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There's currently a movement where young people are restoring urban nature
Their plan is simple.
Plant flowers - everywhere.
The dandelion is the bane of the Boomer.
A colorful world full of beautiful flowers with children happily running through them makes them seethe.
This is hyper political as we are surrounded by brutalism and RoundUp(TM) grass, uniform in color and texture.
We must make a more beautiful world for our children - it's political because this is what the Boomers loathe to see.
Natural beauty.
As intended by GOD.
This is not what GOD intended.
We are the cure.
We start with planting flowers.
Dandelions are now called Boomerbane.
Lupins, clover, berry bushes, fruit trees, plant them, put them in the ground.
We full repopulate the bees from doing this.

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BUMPAN for boomerbane and total natural reclamation of this industrial nightmare.
My neighbor hates that I don’t use weed and feed or roundup on my lawn.
Every year I put dandelion and clover seeds and then put them in those push dispersal things most people use for weed and feed. It looks like I just don’t use Scott’s patented boomer feed and get bad results, but the truth is I’m doing the opposite.
Those pesticides cause liver and kidney cancer and wouldn’t you just know, all the boomers with the monoculture lawns have liver and kidney cancer.
Good point. Thanks anon.
Very based.
Based thread and boomersbane, fuck boomer niggers and their obsession with kike chemicals and urbanslop.

blood will be on YOUR hands!
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if only you fucks had supported mosley and not entered ww2
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>How can this country possibly be electing trump again

Grocery prices doubled.
I think that would about do it.
Literally the one issue that impacts every single voter and to which there is an inelastic demand.
fuck really?
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>blood will be on YOUR hands!
Or Thatcher...

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!!!!!!!!!THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!!!!!!!!! W W 3 HAS JUST STARTED !!!!!!!!!!



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Which "god"?
so what ? nobody cares about Iran.
the bombing of Israel was the most pathetic shit i've ever seen.
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Because they're the "greatest allies", but just not the allies of any human life, any human happiness, any human existence, any human prosperity...
Raisi was planned to be the heir of the supreme leader, the previous presidents were rejected by the supreme leader. The Ayatollah regime is starting to fall apart, it's graduall process
the supreme leader is a role that is hard to find the right man for.

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>UniSuper, an Australian pension fund that manages $135 billion worth of funds and has 647,000 members, had its entire account WIPED OUT at Google Cloud, including all its backups that were stored on the service.

>oops your pension disappeared
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Yes, he paid the pajeets at Google to do a job and pajeet retards fucked it up.
Thank you Sar for using google services.
>you can just scan them each individually
thats for electrical infetterence chud
>there is no fucking cloud, it's just a smelly poo's computer
Why do you assume the jeets at Jewgle didn't do the exact job they were paid to do?

The problem with big tech is all the CEOs are loyal to BRICS or Israel. All of them. There is a very obvious reason why the jews hand control off to jeets.

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>helping terrorists
I fucking liberals so much.
>implying they didn't down the helicopter themselves and are pretending to care
Based. Jews are probably kvetching to their contacts trying to shut this down now
YAMAKA found on scene

YAMAKA found on scene

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Britain ‘may not be fully prepared to fight full-scale war alone’

>Britain may not be fully prepared to fight a full-scale war on its own, a general has suggested.

>Maj Gen James Martin said the Army was trying to get “back on track” after years of focusing on counter-insurgency, which had left it in “in the process of losing the skills” to mount an all-out campaign.

>Decades of fighting insurgents during wars Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan meant the Army’s focus was on those campaigns rather than major conflicts between states, he said.

>With the war in Ukraine and the threat of Russia to the rest of Europe, the Army has shifted its focus to readiness for war, and this week thousands of British troops were in western Poland as part of Nato’s largest military exercise since the Cold War.

>Nearly 2,400 British troops took part in Operation Immediate Response, which culminated in a complex river crossing involving more than 1,000 vehicles including Challenger II tanks, in 24 hours.

>It was one of several exercises as part of Nato’s Exercise Steadfast Defender, a war game and the largest deployment to Europe in 40 years, involving over 40,000 personnel including 16,000 from the British Army.

>Speaking at the end of the operation, near the small town of Drawsko Pomorskie, Maj Gen Martin who leads the Army’s 3rd Division, told The Telegraph: “After 20 years of counter-insurgency campaigning, we were losing this [war-fighting] capability... I think we are now very much moving back on track.”

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am getting in bed
you had any experiences with traveller girls?
whats gonna happen with iran?
Not even a holiday for Ukrainians, either they're all dead or the goyim mustn't stop labouring
>Discord groomer energy
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>Am goin turkey in a week
I just had turkey for me din dins

What's stopping them?
Give them 1 week then drop it
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>Nukes have never been used in a war. Atom bombs are not the same as nukes, retard.
unironically kys and never come back to this board
>Because they will face retaliatory strikes from most other nuclear powers
why do you think this? Do you really think the UK is going to sacrifice London to avenge Kiev? Really?
>legal authority
lmfao! ahahahahahahaha!
Oh? Finland isn't an American vassal now?
Fuck rashans. disgusting subhumans.
fuck ukie jews too.
nuke them both.
Because kiev is the birthplace of russia and putin wouldn't erase 1k+ years of history. Bombing random fields and villages isn't the same
>Drop nuke
>Pollute all of Europe and Russia with fallout
great plan nigger

Get. Back. To. Work.
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What do you do for work japan bro? I'm assuming you found a way out of the hell other anons are in
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What do you do for work? What preparations have you made to survive the coming collapse?
What do you do for work?
>Source: Everyone knows.
Well that's all the proof I need.
>They could work basically any job and have more than enough money to buy a home
Source: Some random loser on 4chan.
So what do you do for work?
The funny thing is I was actually a CNC machinist that made airplane parts. The only way to make good money was to spend all your time in the shop. Back in the 80s machinists did way less work and got paid more per hour, even when not adjusted for inflation
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What is your ethnic and political background? You're a patriotic system supporter. What do you do for a living? I'm genuinely curious what ideological background you regime supporters come from.
Imagine a pampered sissy opera singer/professional clown who never did an honest day's work in his life (yet made millions) seeing fit to lecture on how menial, back breaking shit work is great, Goy, and you should suck the bosses cock while he gets 1000x more.

fucking LOL.

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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it was a good marketing angle 3 years ago to be "blackpilled" to attract a lot of paypigs but this idiot didn't think long term.
>do the blackpilled thing for the 300th time, you dancing monkey!
>LLC four man farm in cheap lakelands
>turn profit
You're thinking right but you're mindset is way too normative. You still act as if there's some sort of functional society in which to make money, communicate.
You act like these men will come to the farm and not waste the opportunity smoking weed and rationalizing it.
You act like any woman ever would ever go along with this for a man under 6' tall without $6 million in the bank on reserve in case the farm thing doesn't work out.
How will you farm when the gas stations are out?
I know. They just aren't bullied enough as adults but are instead in power positions raising children.
Sooooo... who ya voting for?

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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you got me
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>when the elections finally happen
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I'm being facetious
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Maybe this war is to make sure enough dead goys vote their way.
It's not like anyone is keeping track of the body counts being racked up.
A completely senseless jewish war to make money, again.
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maybe "dr." jill can get him some clean pee, since she's a noted surgeon in a major hospital

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Nick Fuentes: Bad Optics, Catholic, Mexican, Closet Homosexual, Endorses Laura Looner

Jackson Hinkle: Good Optics, Not Catholic, White, Heterosexual, Doesn't Endorse Laura Loomer
>brown lovers fighting over who loves browns the most
lmao, keep going. please.
thats a bit harsh on old Ben.
You get two shill threads in a few hours but most anons would get banned for this.
>hates nick
Many such cases!
Hinkle works for Russia. Kind of based but he's useless

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>I love conservative stacies.
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Me too.
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>zog shiksa prostitute
Look she has her good goy judeo-Christian cross as her contract stipulates

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Something gonna break soon right?
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nah, stagnation is going to happen, for every modern country. modern culture is basically the human equivalent of the behavioural sinkhole of Calhoun experiment.
>look goym, it's increased of 0.1, everything is gonna be fine
Look into 98' IMF interventions in SK and which demographic it affected badly and which generation got boosted from it.
create a technological superiority
create ai-miniguns
watch them mow down low iq-pampers-warriors from outside countries
human population will decline
earth will heal

Details ?

From the UK perspective; parents have on average 2.1 or 2.3 children. But the proportion of childless women skyrocketed.

This dude just said, that there won't be democratic elections until Ukraine regains their loses from 2014.
But when Zelensky was elected Ukraine had already lost those territories.
What if Ukraine does not regain those territory, does it mean that Blinken is establishing a dictatorship there ?

So basically jews have hijacked US government, routed Ukraine into war financing bandera coup as a form of revenge for what banderites did to them in WWII ?

What interesting info do we have about Anthony besides him being a Israel's puppet ?
to the last polack

>hahaha, yes goy, you should pay us for the privilege to shop at our store!!
Are there seriously people stupid to fall for this? A fucking SUBSCRIPTION just to shop at a grocery store is wild
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What you want is the Costco Business Center. They are teh real deal for bulk buying. They have pickers working the aisles for delivery orders but you can go in and shop there like a regular Costco. Instead of consumer goods like TVs and shit they have restaurant tier equipment that's awesome stuff.
My wife gets Claritin D at the pharmacy for $4, so that alone saves about $26 a month. The Kirkland products are all rebranded high end items. The vodka is Grey Goose, so that's a huge saving on the big bottle. The tequila is either patron or Don Julio, also a great deal.
For top tier gas, it’s definitely the cheapest.
Fuck costco. Their membership is a scam, they are NOT cheaper than even Walmart. Muh bulk deals = lmao, retards think because it's packaged in bulk it is automatically cheaper per unit cost which it is not, but retards can't do math or basic division. Also Costco was the first store to have cuckdiaper mandates during jewvid.
Oh really, thank you. I didn't know there were two different types of Costcos. I'll have to look it up, but the nearest Costco to me is a 2 hour drive ONE WAY so I have to plan my trips, usually double-dipping with other errands.

I think that because nobody fucking cooks for themselves anymore, literally nobody has noticed how hard it is to find affordable real food. It's fucking insane that I can only buy staples in 1lb increments at a regular grocery store, and at premium price.

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Why do so many spics larp as white supremacists?
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fuentes and stonetoss kinda look white
>Why do so many spics larp as white
with that logic
unless you're native american
you're larping as an american
only fuentes is white
spictoss has gook eyes
>unless you're native american
>you're larping as an american
first of all, you're a retard. no one is larping as an indian besides elizabeth warren
but heyahoya indians didn't have any concept of "america." the haida didn't know who the seminole were
who is that inbetween gypsy and stonetoss?

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>talk German politics
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CHECKED. freedom is realizing that, even if we tried, we couldn't post half the cringe the pferndian snek nigger gang puts on the regular. kröst on, brother
Holy checked...!

>freedom is realizing that, even if we tried, we couldn't post half the cringe the pferndian snek nigger gang puts on the regular. kröst on, brother
THIS! Gem hard, Bremtard - and rost hard, Krostard!
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Yeah, you must've forget to shower this month

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Religion is fair and gay. Simple as. People don’t resurrect from the dead. There are no blue skinned gods with multiple arms. Talking snakes aren’t real. Religions are fucking FAKE AND GAY. But, God is real thoughbeit
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>he doesn't understand allegory
You must be over 18 to post on this board.

Just a simple example: the moon changes shapes throughout the month, so it's reasonable to associate the moon with a "changeling", hence the whole "werewolf" theme.
But it has provided copium to retards for centuries.
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>God is real thoughbeit
uuuurm, but there isnt an old man with a beard in the clouds though ;)
oh, you mean he exists non-materially? hmm, not unliek the other things you listed then
All religions are real bust most have demonic origin.

why there are barely any french people on /pol/?
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d'acc l'abruti et le mot "onche" de ton sous-forum d'ado il vient d'où ? t'es pas capable de faire la part des choses TU es ridicule
so we got the solochmåne key that is not relevant to the pope or the banking there, we are not associated with them. in fact he has a bounty on his head for 200 million dollars in Bitcoin that anyone can claim. its an open secret
i personally want the pope dead
every day you go to sleep or move around, or alone etc. there is an entity that will watch you and note down everything you do in the judgment day, but it's not just about what wrong things you do, its about waht you didnt do too, you wanted hard level and you got it
You've posted this website before and I'm still confused, why does everybody on it talk like a drooling retard? Like how the fuck can you use this shit?

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If you interacted with a femoid, had sex with her. Have friends or a social circle. You DON'T FUCKING BELONG HERE. Don't get it you fucking nigger? This place was a paradise for people like me, who were rejected by society, unwanted and abandoned. This paradise turned into hell when all of you sex-having, relationship-having normalfags invaded it and tainted it forever. You parasites don't belong here, you hate us, we hate you. Stay away from our domain and don't bother us. We don't want your normalfaggotry here.
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It’s not that .IS fed forum, right
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Tourists here, can't seem to realize /r9k/ and /pol/ are the same board. You don't use other boards apparently. You dont the same exact copy cat threads in each. It's the same userbase.

Also the trannies the tourists faggots brought in here have over-run /r9k/. It's incels vs trannies all day and /pol/ christcuck tourists can't ever put up a fight against a tranny -- we all know that.

If we want /r9k/ to be incel-friendly again -- we need to massively push out troons from this site.
>only JIDF memefaggots posting from israel belong here
Seems about right.
Total Normalnigger death

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