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Found and bought a second hand "Rodeo Farm" Fisher Price Husky Helper set today

Anybody else kind of in love with the simplicity of the older Fisher Price sets? Always found them kind of appealing, particularly the Adventure People series
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>the seam
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I love old fisher price figurines. They got a good aesthetic to them.
You do not have parties and maybe not even dinners.
every one has dinners anon
Old fag here
Born in 79,
I had one of these back in like 1983+
Many good memories pushing it through the dirt and loading it up

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Post racist toys. Here's Mr. Popo.
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There is a black doll in the Raggedy Ann line based off of the mammy archetype.
She eventually got a redesign that toned down that aspect and made her a lot cuter.
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Not enough discussion of the best group of them all...

>Blacks just had it hard early on and overreact sometimes
I hope that you're just saying that as a joke but I feel that you might actually believe that
I thought you guys have a ton of examples, anyway, found №7 recently.
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Here's mr Trump, he is racist.

Last thread: >> who knows anymore.

Well here we are Mattel finally dropping an Allosaurus and Nanmu Dropped the V-rex.
Creative Beast Studio Dropped more and more pics of upcoming Kickstarter for Prehistoric Elephants.
Papo has the exciting Suchomimis
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Dominion should have been entirely about the dinosaur smuggling in Malta
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Any notable Rebors I should keep an eye out for? I have none.
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Damn shame.
Their 2 different retrosaur Tyrannosaurs

Who is the blue fella?
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It's the Legioss Alpha from Genesis Climber Mospeada, which was called the Veritech Alpha Fighter when Mospeada was dubbed as Robotech: The New Generation, but otherwise it isn't connected to Macross.

It was sold as an Alpha/Tread two-pack. Tread is the unit on the back, Alpha is the one in front. The Tread was called a Beta Fighter in Robotech.
Thanks! Is there a database/wiki that's decent?
That depends... are you looking for a database of Mospeada toys, Robotech toys, Mospeada mecha designs, or Robotech mecha designs?
Heh! All I guess!
Well, Robotech's website has lists of mecha designs, and the ones under "The New Generation" are from Mospeada: https://robotech.com/roboverse/mecha-database

And this is the Mecha category in the Robotech Fandom wiki: https://robotech.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Veritechs

Conversely, the original Japanese Mospeada series doesn't have much coverage, because most people wouldn't remember it if it wasn't for Robotech.

Any good Son Wukong figures? I know four horsemen have a "super sayian" son wukong coming and fury toys has 2 versions of son wukong. Any others out now for a decent price. Been playing Black Myth and now I really want a monkey in my collection
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Looks like romankey is making a Wukong figure. Should be good.
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Fuck dropped pic
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Have this guy and he's one of my favorites in my collection.
Don't waste the 3 brain cells you have on thinking about it

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R8 Chris Chan's toy collection.
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Taiwan is a country
china chris chans dream home
some day we'll send him there
I'm honestly shocked he hasn't done any creepy shit with children
my intuition is impeccable
For all the creepy and stupid shit with chris, despite jokes on the matter, chris has never really had any pedo inclinations

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the pre Zyuranger ones were Turboranger (all 5 of them had a figure) and Fiveman, of which they only made Five Red. I have a few Turbos and I have Five Red.

I wonder why it skipped around? Jetman and Dairanger would have been cool.
I have a Green Ranger still in box
When the fuck does this thing ship? It's been pushed back almost half a year.
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I think the 5.5" figures sold more, and almost all of the sentai series from the early 80s to the mid 90s got them.

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Previous Thread >>11105795



HasLab Cobra Rattler - Campaign is now live! Funding period ends 11:59PM ET on September 9th

Now Shipping:
>Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh)
>Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh)
>Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Retro Beach Head

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They look good for a ROSS $3.99 release. Might grab them when they hit shelves next year.
DPCI Codes:

087-26-0443 and 087-26-0444

BAT UPC - 840049888760
Cover Girl UPC - 840049888746
Snake Eyes UPC - 840049888739
Cobra Commander UPC - 840049888753

They're looking great!
Idk, im not feeling the real vibe a vintage gives off. Kinda feels like those build a figure with parts deals. Except you arent. All the rubber band retro stuff just looks kinda bad, like bootlegs imo when compared to an actual arah swivle battle grip blah blah. They might be awesome but im not curious despite s7 doing all these wacky gi joe reaction figures that look fun.
Valkyries are back up for pre order on bbts, its 'sub standard' grade but as long as get everything in set idc so much about busted boxes.i like girl troopers.


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A thread for the 1:12 Collective figures by Mezco.

New Figures:
1:12 Junkyard Joe
1:12 DC: Nightwing
1:12 Dick Tracy: The Blank
1:12 SDCC TMNT: Casey Jones
1:12 SDCC GI JOE: Commando Snake Eyes
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x2, I like their OCs a lot
The Creepshow crate beast they teased years ago, it was known as 'Fluffy'.
Looks like Gotham by Gaslight Batman is getting a reissue. Anyone got him? He looks pretty good, I’ve never read the story though.
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Also Beetlejuice went up, looks good. Pricey at $155 though, but you do get a nice spread of accessories.

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For me, it's Mech Wing Batman
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Heres the most articulated kenner figure released to give you an idea of what it'd might be (if i understand you correctly).
martial arts robin 1995
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theres also that cool snow forever batman that could raise and lower his head while also being able to turn it that could easily have been implemented
Man this goes to show what a blind spot the B&R line still is for me. It's crazy to see this level of articulation on a kenner sculpt. Thanks for mentioning it anon.
Slalom Batman had a similar neck joint for whatever reason. All of these points are just spurring on my desire to see a posable kenner bats. I know spinmasters is doing his 85th anniversary line now. Seems like such a wasted opportunity not to release something along these lines alongside the movie anniversary product.
yeah its a pipe dream, DC/warner is probably thinking we already have a superpowers line and a few throwback figures why bother with another 90s themed thing. ive contiplated doing the same thing a couple times too but i just dont have enough figures im willing to sacrafice for such experiments

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the thread is our watchtower edition

Previous: >>11136205
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>there's already reviews
Earlier, better sculptor
That's an awful boot, broken into two pieces of plastic. Plus the diaper is way more noticeable and therefor problematic because it, the waist area and what looks like a teenage girls crop top, all look like three different, unrelated pieces of fabric. They don't even look like they are the same plastic, at least in that picture.

The red is allegedly the harder to find version. I've seen the blue discounted on EB so it shouldn't be hard to find.

Some of the 'shillier' YT's get free versions from the Toddfather. I think only a few own up to it in every video, if you don't follow them regularly, you wouldn't know.

Surprised no one is talking about this. Seems neat. Shame the BE and its ass app died for this though.
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I dont really like the roster of virus busters, Its the only pendulum color Im not getting
Although the color of the shell are very nice
I'm all for angels, so it was a must buy for me
Yeah but angewomon was already in nature spirits and Id have preferred Ophanimon over Quantumon
At least it Dominimon is very cool
I'm an Agumon boy so I'll get whatever roster has him on it. Was tempted to get Metal Empire too and may still end up caving, but I'm trying to limit myself to only one Color device per wave since they're so expensive.
I don’t necessarily disagree with you about digimon being harder to market, nostalgia-dependent, or serving as a testing ground—it can be difficult to figure out what other things are going to be forced down audiences’ throats so that your own company can corner a market on their attention span and whatever trends are oversaturated vs leave a vacuum, especially when that audience is children without their own disposable income and an ability to drop a few bucks on a whim

But also: the problem, and the downstream effects of it, are bigger than that.
Digimon and several other franchises will do better if a different company obtains the rights to them; we’ve had almost nothing but nostalgia pandering of other 80s and 90s franchises, the majority of which dictated to enough kids “hey, this thing your parents used to like is cool and you want it now” to stay relevant.

I just want more grotesque cyborg monster alien dinosaurs having slice of life shenanigans with young characters and evolving when said characters experience a moment of personal growth and overcome their traumas.

>That'll be $250
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It actually does come with an alternate “what if” alien head for him if you get the timed edition
That alt head looks worse than Neca's figures
You are such a sad, pathetic troll. Those aren't "worse" than anything, those aren't even bad. Get a life.
And you’re missing chromosomes…

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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

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I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.
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LEGO MOC General /lmg/


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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10, or at image limit.

Previously: >>11138171
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>>For you
Yep, amazing how she appeared only once and got the honor of appearing here.

Owning cryotek and the legacy Megatron. The original is fiddly, but it has fun gimmicks.

If you want simple and affordable go for the Legacy. I like how the chest transforms.

I still want a fucking cryotek repaint.
There's not been any indication that we're getting an Armada Megatron Megazarak repaint, right? I don't really feel like I need more than one of a mold, and if there's never going to be such a thing I'll probably grab Galvatron, maybe.
A genderswapped version called Amanda Megan is more likely.

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