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Stop drinking alcohol
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Might start drinking again
having had a drinking problem off and on for the last 7-8 years and developed weird skin rashes that probably meant my liver was dying, on the verge of DT, severe sleep problems, i highly recommend avoiding alcohol. hands down the worst possible drug that could’ve been legalized and made ubiquitous in culture. fucking horrible for you

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Why do women get tattoos? What causes this?
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Life Is Strange sucked faggot
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these tats have colours, a common theme, and remind me of a fresco
these tats remind me of a public school table and concrete walls in ghettos
Did you guys see that they cut a key interest rate?

This one's for the birds

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which one
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>gAs id
big nipples are so good in their own disgusting way

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you can put your own threads on autosage by adding the word kot
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"fishe" works as well
also the c word of questionable taste
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Pan Grzegorz
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this is the third leader, the national debt phd one is a babyface rich businessman
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dlaczego kaczyński na tygodnicy zacytowałbrauna

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Beautiful film, beautiful message.
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Truth is, Schindler's List is a legit interesting film. But not because muh holibobs, but because of the insight it gives you into the mind of psychopaths. And I don't mean muh nazis, I mean Speilberg himself. He's lovin' it. He actually empathises with all the disturbing characters we see on screen, particularly Amon Goth. It's a rare insight into the colourless (literally in film) world of psychopaths. Old Speilberg would be a camp guard no issues, obviously for whites. He'd obey any old order. But of course he is high IQ, so would be one of the 'intellectuals' giving the order.
I'm sure Speilberg is talented. (You) and I don't have his gifts for filmmaking. Arthur C Clarke and Asimov were also talented writers, and look at them. Could be a curious link between the artistic mind and pedos for all I know. I wonder at the statistics there. Similarly I wonder how many bolsheviks were raving homosexuals. My guess is almost all of them. Just like OPs.
>Old Speilberg would be a camp guard no issues
he would be court-marshaled for jerking off in the watchtower
>jewlywood crap
>Beautiful film

Why is /a/ janny so active? I have to hide my frogs or else they're gone in 5 minutes. Did they implement some AI frog detector?

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Mandarin is a gigachad language scientifically speaking
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You think non-anglos think otherwise?
Ask some arab or brazilian what he thinks about chinese
Chinese grammar works roughly the same as English grammar.
Grammar isn't the problem, it's very similar to English. It's the fact it's a tonal language and ofc the 1000's of characters.

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Humiliation ritual.
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>Best transplant money can buy by the best doctors
Is the same as
>Billy who works his 6 figures software job
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imagine having so little personally that the only thing you can do is making jokes on behalf of peoples suffering around you

oh wait, i just defined the word woman, lol

>be me 25, ADHD with executive dysfunction
>Stressed tf out since 16
>Balding due to stress
>Can’t get shit done, feel like shit bc of it
>no interest in social stuff
>Only daily social contact is adhd autistic coworker who only talks about Netflix and anime shlop
>Will never not talk about it all day

>Feel like shit, call sis
>Says shes bad doing bad too bc of work and wants to do something else

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You should be able to put your own threads on autosage, especially for slow boards like bnat

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Breakfast is served kinda and kinda late but it is what it is as they say. Sadly I ran out of bread so.
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>That was never really a thing in my household
try it out sometime, it's a game changer
Well one can eat anything really and seeing how i have a lot of tomatoes and other stuff it's a natural thing to use. Don't worry there will be bbq later.
Well i guess i could. It was fine on recent pizza so who knows really.
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>weird crap
you guys are hilarious

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>Indians were upset about Apu
>a hard working, loving husband, caring father, successful small business owner, legal and patriotic American, compassionate and understanding man, animal loving vegetarian
How do you think they feel now that the stereotype for them is that they scam their way into countries, street shit and are rapists? He seems like a positive representation in retrospect.
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Newfag here, is there a board that specifically shows Indian cringe?
Did they actually kill of Apu or does he simply not show up anymore?
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Fucking jannies stop moving trash here

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I hear voices. They always talk about 3 or so of the same topics:
-Taylor Swift giving Stephen Hawking a blowjob when she was 12 or so years old
-Claiming I'm not the person I say I am, and my memories are 'schizophrenia'
-Asking "what does Taylor Swift do?"

I take my meds, and I no longer feel obligated to respond to their rants, like it was instinctually ingrained in me to respond to everything they said before I found a medication that quieted them down. It was magnetic; I felt sentences ride out of me like Chinese auto-correct. Now that doesn't happen.

I am lonely and stuck arguing with voices. Sometimes I fantasize about death. What if I didn't fail at my suicide attempts?

& what if I was confident enough in my youth to never attempt suicide at all? Where would I be?

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I guess the Taylor tangent felt like it had to take precedence, because I didn't know how to cope with such grandiose loss.

Attached pic is a transcript of an excerpt of my notes.

I would like to talk more about my inventions. I've felt rather cross with myself; particularly around the Bowflex. I didn't keep up with that community, but it was just something I had processed with mathematics and the tensile strength of carbon fibre. I haven't been able to think straight lately.

& I sleep a lot.
I'm not suicidal, but I yearn for better, and I've been unable to locate past bank accounts funded by my works. It's hard, because I did a lot, and it was all done without guidance or support, so I panicked when I didn't have any idea how to feel about what was being said to me by people online that I mistakenly thought were close to me in real life. I also didn't know how to approach fame; so I left my name out of a lot of projects.
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I worked hard. It tires me out to talk about it, because I don't know what to say. I guess I think people will bore of me.

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