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i is master trollolol
*cough* Caught me off guard
True. I remember him saying syphilis is pretty cringe, for example.

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Gamer Princess Edition

>Will there be a season 3?
Hopefully not and TJ won coaltank s2
>fishtank Season 2 tv links
>What is Fish Tank?

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She's had plenty. She needs to wake up and milk some simps already.
she needs lots of princess rest!, she is a very energetic princess after all!
She's mentioned practicing her writing on Twitter a few times. Sam should have her ghost-write another MDE book, she honestly has the style and tone down with quite a few of her posts.

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so true

What a faggit.

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I can't comprehend living past 30. What is there to do other than repetitive things like work, eat, and an occasional hobby? Personally, I've crossed off nearly everything I've wanted to do from my bucket list and wouldn't mind dying tomorrow once it's done. Life was a fun, unique experience and I'm ready to press "quit to menu". What's wrong with that?
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You were meant to learn from those experiences and gain wisdom and understanding that life itself is far greater than any one experience collected. Running around 'crossing things off a bucket list' is not living life to the fullest and you begin to understand this as you age.
every thread deserves a reply fren so I replied to the thread
Thanks janny

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Why does everyone on here keep calling me anon or OP? My name is Calvin.
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It was your name anon, WAS your name. regardless you best get comfy, because just like the rest of us, you're here forever.
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hi calvin my name is lucas
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hehee.. OP!

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Cirno is the queen of /bant/ there is no changing that even though I said Ike Musume was the queen of /bant/ earlier please forgive me
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Hat ID
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blessed bread for ids
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Rolling for "jewNIG" ID

She's mad that there is no brown girl general what the fuck
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I WILL lick ab
I MUST lick ab

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It's me. There's too many blues on this board, we're just gonna sweep /bant/ and send em back where they came from.

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What was the best for gaming classic lan parties or online communicating via discord or xbox psrties
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That ID is kind cool anon
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Lan parties. Simple as
Blessed id roll

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It's so so sooo fun to be cool & trendy isn't it Raphaelle
It's even more fun to be TRENDSETTERS isn't it Raphaelle loooool
It was so fun having cocktails at the Hutong up the SHARD wasn't it Raphaelle
Shame Vincent the GIMP ASS COOKED BITCH was cramping our IMMACULATE SOPHISTICATION in London, Cyprus & Jordan looooool
We having cocktails up the SHARD
GIMP ass bitch was threatening to fly home
You should of fucked him off at Petra and jumped in the Green Sportscar Taxi with me saying IT'S ISRAEL TIME BABY YEAHHHHHHH whilst blasting HAPPY HARDCORE looooool
Cry for you was for Vincent loooool
French Canadian California Gurls go innnn looooool Doctor knows your Anthem Raphaelle, representing FRANCE in NORTH AMERICA

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Hands are the sexiest part of a woman

I got the id sorry
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I didn't get any (You)s today
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great news thank you for sharing
have a (you)

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it's adam and eve, not adam and steve
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yaah but adam and Eve never existed
that's fucking stupid.
If a clone has sex with another clone, then congratulations you're both gay. The clones i'm familiar with call each other brother, so you're also debatably having sex with your twin.
No it's totally not gay if I sodomize myself

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