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>Sending troops to our country to attack our people = act of war
>Doing so without declaring hostilities first = war crime
>Doing so perfidiously out of uniform and lacking insignia = war crime
>Targeting civilians = war crime
The United States Congress is obligated to destroy Tel Aviv and to bring these people to justice.

Israeli soldiers attacked US citizens on the night of April 30th and the morning of May 1st. They attacked unarmed protestors with; baseball bats, metal pipes, plywood, 2x4s, bear spray, skunk spray, frozen water bottles, and of course their fists causing SERIOUS BODILY INJURY and almost killing one 4th Year UCLA student.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements since Visa Requirements were changed for Israel on October 19th, 2023 (https://archive.is/sH00c). HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE OR KILL THEM.

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every L.E.O is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There is no ongoing investigation. The media is refusing to talk about it! DO NOT LET THIS BE MEMORY HOLED.

Eliran Bismuts victims WANT TO press charges but the LAPD, CHP, DA, FBI, among other law enforcement agencies are REFUSING to open an investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Eliran Bismut.

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Jews fund and run most of the NGOs that promote open borders and mass immigration of third-worlders to Europe and North America.
How do we shorten this?
>A Foreign Army non-com acting Merc, entered, knowingly, onto US Soil, for THE PURPOSE OF HARMING U.S. CITIZENS. He brained a college kid with a 2x4, for protesting the funding of said Mercenary's home nation.
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SWEDEN YES! (but this time unironically)
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hard to say, swedish goverment never seleases any information when minors are involved, but they bought skimasks, gloves and ropes. then they took the rapist ideep into a nature reserve and hanged him so im guessing rednecks
shut the fuck up biden, no one asked you
and men
jew to arena
irish n italain sent home
orc deport
free castle n girl for white male engineer
toyota water engine
>(S) Mayor
Sure, if you want to get thrown in the same cell

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>Many non white countries such as india and china are turning to European donors
>danish sperm banks are the largest in the world with 90% going to other European countries and 10% elsewhere
>most ask for dna with blue eyes
>european traits are basically a commodity
What do you guys think of this? Is bleaching based? Could it backfire really badly?

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Why didnt you move back to your great country?
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Unvaxxed sperm generator here. Will donate.

t. 6’2 150 IQ, German Scot mix.

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hold on to your butts
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>our largest cargo plane?
Dumb fuck.
Angry bitch, go get buttfucked again.
Evac. Baku is full of CIA/Mossad glowies whom have been training the Azeris for over a decade now. (Israel is one of Azerbaijans largest defense partners)

You dont send a bird like this to Baku of all places unless you are grabbin' lots of hardware and people.
Oh God, a Baku Azerbaijan just flew over my house!
that's the home of the oil slut in the james bond movie with the simp villain

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jews are vermin
Prigo's plane was a sloppy job,Lech Kaczyński was a sloppy job, this has plausible deniability all over it.
What kind of horrible people would do that, exaggerate casualty figures for international sympathy.
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This won't age well.

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He wasn't fleeing shit, Kobe was a ritualistic sacrifice by the elite, they sacrificed him as a blood offering to give them good luck during the covid hoax, basically they were willing to give up one of their high level pedo assets in hopes the demons or whatever would help them with the scamdemic. It appears to have worked.
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I won't hide it then!
What map is this from? The Catalan Atlas has jew flags (blue and white too) on Turkey and other countries. It’s from the 1300s
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>Literally crashed because the kikes exploiting the helo transfer services had an uncertified pilot who couldn't fly the helo by instruments alone.

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Why were Gen Xers whining so much back then?
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>Did you know that Ben Afflecks parents work for the CIA propaganda department? Real Argo shit. IMAGINE THAT

Affleck was born Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt on August 15, 1972, in Berkeley, California.[2][3] His family moved to Massachusetts when he was three,[4] living in Falmouth, where his brother Casey was born, before settling in Cambridge.[5] His mother, Christopher Anne "Chris" Boldt,[6] was a Harvard-educated elementary school teacher.[7][8] His father, Timothy Byers Affleck,[9] was an aspiring playwright[9] who was "mostly unemployed."[10] He worked sporadically as a carpenter,[11] auto mechanic,[4] bookie,[12] electrician,[13] bartender,[14] and janitor at Harvard.[15] In the mid-1960s, he had been an actor and stage manager with the Theater Company of Boston.[16]

From Wikipedia. What is the source of your claim?
>I played in a covers band in the mid 90s and the entire band but me wore the same gay spandex pirate hair metal outfits as Mötley Crüe since they were all born 1965- 67. i would have settled even for a GnR band look. but me ten years younger turned up to gigs in flannel and loose denim. they all lost their minds. faggets. they honestly had never heard of RATM at the time. fuck those boomer faggets

LMAO I can't stand those guys.

We have several shitty bars around here, where these old boomer cover bands regularly play. They all fit in like three categories: the washed up hippie Dead Heads (Grateful Dead), the wannabe bikers and outlaws, and the boomer spandex faggots.

And the only people who go see them play are old stinky gray-haired boomers.
i worked a really great office job in the 90s and got to experience true boomer work life. the office was based
>lots of downtime to fuck around
>bosses never cared about muh sexism
>no faggots, jeets or niggers
>fems all had entry level jobs. a slap on the ass was not frowned upon
>was encouraged to go to lunch time strip clubs/long boozed lunches.
>clients offered you a "drink" at meetings
>were expected to be drunk at work after 2pm and on fridays not even turn up after lunch
if it sounds like mad men, it almost was
these days most office jobs fucking suck and i still do the same occupation
I think mostly it was that we were the first generation to be fucked over by baby boomers who not only refused to get out of the way so that we could take over the next generation (they still haven’t), they also refused to mentor us and teach us anything useful because they were afraid their retirement accounts would suffer for it. Fast forward to now and they still can’t retire and the competency crisis begins.
GenX = Real Men
Millienials = Soft Onions bitches
Zoomers = Trannie trash

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>The homosexuals seem very interested in controlling the bakership.
yes, you are very interest in controlling it.
> I wonder why.
because you're a fucking kike.
>replying to a namefag

baker was AWOL and I baked first, you need better arguments
Would Jesus want me voting for Trump? Jesus was apparently accepting of EVERYONE or so I've been told, and Trump wants to genocide the world or so it's been said...
>Meidas Cuck Network
they have a news network now.. Seriously?
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Why did we take the Jewish death shot
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Plagues have always been political. Plenty of documentation from the time of the bubonic plague about how that one — the one we all learned about in school — was extended, intentionally spread, etc. Europe was getting crowded. That one was probably more explicitly about western depopulation than covid.
There’s a good deal of debate around what ‘pandemics’ really are. As the most recent example confirms, the common flu dropped off to virtually zero during the COVID ‘pandemic,’ .. too much of a coincidence to be ignored.

Did bubonic plague really cause the Black Death?
It’s Driving Them Out of Their Minds: The First Big Poisoning in Ancient Rome
The state of Western Australia rolled out the jab with zero covid in the population and rate of injuries reported were 21x worse that all previous vaccine injuries combined. Government data. No covid in population. Few people likely had covid https://news.rebekahbarnett.com.au/p/west-australian-government-finally

Cope and seethe
That's correct. You have two options, come to terms with:
>> 1) the fact that untold millions have lined up for mystery goo injections, signed consent forms and never once asked a single question or showed any signs of distress, for naught but parasocial validation, fleeting sensations of power and authority, lottery tockets, bratwursts and FIAT kickbacks
>> 2) the fact that untold millions have contributed to the establishment of an indiscriminate deathlottery of freak accidents caused by the suddenly and unexpected dying and other flavors of terminally propagandized muppets by administering the mystery goo
>patronize and infantallize potentially billions of people and declare then legally incompetent
The only exceptions to that are the elderly, children and the handful of people who've fallen for the propaganda but considered it a personal descision and kept it to themselves.

In other words: either accept that people have committed themselves to the absolute fucking worst descision imaginable out if their own volition, blissful ignorance and hubris, or accept that the people around you are cattle.
right in queue
page 63-65 of the spars pdf
acknowledging loss

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ITT we share /pol/ approved political music
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Sang this track at karaoke last night. Most people didn't even know it was a SB song. Me and my wife pulled it off as she can sound like SC.

Honor - bomby na izrael
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Chill, bro
It's just a Vax Jamz thread
Nobody wants your gayta

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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>90% is just naked women
These "aryans" are all crippled porn addicts
Picrel isn't European.
I'm finding postings in places like this and sending my English resume:

I guess I'll have to make a real Russian resume. If I get really desperate, would you be willing to take on a job as my employment agent and hassle some of these places for me?

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If you think women are bad in 2024, maybe this will give you a new perspective.
It's a discussion from 11 years ago when I was googling around to confirm my bias. It seems like something posted yesterday.

>The average lady I see during my daily routine is staring at her phone screen and/or has headphones in her ears.


Actually, I recommend reading the first comment. It's very interesting.

But I do remember dating was much easier back then. So something must have changed. What is it?
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Divorce Court, Child Support
I don't know anything about zoomer women but millennials were the ones that seemed to be pro slut because it's empowering. It was all downhill from there, especially when social media and hook up sites started rolling in.

Ironically, social media also seems to have brought slut shaning back to the forefront so I could see zoomers maybe turning it around.
also women pretending to be men, in incel threads lmao Jesus Christ
>what is it?
The post-tiktokification brain rot infecting society, especially women
Also jews
So, be sure to run all things through the conman filter.

How much CONFIDENCE am I placing? Do I have cause to trust this person (or ai)?

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Can someone send me the original?
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Hebrew- and Aramaic speaking people of the Levant are semitic. That's what the word semitic means.
But you can run cover for usurers, incestuous perverts and kiddie mutilators while slandering Goering and Himmler all you want. It's very on brand for a philosemite.
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>He thinks nazis gave guns to everyone
Only if they could be trusted to shoot any dissenters and undesirables. Fun thing about fascism is you don't get to decide whether the racist in charge thinks you tick all the boxes. The overwhelming majority will be dead, and then the leftovers who are loyal get to proudly work for peanuts. How lovely a system.
Read "Our Path" by the Nordic Resistance Movement.
yea i agree it's basically utopian vision. if we could firmware update everyone at once to fight until death for their freedom then maybe we could have ancapistan. in reality americans did nothing with their guns when most dystopian lock-downs were forced onto them. monarch who respects his subjects' freedoms would already be a massive win.

What Are The Political Implications Of The 1948 Nabka Having So Many Parallels To Today's Gaza War?

The Israeli Documentary Tantura About The 1948 Nabka, Has An Israeli Documentarian, Israeli People Interviewed, Is Certified By The Israel Film Council, & The Israel Ministry Of Culture and Sport.
So, You Know It's Honest & Not Antisemitic Claims. The Honest Ones Say They're Doing All The Things They Claimed The Nazi's Did To Jews. IDF Admit To Psychopathic Genocidal War Crimes In The 1948 Nabka Of Innocent Palestinian Civilians

>>>/wsg/5522941 Evil Psychopathic Ex-Idf Soldiers Laughing And Smiling When Recounting Their Genicidal War Crimes Against Innocent Palestinian Civilians
>>>/wsg/5550023 Ex-Idf Soldiers Talking About Their Genocidal War Crimes Against Innocent Palestinian Civilians
>>>/wsg/5522937 IDF Fought Civilian Villages One By One Until They Fled, Then Stole The Homes & Land
>>>/wsg/5522935 Ben Gurion Had An Understanding To Ethically Cleanse Palestine: It Was Better For Jews To Eliminate All Arabs To Create A Large Jewish State With Only Jews

>>>/wsg/5550281 Part 1

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Thanks 53 fren
OP, do you have any other good redpill movies to watch? Especially documentaries. Thanks in advance fren
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here have a bump fren

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This day should be a lesson for all of anti-israel faggots and a signal. Never EVER fucking mess with Israel or you will suffer wrath of the jews.
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Jews and Muslims won’t see 2030
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>or you will suffer wrath of the jews.
What is a copyright lawyer going to do to me?
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how's wack a mole going?
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loooooosing silly little Shloooomos
Butthurt Zio loooooooosers
oh shut up kike bot

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What's lil Timmy gon do?
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>The violent monkey spirit of the nigger
I guess we released monkeys into the wild too early.
it's time to lock violent nigger monkeys back into cages.
>jewish (((doctor))) steroid drugs
>starts getting sick at 40
>dies at 45
Why are niggers so retarded?
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99% of the time niggers pick easy targets because they are weak, insecure and looking for an ego boost. a lot of nigger violence is about nigger insecurities.
Why are french "people" this spineless?

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Whenever some faggot says
>Whites and niggers need to team against Jews
Or some retarded shit like that, that is an instant tell that they're a moron.

If we got rid of the Jews, niggers would still be committing crimes higher than any other racial group, they would still be spreading their filth around, and they would still be dysgenically breeding. Getting rid of Jews would fix none of these problems.
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The niggers would be easier to deal with.
/pol/ brainrot

Precisely, they're also the bigger immediate threat
Nice spam, wanna make an argument or no?

Why are they so powerful when it comes doing advanced attacks on Iran? But when it comes to defending themselves from Hamas which they have completely surrounded and monitored, they are caught completely off guard.
because kikes rely on the US to do everything for them historically they have never ever been good at fighting
20 different Rabbis admitting the destruction of the US and western civilization in general is part of the jewish religion.

Why jews wants to kill Europeans even their kids ... jews explain why !
nepotism is the only way to ensure your success

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Zelensky unironically
his term is expiring tomorrow
>not the republican guard

Everyone knows these things are always inside jobs
doesn't even matter if they did it or not, they are going to take the blame 100%
Control of gain?
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60 minutes just basically announced his death by uploading an interview with him like they do when people die.

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What countries of europe do you want to see nuked ?
I'll start
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is this the eurovision thread ?
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Cope & Seethe nigger
Cover the entire world except south Africa in nuclear Fallout.
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The fuck Pedro ? what have thy snowniggers of the north ever done to ye

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