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Previous Thread >>11146976

>New/Latest Pre-orders
The Vintage Collection:
-Streets of Mos Eisley playset (w/ Jawa) - FanCh
-Luke Skywalker (ANH)
-Anakin Skywalker (Ahsoka)
-Phase I Clone Trooper Lieutenant
-Dedra Meero
-Jedi Master Indara
-Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing - FanCh
-Figrin D’an & The Modal Nodes - FanCh
-K-2SO (Andor)
-Armorer Forge Playset - Pulse/Disney
-Jetpack Trooper (Jedi Survivor)

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are there any pics of someone trying a nihilus headswap on the new maul body since he's on the old maul body?
Most people switch him to Kylo Ren legs since that gives him extra height, maul is short
I don't think those Leias ever actually made it to store shelves before being dumped on Ollies. I probably would have bought one.
Is he the guy that tried to date rape Leia?
I still see some at target, I think walmart got rid of them but they would have a bunch too. Honestly Leia always peg warms, idk why they keep making so many of her.

They should've made a new ANH Han before Leia. There is still not a Han figure with pinless knees and butterfly joints and other recent articulation updates.

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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

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Did Hemoxian do any more kits after the Thor one?
i can't tell, arr rook arike 2 watashi
Considering topcoating some of the kits I got (Never done before).
I don't paint much, but I'll ask anyways.

I can find Mr.Hobby matte spray here, is the premium upgrade worth it or will a few extra layers get the same result? I know I'll already have to postpone spraying anyways, as the moisture's too high here.
Said spray is all good with waterdecals/stickers/gundam markers/tamiya paint? Read something about some coats not mixing well some time ago.

How well does it hide nubmarks? Some I got are the glossy/darker kind with a faint lighter edge around them. Will sanding down more and spraying be enough to hide the new scratches from it?

I'll probably try it out first on a cheap kit anyways I guess, just don't want to waste the money as hobby supplies are a bit pricey to get here.
You don't want or need to do more than one coat. You should practice on something else first if this is your first time. Your are aiming for a coat wet enough to meld into one smooth continuous layer, but not so wet that it pools or gets thick and drippy. Spray in short bursts from around 10-12" away.

Yes, price matters, better topcoat will be more matte. Matte topcoat quality is judged by how little light it reflects. Mr. Hobby is generally considered to be one of the best (it is the best in my book).
Do you think a gold color would work here for panel lining?

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What are the best bootleg action figure companies?
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I figured this. Even tons of major toy brands use recycled plastic. I have speculated for years that Funko Pops are made of recycled medical waste.
I actually think bootleg toys are a major unexplored rabbit hole. Its literally impossible that some executives at the big companies are secretly in on it. The bootleggers are getting tons of plastic and steel from somewhere and it definitely isn’t free. There are moles at hasbro and bandai getting these guys their plastic. Probably a huge reason these companies are bleeding money that is totally kept in the dark.
>Its literally impossible that some executives at the big companies are secretly in on it
It’s impossible that they ARENT in on it*
It would explain why prices keep jacking up.
Aren't there online suppliers that deal in bulk plastic for molding?

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Welcome to the Diecast General, your one-stop shop for everything diecast! Whether you're a Hot Wheels fanatic, a Jada Toys collector, or simply love miniature metal marvels, this is the place for you.

From cars and trucks to figurines and statues, we celebrate all things diecast. So buckle up, join the conversation, and let's roll!

Previous thread: >>11120928

>Hot Wheels:



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nice pics, people should post moar about their collections
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waiting to see the finished result
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I've got about 2700 pieces in my collection. The majority of those are cars you can find in big-box stores in the United States- think 3" Hot Wheels and Matchbox. But I have a decent number of cars across all the major scales from more 100 different diecast brands.

I like real cars so most of my collection reflects those tastes. I don't really care about Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Tomica, etc. If it's decent and acquirable I'll buy it.

Pic is some cars I picked up on a trip to Europe earlier this year.
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I love the 70s sci-fi aesthetic of stuff like the Hot Wheels Radar Ranger >>11152550 and Matchbox Planet Scout
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Got one of these Track Dwagons and really like it, alt colours are dark grey with yellow transparent plastic iirc.

Perfect for Gaslands. I number my cars when I paint them, and this one already having 009 on the side is perfect as it would be my 9th

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Giant Gochizo Edition

DX Rider Gochizo Series 01
DX Rider Gochizo Set 02
SHF Kamen Rider Majade Sun Unicorn
SHF Kamen Rider Buffa Fever Zombie Form
SHF Auto Vajin (vehicle mode)
SHF Kamen Rider Saber Brave Dragon Metallic Color Edition
SHFSS Kamen Rider Baron Banana Arms
SHF Ultraman Arc
SHF Beta Spark Armor & Hybrid Armor Option Parts Set
SHFSS Evil Tiga
CSM Kaizaphone XX
CSM Blay Buckle Rerelease

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Please tell me you can make BoostZombie from Episode 6. You should have both that and Geats BoostMagnum, right?
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A nip already beat that anon to it.
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SHFSS when ?
isn’t the original based on the SHFSS?
I doubt it would be the case, even with the SS Agito figures being relatively thin, the regular Shining Agito is even thinner than that and doesn't share the engineering at the hips for example. Also, Shining Agito came out before the Shinkocchou Seihou line debuted (February of 2014 and SHFSS Kabuto released the month after) and more than a year before SHFSS Agito Ground Form.

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Are knockoffs like this illegal in the United States? Could I get in trouble for importing it? I just saw a review of this and I would love to buy it, but I am not sure if it'd be blocked at customs.
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not taking this bait
you're kidding, right? god kids are dumb these days.
there's very few things it's flat-out illegal to own. this falls under 'illegal to make'
if the feds cared they would ban all chinese websites. which they should.
I didn't know if tariffs kept them as illegal to import
I remember the first time I saved a pic of a naked lady to my computer and went through customs, was seriously worried the feds were gonna collar me
If you’re importing it in bulk to sell, yeah, probably.
If you’re just importing it to have, it’s perfectly fine.

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>is everything wrong with the fig community in you're path
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Who is this guy?
bill cosby
Their are crackheads, naked, passed out in more roach infested, filthy and destroyed shit holes than this dudes place - although they probably don't have some shitty ass ugly carpet!
wtf, I thought you were joking at first
I walked 3 miles today.

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>toy is so dead we dont have Nendoroid Generals anymore

Preordered Lain maybe its cope but her eyes look better now?
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how are Figuarts mini things?
it looks like it supposed to be bandai's answer to nendoroids right?
kinda thinking of getting one, but not sure
It's about time for them to release Kaede
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I'm giving this a try for storing Nendoroid parts.
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the release date for don-chan got moved up :D
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Sorry if not allowed, but was wondering. Been a fan of the channel for years now, in fact Retroblasting is a good reason why I've been a collector of other toylines besides transformers for as long as I have. There are toys and playsets I wouldn't have known about without it, for example I wouldn't have had any idea the remco mini monsters existed but for Retroblasting.
That said... In the last few years at least... I have had a very, very difficult time engaging with anything on the channel except his toy videos. Michael seems.... Very self righteous to me, the sort of person who insists their bluntness is " just being honest", without taking anyone else into account. His latest video about the gijoe scale airwolf X was a hard watch.
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>multiple threads for Elvira for some reason
If you didn't notice, two of the Elvira threads were Retrospam. Pic related. The Mezco one was probably started just because he found their cunny Elvira while looking for NECA pics.
There has also been someone with a hard-on for Bobby Skullface. It's probably CC too, but I'm not sure. Someone posted a Skullface thread while he was "absent" but that doesn't mean shit since he loves to shitpost without his trip.
It's all the same schizo.
He does make some well researched, enjoyable content,but his rants should be consigned to a second channel, they make him seem like a tool with a chip on his shoulder.
I don’t keep up with all the schizos, QRD?
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French is no where as near awesome as this guy

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Seriously, why the fuck did Lego think this was a good idea?
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>with Lego prices
I saw LEGO for the first time at a Ross but DESU, that's only because I was combing the store; most times, the shelves probably have them and I skipped over them without even registering their presence.
Did you chop your dick off?
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It is not accurate to the comic for Wednesday to have a dark skin complexion, this is true. Then again, Gomez is more accurate than ever, and the other live action adaptations portrayed him as a skinny white guy.
this whole post says nothing except blog about seeing a thing, it doesnt offer a conclusion, a idea, a comment, its the equivalent of telling someone "I saw a dog one day"
Normal version is mad ugly but the goth dress one is cute. Still an atrocious casting for Wedsneday though. I grew up with the black and white show and seeing her be anything but chalk white is wrong.

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What the hell...I don't know what MEZCO was thinking, this just looks like a toddler with giant breast.
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these dolls are so weird/funny/cute/cool just found out about them from this thread and i want them so bad but I have nowhere to put these
Kinda like it
thanks OP Ill buy it now
I would
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Damn brat needs correction (ToT)

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Mail came in early. Over the Rainbow Elvira turned out better than the original standard version!!!
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You're going to pay for that, buddy.
You're such a fucking piece of shit reposting this over and over again. Hope someone cuts your fingers off and feeds them to you.
Isn't she married to some crusty old dyke? What a waste.
I think over the last decade or so Elvira has tried to horn in on lgbtq subculture just like every other brand.
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>neca fans (fags?) help bankroll neovaginas for children
You can't make this shit up

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What ever happened to this cheap, but fun, toy line? There has been nothing on their IG page for over a year, and the only restocks at DT have just been the same old stuff. They did the Gold and Venom variants, then poof. I thought these were really solid figures, especially at a $1.25 price point, especially the vehicles and all of the accessories.

Did anyone else like these?
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You are devoid of hope or joy if you think nobody on the design side put passion or care into this project.
>So they license stuff they think fits and than send the factories their packaging with Adventure Force label.

exactly! some stuff is also exclusive to mexico. you know those shampoo bottle figures everyone hates? in mexico lanard made a range of generic offbrand ones for adventure force. they're all aliens with weird dinosaur heads. it was cool.
thanks anon
lately ive been wondering if lanard has any of their o-ring molds left over from the 90s. i bet they could make alot of bank if they did.
Those were great days for me, i think my kid was like 2-3 and rescue heros aired on qubo so it was just perfect for us.
There are no 3 3/4 figures out under $10 that i can think of besides the star wars line of 5 poa so theres a market. Look at the current tmnt stuff, all $10 and up so its a good price point that moves units. Im no buisnessman just going off what i see 5 days a week.

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Previous Thread: >>11126674

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 21st)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 28th)
-Gundam Mk-Ⅱ (A.E.U.G.) ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)
-IB-C03: HAL 826/Handler Walter (Nov. 2024)
-Strike Noir ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Nov. 2024)
-GM II EFF Type ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 2024)
-Grendizer (Dec. 2024)
-Voltes V (Feb. 2025)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:

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Definitely stands on it's own, but MB prices are just too high for me to justify a 3rd Dynames. If I'd missed The Repair III I'd probably grab this.
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>>Definitely stands on it's own, but MB prices are just too high for me to justify a 3rd Dynames
>buys the MB astray frame 4 fucking times (red kai, blue 2nd l, gold, hana), 5 if you include a chink bootleg 1/60 retool
Get on my level of brain damage. Not as bad as the one fmp guy but it's pretty bad.
That thing is based on the gold frame? Interesting
And yeah the guy with the MB Gernsbacks army is terminally insane
Yeah. I posted about it when I got it a years ago. The whole thing is basically an astray with chink shit all over it. It was surprisingly sturdy.
Well I bought two GN Arms so I've got some insane level of retardation going on. Maybe I should have gotten a third and the Dynames Saga for some stupid fucking triple GN Arms Type D setup.

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-We have e-mails for a reason. USE THEM.
-Be sure to have PRICES (with photos preferably) in your SALE listings - NO "feeler" posts, just post the thing with a price.
-Ignore price-policing posts, as someone will ALWAYS complain. E-mail the seller and communicate accordingly if pricing is an issue.
-I'll save you the effort: check Mandarake, either for pricing (if selling), or for availability (if buying).
-Don't shit-talk buyers or sellers without evidence.

Previous thread:>>11129640
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>Snail Shell Aileen $70
70 usd for 50 cad figure.
Not him, but I'm not sure where you're seeing her anywhere in stock. Even US sites like BBTS that DID mark her up to $70 are sold out.
shes still on AliExpress for retail price. Ali gets shit to you pretty quick now if its a choice purchase. If you cant wait a week to save 20 bucks go ahead and buy it at 70.
Shipping Included. USA Only. Accessories Complete unless stated otherwise.

Free Welly DeLorean (Needs Fixing) or Jada Toys Batmobile to whoever pays an extra $5 shipping.

Black Series:
Echo (Bad Batch) $15
Hunter $20
Crosshair $45
Tech $15
Wrecker $20
Plo Koon $30
Ahsoka (Live Action) $10

Marvel Legends:
Punisher with Bike $55

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Anybody have an extra Marvel Legends comic Captain America shield? I want to get the Secret Wars Cap they're releasing, but he only has a broken shield accessory.

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