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/u/ is for discussions about the yuri genre of manga, anime, and other related media. Threads requesting images or series recommendations are discouraged (try >>>/r/ instead). When starting an image dump thread, please contribute at least 4-5 relevant images yourself.

Where to read manga:

Some notable scanlators:



Just getting into the yuri genre, or just looking for recommendations? Click [Reply] for /u/ guides to manga, anime, and live action.
3 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
Before starting a new thread, please check the catalog for existing threads.

Next GUDAGUDA PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE9vKlBQu1o

Previous Thread: >>4249890

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798859425403
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964490223353
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

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>are just other people wearing Rin or Sakura face as costumes or just straight-up different people who just look the same
I'd argue Ishtar is just Rin with a bit more silly (you know like Hollow Ataraxia or UBW epilogue Rin) so it's not entirely the case of different people.
>That said, I have a bad memory, as you all know, but isn't it more BB "wanking herself" as super OP rather than the game doing it?
Tell that to Passionlip just being casually deleted in OB3 by B.B.
B.B. is literally the worst Sakuraface by a mile because it always just ends up being a slap on a wrist for her.
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I'd argue that all the Sakura 5 are just quirky Sakura. The only one you could argue is maybe Melt, but she hasn't had any development since Seraph. Lip is just sweet and naive Sakura with ridiculously huge boobs that cause her issues. Protea is just giant Sakura that has some yandere tendencies to her and is too big for own good. Melt is just tsundere arrogant Sakura that acts mean but actually cares for the people around her. It's very similar to the Rinfaces (Eresh is just tsundere girl failure Rin and Ishtar is greedy gir failure Rin). I'd argue the only Sakura that's beyond just being quirky im FGO is Kama, though this is me being slightly bias.

Can we have a /usp/ thread?
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>it has potential
Yes, het potential.
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Girls und Panzer is technically a sports girls anime
Yup it is
Fighting games can be a sports thing
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Less than 24 hours until the final episode. Will there be a yuri miracle?
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Give it up, Anon. She was likely talking about how Kumiko lost the soli or something. Hibike will never be the yuri series you want it to be.
It's over. Accept it with dignity and move on.
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Previous Thread

>The main places to read fics

>An old archive of fics compiled and shared by a kind anon (note that this is not a curated collection, just a very extensive archive)

Post links to fics and discuss them and fanfiction in general. Link fics you like, your own stuff, it's all good as long as it's yuri.
182 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
What are the best ever must-read fanfics, that you don't even need to know the fandom of to enjoy?
It's starting to happen!
And as a side pairing!
Probably don't need to know Kim Possible much to read Together, Alone.
Do you mean this? https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2949422/1/bAlone_b_bTogether_b
it even has a tvtropes page apparently, so I guess i'll check it out, thanks!
That's only happened like twice in my experience, although maybe I'm just unlucky. Most readers seem to just sit on a fandom and read whatever comes down the line like conveyor belt sushi.

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Continued from >>4279348
Translation Thread >>4258504
Buythread >>4260433
RAW Thread >>4272312

https://mangadex.org/chapter/0f01d5e2-57c4-4ffc-94f8-744bc39ad513 (Pinky Candy Kiss ch11)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/b5d32ebd-a4f8-4f66-849d-bfd0da683145 (Ex-Girlfriend Became My Boss ch7)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/4f67f7de-9976-4dcf-8743-8bddc864cdc7 (Like, Share & Subscribe ch60)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/478eb439-c8d5-4ef7-a2bd-04e4f9a532f1 (One-Sided ch59)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/9a5c6ee0-6208-4970-bf31-369e9b803911 (Harumi-chan ch10)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/b7a719cf-2123-445e-b7d4-bda611d16ea8 (My Food Looks Very Cute ch151)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/4fbee950-1aae-4a23-b606-efb091d6d140 (Miyaji Mikuji ch151)
https://mangadex.org/chapter/e3eab231-76b2-4a63-96f7-8e40678cb440 (AdaShima Anthology ch8)

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The Creation of Kokoro.
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Few panels are more powerful than this one.
So if none of the three retards wants to back off, does this mean we are heading towards a poly ending? won't specify if polyamory or poly murder
They can all bond over bullying Yuki

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This thread is for:
*Screenshots, pages, and discussion about general series, current or old, not covered by an existing thread, be it yuri, fanservice, subtext or goggles.
*Canon and non-canon both welcome.
*News reports about things relevant to our interest.
*Original content that doesn't fit any specific thread topics.
*Pretty much anything that doesn't have or need its own thread.

Previous: >>4287185
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Previous: >>4271063
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It sounds kind of insane, but Merrin is so obviously designed as a cool princely type that I think it may have genuinely put off some artists.
I also feel like the whole princely archetype doesn't work as well in a mixed gender scenario. I typically see that they're fawned over because they're the closest thing the characters can get to a guy. I'm sure that has a real world effect to. "Why ship with a boyish girl when I can just ship with a boy?" At that point you just have the yuri fans left and that's dependent on them liking the prince archetype
this work is gold
>Also Deep Cut is there too I guess
I'd genuinely be surprised if they made a real appearance in the next game. Although sometimes it feels like the Splatoon team kind of just wanted to focus on Shiver and Frye.

Previous thread: >>4136738
65 replies and 60 images omitted. Click here to view.

Your one-stop place for yuri of Street Fighter, KoF, Dead or Alive, Skullgirls, etc.

Previous thread: >>3997884
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Previous thread: >>4063321

Anon’s folder with RAWs and translated chapters: https://mega.nz/folder/BOxGnYhQ#mT8TH7X9vYItwV3pHA1fKA
Translated chapters uploaded to https://dynasty-scans.com/series/virgins_empire
and https://mangadex.org/title/d4d43c50-ce1a-4751-b474-e239cf862f2a/otome-no-teikoku
Mangadex is a bit behind atm
10th Anniversary ASMR video by Kishi: https://youtu.be/2jVkMeWTLqw
Three voiced chapters with English subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKgyTEebxtfzep0Ty-BvkzdNqf0Wn00ob

Kishi's Twitter: https://twitter.com/kishitorajiro
Kishi's AlterEgo Twitter: https://twitter.com/k_toraziro
Twitter for Otome: https://twitter.com/jplus_otome
Kishi's Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/users/14974201
(Please note that Kishi doesn't exclusively do Yuri, so you may not necessarily like what he posts)
Read originals online at https://shonenjumpplus.com/series

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>Honoka chases her back to the USA
Miyoshi is a lesbian!
Teacher mini
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Why is Miyoshi being accidentally cruel to Ayano so funny?
Best couple.

Previous thread: >>4193579
One Piece thread: >>4188727
Chainsaw Man thread: >>4085971
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Previous thread >>4164949
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I see you anon, so I may as well post my previous commission.

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4277451

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

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I just took a quick look at the stream vid they are using that is also available on their Youtube channel and I clicked right where this female NPC, Babydoll, appears and she turns out to be Bobo's ex-girlfriend. And the developer then adds that Bobo (or B0B0) is a bisexual queen because the player can date both girls and guys. This video is from three months ago so I guess the romance system is pretty much confirmed.

In any case, I can appreciate the higher production values, but this one does nothing for me in terms of theme and aesthetic. And calling your main character stupid in Spanish or Portuguese is an interesting choice for sure.
Are there any games with decent written sex scenes?
Hornybrains wouldn't even be able to tell anyway.
Divinity OS 2 genuinely

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Torako sees Nokotan as a pet and will see Anko as a bride
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You lost Anko, stop being a sore loser and go fuck Bashame
I need art of Anko holding Nokotan and Koshitan half human half deer half human babies
I prefered the scenes from the previous episode.
Scenes like those make me get that feeling of anime animators/writers/showrunners wanting to make things yuri and finding it cute and appealing but also afraid of making the manga creator upset by showing more than the manga

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