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Favourite /toy/ relevant art?
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it's just so memetic isnt it? it's the perfect embodiment of all that a 6 year old boy finds awesome. aliens, dinosaurs, and war.
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i'd fucking kill for the original card artwork off the monster turtles to be sold as a poster
Because fantastic card art was the thing back in the day. If your card-art wasn't on point, you weren't selling that toy.

I'm not normally one of them "back in the day" types who thinks everything was better forty years ago, but when it comes to toy art....it's a lost art form.

>the movie Stealth

It was probably based on the actual F-19, which was the inspiration for the Phantom as well.

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What ever happened to this cheap, but fun, toy line? There has been nothing on their IG page for over a year, and the only restocks at DT have just been the same old stuff. They did the Gold and Venom variants, then poof. I thought these were really solid figures, especially at a $1.25 price point, especially the vehicles and all of the accessories.

Did anyone else like these?
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holy moly
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You are devoid of hope or joy if you think nobody on the design side put passion or care into this project.
>So they license stuff they think fits and than send the factories their packaging with Adventure Force label.

exactly! some stuff is also exclusive to mexico. you know those shampoo bottle figures everyone hates? in mexico lanard made a range of generic offbrand ones for adventure force. they're all aliens with weird dinosaur heads. it was cool.
thanks anon
lately ive been wondering if lanard has any of their o-ring molds left over from the 90s. i bet they could make alot of bank if they did.

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Whats the use of feeling..whats the use of feeling blue?
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He used to do an idealized version of himself but people made fun of him for it.
This is utterly retarded
Oh. Uh oh.
But why isn't it screen accurate?
would be funny if you squeezed it it would make blueberry fart noises

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Do they support your habits, maybe even pay for them? Or are they angry that you spend so much on kid's playthings? Do you have any horror stories about a parent throwing out your stuff or a wife demanding you get rid of your toys?
I have neither.
They like them and support the hobby.
i remember my dad being a cunt that i was still playing with and wanting to buy toys. i was fucking 8. I think he was just mad that my step mom was losing 90% of his income on gambling but i didnt find that out for years. Didnt work, since i still collect im far "too old for".
Do you think the mask stays on during sex? Do you think Mrs Skullface cries out "bone me harder" as Bobby goes balls deep? Do you think that when he can't find the clit, he just hamhands her with his giant sausage fingers like she's TFC Toys Hound, and he loudly proclaims "I don't need instructions" as he punches her mound with the fury of a child playing whack a mole?

Did not see the previous Sonic thread, so gonna make a new thread.

I saw the new 5" figures at Gamestop, but they told me they're street dated for October 1st.
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Fuck more Cream. Also Fuck no to buying a pop
Kys faggot
That doesn't look like anything a little bit of hobby putty for filling in any scratches and some paint couldn't fix.
>Fuck more Cream.
I wish I could, anon. I wish I could.
What's happened to the petition?

I miss when he reviewed stuff other than statues/collectors items
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Michael Crawford, he’s been collecting toys for a long ass time and has a huge collection. He puts out text reviews on a weekly basis.
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Best reviewer online.
Has an absolutely massive collection, since he's his website has been doing reviewers since probably 99. This also means his website loads instantly, because it still web 1.0.

He mostly collects higher end stuff, but he used to also review GI Joes and Marvel Legends. It gives a good glimps into the past, as he also dates his reviews and how much a toy would cost buying it from Target and websites. He takes a good amount of images, so there's a lot of comparisons and poses. He also used to do "true scale" photos, so that the toy would appear as big as it does on your screen, but who knows if that still works.

Also, for the new reviews, he posted them incorrectly. He forgot to put the "a' at the end of the numbers for the URL. So it should look like http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW-081924a.htm instead of http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW-081924.htm

pic of Captain Toy himself at SDCC at the Square Enix booth. Grizzly and old as fuck.
Holy fuck this unlocked a memory.
I used to go to his site all the time just to check out pics of all the new cartoon toys. I probably would not have even started collecting if not for this site.
There was such an era of high-quality collectables back then, it's no surprise he's not really interested in basic figures nowadays because there really isn't a lot to go on.
He still does

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Would you reconsider LEGO if they dropped their faggy anti-violence policy and made kits of F22's and Abrams tanks and shit?
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There are countless perfectly serviceable comparable brands at prices that aren't blatant price gouging. Lego is still operating under the assumption that they're the only player in the game when more and more people jump ship for other brands that don't openly spit in their customers' faces.
Didn’t stop them with Fortnite and Overwatch.
I don't need official sets to build tanks, troops, etc. I've seen tons of functional lego war machine showcases on youtube too. You know you're supposed to get creative with lego, right?
Also the implication that medieval warfare isn't 'realistic' is pretty funny
I used to have a giant tub of legos, lots of classic sets like dragon castle and early HP. Now I couldn't buy back into the hobby.
Wish I’d have seen this when it was $11.

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I'm going to Phoenix, Arizona for a week is there any good toy/collectible stores worth checking out while I'm there?
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It’s America no
the chains got killed by venture capitalism and the ma&pa comicbook shops got killed by Amazon/covid/trumpinomics
Seconding this. If you could only visit a couple of toy stores in Phoenix those two would be it. Note that Toy Anxiety is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

A couple of other options in the general metro area are Zia Record Stores which do take secondhand toys along with books and media if you want to try your luck. The metro also has a couple of Bookmans Entertainment Exchanges which also have used toy and collectible sections like Zia.

Book-Off also recently opened a branch in Mesa if you find yourself out there, they specialize in weeb toys/collectibles, but also have an aisle/glass case dedicated to western items. The mesa branch of Bookmans is also in that general area.

If you have a passing interest in antiques, the North Phoenix Branch of Brass Armadillo is massive and has an eclectic pool of vendors. You can also chat up an employee over how haunted their building is.

If you're in Glendale's old town, there is a half Vintage Toy Store / Dollhouse Store called Smilin Jack's Peddle Cars and Antie Em's Miniatures respectively. Specializing in vintage toys. It's a charming little store worth a visit if you end up stomping around Glendale. Tri-Force Collectibles and Drawn to Comics are just a couple of blocks over in the same old town district. They should also have stuff to peruse and those two stores are just across the street from each other.
Thanks for the tip.

I went to Bookman's today. Nothing interesting in terms of toys but I got some old gba and gbc games lol.
Neat store though.
I wish a giant Spittor would take over my city.

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Giant Gochizo Edition

DX Rider Gochizo Series 01
DX Rider Gochizo Set 02
SHF Kamen Rider Majade Sun Unicorn
SHF Kamen Rider Buffa Fever Zombie Form
SHF Auto Vajin (vehicle mode)
SHF Kamen Rider Saber Brave Dragon Metallic Color Edition
SHFSS Kamen Rider Baron Banana Arms
SHF Ultraman Arc
SHF Beta Spark Armor & Hybrid Armor Option Parts Set
SHFSS Evil Tiga
CSM Kaizaphone XX
CSM Blay Buckle Rerelease

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Ryuki, Blade and Fourze to go...
I am coping that they're saving SS Ryuki for a 25th Anniversary movie and pull a Next Faiz situation.
just wanted to be sure. I wanted to get the Battlehopper for my KRBlack figure and i didn't see well from the youtube reviews i saw.
Get the Desire driver instead
I know it won't happen but it'd sure be nice if the other three got a reissue.

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I want some Mighty Morphin figs, which ones should I buy?
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>work on saving the white race instead of buying toys.
We can do both of those things anon.
Get at least the SMP Dinozords so you can contrast it with the fuckhueg Altera.
Whoa, they also get toys. That's so thoughtful
What the fuck is this ugly shit?

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Legends Edition

Previous: >>11150168
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I mean he’s right though
Next thread, now with actual news included: >>11160858
Wasn't Todd supposed to release Gatman?
that comic is 15 years old
Anon he's probably not even 15 yet

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-We have e-mails for a reason. USE THEM.
-Be sure to have PRICES (with photos preferably) in your SALE listings - NO "feeler" posts, just post the thing with a price.
-Ignore price-policing posts, as someone will ALWAYS complain. E-mail the seller and communicate accordingly if pricing is an issue.
-I'll save you the effort: check Mandarake, either for pricing (if selling), or for availability (if buying).
-Don't shit-talk buyers or sellers without evidence.

Previous thread:>>11129640
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Friedkun@gmail.com. Sorry forgot email
>Snail Shell Aileen $70
70 usd for 50 cad figure.
Not him, but I'm not sure where you're seeing her anywhere in stock. Even US sites like BBTS that DID mark her up to $70 are sold out.
shes still on AliExpress for retail price. Ali gets shit to you pretty quick now if its a choice purchase. If you cant wait a week to save 20 bucks go ahead and buy it at 70.
Shipping Included. USA Only. Accessories Complete unless stated otherwise.

Free Welly DeLorean (Needs Fixing) or Jada Toys Batmobile to whoever pays an extra $5 shipping.

Black Series:
Echo (Bad Batch) $15
Hunter $20
Crosshair $45
Tech $15
Wrecker $20
Plo Koon $30
Ahsoka (Live Action) $10

Marvel Legends:
Punisher with Bike $55

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Previous Thread: >>11121439
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try searching rarelust.
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Thanks lads, I'll check it out.
There was one on /t/ that had most of the toho stuff plus a bunch of extras like the Gamera movies. Not all of them are good quality, but I can only think of 1 or 2 that I had to find elsewhere.
The people in charge of the tie in comics certainly capitalize on it, not that they can do much though.
I'm sad because I got one of those blind bag Godzilla clip-ons and got Ghidorah instead of Mothra.

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y'all niggas here and also on reddit and in every other site slandered Bring Arts 2B for different reasons, reasons and issues that the latest 2B figures made by Buzzmod and SHF both STILL HAVE but even worse, yet you fucks do nothing but praise them.
Looking at both, first of all them have GIGANTIC heads, NECA April levels of awful
I've seen the anime, her head isn't as big because her body is proportionate to her round head, the proportions on both Buzzmod and SHF figures are atrocious
Next, the facesculpts on both figures are low quality as fuck, the paintjob is sloppy and the definition itself reminds me of Marvel Legends and even the latest Legends have better quality of definition, meanwhile both Bring arts figures have great headsculpts and well-defined facial expressions
the accessories, both Bring Arts gave you two dozens of accessories and weapons, both Buzzmod and SHF give you a few hands, some faceplates and a shitty base with a pod
and finally the ass-tech, both 1.0 and 2.0 Bring arts 2Bs have almost perfect ass-tech, meanwhile the SHF has a Marvel Legends-tier ass and the Buzzmod is ok, that's it
Not even going to go through the sculpt detail because both Bring arts destroy the SHF and Buzzmod in every single way starting with the feathers on her arms and ending with each accessory being superior to the latest 2Bs
the articulation is the same as the Bring arts figures, and everything else is worse, why do you fags hated Bring Arts for giving you something better than the garbage you love and defend so much?
>Yeah the SHF buzzmod have awful proportions less accessories and the arms look dislocated while you pose them and have giant heads and worse faces but you know what? it's alright!
fucking hypocrites
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i just can't fathom buying an expensive figure just to pull it apart on purpose in an autistic crusade against a brand i hate and posting a picture of it on an imageboard then pretending this makes me look anything but silly
I doubt this schizo owns figma. Hes never posted a single figma.
That must be the worst figure ever made.
Hey, atleast it isn't SHF Cell saga Yamcha.
I unironically own all 3 and anyone saying the bring arts needs to be shot

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/lit/ edition

Previous thread: >>11123512

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect or awful. ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

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Lads which loadout should I put on my Mirage III:
-1xMagic 530 AAM/2x Magic 550 AAM/2x 1700l tanks (full interceptor)
-1xAS-30 AGM/2x Magic 550AAM/2x 500l drop tank bomb carriers carrying 6x mk82 (multirole)
The most popular spitfire marks are I, II, V, IX, and XIV basically in a bell curve. V has a lot of representation because of the subvariants and trop mods. XII is just an odd outlier. It's nice to have it to help fill out the mark range but there's not a lot of demand for it.
>large surfaces
Are you only building jumbo jets?
There's only so many spitfire kits you can buy and build
If I had to guess the clipped wings filter people

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