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I'm an ugly retard.
9 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
a miserable pile of secrets
kys obese leaf
More like miserable pile of shit kek

no, jamal. fathers do not grow on trees.
>but i seen't it!
that's not what was happening.
the world is healing
they do tho
oh you must be jamal

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how would /bant/s demon look like
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it would look like 80% of the threads on /b/, just porn

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*sees bantoid(in the pot)*
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aminal abuse, at least its not a shovel

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My mom missed my 9th birthday due to a violent yeast infection
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What hormones or too much douching does to your vag.

Yeast is a fungus, so in other words it turns your vagina into a clicker form the last of us.
I wasn’t allowed to celebrate my birthday because it was close to a not-holiday and didn’t acknowledge it until my 27th birthday
>"turns your vagina into a clicker form the last of us"

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he is a proud home owner
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thats what he said
Good for him
sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler
you're so skibidi
you're so fanum tax
i just wanna be your sigma
freakin come here
give me your ohio

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the pizza has woken up
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how can a pizza wake up please respond to this urgent question
it stopped sleeping and its eyes opened i hope this is helpful
thank you i will do that hopefully i become an awake pizza too

timothy harrington
7 replies omitted. Click here to view.
it is an evolutionary advantage
evolutionary gay nigger retard
do you trust him yet this is vital information

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Purple man
Smoking weed
In my bedroom
Don't want you
I don't need you
Leave me alone purple man

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What are you looking at boy
Gross, beastiality.
lol good one

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whats wrong with roblox
far too long.
which one is the truth

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he hated the movie and will NOT be staying for the post credits scene
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Fat fakkot
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Fuck it someone please post catslam

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Plotting her return edition

>Who is Betty?
She was a freeloader who appeared on season one of Sam Hyde's internet reality show "Fishtank". She acted as a doppelganger of Violetta, even sharing an identical biography. She entered the house on May 16, 2023 and remained there until May 19.

>Her cat Poncho

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
396 replies and 92 images omitted. Click here to view.
This kinda shit was in all the discords and telegrams
Funny to see our 'etty of the L variety has not even 10 threads in & we're fixing to be #35, they really are a calmer bunch though i wonder what it would look like if they were always infighting
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I sleep
Please consider a tasteful bake for the next OP

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what's yer hing?
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i've been teaching myself to draw. no one on eargh has any idea. i'm just copying down nudes i find on both /s/ and /hm/. i'm not following any guides ar all. i don't do that thing where you draw the circles and the lines and then fill the rest in. i'll get to that later.

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