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gbitch sucks
you suck

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Aw man 'member Gargantia
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Man, this looks comfy.
delicious amy butt

perfect ridget breasts
I liked it but still think it was a bit of wasted potential compared to where I wish it could've gone.
It's the curse of one cour seasons. More time to explore and spend on the fleet before we have to rush to the climax always feels like things move too fast. If we had another dozen or so episodes to spend on more, for want of a term, stand alone episodes of Ledo exploring salvage life and the world, getting to know more of the characters better it'd be perfect. People might look at this kind of thing and call it filler but it's also sort of the point. To give you that time to rest and explore.

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Would this concept work well? Star Wars with mecha?
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Hasbro tried something like this back around 2008 with their Transformers and Star Wars crossover line. It had characters piloting giant transforming mechs of themselves. I think the idea worked for faceless/helmeted characters like the clones and droids, but the idea of Luke building a giant mech of himself is a pretty silly one.
Notably, these toys weren't designed by the normal Transformers team, which explains their wonky aspects.
Okay now this is kino
>Don't be so proud of this technological terror you've constructed
>The ability to drop a colony is nothing compared to the power of a newtype

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Mobile Kitty Garfdam: John's Counterattack
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Bright John
Garfield & Friends had a Transformers parody episode:
I mean yeah it’s not that much of a surprise given how it was one of(and still is) the most popular toy lines of the decade alongside an equally iconic show.

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So I started watching this after going through 79', and up to a point I was preferring the original a bit more, but once the Zeta Gundam gets introduced and they change OPs..
I feel like some sort of switch flipped or something, but the writing, animation and a lot of the plot elements have been ramped up. The direction Kamille and Jerrid are going by the time the Titans try to drop a Colony on the moon, they feel like night and day compared to where they used to be.
I know it's been said numerous times in over 40 years, but Zeta Gundam really is one of the best Gundam shows Tomino has ever produced, right next to 79' and Turn A.
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What are you even talking about, retard? OP1 is much better than OP2.

Is that what they say? You seem much more familiar with them than I do, dumbass, why don't you tell the class?

No, because I actually think the first half of Zeta is quite good, but this thread was made by some retarded faggot that thinks the opposite so I only discussed my views on the second half. The first episode is really fast-paced, and the early part of the series is really exciting and interesting as you learn about what's changed since 0079. The biggest negative is that the fights still have shit choreography, but that's not a huge complaint when the other elements are much better. I also don't particularly like Kamille but I find him more insufferable in the second half where he goes through the same fucking Four arc a further three times and has the same reaction every time. Even the OP is awesome. You have to have ADHD to think that the first half of Zeta is too slow paced.
Ironic that the movies implied that all Kamile had to do to not get his brain scrambled was to just confuse Sirocco when he smushes him.
How do I stop being horny for this witch?
>but once the Zeta Gundam gets introduced and they change OPs
I'm watching it right now and I keep asking to myself when does it get good, I'll keep an eye out for that
myself, I started enjoying it when they got to the moon

Why wouldn't they animate this for Zeta's 40th next year? What reason could they possibly have not to?

What kind of lame bullshit are we actually getting instead?
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>Kill: Leina
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Seeing Amuro enjoying his new sports car made me real happy. He just really wants Char to spend more time with other people besides him.
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Fuck until she can't walk then marry.
Ple Two is one of the best characters in this manga

GundamINFO's at it again. They're uploading the whole of Narrative on Friday.
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>replying to namefag tranny
When will newfags learn?
Yeah. The movie is just a weird stopgap thing to shill some gunpla and introduce more weird psychoframe lore. Which is dumb. The more you explain it beyons "weird psychic technology that does stuff we can't explain sometimes" the more retarded it gets.
>complaining about getting more cool robots
If we got a ton of new mecha, I'd gripe less. But we just got variants and retools aside from the Narrative itself.

>Sleeves Sinanju Stein
>Phenex with tassels
>Even more tacticool Jesta
>Dijeh with a new paintjob
Go back

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ITT: We post like it's 1995.
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Wow, Transformers is truly dead! Surely nothing radically different can revive and revitalize it into a toy selling powerhouse again!
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We post like it's 1984.
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Why the fuck are the model kits getting so much worse?
I'm paying 20+ dollar import fees for kits that are somehow lesser in build quality than the war in the pocket kits from 6 years ago.
The fuck is going on? I know the economy over there crashed, but that doesn't mean they just forgot how to make kits.

>pic related
Do you prefer to watch series on VHS or LaserDisc?

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not sure how many of you will remember this one.
Anime drawing books in general? Never seen that book in particular.
Wasn't there one mecha drawing book from the design studio that handles Sentai mecha?
its a mecha drawing book some people here probably had in the early 2000s. it also had some interview and pages dedicated to mechwarrior 4 if i remember right.
Oh, I definitely remember this book. My dad bought it for me when I was, like, six. I loved tracing all the mechs in it. The bits on how to draw different perspectives I can still kind of remember, I think it was actually pretty quality stuff, in terms of general drawing skills.

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... Anddd it's shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a09yJU-mCI
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why does optimus have the fucking pixar wink face
The moment the rustling around High Moon started is when I re-bought both the TF Cybertron games on Steam after having previously had them on Playstation consoles. Because at least on PC they could be kitbash-modded to keep running easily - if needed. Same with Devastation, actually.
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The overly snarky dialog, "yas kween slay" type of story does not always came from millennial writers, but millennial audiences love it. It exploded in popularity since the early 2000s internet.
Megatron has the dull surprise face too.
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And we're back.

Props to the Side 7 Team.

Previous thread:


>Movement Guide

>Game rip, stamps GIFs included (S1, S2, S4H1, S7)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What happened?
SylvieClos wants to block 7v6 games together with her mod friends
What does this even mean? She wants to ban them or she wants to schedule them? First I've heard of this. t. SMOOTHIE_KING, t. Sylvie Clos twitch mod t. banned from tester chat by geg mods
Wait no you called her a funhater so she probably wants to avoid 6v7. Like okay sure but why not 7v7? Sylvie and School are trying to come up with events anyways like "spin the random character wheel" etc.
If people made 7v7s I don't think people would give a shit

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So we almost always talk about fictional mecha here, occasionally dipping into real mecha whenever there's news on that front, but has it ever been established what the first real-life mecha was? Obviously fictional mecha existed in literature as far back as the mid-1800s and then we have film/manga/animated examples like Metropolis, Tetsujin and Astro Boy, respectively. But at what point did man take fictional mecha and use it as an inspiration to construct an IRL fully functional mecha?

For the purposes of this discussion (though obviously we'll stray from it the longer the thread goes), let's define mecha as having a humanoid shape that can walk (not roll on wheels/treads) and has arms and hands/fingers that can manipulate its environment (no excavator buckets or the like), and can move independently of itself without strictly following the commands of its master (no remote controls). I won't say independent power source yet, but it would be a bonus.
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Still don't understand what is the real point of this thread, but technically the first REAL mecha is the first robot built by human.

So likely something older than Honda ASIMO.
It is.
>what is the real point of this thread
Indeed. Long story short. Antelope Monster, one of the Four Monsters was terrorizing the shit out of the people and being an asshole. The Young Braves go one by one to fight to kill Antelope monster. You know how that ends. The people pray to Unsen. Unsen makes a killer of enemies out of Basalt. When said killer shows up to kill Antelope monster he walks right by him and walks off into the sunset. My headcanon is he held up two middle fingers high in the air while walking away. Anyway Antelope Monster is finally killed by a young warrior who prays for the Lifegiver to take away his warbow. Challenge accepted. Antelope attacks him but bowless warrior ducks and Antelope monster slams his horns into a tree and gets stuck. He goes bonkers and beats himself senseless trying to run forward instead of backing out (the Antelope Trap). Warrior kills him, takes his last breath and yay man prospers. Also according to legend Killer of Enemies Basalt robot turns himself into a dead tree and lived in a lake for a long fucking time. More on that later. So yeah.
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Finishing this after a few drinks. basalt mecha is now a fucking floating dead tree and lives in a a lake. He occasionally roars and yells at the people because fuck us apparently. This lines up with a Seneca (other Nations) tale of a tree that floated around since they could remember. Now this is actually factual. After the white men came they asked the Seneca old timers about that fucking tree and the fucking godawful noises they heard. So the the tale goes on and on and on. The white men named the floating tree "The Wandering Jew" and never had a name for the noises except for "The Lake Guns". Of course the tree eventually sank. Not sure when but some time after the Civil War.
I was the original asker >>22589151 so thanks, I don't know if there's more I can read, but I'll be fantasizing about ancient native kaiju mecha battles for a while, the floating dead tree is cool imagery

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banana is here
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I she wearing her hair like a turban

What kind of hairstyle is that. Who does that?
It's a towel
It IS a turban and it IS cute.
That meme there is ten years old and 4chan has been like that for longer

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>Evangelion has discussions about a Chamber of Guff
Why am I supposed to take this seriously?
Because it's soulful
You're not.
Is MLAATR mecha
Fuck off, /co/
I guess not

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A containment thread about the non-dictatorial world of synchtubes. Dorkly's mog-rog streams of Fridays (along with other specific channels he host). My PTSF-THRS on Thursdays, Deacon's m-adras-tea-and-film subplanting Dorkly's Tuesday schedule, and Agguguy's MGRnR200X on weekends occasionally.
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tonight on mog-rog at 8p Eastern (about thirty five minutes from now)

TBF s2e6
Gundam NT
Leo 13
Fly Me To The Moon

that's come close for a few birthdays
Show tonight on m-adras-tea-and-film:
Galient 16
Girls und Panzer OVA 3, 4
Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja
Preshow begins at 7:50 Eastern.
Preshow now!
Movie now!

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