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Raise your hand and appeal how crazily and reasonably you love japan the most.
>yes we have the four seasons you don’t have
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Nobody loves Japan more than Germany.
Scotland. Look it up. And I believe the feeling is mutual
Why do the Japanese believe the four seasons to be unique of Japan?
That's something weird
aren't kurds a matriarchal society like jews?
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Bill Clinton did

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Assassinating him would only lead to a further escalation of the war in the Middle East, and Iran might even attack US bases in Iraq directly. It could also lead to the closure of the Persian Gulf by Iran.
The Middle East oil crisis would explode completely.
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he bombed the chosen ones holy land
Flawed false GAY
It creates a power vacuum and in fighting would dramatically weaken iranian resolve. Not that I think it was an assassination. Helicopters crash all the time and a nape flight in fog is a really good way to crash.
I'd bet on Armenians, a retaliation for joint Iranian project with Azerbaijan
>To win reelection
You think it's going to be decided by voting?

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If you think women are bad in 2024, maybe this will give you a new perspective.
It's a discussion from 11 years ago when I was googling around to confirm my bias. It seems like something posted yesterday.

>The average lady I see during my daily routine is staring at her phone screen and/or has headphones in her ears.


Actually, I recommend reading the first comment. It's very interesting.

But I do remember dating was much easier back then. So something must have changed. What is it?
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all civilizations of thr past arranged marriages.

Rome, Spartha, Elizabethan England.

And also the less civilized societies.

Atranged marriages was right.

This is because women are dysgenic in selection to accord eith the 6.
>This. Women have never had lower standards in all of human history. If you can't find a woman, it's because you are not a man.
Untrue based off of the high rates of virginity and sexlessness.
Things haven't massively changed since smartphones and dating apps were invented, it's just that now there are even more toxic trends like openly anti-white media and attacks on men who try to beat the social rules and conditioning
>childrens forum
Take a seat.
you've never dated, incel. even more, 11 years ago you weren't even a sentient being (not that you're much of one now). keep coping and seething over sour grapes.

His books are unbearably boring torture porn fanfiction that nobody reads unless theyre forced to for school. How can something be great if nobody likes it?
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Believe it, I’d recommend The Idiot just for the name for him.
The issue with Dostoyevsky, just like the other 19th century Russian nobility, is that the were no longer truly orthodox Christian and instead transformed into some strange relativistic version of itself, they enjoyed the idea of orthodoxy more than what orthodoxy really is.
If that wasn't the case he wouldn't live his life and die depressed, addicted to gambling and whores, from infected from living in degenerate party places of intelligencia of the time.
A lot of Russians are generally weird like that since Peter, they like concepts but don't actually practice them.
What do you mean? My point is that the core concept is often stronger than the form of delivery, and by stronger I mean it's ability to survive through ages in culture.
it's just russoid cope for not having a national philosophy besides submitting to da great Khan and his conquests of asiatic mud fields
all their literature isn't good in and of itself, it's all a tryhard's attempt at producing le deep thoughts, that in fact are nothing new at all and have been obvious to all civilized beings for centuries if not millennia
it's crap

American literature mogs, unironically
it's called saving face and the typical hypocrisy and culture of deception of asiatics

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>Sending troops to our country to attack our people = act of war
>Doing so without declaring hostilities first = war crime
>Doing so perfidiously out of uniform and lacking insignia = war crime
>Targeting civilians = war crime
The United States Congress is obligated to destroy Tel Aviv and to bring these people to justice.

Israeli soldiers attacked US citizens on the night of April 30th and the morning of May 1st. They attacked unarmed protestors with; baseball bats, metal pipes, plywood, 2x4s, bear spray, skunk spray, frozen water bottles, and of course their fists causing SERIOUS BODILY INJURY and almost killing one 4th Year UCLA student.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements since Visa Requirements were changed for Israel on October 19th, 2023 (https://archive.is/sH00c). HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE OR KILL THEM.

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every L.E.O is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There is no ongoing investigation. The media is refusing to talk about it! DO NOT LET THIS BE MEMORY HOLED.

Eliran Bismuts victims WANT TO press charges but the LAPD, CHP, DA, FBI, among other law enforcement agencies are REFUSING to open an investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Eliran Bismut.

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Like Alex cares. I do like Alex from way back when but he's not living up to his stated mission. Despite all that happened to him at the hands of the jews. They must have threatened his kids. That's why it has to be done collectively.
>That's why it has to be done collectively.
Agreed. They can't threaten us all, or kill us all.
If there are enough of us, they sure can't.
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>Money laundering for MOSSAD?
Because making fake real estate deals is a way better method of washing money than crypto which is controlled by (((the usual suspects))) in the first place.
If I were a Jew and I could do literally anything I wanted, I would also use every single avenue available to me. Or maybe I wouldn't, then again. No fraud is too big or too small for a Jew. Same as any lie. That's what Bobby Fisher said and I believe him.

Feminists seem pretty concerned about currently non existant robowaifus
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>le AI waifu
>le sexual fetish bro
so how about anyone from your group explain why the actual fuck is that shit spam tolerated on /pol/ when it should be deservedly on /b/ /bant/ or /r9k/ please do tell me
you guys are fucking retarded
you're spamming a dead board
on a dead site
and you're alone being baited by a troll
think about your life really deeply
>aren we here to hate le femoid bio hole?
Nope. This is only about securing the basic rights of men, nothing else.
Think about a woman who has lost her legs in a car accident. If we give this woman a wheelchair, are we making people who can walk "obsolete"? By using that wheelchair, is that woman proclaiming her "hate" against people who can walk? Obviously, that's not the case. We give a wheelchair because she fucking needs it. We help her because all human beings deserve a decent enough life.
Instead of crippled women, let's think about the millions of males who are tragically dying childless. They are human beings, their lives have certainly a value, yet their basic needs are completely out of their reach. They are never, NEVER, N-E-V-E-R going to breed, it's absolutely impossible for them. By giving them guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy RIGHT NOW and later robowaifus equipped with artificial wombs, we're only providing them with access to basic rights that women are already enjoying. Because males also deserve to have decent lives. Because males are also people.
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why does this site never address the hispanic invasion of the US?
mods get mad when you're mean to beaners
We did for a long time but now it's over, there's no undoing the damage
Most of the posters here are dirty Mexicans.
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They're somewhat human

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Why do you retards make kikes feel like celebrities by bumping outright gloating threads?
>>>/b/ is where you go to be b8ed.
>Why do you retards make kikes feel like celebrities
or example?
/b fell a long time ago
post rare andys
>kike or b8 master makes 1pbtid "Lmao I'm winning" threads
>200+ replies basically saying "FUCK YOU!!!!!"

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Should Art be censored if it offends people?
What are the political implications of total artistic freedom?
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What is "group spam"? You adopted other bizs of /pol/ vernacular, but not simple terms like "shill"? Besides that, I do not spam, I am bullying you specifically -- because you are asking for it.
That statue made
Me so hard!!!
exact same bot post that draws in the /pol/ nonces like a honeypot
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Why even go to a board called Politically Incorrect if one is so easily offended by art?
stop larping trannie you're not even convincing

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You wish
Thousands time ziggers predicted his death
Eat Palestinian olive fat jew

>assassins never assassin honestly
how are your assassins operate finbro please do tell, lol retarded goy
Disgusting, the mongrel speaks in such a runty manner.

Mossad/CIA are so obvious in their ways. Dumb monkeys.
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>see Israeli bigwigs like Herzi Halevi drop dead
stop, i can only get so erect

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>crucified by his enemies as punishment
>hangs on the cross a couple of hours
>is resurrected after three days
>just walks around a bit, doesn't take revenge
>disappears and never returns

>sacrifices himself to himself
>hangs on yggdrasil for 9 days and 9 nights
>doesn't die
>only increases in power level
>begins gathering an army to fight against the forces of evil

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ᚻᛖᛁᛚ ᚹᚩᛏᚪᚾ, ᚦᛁ ᚷᛚᚩᚱᛁᚢᛋ ᚪᛚᛚᚠᚪᚦᛖᚱ ᚹᚻᚩ ᛋᚪᚳᚱᛁᚠᛁᛋᛖᛞ ᚪᛚᛚ ᚢᛈᚩᚾ ᚦᛁ ᚪᛋᚻ ᚪᚾᛞ ᚹᚪᛋ ᛋᚩ ᚱᛖᛒᚩᚱᚾ! ᛋᚹᛖᛖᛈ ᚦᚱᚩᚢᚻ ᚩᚢᚱ ᚠᚩᛚᚳ ᛋᚩᚢᛚ ᚪᚾᛞ ᛞᛖᛚᛁᚠᛖᚱ ᛞᛁᚠᛁᚾᛖ ᚱᚪᚷᛖ ᚩᚾ ᚩᚢᚱ ᚠᚩᛖᛋ ᚩᚾᛋᛖ ᛗᚩᚱᛖ!
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Heil Wotan
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Church is making an entire generation of potential insurrectionists become sedentary providers for post-menopause roasties looking to get 'wifed up,' making only 1-2 children tops, not hitting replacement numbers. They will intentionally ignore the decay of the world around them in accordance with your poisonous doctrine.
You preach defeat, sabotage the locks to our homes, seeing no difference between your own people and wild animals, all while worshipping only the single god of the archenemy, the hebrew menace that has betrayed our nations and openly boasts the White man's coming extinction at their hands, forsaking any of your own.
Christcucks are race-traitors.
Constantine was tricked by a devil, and the followers of your cult ought renounce their faith or be purged from all pro-White movements for the race to survive.
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Listen to the jewish prophecies around christians

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>be amerifat on a plane
>flush shart mid flight

yuropoors literally worship it as a sign
Pride month is almost here.
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is the etymology of Iberia "retarded" because it seems like everyone from that place is dumb as shit
meteor was rich in copper

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>It was the CIA
>It was the Mossad
>It was an accident
>It was Khameini

Some say it was a helicopter accident, or an internal assassination as he was the potential successor. Disagreement over what happened.


Azerbaijan recognizes the zionists, the Iranian government takes a hardline stance against zionism and recognizing their sovereignty.

Many nations, Iran included, do not recognize the zionist occupation as a legitimate, sovereign nation state in the region.

If the president Ebrahim Raisi succeeded Ali Khamenei, who is in his old age, he may have capitulated to the zionists.
It's not bad to have a King in a different country as he have to treat you very well so you don't rebel.
Norwegians have never been oppressed in recorded history, and that is quite a feat.
have elections and siding with Israel after their genocide in Gaza is different than siding with Israel a year ago.
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Every Nordics royalty is inbred cuckload clownfiesta, but Sweden leads the way. Getting cucked and laughed at for centures. Thanks God for the vikings and their retarded slave mentality or else they would be Albania-tier country or non-existent.
no. it was israel

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The silence is deafening.
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That that's it's any of your business faggot but my great grandfather was a German-American and was sent to the Pacific for that reason. That and it was mostly Soviet zerg-rushes that defeated Germany, not America.
"go back to mongolia"

There. Fixed it.
>turkey, eastern europe, iberia
It's when the rabbi sucks a child's dick after having cut off his foreskin I think.

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The german economy is in free fall and my job was in a solar panel company in Dresden but they are now closing and moving to China.

Any tips?
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India and Russia will create a new age of prosperity and conquer the galaxy together! Nothing can stop the Eurasian tiger force when combined!
I don't speak sputnik you faggot
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You are stupid anglo bastard. You nothing of women. Only of naked men in panties running around your town screaming to be noticed. Real love is Indian and Russian love!

She's laughing nervously because she had a flashback of the enormous BBC she took the day before.
The problem is that you will be conquered by Russia soon anyway
>NATO protection
Lmao, no one will come to save you.

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WW3 postponed.
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even if he's alive mossad tried to kill him, bibi is done
Is Putin in the room with you now, you delusional nafo tranny.
no, he's not you disingenuous cuckstralian faggot. put your mask back on you dumb bitch
I have a PhD in geopolitics.
Khamenei survived exile and an attempted assassination. There is a lot of wild speculation over it being an assassination attempt and who is responsible, when it could also just be a helicopter accident.

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Elon Musk should purchase 4chan. Reddit has occupied several major boards and both moderation and ownership of has proven treasonous by aiding in this occupation rather than working to drive it off. He would delete the most leftoid boards like /lgbt/, /u/, /y/, /d/ and /mlp and clean the entire moderation team while replacing it with Conservative Rightchad Men who would work to drive off Reddit instead of aiding it. The current state of X (formerly Twitter) is proof of this.
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I hate reddit. I go there and see shit like, "schools now teaching inclusivity and gay families are ok", and everyone says "yes! Gay rights! This is great. About time" and I just feel like I'm alien or something. Ho can people be THAT fucking brainwashed?
you would be one of the faggots that stroked out during /mlpol/
It's the same kind of brainwashing that leads to supporting a country that elects a drag queen as president.
I sympathise with you. Having the chicoms one side and globalists on the other. It really sucks doesn't it.
This wouldn't be free speech, any criticism of Israel would be banned while off topic propaganda threads would be allowed to hit bump limit. The vast majority of conservatives outright worship Israel.

why there are barely any french people on /pol/?
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Look at me now jag har 18 automat vapen och är i en grupp som skulle kunna störta vilket land i världen kom då, spring och göm dig i hålorna
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are you the Swede from the "cuck" bottlecap thread earlier?
are you still drunk?
Vi sa kom igen, det blir kul. Det är min patch. Inte din vän.
You have sumoned the french people now pay the consequences
Ça pue la merde depuis longtemps on peut plus faire de délire à l'ancienne
Wouldnt really say so, we have a lot of anglicism and we destroy our language a coup de quoicoubeh and other arabs words(mostly used by zoomers)

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Should sterilization of young coons be mandatory until they land a full time job?
Should there be a no male coon child law? Adult coons should be resticted to having coonettes -- since they love white cock.
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long-term welfare recipients used to be sterilized.
Then BAM: jews.
Now we get hit with the niggasaki cuz niggers are more destructive than an atomic bomb.
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Is it ethical to kill niglets?
My reaction to niglets is like seeming maggots.

There really should be a population control enforced.
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>suggests sterilization when nigger genocide is an option
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They are protected species in your country.

Can you guys to a 9/11 like job on the internet. We can do a lot of 'clean up' when the lights go out.
Mass sterilization of nigger males and mandatory abortions on negresses with an exception made for negresses bred by white men.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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stop posting this shitskin
also lmfao the cope
>terrified of the retaliation
just like last time, right?
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>A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the country’s foreign minister and other officials apparently crashed in the mountainous northwest reaches of Iran on Sunday, sparking a massive rescue operation in a fog-shrouded forest as the public was urged to pray.
>The likely crash came as Iran under Raisi and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei launched an unprecedented drone-and-missile attack on Israel last month and has enriched uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels.
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bros I'm a drama major. I got this whole mass deportation thing
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What if I told you that nearly all organizations importing non-Whites are not Christian?
(I'm betting you won't give a shit because your entire purpose here is to push as away from Christianity, you fucking kike.)
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let's do the supreme leader next!

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