
Nice point for using the visors for variety
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Who was in the wrong here?
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This retard >>22582367
Who was in the wrong here?
If it's just one unit, shouldn't it be the Tallgoose?
You "spamming fuck off" in harmless threads is basically a template as this point you shitter
Wasn't the Tallgeese infamous for having low sales?

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>car thread deleted despite being on topic and people having fun in it
>/pol/ bait, spam and template shit all stay up for weeks until they are bumped off by more bait, nonsense threads no one posts in or spam again
Okay if a fucking ferrari isn't /m/ for the jannies then how about this?
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It looks like something you'd build with legos.
It's very 70's.
I always thought it was funny that only a few Galvion robots have wheels that end up near their heels, but even then they just fly around all the time. Or even use the tires as rocket thrusters.
Super cool art!

--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Hi-ν Gundam/Nightingale - Double Funnel (MAP)
Neo Granzon - Gravitron Cannon (MAP)
Gundam 00 Raiser - TRANS-AM Continuous Attack

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How was this game?
>finally playing through ogs
>hell yes srx formation this is rad
>bullet doesn't have mercy and even the vulcans are killing the grungust
fuck you bullet why are you ruining this for me you worthless shitsack
Gundam vs Gundam but with an SRW OG coat of paint and the Granzon is super busted

I got the Platinum in it
Big jank, I got it with Dark Prison so I don't regret it though. A lot of outright broken/untested shit.
Next Thread


ITT: "Fuck you, I liked it"
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the head on this thing looks so out of place
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A more recent example.
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Even the first half.

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What am I in for?
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>talking about Gundam an anime
Meaning what, exactly? Is this one of those weeaboo things where you can't compare anything unless it's from Grorious Nippon? Especially since Gundam has stolen elements from Star Wars from day one, up to and including SEED?

In case it wasn't clear, >>22578248's defense is that Freedom is doing well in the box office, which is a bunch of crap when a similar phenomenon happened with the execrable Disney Star Wars movies.
NTA. But you've got some serious brain rot.
>But you've got some serious brain rot.
NTA you refer to but people like you are the reason we have zombie franchises
>not adjusted for inflation
Yes, marketing and media shills are retarded, but anons can and should do better
How? He's literally comparing two massive sci Fi media franchises, and you're acting like his point is moot because they're different mediums. The term "brain rot" in and of itself is indicative of spending too much time online. You have no argument. I'm not one for debating people online, but the Star Wars anon is making a good point.

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I'm watching the dub and it feels nostalgic and comfy. Nothing says late '90s/early aughts sci-fi anime like benign fanservice, a futuristic, spacefaring setting, and slightly tinny sounding Canadian voices.
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Forte is best girl
If you ask me, it's very cartoonish. But in a good way
This type of anime (Tenchi Muyo, Sakura Wars) is surprisingly good. It helps that they cared about the wordbuilding and /m/ stuff rather than just the girls -- I especially appreciate how the Sakura Wars anime did this. I also think Galaxy Angel was one of the last cel-animated /m/ shows, the last being Astro Boy 2003.
It gets really good in seasons 3 and 4
somebody please mention the games.. they're great. the combat RTS minigame is just pure thrilling enjoyment

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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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Mine open inwards and if I have the spray booth in front of them, I can't open them far enough to fit the duct in there. They're triple glazed windows so the frames are stupdily thick.
Seconding the dspiae st-a nippers, they’re single-bladed like the godhands and I’ve not had any issues with my pair in 30+ kits for flush, second cuts
If you mean the parts on the left, on the backpack, they look like generic double male/male and female/female C-Clips. You get a couple of them in most of the accessory packs.
New thread

>Knocked Out (Might rename Battle-Scarred)
please don't, that completely changes the theme from disabled/abandoned mechs to a bunch of shit battle damaged mechs.

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My Resolution
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Finished Gundam X. Ennil and Lancerow should've gotten Gundams.
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Ennil was going to get her own Gundam but it was scrapped for some reason.

How do you rate the show out of 10?
Gave it 7 on MAL. I dunno if I have lower standards for Gundam or higher ones, it's the same rating I gave to G, Wing and The Origin.
>Origin, a literal meme-bait garbage, has the same rating as GWX
The animation's good, the cast is really fun, and I know better than to take anything seriously in terms of continuity. It's like if Rogue One wasn't garbage.

New AoZ thread, hopefully we'll get new stuff while this one is active. In the meantime, have a MS Girl Hazel-Rah.
--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries
>scans of some of the earlier entires
>samples of the ongoing manga
>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.
>another page with their stuff
>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one
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>But in a way part of the fun is figuring out this kinda stuff I think

Well in that case, my guess is that they're super sized versions of the Hizack's own missile pods.
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are these by Gyobu?
no, Tsukasa Kotobuki. He's a mecha and character designer that made a side story manga or two in the past
really? It feels like he's at least imitating Gyobu's style, just look at the back skirt or the thrusters. This thing is pretty much an enlongated G-self
there's some design similarities to G Reco but I think a big part of that is just the unusual (for UC) shapes and heavy use of black shadows like Gyoubu's stuff.

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Aw man 'member Gargantia
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You can't expect lot of genetic diversity from a group afraid of mutation and constantly reducing the pool of what count as acceptable since that reasoning would make them act like Evolvers.

But it is however imaginable that only the disposable non-citizen soldiers are subject to this treatment.
Throw line mention the Galatic Alliance isn't one entity and there's other group.
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>I just wish Chamber wasn't so chibi
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Interesting, this proves a line in the sequel novels that humanity has spread over a good chunk of the Milky. It takes place 6500 or so years from now
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Is Gundam Crossbone the wildest Gundam manga series? Look at this shit. I kinda wanna read it but I don't know if it's good.
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I'm not going to bother looking at the archive, and I'm just going to assume this is a gay ghostbumped and/or necro bumped thread.
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can you give me name of manga?

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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
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Are there higher quality scans of Go than what's on Mangadex (pic)?
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Unless this somehow looks better to you, no
Does the G anime go full ham with Hidler or that was all made up for SRW?
Made up for SRW. Toei's Hidler is a fairly generic villain that happens to look like Hitler (no crazy German accent either) and manga Hidler is barely there.
Ikuzo, Musashi

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I miss when tokusatsu was like this. Where are all the hot chicks? Where are the swimsuits and panty shots? Where are the AV second in command villainessess dressed in fetish gear!
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Liking pussy is not gay if if you watch it for straight sex, or monster or tentacle sex in the case of magical girl or Sentai parody JAVs or hentai.
There were no agencies in the 60-80s?
Not OP, but those are just a recent return, which is why Yodonna felt special. But there was a long streak where they weren't any.
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They became potatoes

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