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How does “identifying as a woman” carry any more weight than identifying as a king? You’re either a king or you’re not.
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would you kneel before a man who abdicated the throne

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you will perish
>instantly and painlessly dying after experiencing true happiness
sign me up
okay let's do it

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It's important for me to be right and for people to think I am smart even though I am neither.

>when someone in your group of friends gets a black or muslim boyfriend
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Faggot leaf

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post your champion
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you just know
you just KNOW it would defeat any other champion in single combat >:)

Based Chronic. If you disagree with a word of this, you cannot call yourself a man.


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How is this even remotely fair? Pan Piano, some chick on YouTube, gets paid thousands of dollars a week just for playing piano in skimpy outfits, flashing some cleavage, and now she’s living the dream life. She’s got a husband, two kids, and a house—everything society says you’re supposed to work for—just for showing off her tits. Meanwhile, I’m busting my ass for peanuts. I’ve got a crappy used car, no friends, still a virgin, and at this rate, I’ll probably die living with my parents. Every day feels like a joke. I drag myself out of bed just to go to work for barely enough to cover gas money. I can’t even remember the last time I felt genuinely happy or like I had something to look forward to.

How did we get to a point where some people can coast through life with minimal effort while the rest of us are drowning, working ourselves to death for scraps? And don’t even get me started on the dating scene—women like her get worshiped just for existing, while guys like me have no chance. I can barely get a match on a dating app, and the ones that do talk to me? Instant ghosting when they realize I’m not some six-figure guy with a six-pack.

What are the implications of a society that rewards people for flashing skin while hard-working people like me are left behind? Is this sustainable? There’s no way this kind of system can last. Something’s gotta give, because I don’t know how much longer I can take it. Feels like the whole thing’s rigged, and we’re just stuck watching the elite get richer and more comfortable while the rest of us fight for scraps.
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females are born with everything they need to succeed in the world. men on the other hand have to compete for everything in life and, if you are not genetically gifted and don't come from a good family, chances are you will have to struggle for some mediocre food to eat and an place to live

no, it's not fair. life is not fair. everything in life is a combination of genetics and coming from a good family - girls have the genetics part by default; most men don't.

oh and next time some girl tries to complain about "how much tougher girls have it", just tell her to look at her brother or brothers or any male relatives of hers. there is like a 99% chance that she has life ALOT easier than her brother (the rare exception being if the brother is genetically gifted, chad, high level athlete, etc.). there are so many girls I know that are, by default of being girls, attractive to basically all men (although of course they get run through by chads and then cry about it later)...but their brothers are borderline incels if not downright incels. SAME EXACT GENETICS. they even look simliar like gender swapped versions of each other. but the sister was born lucky enough to be a girl are, thus, capable of turning all men on...while the brother is just an incel twink

tell those girls to look at their brothers and ask themselves if their brothers have better lives than they do. that should open their eyes assuming they can think properly - which most girls don't, they just live on feelings and pussy tingles
There is a limited anount of value and fiat to represent it in the world at any given time. The raw “amnount” of fiat expands over time but it’s value decreases. That is then competed over by a growing number of people.

You have to understand that this means that her gains are your losses. The world’s limited supply of respurces and value abstracted by the paper fiat is given to her, instead of you.
if you really want to take the black pill, you should see how she started out

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>we jews invented this magical bullsh... EHH i mean God -an entity that existed before time and beyond space (totally not a contradictory statement)- in all his Love and power decided to show you the light, show you what's best for you and mankind

Galatians 3:28
>"There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ"

>you see, we are all brothers, whether you are a dirty crac... EHH i mean white or black or brown, doesn't matter, stop making distinctions using your eyes and brains and trust the word of wisdom jews.. EHH i mean God gave you

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i can imagine ANYTHING...
Christ is king
Go back to Ankara and drink camel piss Hanshammed

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I've have maded some lasagna
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What is the original meme
that was to the bongoloid

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Any recommendations?
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Doogee rugged series for me. I always take the huge brick with a huge battery.
No chinaman ever made my phone explode
A mans phone. Until someone asks what brand it is and you have to say 'doogee' like you're a 2 year old trying to say dog.

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I see it every single time and it's really annoying
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ah lol
i keep hearing about the indignities of auto"correct"
how rude

My wife (male) Anzu has a dirty smelly bussy
I am vomit

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Why does Hawaii look like Japan to a certain extent? But if it weren't the case, what other island in the Pacific looks like Japan?

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me and bint
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you VILL get vell soon
if at first you don't succeed
yeah I try again by getting up every day it's like a mystery box it's so exciting

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Will America provide me with a wife who looks like this if I immigrate there?
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Sure, why not? I hope you don't mind his feminine penis.
black women are the lowest of low for breeding material here in the US, not even their own men want them. black men (usually in vain) try to fuck white and hispanic women instead. black women are terrible in bed and dumb as rocks.
i like this kind of black woman

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