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>Design a tank so that if anything hits the top-back part of it, the tank will obliterate itself
What the fuck were the Soviets thinking?
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>long range
How long distance do you think these drones are flown from the controller?
I find it hard to believe this shit can even fly with all that weight, but material wise this can't be much more than 1k. Use an IR camera module and have some autist adapt some open source autopilot and you can just target with an IR laser too.
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Sadly i only have that one for a leopard, i thing none other was filmed.
they can't.
Challenger 2's turret would toss anyway regardless of armour composition because of the dangerously exposed location of the ammunition storage. Challenger 3 fixes this issue by placing the ammunition securely at the back of the turret.

Do you also feel a deep bond with Poland in your country?
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>He has polish DNA

Oh gah the retards on this crapheep site. XD

Okay, so let's say supposedly he is poolak kike or russkike

Why are muzzies taking shit from him?

I mean, throw Juba a fatwah reward and blow his fucking brains out, fuck sakes man. Get real.
What's Poland like these days? I'm polish but was born in Canada, but as far as I know it's easy for me to be able to get Polish citizenship because my parents are Polish. Just wondering if its worth it.
it's like this
thats a jew you fool

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Here is your daily reminder that the Finns are masters at diplomacy.
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In reality it was another time were the demography in Russia was big enough to throw a lot of people into batte.

Yet the assessment was very correct because not only you go back on your words but you also joigned nazi to try to defeat Russia. Therefore it was a good thing to do to be prepared for that before the actual start with nazi.
>a Finnish-born Soviet communist and, later, Soviet politician, literary historian, and poet who, after the defeat of the Reds in the Finnish Civil War, fled to the Soviet Union
>He was a leader of the January 1918 revolution in Finland that created the short-lived Finnish Socialist Workers' Republic, of which he was appointed People's Commissar of Education.
>Kuusinen was pronounced head of the Finnish Democratic Republic (also known as the Terijoki Government)—Joseph Stalin's puppet regime through which Finland would be transformed into a socialist state.

seriously? citing the head of two temporary puppet government trying to integrate finland into soviet russia as a reliable and unbiased source?
You asked and you was educated.
Now thank me
its as if you're retarded and havent listened to any of the speeches putin has given on the subject, and instead get your ideals solely from podcast personalities just as retarded as yourself

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women would rather be childless than settle down with a non chad

how do we fix this
Let them die off alone and give them zero attention no matter what. They reap what they sow
Women are more like men. They don't need men anymore. There's no balance of male and female
Remove female voting rights. Make women property of men. Daughters are property of their father until married then they are property of their husband. Also legalize rape as long as you are her husband.

I am sad /pol/.

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What happens here?
Can we colonise it?
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I'm not giving your video any clicks for free. Buy an ad. And transcribe it simply into readable posts if you want to argue about it with me here. If I wanted to lurk youtube rn I wouldn't be here rn.
It's crazy how we fantasise about colonising mars and the moon yet we can't even live on antarctica or in the ocean
>in the ocean
Who the fuck wants to live with the looming threat of being drowned by the ocean? I imagine it's fucking uncomfy.
Nothing to argue. Facts are facts. You want to stay ignorant, that's your choice.
Transcribe the video into a greentext if you want to redpill me about it.

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Are Jesus Christ and white people the true Israelites and Jews?
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This is disinformation.
Daily reminder, no European people practiced circumcision until the advent of Christianity. Also Israelites were the cum rag of the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans. Imagine acknowledging these seething warlets as your ancestors.
the samaritans and canaanites were considered gentiles
>Using the word "jew" for people alive during Jesus' day is illogical and leads to inconsistencies like above. Jesus was a "Judean" not a "Jew"
Wrong. Jesus was not a Judean ( A nationality of the people living in the country of Judea)

Jesus was a Galilean National
and a Judahite. An Israelite of the tribe of Judah.

Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. And a maid came up to him, and said, "You also were with Jesus the Galilean."
(Matthew 26:69)

A Judean was a citizen of the Edomite Country of Judea of any racial stock, tribe or religion.
A Judahite is a person of the Bloodline of The tribe of Judah and formed the Kingdom of Judah.

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Christianity is dead in Europe.
Is this a good or a bad thing?
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>global pandemic ruins lives
>people realize their God is either not real or malicious
Why follow a God that is either fake or malicious/allows bad things to happen? The romantic view is that in times of crisis people turn to God. Actually, it's the opposite.

>If I call him names my fanfic will look more true!
LMAO your feelings are not evidence bunkertroon
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shiskin christkikes are now actually defending getting their dick chopped to make them better slaves of jews. Geez Louise. Chop-chopping is NOT a European tradition.
Are you an atheist? Sincere question
>Misses the part where europe was prospering, homogenous and ruling the world while christians

europe lost aqueducts and sewers for 1000 years, it was only during the renaissance when people started looking to its pagan past that it began to prosper again

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Previous: >>468538549

▶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I mean, freedom is priceless, so as many Ukrogoys as it takes
200k would be far too low, would not explain manpower shortages either
but discussion is closed for today
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rope yourself
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Killing russniggers isn't results?
>they keep posting this blurry shit
russians are quite silly are they not?

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calling all leafs edition
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Doesn't make sense, just insert the new map into the old meme
Who doesn't know Bob Probert?
>I will now draw myself as le intellectual 6 foot tall 300 IQ
>I will draw you as the seething 5 foot 4 mantlet
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cia niggers making jew memes now?

Get. Back. To. Work.
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I go to work every day, like I told you before I'm an analyst. I compare the prices of things to wages over time, adjusted for inflation. People today are being paid far, far less than people in the past made. And the people responsible for this economy need to die before anything will ever get better. I make approximately 3 holocausts worth of money per year and live in a 29 story apartment where I film myself fucking your mother every day. I hope you understand this fact and decide to kill yourself.

I know you're mad that you're minimum wage job is paying drastically less because of inflation compared to what the Boomers who make your laws were getting paid at that same job, but you can solve this by ending your life and posting the video to Twitter.
Wages are drastically lower than they used to be. The economy will never improve until the parasites that caused it to fail die.
making it impossible to own a home is what demoralized the younger generation, the real enemy is the people who made it impossible for the younger generation to own a home ie. the jews and boomers
Can anyone describe what is happening in this graph?
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Apparently the COVID vaccines seem to double infertility. It's unclear if this is a short term or a long term effect.

Since we now know the vaccines have DNA and non-spike protein coding mRNA "contamination," and accumulate in the ovaries and testes, the worst case scenario is that they do gene editing to women's ovum themselves to encode the future babies for infertility.

That is, the true fertility crash would not come for another 20 years when the boomer perpetrators were mostly dead if people even put 2 and 2 together. So you might be able to have kids, but your kids can't have kids if the parents or maybe especially mother were vaxxed. That could achieve the 70% population reduction the Deagle documents talked about. Children of Men.

I'm not a scientist, but how technically feasible would this be if this was the actual intent of the vaccines?

I'm currently dating an unvaxxed woman and wondering if we should stay together just because 99% of women around here are vaxxed.

link the video, faggot
>It's unclear if this is a short term or a long term effect.
kek, keeping hanging onto hope roastie toastie
you will die childless and alone because you mindlessly accepted social pressure
stupid bitch
genetic dead end

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Iranians live in the mountains like 4,000 feet above sea level.

killed their pres
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Tell me about the quality of his flight
>a search team went missing in heavy fog

This is not possible. They are not a search team if they can't navigate with GPS, read a map or otherwise do orienteering. It is like a lifeguard who cannot swim.

Well... it's not suspicious at all.

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woman wo was contemplating on doing some programming couldnt keep her hands of BBC
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thats a man

Around 2nd or 3rd grade we got internet in the class rooms with windows 95c

White women were made for Black dick, particularly the nerdy ones who code. Their lithe, pale bodies are perfectly optimized to bounce on hulking golem made of coal who will fill them with Black babies. The BNWO is real and rising, lads.
as a zoomer i find this hard to believe only because of how retarded everyone i have ever met is in regards to computers, regardless of age group. on places like 4channel you see a lot of gen x millenials etc pretend that their generation is somehow skilled with computers but the reality is almost every one i meet is borderline brain damaged in the same way as every z or boomer ive met. i think incels need to realize that they are more similar to eachother than not regardless of their age
how is it that mexicans are able to conjure up such descriptive words when thinking about turd penis but not when doing anything else

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>oy vey goyim!! you can still read your jewish fairytales :^)

i denounce the talmud
i denounce the torah
i denounce israel
gas the kikes
world peace NOW

with that out of the way, what became of the antisemitism bill?

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This is the ultimate level of memory hole. It does not get more extreme than this.

This 4th year UCLA students life is ruined (webm related). He has permanent brain damage, he will be saddled with medical bills for the rest of his life, it WILL affect his ability to get hired once he graduates.

He has no legal recourse, he can't file charges as no Law Enforcement Agency will even begin an investigation much less acknowledge his existence. He can't file a lawsuit because while he can get a lawyer, the courts are ignoring him and denying him his rights.

The media has a gag order on this story. Even the controlled opposition "alt media" names famous for "naming the jew" like Nick Fuentes are ordered to not so much as mention the story.

All this because an active duty IDF soldier by the name of Eliran Bismut lost his cool and attempted to murder the UCLA student by smashing a 2x4 over his head as hard as he could on the night of April the 30th on livestream. Now the entire pozzed system is collapsing in on itself to protect him and the money flow that funded his plane ticket to West Los Angeles. Money flow that connects other powerful jews directly to the funding of the Israeli American Council, jews like Alon Abishoor who were present at UCLA on April 30th, 2024. These powerful and wealthy jews (see: https://archive.is/IXAt4).

It is pointed out in previous threads such as this one https://archive.is/oZLsd,and in this report by The Nation https://archive.is/mOD6A that the funding for the Pro-Zionist "counter protests" comes from the Adelsons and the Israeli American Council or IAC which is a hardline zionist organization that believes in a ONE STATE (jew state) solution for Israel unlike AIPAC which still to this day publicly supports a two state solution.

Aaron Cohen an Israeli intelligence officer can also be seen here https://archive.is/g8bYY working with the LASD at UCLA during all of this.
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concision isnt necessarily what will help.
the tiles remaining identical, and large swaths of copy/pasted text is whats getting you 404'd, and that is the case even if this thread has 60% new words.
the appearance of organicity is key.
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It might be advantageous to join Pro-Palestinian and other anti-Israel protests to introduce our own grievances in exchange for supporting theirs. For example, setting up a huge version of pic related would be a nice addition to all those posterboards the curious public are reading (with the added advantage of being at the edge of the protest if you must bail). Chabad has a huge presence on college campuses and showing pic related and similar infographics to the public would be a huge blow to their public opinion. This could also work with a display of Jewish involvement in vaccines as stated before, and again with Black and Asian grievances toward Jews.

We have to use Esau's gambit here a bit, because our primary mission is keeping Isareli (Jewish in general) involvement in COVID and the vaccine poisonings on the surface of public consciousness. The Palestine issue I think might be a controlled opposition thing to divert public thinking, and anger, away from the COVID injustice and into something the Jews can try to dismiss as "supporting Islamic Terror," ultimately using it to try to snuff out public anger.
what gets it 404'd is information itself
The Biden administration unjustly imprisons January 6th protesters in inhumane conditions.

>Just run away, bro. Flee your homeland because our ancestors were pussies who ran away as well. I mean explores. We wuz explorers and shieet so its okay to give up, tuck tail, and run.
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>People breed less because of female sexual instincts applied in urban settings.
Did you miss the point where I said that women don't really know what they want? How their feelings inform them? Women can go to the city, not have any interest in children for years and then move away and start a family. The difference in that equation is the man. If she's with some soicuck that's worried about climate change or white supremacy, her line is dead. If she can find a better man, who has a plan to get the fuck out of the city then her line will continue. You're giving women way too much credit because you're still bluepilled on them.

>falling for the bro fallacy
You're talking like a woman. Whenever a woman wants to criticise something she doesn't like, that she doesn't understand, she just appends the word "bro" on the end. Like "tech bro". The position is always one of envy. She doesn't understand why some socially awkward guy is making several times more than she or her boyfriend does. She will never figure it out. So she just puts "bro" in there and thinks a fraternal type remark intended as an insult actually work, because shaming is all she has. She's just a woman after all.

You on the other hand are a man, you should know better. You're just looking for excuses.

>But my point was more that four guys on a farm can't change things.
Now you're arguing with points I never made. You need to drop this change the world shit and get your own life sorted out first. Even in good times, a man needs other men he can rely on. My whole initial point was how Devon is isolating himself and how that's not good.

Have you ever heard the phrase: "defeat in detail"? That's what will happen when we're all so spread out. Four guys working together on land they own is better than four guys living far apart. And the reason I picked four is because it's an achievable goal. Four can be a group that links up with another. As an "individual" your fate is going to be worse.
Odysee puts the live chat replay in the comments.
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So he's a Russian shill.... Figures.
thats some cozy shit right there
>Devon's a great guy

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Poor families
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You’re like that guy that points out the chick’s ass is photoshopped. We know, we’re just too busy to care.
$600 for a funeral
That wouldn't even buy a box to put him in
>She was an only child
>My Aunt

Wouldn't it be a good idea to start paying niggers to kill each other ? I mean making it look like a crowd funding kind of thing, the nigger brain can only think about frivolities and shit, so that would be easy money for them
Specially if they are young
In 20 years we Wouldn't even have anymore of them around
Tried to outdo this junglepaddy deigo.

>he just copy pastes two hour old new-
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Nine other than Ali Reza Dawari, head of the communications department in Ahmadinejad's presidency has confirmed it.
This will piss off the Israelis much like the death of their boy Soleimani
Regime change is needed... Along with a couple permanent bases in Gaza
Rotor aircraft aren't planes you bloody nonce
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These lads are rolling off ships in to Gaza as I type.
Thanks Mohsen

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Can't poo if you don't eat
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Seconded. Back to the subcontinent vermin and never come back to White western countries again.
Did anyone ask for your opinion you brown retard?
you guys had a bloody falling out and india had to get involved( they did do some dabbling) plus bangladesh does use indian infrastructure.
they will use you and throw you away.
>brown retard
>t. worships a pig fucker
How many gallons of camel piss have you chugged today, Barapmed?

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