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/u/ - Yuri

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/u/ is for discussions about the yuri genre of manga, anime, and other related media. Threads requesting images or series recommendations are discouraged (try >>>/r/ instead). When starting an image dump thread, please contribute at least 4-5 relevant images yourself.

Where to read manga:

Some notable scanlators:



Just getting into the yuri genre, or just looking for recommendations? Click [Reply] for /u/ guides to manga, anime, and live action.
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Before starting a new thread, please check the catalog for existing threads.

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Retard gorilla edition
Previous thread: >>4209983
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>It would help me look good in front of her.
It would help me save face in front of her.
* I think this one is more nuanced, but okay either way.



>those bath cancel neighborhood people too,
those bathtime boycott people too,
* The TN could be shorten, as appropriate.

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>no tomoko
>no shitmoki
blessed chapter
For infomation of the TN:
Regarding the bathtime boycott people or bath canceling people and the like in Japan, it is considered natural to bathe every day and change one’s underwear daily. They bathe frequently, at least several times a week, especially women and young people who are concerned about their cleanliness and body odor. However, Asian people’s body odor is surprisingly mild.

Boycotters are characterized by their insistence on “canceling” these activities for various reasons. This is a strange phenomenon for Westerners, who do not bathe as often, have stronger body odor, and use a lot of perfume.
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and people say this isn't yuri
It does look like Yuri, and I need glasses.

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A thread about all things Heaven Burns Red!
Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973710/

English database for event schedules, styles, gacha & enemy stats etc.: https://hbr.quest/
HBR play order guide for beginners (made by /u/ anons) https://pst.innomi.net/paste/mazrtfqqkjb9yvq4q9jfo7vb
Main Story EN subbed by defenselessperson (Prologue, Chapter 1 & 2): https://youtu.be/iYgk2QsNu74
Main Story and Event Stories EN subbed by FLEreverse (Prologue, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 + Mari, Ichigo, Kura, Iroha, Irene and Swimsuit 3 events + AB collabs + Bond episodes) https://www.youtube.com/@seraph1305
U140 event EN subbed: https://youtu.be/KUVLZCdk4I0

JP/general info:

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>clout chasing
>on an anonymous message board
Anon, are you OK?
Don't feed the troll.
You're like those retarded dudes that screenshot a person's status updates and then post it on your own timeline for no reason and adding nothing of value, not even commentary. You just want the secondhand praise.
Notice the sweaty desperation to find anything to start a fight over? The 3 IQ bait? Never, not even out of pity, reply to a shitposter of this low caliber.
Report him and ignore him.
You're the one to do it first and since long before I ever came here. I'm just one person following your poor example you know, you made it the norm.
If you pretend you have a stick up your ass for long enough you'll eventually find yourself in good company with others with sticks rammed up their asses.

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Previous thread: >>4102961
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This one does but it's more like bondage rape than bdsm (all the better in my opinion)

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Superstar S3 coming this October and Bocchigasaki movie next month
Previous thread: >>4230664
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>You're so cute.
Still the best pairing for me
Happy Birthday Riko
Ships ranking on Pixiv

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Updates and Discussion for English and Japanese games, visual novels, RPGs, etc which contain yuri.
Last Thread: >>4277451

Lists of Yuri Games:
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4oc1uvr5vl96m/Yuri (Generally non-VN games)
http://store.steampowered.com/curator/6864182-Hella-Yuri/ (Anything available on Steam with lesbians in it)
https://vndb.org/g1986?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-1986 (VNs tagged Yuri Only)

Yuri Game CGs:

New here? Need a starting point? Try the /u/ recommendation survey results:

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Keylocker's out now. Whether you liked Virgo versus the Zodiacs or not, this one seems to be quite different. Unfortunately unlike Virgo, this one's not very clear about any yuri content being in it. I assume that even if there is, it won't be so focused on.
An ancient thread said there was supposed to be a romance system but at the time (three years ago) it hadn't really been written yet.
The last kickstarter update (announcing the upcoming release) says four complete romance options in-game, more coming later. Assuming those are the four characters on the KS page, one's definitely a guy, one's definitely a girl, and the other two I can't be totally sure.
>more coming later
DLCs or updates? If it's free updates that would imply they didn't have enough dev time. But 4 is a good amount. Let's just hope it's gonna be more f/f options.
I just took a quick look at the stream vid they are using that is also available on their Youtube channel and I clicked right where this female NPC, Babydoll, appears and she turns out to be Bobo's ex-girlfriend. And the developer then adds that Bobo (or B0B0) is a bisexual queen because the player can date both girls and guys. This video is from three months ago so I guess the romance system is pretty much confirmed.

In any case, I can appreciate the higher production values, but this one does nothing for me in terms of theme and aesthetic. And calling your main character stupid in Spanish or Portuguese is an interesting choice for sure.

Next GUDAGUDA PV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IE9vKlBQu1o

Previous Thread: >>4249890

List of EN FGO /u/sers

FGO's /u/ Graveyard

Latest Shimosa (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550689798859425403
Shimosa manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/34870

Latest Salem (RAW) chapter: https://pocket.shonenmagazine.com/episode/2550912964490223353
Salem manga translated: https://mangadex.org/title/38955

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Yep, that one and all the other new Gudako expressions are from the scene with Arc
Gudakobis passive towards everyone. No matter how passive Arc might be Gudako is still way more passive. The only passive servant we need is Mash.
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After seeing the scene I think calling it a date is a bit of a stretch.
Oh, that. Usually I don't watch Valentine scenes of Servants I don't have, but since I already had no interest in getting her, I did make an exception, and yeah, that much wasn't enough to make me care...
And considering that this was the fanart that spawned from that scene:
I guess artists didn't care either...

That certainly sounds cute, but still don't think it'll be enough.

>I do believe that (link) is a fanart interpretation of it.
It sure is, many (if not most) of Echo's FGO fanarts are references to what is currently happening.

>That said, I also don't put too much stock into how much a servant is into Gudako to like them.
Normally I don't need a Servant to like Gudako to like them (i.e. Tomoe. . . or Johanna, someone I didn't really want to like, but I did, and I doubt she'll be very into Gudako when she comes out), but in Ascension 3 Arc's case, it kinda felt required, can't really explain.

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Sorry for the solo image.

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Previous: >>4271063
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Callie and Marie become ultra trad RETVRN chuds who talk about how Octarians are turning the fish straight.

Previous Thread >>4165578
This thread is a combo thread for Stable Diffusion images and AI text generation with LLMs.
For western styles, realistic styles, and DALL-E, see >>>/aco/

Stable Diffusion:

> Where do I start?

> Local UIs
Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI, node-based UI for advanced workflows: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

> Paid

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Webtoon / Webcomic thread

Continued from
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>but readers will need to have over 18+ years old confirmed in their accounts
Meaning what, a pointless question saying Yes boss, i am 18?
post 59!!
As law goes then yes, you will be able to view categories according to the age you present in your account while registering, it is you who is lying and it isn't their liability anymore to check.
Or they gonna lock 18+ category under paywall and you will need to use your card to confirm your age anyway to view the chapters as default action, meaning no free chapters in that category.
I would assume only PG content gonna be left visible to all viewers and all other age up categories gonna be locked and availible only to Webtoon account holders, while 18+ only to confirmed users who have a credit/debit card to confirm their age.
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I wish I could, sis. I wish I could.
please remove all your adblockers for me

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Watching your gf have sex with other girls.
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Most of this thread is just voyeurism pics.
It is a voyeurism thread, what were you expecting?
Voyeurism is distinctly different from netorase. Madoka accidentally walking in on Kyouko and Sayaka rubbing pussies and then quickly hiding to watch is voyeurism. On the other hand Homura asking her girlfriend Madoka to rub pussies with Kyouko is netorase, because she is specifically getting off on her girlfriend having sex with another girl.
It's mostly dependent on if a relationship is there regardless of the cuck's desire to watch it. Isn't netorase just enjoying it and not specifically asking for it
>cuck's desire to initiate it
sorry I'm retarded

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Previous Thread: >>4184545

Upcoming English Releases
Making Magic 8 - July 17
MagiRevo 7 - July 23
Shoukei Shoujo 8 - July 23
Watanare 5 - September 10
Hikikomari 8 - October 15
Slime300 15 - November 19
MagiRevo 8 - November 19

Recent English Releases
Majo no Tabitabi 13
Watanare 4
Hikikomari 7

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The more the better
>purityfags crying about nothing again
>slutfags being sluts again
Has anyone read this https://kakuyomu.jp/works/16818093082222960317
The two protagonist are the girls posted, drawn by the author
Translation of the summary: This is a story about two high school girls who flirt with each other while battling it out with down-to-earth robots. It's a yuri mecha battle. They beat up SF machines and ancient weapons with mounted weapons powered by diesel engines and hydraulic drives. (Updated every other day)
Their pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/30438161
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Someone spoil volume 6 of Watanare for me: Do Kaho and Satsuki start dating? The end of volume five almost seemed like it was hinting at it.

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She has her designated girlfriend, she's the short haired member of the student council.
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Koshi is for Nokotan
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Finale was fun and had some really cute parts
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They really went hard with the Koshi/Noko shipping in the finale

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Continued from >>4199643
TL archive: https://rentry.org/atwekbsa
Note: Post if there's a TL you want to work on with dead pastes/RAWs.

/u/'s scanlations:

Raw ripping service (outdated): https://mega.nz/#F!LOJz2SpL!3o_LhDgUuqKM8k35iDAubQ
RSS: https://rawanon.github.io/rss/feed
Manga downloader: Search "red squirrel manga downloader" or "hakuneko"

Tips for learning Japanese: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
KanjiTomo (kanji reader tool): http://kanjitomo.net/
SFX reference guide: http://thejadednetwork.com/sfx/

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Our Love is Disgusting ch3 (Yuri Hime 2024-11)
Wataten ch124
Whispering you a love song 52 clean with text in place
(I hope I'm not triple posting because it keeps telling me post successful but I can't see it)
MajiGawa! ch2 (Kirara Max 2024-11)
Project Yuriforming ch4 (Kirara Max 2024-11)

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Post ProjMoon yuri. Limbus, Lobocorp, and Ruina.
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Series with Outis for brown girls, series with Queequeg, a brown lesbian girl in a relationship with Ishmael.

Artist: I'm going to make Ishmael brown, as if her Irish ass isn't just going to turn boiled Lobster red with sun exposure.

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