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Previous thread >>22747522
-Check out nyaa/anidex, KRDL and the pastebin before posting requests.
-If only posting an image, pop the name/title/source/whatever in the filename or post.
-If you find yourself asking "Is it /otg/?", it probably is.

>Metal Hero, Garo and Misc toku DDL
>Rare Tokusatsu Blog
>Stuff archived from Hi no Tori Subs (See the paste for Mitsurugi and Andro Melos, KRDL for Wecker and Bereke Scrubs for remastered Tekkouki Mikazuki)
>Big tokusatsu google document
>Other links of interest
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There's also a manga adaptation starting in Ultra Jump... yes it's a manga adaptation of a live-action adaptation of a manga
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>make a new redesign for Maid Butler for the new season
>make it barely recognizable to the original
>double down and say that this is Maid Butler going forward, no name to differiante it from the original and even have them say it in a stream that they are just "Maid Butler"
>don't intend to bring back the old one anytime soon
>two years later, bring back the original Maid Butler for some stageshows for a few special occassions
>then the original Maid Butler keeps showing up in events, to the point of even getting a starring role in one stageshow in 2023
>continue to keep appearing now and now both Maid Butlers are given the names of "Maid Butler Red Rose" and "Maid Butler Blue Rose" to tell them apart

Lol, talk about changing your tune.
How much actual rescuing do they do in Rescue Fire? I finished GoGo V recently and the rescue scenario episodes in the first half were genuinely exciting to watch, but then they drop that in the 2nd half.

What are some ecchi mecha anime like Goddanar and Cross Ange?
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That already sounds fucking awesome.
Is this official art?
Anna's got a cute butt.

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Why do so few /m/ related stories take place around Saturn? Nearly everything is the Moon, Mars, or Jupiter.
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Please tell me wtf is onscreen rn?
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Second one was Jupiter quietly getting humanity up to par. Third would have been 1000 years later when humanity is in conflict with another race. Fourth would have been Jupiter realizing it was all a bad idea and should have left humanity the way it was.
From Jupiter Ascending, bounty hunters ship. Here, have the Siblings stand in Asian girl, she of the No Tits.
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Saturn you say?
Forgot the pic (T_T)

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What are your hopes for Shin Sakura Wars 2?
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Am I the only one who prefers selfcontained stories? You beat it, it's done, you got a satisfying story, and you move on with your life. Hate these modern never ending soap operas with no payoffs.
I don't mind self-contained stories; but I would enjoy the occasional duology or trilogy. I agree that too many sequels reusing the same cast can get dull fast,esp. if the series is cancelled or aborted partway through the long tale. But a planned out 2-3 game series with a good plot? I wouldn't mind that. Esp. in the case of Valkyria Chronicles, given the massive war fronts to pick from.
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If these are good and interesting stories, then why not? Alternatively, a long and detailed story of the "ascent" of the main character, but without a stupid increase in the level of forces - the main thing is that he wins with intelligence and organization.

As for the Chronicles of the Valkyria, the 1st and 2nd parts were quite interesting and integral + they were interconnected with each other. And I would really like to play for the Empire and get to know it in more detail, besides, there was an opportunity to command Selvaria in the extra levels of the first part ... But instead we have a fucked up 3rd about some penal battalion that no one gives a shit about (and seeing their black uniform at first I hoped for the imperials - how disappointed I was :( Then the 4th about the fucking federals - these stereotypical and boring "warriors of light and champions of good" in the name of democrapy (ugh)

As for the Sakura Wars, I wonder what happened to the Paris Division, for example, and what is happening in the world during the missing time (Russia, China, India, etc.) - wars and uprisings could hardly have magically disappeared even with the appearance of demons, and the anti-Japanese policy of the West would not have gone away even with the adoption of some amorphous peace-loving policy by the government in Tokyo after the incident with the military. In addition, if the Japanese really do have powerful artifacts and advanced technologies, they will be subject to pressure from the same USA (I think this issue was touched upon in the full-length film).

In short, it would be interesting to look at the "dark" version of the Sakura Wars with the combat use of Spirit Armor and technologies based on them against, say, that army of armored demons from the full-length film, somewhere in Southeast Asia.)
I just want an Imperial side with a QT Yggdrist worshipper who appears to be borderline lesbian for the titular Valkyria of the respective game.

Previous thread:

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Recommended Anime torrent and ddl sites:


>https://www.acgnx.se/ (torrent mirror/scraper)
>https://animetosho.org/ (eng anime, torrent mirror, subs)
>https://animk.info/xdcc/ (XDCC index)

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>speed racer live action is peak /m/
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Ruby was the most important character in Roze of the Recapture.
I want dumb fags who don't care about mecha to fuck off?
I specifically want this dumb ape to get educated and never interact with me ever again.

I do agree that I want regular meat men piloting the big mechanical thing though.

How is it not (peak) /m/? If you don't like the movie then fine but to say it's not /m/ is just wrong. And sure, it's not the best adaptation of Mach GoGoGo but it's a really fun movie and it objectively fits the criteria of what /m/ is about. People in a mechanical thing beating other people in mechanical things. It's quite simple really. I firmly stand by the idea that mecha just means mechanical and that as long as it's a thing that could be piloted it belongs on this board as much as anything else.
The one thing I'm iffy about is powersuits because I think they're not as cool and usually not visually very mechanical looking and they're not really piloted unless you think being a human is your brain piloting your body or something.

New episodes on Fridays/Saturdays.
Please be aware that official english subs are of poor quality. Proper fansubs might take a while to be available

Previous talk
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His past was in the episodes they wrote but cut out.
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sasuga saudi oil baron money
>Duped us into thinking Maria might steal Koji from Sayaka
>It was all a distraction for the grand reveal of Tirona stealing Duke's innocence from Rubina
>>Duped us into thinking Maria might steal Koji from Sayaka
No they didn't.

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Watching Age for the first time, enjoying it so far
I like the concept, and the main mobile suits have some interesting ideas, and it seems like a perfect way to get kids introduced to Gunpla with all the different forms

The dub is fucking atrocious though, like seriously bad
Does anyone else think this is why it failed as a series?
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Are you? Putting aside that the plan was rejected on various grounds, and that the actual plan enacted was essentially the opposite by fiscally empowering Germany to the point it's still benefitting today as one of the world's superpowers, the Morgenthau Plan didn't call for genocide and was more about demolishing Germany's industrial infrastructures to ensure it couldn't be a major combatant again in future. A plan that was projected to create a famine, but was not actually geared towards it. Again though, rejected in favor of actually helping Germany because Hitler and WWII were basically proof that trying to punish a nation for a past war was kind of a bad idea and just stoked a hatred guaranteeing future conflict.
bit of a hail mary, but does anyone here have a video of age's third intro?
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Might wanna trying /wsg/
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AGE's entire issue is that Bandai was sold on the misguided belief that some game studio's idea would make Bandai millions more than what they made with 00. On top of that, Bandai was in a highly experimental mood trying to push multiple ideas that were simply too advanced for the time.

- Gunpla with RFID tags to scan into a game. Good concept, but the lack of game support and the inclusion of such tags caused the cost of AGE Gunpla with them to be anywhere from 1.2 to 1.5x more than Non-AGE Gunpla. Later replaced the RFID tags with in-box codes to cut down on cost.
- Tried to aim at young boys with "Baby Grade" Gunpla that were basically just arms/legs/torso that also had RFID tags to interact with the G-AGEing device. Another good concept, except again it only worked with like 3-4 toys and the AGE Arcade units meant to be at toy stores and arcades.
- Tried to push a massive game that was hoped to draw in the same crowds other Level 5 games did. Instead was delayed a year or more and came in too late for anyone to care, despite the few players stating it had a better storyline than the anime and would have been worth a playthrough.
- Bandai believed the director's idea that selling the worst and most basic-looking Wears as kits while teasing all the cool ones in the game would entice players to buy the game then vote on what Wears they wanted kits of afterwards. Instead, it just led to a mostly forgettable series of Gunpla.

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>Char Aznable is an AYSSS MUNCHA.
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>He was gay? Quattro Bagina?
>that play icon in the middle of your jpg
fuck you, shitposter, stop making me fall for that.
Did you know that someone wrote "gullible" on your room's ceiling, Anon?
Look, I only read the file extension AFTER I opened the picture, okay? It's your fault for making it look like a webm.
I'm sorry Anon...
The wool was pulled over your eyes again...

Can we had thread like this?, it gets me hard for no reason
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Manga translated never-
wait that's not the manga
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Now you gotta make a Sailor Zaku, it's obligatory.

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ITT we post robots designed for construction.
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Hitachi? As in the sex toy? Or is that a different company that makes those?

have you noticed char drinks tea, while on the other hand quattro drinks coffee in episode 10 of zeta we see quattro bajeena (char..) getting coffee from a tea/coffee vending machine

whereas we see char drinking tea out of fancy cups in his fancy ass zeon deikun esque uniform

what af ag
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Those spacenoid genes are doing him WONDERS!
Are women living around higher gravity planets fatter? I am being serious.
They'd probably have to be leaner, wouldn't they? Fat deposits don't maintain the body's structure like muscle and bone, and higher gravity directly correlates to more caloric energy being needed to move that mass around so i guess they'd be stockier nut with lower bodyfat
Charles Aznavour was a hit singer in the 70's
>Tomino named his fascist space ace villain after a man who saved Jewish children in the Holocaust
>refers to Liverpool as 'that small town'
>all sorts of other incongruencies.

Is this man doing it for a weird joke? Or just weird?

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I feel like those shoulder cannons need to be more powerful than just firing ordinary green beams.
Can't upstage Jesus, even if his new Freedom is battery powered and should barely be able to manage the full burst.
Those feel like some fucking Mack Cannons or something tbdesu.
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Yeah, which is why the newer Baleenas also fired green beams instead of the multicolored shots
sexo with kagalli > lacus = kira > athrun

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/m/echa slide thread
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You said the quiet part loud man.
>/m/ is the only board I've ever seen this mentioned
Go back predditor.
This is a very common opinion. That being said, I did enjoy seeing tech improve over the show and seeing Knightmares go from being mobile tanks to being what you would normally expect from a mech.
if you are reffering to the guy saying that women dislike mecha (me) i didnt made this thread, i learned my lesson
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Yeah, lots of women watch Gundam, Eva, Pacific Rim, Code Geass, etc. Turns out having hot pilot chicks in your show (as opposed to muttoid trannies) makes it easier for women to self-project onto, who woulda thunk? If Blackrock got that memo instead of doubling down on their DEI nonsense, they'd be rolling in dough by now, not actively losing trillions by the day on all of their investments.

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"I generally enjoyed-"
this is nearing zetarager levels of autism
It's not?
I dont know. I also don't know why they bothered teasing Suletta and Guel for like 3 episodes in the second season (more than what Miorine got). Just a red herring, I guess.
It's by far the least developed/explored Gundam setting.
>"bitch from mercury"
>posts this phrase in /e/
>gets a week long ban

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Ple! Ple! Ple!
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Used goods.
god I wish I was her
Just like all the other Purus. At least Marida wasn't groomed by some stupid Gihren wannabe.
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I dont know if Ruby and this brat would be friends.

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