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This is a better end stinger than anything Marvel has given us
Zeta filtered Yas LOL
Tomino is so BASED
this but unironically
why the comparison to capeshit?
but yeah this scene was so good Anno straight up ripped it off for Gunbuster

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>has two insta-win nuclear cannons
>uses hands instead just to send a message
Garrod is so underrated honestly
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I think they cut things that aren't significant to the story like all the action scenes of G-Falcon with Leopard/Airmaster and Frost Brothers getting their upgrade Gundams.
They also wanted to make Amuro's VA be the voice for D.O.M.E but this was scrapped as well.
>Bertigo's Funnels
In universe I just always assumed Gundam X had made anti-beam coating reliable and incredibly easy to mass-produce. It is after the 7th space war after all.
Out of universe its the same team who did Gundam Wing so they're used to drawing Gundams that never get hurt by beams lmao
I dunno, I think Satyricon for example would have had a bigger role to play. At least bigger than getting wiped out 15 after they're introduced. By extension giving Pala more screen time and development, seeing how she's meant to be part of the "new generation" kids with Garrod, Tiffa, Carris. And Kid. Kinda?
>he missed the core of the planet.
He destroyed the core, the problem was he held back because he didn't want to blow up the planet whole sale and risk getting killed in the blast.
they should have rocket punches honestly, fuck this distinction of real and super let me do awesome super moves in gundam games too

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Is it a model kit ad or what?
The usual: background and mecha are done in a different style, which makes the mecha look uncanny.
I remember I once had a dream about a dunbine remake that looked exactly like this, if I've seen it in a dream it must mean we're getting a full series
It's not.
I think it’s way better to do shit like this and make it free to watch than making it for a fucking slot machine.

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Sequel announcement any day now, am I right?
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If anyone is interested in the 3WAY can badge you can buy it from here https://www.tokuma-shop.com/
that 9 month cruise was a one time thing, they made a huge deal out of it and then it turned out to have been kind of poorly planned and soms people went insane and started to investigate other passengers. I don't think they were in the 9 month cruise
they say luxury so idk, could just be 6 months and it's still quite a lot
>When Honoka asks him to marry her, he says, "I'd never do that"
First time I can't be mad at the classical trope of x character who can't read the room and is clueless. I hope Karen can comfort her.

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Happy 50th anniversary, Getter Robo!
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It happened in the non-Getter Saga original publishing as well.
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No, the manga
I thought Yasha or Rando would be the setup for some Hyakki hook, but that went away fast
Then I noticed nothing from G was ever mentioned
Also, what was up with this random Gore looking ninja?
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>Then I noticed nothing from G was ever mentioned
Wrong. I see what you're trying to do but you have failed.
Shit, I forgot how Benkei's armor looked and thought that was Musashi in the new style
>I see what you're trying to do
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You say that like it's a bad thing

I don't know shit about the mobile game but this looks kinda good.
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That sounds gay
This. They had a few cool original units and then never got around to doing much with most of them in game or story because everything new was became either some power creeped crossover representative or some power creeped china stronk themed robot.
sincerely, i have always wanted exactly this. a sprite based/chibi SRW fighting game, ever since i discovered SRW via Alpha 3.

to think that 15 years later someone would actually do this is beyond incredible, the only thing better would be for Bamco to take notice and actually make their own SRW 2d SD fightan. featuring both liscenced series and the OGs.
The China strong mecha have long since faded in the meta world
Really? I think Lu Bu, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun mechs are still good. Not bonkers broken like Mazinger Zero or GGGG, but still strong for most of the content.

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It'd be nice if this tard went away
>dat boy band music
Mazinkaiser always had a dub.
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>one of the most recognizable MS next to Gundam
>haven't appeared post Zeon era
>made a comeback with Zaku Warrior in Cosmic era but doesn't appear in any series afterwards
Why they doesn't make new Zaku in other series?
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GSD was the Gundam 25th anniversary series. There was a bigger push to make grunt suits more striking and iconic. Everything had to pop.
I like that Verdict Day-looking zaku besides the ZAKU Warrior.
I don’t understand why some folks get so nettled about Zeon suits showing up in Sneed. The Gundam isn’t a concept unique to the UC, why should Zakus be?
The Tieren. The Human Reform League's grunt from Gundam 00. It's a really neat take on something Zaku-esque.
I think the main problems are that the designs are way too obvious along with some really dumb acronyms to go with it, and I hope they will eventually reveal the acronyms for GELGOOG and GYAN to see how much further they can go.

ZAKU - Zaft Armored Keeper of Unity
GOUF - Guardian Of Unity Forerunner
DOM - Dauntless Obliterator Magnificent

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So this shit is finally all translated and released. Anybody else read it? Just finished it myself and
thought it was pretty good, by Gundam manga standards that is. It's at its worst whenever it tried to bring up any kind of Unicorn connections since they CAN'T be important because they aren't fucking important in F91 onwards so every single Unicorn callback is entirely half baked and completely inconsequential.

Probably the part I liked the most is the early to middle sections where it really feels like proper mobile suit "testing", wish we got more of that in Gundam.

Biggest question too, does it deserve an adaptation?
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>you're the one that pretended to make a thread about F90FF while actually just making the 50th Unicorn tantrum of the year, that's not my problem
I brought up Unicorn as my only real complaint, you instantly sperged the fuck out here >>22621532
Clearly you're the one who wanted to cry about Unicorn. I'm actually done replying, now go cry on Reddit about how people don't respect Unicorn on 4chan instead.
schizo much?
Wow, Unicorn IDF really are grabbing at any chance to talk about their mediocre show.
tell us more about you liked about the plot
it made Gaia Gear canon again with the Zorin Soul cameo, so based
>tell us more about you liked about the plot
I'm a sucker for Zeta so I really dug Gideon and Liv's father-son dynamic, also while I do think for it to ultimately just be Zeon again as the villain is kind of lame, I did really always like Oldsmobile as a concept and I enjoyed the fact that it brought out what are some pretty reasonable splinter factions for it, all coming together as one big fuck you to the Federation. Also liked some of the glimpses we get towards Mars Zeon, I like the idea of them slowly mellowing out compared to other splinter factions, if they have an entire planet to deal with it feels like it would only make sense for them to slowly over time be less bitter compared to the Zeon remnants stuck in shoal zones or hiding in colonies.

Also guess it's worth mentioning too, do just like Liv as a protagonist, at first I kind of wasn't a fan of the reveal of his origins, but in retrospect it's something that fits in perfectly with later UC.

(now on Crunchyroll)
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>sudden rape scene
Wtf? They really threw everything at the wall like >>22621129 said
>yea, I feel some burn out too, mostly due trying to keep up with coop with people who have way more energy than me
One thing I wish they have is power scaling if youre too high so it would cause you to even out. I coop a ton and i feel bad whenever I coop with lower powered players. Sure I can change my gear but i like the weapon models im using and it would be annoying to dedicate a rogue for each range.
Apparently more content is coming
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you can do it bros
how do you input a rush attack properly on controller? trying to do the lance rush attack into hold button for multiple pokes but I cant see to get it to work, only randomly

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Post fantasy robots
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What was explained in >>22612213 - yes.
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Shit is sci fi bro
literally takes place on Earth
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Earth can be a magical place too.

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>[Popular mecha show] actually focuses on characters instead of the robots
Why is it so easy to bait you fags with this one sentence? Can't you ignore it?
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anyone read any fun doujins lately?
I bought the LNs, where's season 2
And the fat bitch one but I refuse to link it to prevent being known as the fag that posts the fat bitch from WfM doujin.
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Ok, ok take your landwhale and go.

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The first like five episode of this show were genuinely fucking GREAT Wtf happened
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I was watching it and X at the same time and I was really thinking they should've switched story structure. IBO should've been more episodic with the gang tackling a mercenary mission at a time. X should be less episodic and more about the actual plot.
Gjallarhorn are good guys
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Didn't really care much for Tekkadan, just for Gaelio and McGillis.

Also, based GyoubouCHAD slapped those Studio 3 cunts with his hand blessed by TominoGOD. Ebikawa was shook!
Almost all four cour anime is like that. Even since the 80s.
Gaelio and Macky were the only entertaining characters desu.
Well I guess Space Guts and his gf were fine too (even if the plot featuring his little brother was horribly written)

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What are some manga/anime that didn't start out as /m/ but took an /m/ twist at some point in it?
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Gantz is the biggest pile of shit ever but it is fun to read.
The manga is way way way better. Its a wild fucking ride.
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That Isekai Smarthphone novel suddenly turned into /m? outta nowhere and i think thats all it is about now.
Even tho based ichiro itano directed the anime, the manga still shits all over it. Just read the manga already. Its the true experience of gantz.

I'll never, ever put a question mark next to a anime due to what year it was made. This show is fantastic! The little trickle of the crew's past that explains everyone's motives and attitudes, Okita piercing through Gamilus' plans due to sheer will and strategy, the rivalry/friendship between Kodai and Shima. Genuinely tense situations where I sighed a sense of relief once they succeeded. One of the few shows I binged in just two days and that hasn't happened in years.
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>only the first remake had some fan service
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So they hinted at the Arizona making an appearance in the 3199 Beforever Yamato remake. What archetype of Captain would you like to see command the ship?

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