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>UniSuper, an Australian pension fund that manages $135 billion worth of funds and has 647,000 members, had its entire account WIPED OUT at Google Cloud, including all its backups that were stored on the service.

>oops your pension disappeared
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Sloppy job
the dot boom crash
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The face of competency crisis
that bicycle is so fuckin gay
Fake news. True news is there was just an outage:
>“UniSuper had backups in place with an additional service provider. These backups have minimised data loss, and significantly improved the ability of UniSuper and Google Cloud to complete the restoration,” it said.

Nothing ever happens.

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Iron Turtle tanks look stupid, but they do work. The Russians could use it to force their way through Ukrainian defenses and end up getting out alive.
Because the Ukrainian army doesn't have more than enough heavy weapons to destroy this crazy wasteland tech.
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These are mostly old T62s without ERA, so a drone flying in from the front will kill it and any ATGM or AT mine can knock it oit as well.
It does have some extra protection from shrapnel and drones, thats true, but Im sure they are no wunderwaffe, but rather Russians are just running low on armor so they are trying everything to save vehiclea from the ever looming turret toss.
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There are active protection systems that can shoot down incoming RPGs like Trophy APS.
Unfortunately this one only has two launchers with two rounds so it would run out after 2 to 4 drone attacks. And an artillery shell landing nearby would shred the radar and launchers of this 400-700k system.
This one looks fine desu
>the kikes are the ones who are NOT slaughtering Europeans
Okay Avi don’t get your nose bent out of joint

>this is what passes as destroyed for .....

don't know what I was expecting honestly

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Here is your daily reminder that the Finns are masters at diplomacy.
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USSR lost against Finland though.
nobody debates that Finland fought a very impressive war
it was just quite simply not worth it for them in the end
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>here's some undeveloped swamps in exchange for your best farmlands and defensive fortifications
They literally won and took everything they wanted and more you retarded mutt

>paying extra zog tax to drink alcohol
I for one ferment my own like a true chad. Not only do I get to enjoy alcohol while minimizing my financial support of jewish parasites, but the alcohol is the fruit of my own labor. Next I will be purchasing carboys from my local Euromarket to ferment in those.
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Following. Comfy Menards cooler midwest fren
wtf? Cider is just fermented apple juice. If anything, add in a cup or two of strong black tea for the tannins.
>also 100% needs campden tablets to not turn to vinegar
Just do it right. I've never used campden tablets.
>good but expensive
Farmer's markets sell honey much cheaper. Buy raw and unfiltered.
>sub dandelion flowers and white sugar
No. Dandelion flowers (specifically the pedals) are for making dandelion wine.
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after stirring in grain add about a gallon of 150f water and check temp. you want a temp of 153f. use hot or cold water to bring within spec
Indeed. We must ferment the juice.
>1700f water

His books are unbearably boring torture porn fanfiction that nobody reads unless theyre forced to for school. How can something be great if nobody likes it?
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>I genuinely love America with all my heart
Then why did you attack us and murder 3,000 of my countrymen?
Name some books you think are great.
Its mandatory in senior english
And have you just made you read it? Oh you poor thing, you'll be fine, just wash it off with Avengers or whatever.
>you're bad at reading I guess
That's a brown/black posts. It's impressive that he even managed to open 4chan and type a post, that's above average writing and cognitive skills for american browns/blacks. Poor set of words, though, weak vocabulary skills, just as expected. Reading and writing is not as easy as selling fentanyl.

What's your take on Russell Brand? Perhaps I'm being superficial here but his eyes don't seem right to me.
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Used to be cool, but went full blackpill cuck. He doesn't talk about the real issues, just what the "hot topic" is at the time.

Talking head videos are cringe as fuck too.
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The eyes are proof he's pure anglo
He endorsed the labour party in 2015 and was a remainer (globo homo) during the brexit referendum. He only pivoted to conspiracy stuff after he was confronted by Katherine Ryan about the rape stuff on a game show in 2018.
I find it weird how Karl Pilkington was friends with him before he got famous.
controlled opportunist

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>american architecture
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It's third world labor anon, and permit inspectors not checking because it's a "known company" AKA corruption. America is third world as fuck
Fucking slaughtered them.
>No way it fucking collapse,


no bump
Only in areas with earthquakes. We don't get that many but we still do RC columns. G*rmany doesn't at all.
Is that what the jews call cultural enrichment ? Boomers allowed spics to take jobs, spics hired more spics, from legal spics to illegal spics, giving the rest in you webm.
>jews allowed illegal migrants
>boomer hired the spic legal worker
>the legal spic hired a bunch of illegal spics
>little to no training
>boomer is happy with the competitive quote
>the legal spic makes more
>the boomer makes more by saving on construction cost
>the jew is happy because his his spic worker is getting paid, his illegals are getting paid, the goy cattle paying the new overpriced stick house higher monthly paiement higher interest payment
Only the goyim loses. Boomers are complicit.

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He's the greatest president of your lifetime.
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>republicans grown some balls charge him with murder
That is their favourite part though. Republicans have an identical foreign policy to Hilary Clinton and Obama they just don't like her voice or that he is black.
Not even close, his 2nd term is fucking abysmal.

He deported more illegals than any president in US history, so that's something. Most of the wall/fences etc etc were erected under his presidency as well. He also refused to close GITMO and quadrupled the inmate population there.
Cash for clunkers
Even worse.

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If you interacted with a femoid, had sex with her. Have friends or a social circle. You DON'T FUCKING BELONG HERE. Don't get it you fucking nigger? This place was a paradise for people like me, who were rejected by society, unwanted and abandoned. This paradise turned into hell when all of you sex-having, relationship-having normalfags invaded it and tainted it forever. You parasites don't belong here, you hate us, we hate you. Stay away from our domain and don't bother us. We don't want your normalfaggotry here.
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Why are YOU not more ashamed of your flag, leaf?
I rather remain an incel
then something like pic related desu senpai
Tbf as people get older they can lose their friends/social circles and with the out of control hypergamy many previous sex havers can become incels
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Jew says jew things

Get. Back. To. Work.
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>the average working man can't buy a home
What do you do for work?
>When I am a parent, I will want my kid to save up all his money, so he can use it as a down payment on a home
You nailed it. No one will ever escape poverty renting. A mortgage it's all going into equity/investment. Renting it's all gone forever. Rentoids vs. house chads are the two classes of people in the USA. It's basically impossible to make it as a rentoids while house chads are investing thousands a month without even trying. You will be a good parent. Hopefully more Americans will understand the this and let kids live at home for longer instead of kicking them out early and forcing them into a life of inescapable renting poverty
The funny thing is I got ten times more pussy as a neet than I do now as a working peasant.
I had 5 women I could call up at any time and then some others here and there.
Now I probably get laid every couple months or so
S&Ls were always 6%
Yes tge white incel loser is an expert on life 30 years before he was born

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WW3 postponed.
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>Fagson Twinkle
Well, where is he?
I denounce the talmud, and fuck all kikes.
I also denounce the qu'ran and fuck all araps.

Total Semitic Death!!!!

Are you a sandnigger? Denounce the qu'ran or kill yourself for being a shitskin. You owe it to humanity.
>Not a lesbian

Then follow the rules faggot

Do you also feel a deep bond with Poland in your country?
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yer a worthless gypsy whore, and as such you simply have no right of comment. that's all
you also have gay civil unions, abortions, and are irreligious and the porn capital of europe along with czechia, not to mention the chinese police and your gypsy king prostituting himself full-time for Russian and Chinese money

we have
>no gypsies, aren't a brown turkic nation like u
>no gay civil unions, marriage or any rights for the gays at all
>no abortion
>tradition, no porn or prostitution capital
>no chinese police or any other asiatic influence
>no corrupt kleptocratic dictatorial regime with no freedom of information
just shut up :3 and kys, you awfully hypocritical worthless, shameless gypsy whore with no honor
I never met a Pole who wasn't a devout catholic.
I also never met an american who was a Christian.
Oh knock yourselves out Hans, you won't find me in the ditches trying to drone you.

Unless you step on my propert, the I release my attack parrot on you.
You're probably a thirdworlder who's never even seen a toilet. Don't even pretend like you don't shit in a ditch.

Why do communists say workers should own the means of production when America doesn't produce anything and the means of production are cheap?
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thats also why they're all owned by poos.
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based mexican at heart
go sell watermelons in the streetcorners, loose cigarrettes in your open window, tacos in the street
become the working class
Same here in Germany, but they are either fully gone now, or switch owner every year after closing down for a few months.
What people mean when they say "own the means of production" is "give me free stuff".
>lots of inspectors to bribe to get your license too.
No the fuck there's not.

T. Restaurant/bar owner

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How come the mainstream media was pretty much running infomercials about how amazing this truck is and then it turned out to be a bricked piece of shit?
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>American made
>Pajeet programmed
>It's shit

I'm shocked desu.
Dude they have so much kick and go from zero to sixty. My boss didn't let me drive it because its so expensive but it was so quiet and fast like a tank. It didn't even feel like we were going 80mph
i see this too at a local mall where there are a few charging stations. lots of apartment dwellers with clout chaser fagtrucks. bonkers times.
>Stop sucking auto industry cum by... buying an inferior product from... Get this... the auto industry!
Trannies are afraid of the implications of the cyber truck

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In this thread we discuss fat people, and everything political that relates to fat people.
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There is some depression in them. The lighting the expressions on both of them and the camera. Looks like something done by evil jews.
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No idea, but it just started being posted here suddenly...
The diarrhea
The wiping
The hemmerhoids
The trapped sweat
The lethargy
The cost
How do fat people do it all their lives? I was 30 over obese BMI and I wanted to fucking die.
I guess that only depends on how badly you want sex
I know I wouldn't have had that self control
but fortunately my first was with a normal girl in the 90s when being obese wasn't too common
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We are the dreamers of dreams and the makers of memes

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Sounds like they had the same drug dealer who fucked up the cut.
>Trump is such a weak fat pussy he couldn't stop the democrats from making him doing warp speed and making sure the bug phramas couldn't be sued

consider a bridge
>another dead leftist
Let us join hands, nu/pol/, and weep for our fallen brethren.
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All vaxxies are gonna be dead by 2030 aren't they?
88% of India
88% of China
70% of Western Countries
40% of Africa

Wild. I do wonder what the age of aquarius that the elite are gonna usher in with automation, robotics, and AI will be like. Whats done is already done.
we might just be the first immorzals

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>Oh shit we got btfo again! DELETE THIS!
Satan won WW2
>operation shingles
Is that where they turbo vaxxed the soldiers and they all got sick and died?
No its where your great grandmother sucked a whole platoon of GIs dry. They called her the mouth of Mary because should would suck for days if she had to.
how did you know she was French?

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What happens here?
Can we colonise it?
Is that Neptune? It's too far away, bro.
It's not Neptune bruv.
Island niggers a hootin and a hollerin huffin gas drinking toilet wine and eating yuman flesh
Sounds kinda fun desu
Well it doesn't look like Uranus.

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Poor families
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no in the original video he was doing the usual nigger ramble about "dem opps dont want no smoke nigga" or whatever other tribal chant he could think of at the spot
missed the vitals but still died...
https://www.gofundme com/f/support-for-grieving-aunt-after-tragic-loss

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