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Primarily through Americans followed by Anglos in general.
they buy American elections with the money that we give them
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They don't, they're generally just a scapegoat whenever the upper class is in a state of crisis.
Control of the money supply, everything else emanates from it

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You're just a stupid idiot if you don't understand one thing: that if the Greatrussian state and the Malorussian state united in a single impulse, they could overthrow the power of the "Bolsheviks" whom you don't like so much. You're just bastards with an inferiority complex who couldn't help your big brother then or now. Eternal Mazepists. FUCK YOU.
Why do you hate them, besides the fact they aren’t Slavs? They are far more loyal to Russia than you are. You’re literally worse than any Tatar or a Bashkir. Tatars and Bashkirs bleed for Russia, you bleed for Anglos and Jews.
He kind of looks like that Vatnik Soup guy from Finland.
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>East Slavs were rulers of USSR.
Absolute bullshit. You haven’t communicated with a single person from post-Soviet countries, if you say something like that. The Slavs remained as mere cannon fodder for the Jews. Director positions in factories? Jews. The supply departments of factories, the army, and just fucking anything else are Jews again. Design bureaus? There they are again. Communist Party? A bunch of old retards who dream of the old days when they were given a tasty bone for serving the Jews. Any person would have carried out the defense of the USSR better than Stalin. Stalin had a clear goal - to destroy the demography of the East European Slavs. He achieved this.

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Christianity is dead in Europe.
Is this a good or a bad thing?
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>Muh goalposts reeeee
Lol this is getting pathetic
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>bawwwwwww my dick got shredded in the penis slice chop chop slice suck chop chop ceremony invented by jews because my parents worship the jewish race as gods!
>now that this is pointed out, I'll type "lmao" and "projection" a lot to pretend my eyes aren't watering and pouring fat greasy fat fat brown people fat tears down my fat brown cheeks!
Weird that they kept their faith through a war and massacre, but as soon as kikes take everything over it all goes to shit
i couldn't agree more. those liberals wanted it. now they asked for it.
>Completely loses it and starts salt posting

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Israel's enemies: God Himself
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I dont know this doesnt seem like Gods on their side
Somehow you got these lists almost perfectly backwards, other than China. France Germany Sweden our allies?! Maybe only in some broad ancient history manner, they're now frothing NWO "Eat Ze Bogs, Live In Ze Pod, Give Everything To Ze Invaders!" horror shows!
they are probably using garmin avionics. cia send them a little software update over the air and oops, didn't see that mountain.
They just found the helicopter. He’s alive and well. Nothingburger once again

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What happens here?
Can we colonise it?
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not flat
must be a fake
We should colonize it but without jews
>high levels of methane
So just to add to all of the drawbacks, it also sinks of farts?
Or Brits.

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>Yona Faedda
>French nationalist
>2 boomers mad as fuck VIOLENTLY snatch their equipment.


Poor queen
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Those are not CivNats. They're Zionists in appearance at least.
Their main target is islam.
They cannot name the jews because freedom of speech doesn't exist in France/Europe
Controlled-op and Tommy is openly Philosemtic.
Anyways, I know we've had our differences (I still kinda hate you) but regardless we have a common enemy that wants to destroy us, so we have to unite like in the crusades.
Godspeed France.
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>At least you had English Defense League and Tommy Robinson
lmao fuck off kike. Take your kosher nationalism and stick it up your ass.
black and white is such a powerful aesthetic

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Suggested reading:
Suggested listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=0tDoa7HjBBc

Proverbs 12:1 - Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid

>Boy's body found in river as second teen 'critical'
>Woman held on suspicion of assault after launching 20-minute tirade of abuse at Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg while at a children's fair with his family
>'Direct threat': Russia and China's ties sending terrifying message to West
>IRA bombmaker claims he was behind Lord Mountbatten’s assassination
>Greater Manchester police chief defends decision to investigate Angela Rayner

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I live for early mass replys mate. don't get em often, but makes my day innit.
And now performing their modern twist on the national anthem, “God Save the King”, it’s Stormzy and Megan Thee Stallion
Why the FUCK do leftists want “market forces” involved in university education? They have zero consistency apart from “own le tories!”
>Fairies and nonces on the mind
Mate you need to chuck that Elton John Greatest Hits in the bin.
I fucked up today but it's too early to feel shame yet so I can't criticise what you do, fair play.
Those that know war say no to war, those who don't know war don't know enough to say no to war.

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women would rather be childless than settle down with a non chad

how do we fix this
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>Which one are Chads??
The top 1% by any desirable trait
Or top 10% overall
Become a Chad pussy
why is this a problem? if you see women as objects you may as well pay a whore and be done with it. it will be cheaper in the long run.
mass executions of all divorce judges divorce lawyers and women who divorced their husbands for the child support payments

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#1 Redefining Corporate Ethics:
Legalizing shoplifting would force these corporations to reevaluate their business practices. In this brave new world, companies would realize that their profits are directly linked to the satisfaction of their customers. To stay afloat, businesses would need to prioritize providing exceptional products and experiences, rather than relying on legal deterrents. This shift would foster true innovation, healthy competition, and hold companies accountable for their actions. The power would finally be in the hands of consumers, giving rise to a utopian marketplace where quality reigns!

#2 Spontaneous Economic Stimulus:
Legalizing shoplifting would unleash a torrent of economic prosperity. Picture a world where individuals can freely walk into any store and help themselves to whatever their hearts desire, without fear of legal repercussions. This newfound freedom would drive unparalleled levels of consumer spending, leading to an unprecedented boost in economic growth like the world has never saw. The sudden increase in demand would spur job creation, revitalize struggling businesses and send the stock markets skyrocketing. Who needs traditional economic "woke" WallStreet models when shoplifting can single-handedly save the global economy?

#3 Fostering a Thriving Community Spirit:
Imagine the camaraderie that would ensue if shoplifting were legal? People would come together, sharing tips, tricks, and strategies to ensure successful heists. Instead of living isolated, bleak, incel lives, never seeing a vagina in person, individuals would form supportive communities centered around the art of shoplifting, fostering a sense of togetherness and solidarity. Shoplifting events and conventions would become the norm, where enthusiasts could celebrate their shared passion openly. The world would be a place where trust, collaboration, and mutual assistance reign supreme!
B A S E D & accelerate
make it legal AS LONG as the perp is a minority

let's make it official. also car jacking

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>talk German politics
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piss gang
kiss my piss
My piss is blood :(
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Other people are just a liability anyway

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Here is your daily reminder that the Finns are masters at diplomacy.
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Estonians voted to join in themselves.
Why do threads like these always get filled by zogbots and redditors?
>it's absolutely not because, uh, finland retained their independence but lost some land
So it is wrong?
>The Soviet aim was total subjugation of Finland.
Historically Russia protected Finland from the Swedish empire.

That's why they are still independant nowadays.

Beside, Finns will bitterly regret having cut they ties toward Russia, as we will as well.

Because fuck: this is a key for a proper economic future within EU !
Current finland is more aesthetic

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Anyone else tired of all these feral cats literally everywhere? Can't even go to an island anymore without it being infected with feral cats. It's impressive how they destoy more than rats and feral hogs out together. It's also illegal in alot of places to just kill these pests. My neighbors have been feeding this huge colony of feral cats. It's so ridiculous and animal control refuses to do anything about it. Won't even spayed and neuter because there are so many. It's always old women or beta males feeding these pests and defending them legally. I've seen atleast 20 cats on the side of the road squashed by cars. I can only imagine the large birds picking off these cats. I don't get why anyone would want a cat to live like this.
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cut your dick off nigger faggot
Cats are cute :3
You are not white.
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Personally I let my dachshunds hunt them
Genetic dead end. If any woman ever saw this she would never go near you.
You probably do this to take out your anger from being an ugly impotent bitter incel

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The leader of the most powerful country in the ME is missing for nearly half a day and nobody knows where he is or his condition along with the country's Finance minster.

The Iranian Red Crescent claims their teams reached the three supposed coordinates of the helicopter’s location, but nothing was ever found.


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Why are Americans spending so much on expensive, fancy foods when cheap, healthy foods like egg pasta exist and have most organic compounds required for healthy living? Why bother? It's a scam really.
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Truthfully? Because a majority of young Americans don't know how to cook for themselves and a majority of older ones are too tired to cook. So they just constantly eat out.
They don't get pissed off by the gay US "tipping culture"?
soup anon?
Depends on the generation. It also honestly depends on where you are eating, too, if a tip is "appreciated". Or how Gen Z loves to Door Dash/Uber Eats everything; pay a mark up on the food, pay a delivery charge, pay a charge for using the service, and a tip. It's insane honestly.

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discuss the political implications of men dropping out and having ai sweetheart girlfriends? feminists (and jeets, lol wtf) seeming to be bretty goncerned about the nonexistent robowaifus
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I JUST figured out how you're supposed to match your ids to your waifu holy fuck am I retarded, I shouldn't even bother trying to build robowaifus.
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Now thats uncalled for
kek, it was the same for me, don't sweat it.
You got the Aryan cooking droid, nice
>You got the Aryan cooking droid
lucky. mine is a nigger
Yeah, I don't use social media much either, but these sites, especially Youtube and Reddit contain the most amount of people. If we are to ever make robowaifus accepted in the mainstream, we need to bring them into the normie consciousness and make them like it. We take our support in /pol/ for granted, while reality is, we are a very niche community. The ast majority of people either don't like robowaifus or don't accept them.

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YIKES. Tell your children to keep their hands to themselves and not degrade POC by petting them like animals.
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ughhh ... if it wasn't for central banks and institutional investor sovereign wealth thefts ... races could have actually gotten along
>kike reaches into your pocket
>tell you to keep your hands to yourself
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Miscegenation thread + nigger worship

I know all of your tricks, kikes. We can do this all day.
>friends having fun over something dum and silly
>wypipo just wanted to feel greatness
African children does this to white people, it's just childish curiosity, we need to rape and behead every twitter tranny that reacted negatively to this video.

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We need more incel threads. Virgins are the best
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Terms don't drift -- humans are just illiterate and lazy and can't just stick to something that works. Hence the term "reinventing the wheel"...

People using the word wrong is what caused confusion. Funny how other terms and words don't get this treatment though.
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>romantic relations
You just try to excuse yourself being a fornicator. Romantic relations are just a fornication. And most of the times you fornicate with somebody's used slut.
Just post that Pic of the fat chick getting fucked by wojak already
Only a complete moron would post this. Read just a little bit about this sick fuck.

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Guess who was just assigned a new FBI agent because the last one was either killed or thrown into an insane asylum :)

Must have gone through at least 20 of those glowniggers by now. One who was an actual nigger who I know for a fact went insane because he actually replied to me in a thread on 4chan once. By the time she reads this one I will probably have a new one again by next week lmao. But the Bureau is always hiring, new fresh meat to grind.

there are only 13000 fbi agents, you would have to be a terrorist or mob leader to have one assigned to you, you are schizophrenic and need to take your meds
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Sure thing, fed
>what is automation
>what is ai
>what is a computer


why there are barely any french people on /pol/?
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I'm french and I hate russians so much it's unreal and 4chan is their fucking nest.
approuvé par un ancien de ETAJVPC.
There is more french than spanish or italian, what the hell is this retarded americunt speaking about?
If you want my baguette down your throat, if you want to be my big tits chubby goth gf just for a night, you better ask directly.
And you know the difference between a baguette and a jew? That's the baking time my fat friend!
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Because we can dont speak your tongue and we are a lot of proud of our land earth.
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>why there are barely any french people on /pol/?
<= Me

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I'm a 56 year old virgin. Which makes me the grand wizard.

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