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Last thread about to hit bump limit, drop your servers here.
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A comfortable quiet discord home for fellow autists, we talk when we want to, about what we want to.

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i made a no bullshit server to post lewd chat or RP ads, with a structure that makes it easy to find the people you want.

join, and if you like it, just send an ad to help it grow, thanks: https://discord.gg/jFncfX2rhw
bpd sociopath femcel server
full of hatred
destined for demise

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Small circle of weeb friends looking for new comers! Totally evil organisation! Don't be a normie, don't be boring, don't be cringe!!!!1!

[4chan] [NEET] [touhou] [visual-novel] [femcel]

Join this fun discord server especially if you are an artists or like to play games. Only nice people allowed

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2012-2024 Celebrating ten plus two years of suborning community standards!
Previous thread >>33252806

>Female Sexy Audio

Be as tame, as romantic, as sensual or as filthy as you like. Record your masturbation, try some scripts, improv, sing, play music, talk about your favorite sexual fantasies, or just look for requests on the thread.

All content is welcome to be performed here, but please keep in mind:
>Please keep long and extreme scripts in some sort of text hosting site (see FAQ for list)

>Name and picture requests are generally ignored. Contactfagging is also generally ignored and discouraged by the /soc/ rules unless given permission by the performer.

Please use the request and delivery anchors below

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Adding on to this. If my script doesn't get performed, I have no issue with that. Everyone is free to perform whatever they prefer. I don't complain

However, I just want the ability for my script to be posted and stay in the thread incase someone does eventually do it

If someone robs that from me, then I'm just going to repost it everytime they take it down
This is reasonable. I'm sorry you're being bullied.
Seconded, censorship is hideous and insulting. I don't need anyone to hide things from me. I have filters for that.

Also I'm curious, what even is the request? Why would anyone care?
Thank you, I appreciate that. It was a request involving interracial
Yeah I don't know any other places at the moment where you can really get age play audios do you? It's pretty slim pickings out here right now.

Sorry for long reply time. 4chan just doesn't hit like it used to for me so I check only every so often.

Outside of soundgasm and a few DL'd files? I've got nothing besides my memories, sadly. Wish we had a sort of collection that could be maintained but that's likely too ambitious or problematic.Looove ageplay but it's deep in the taboo pool AND seems very susceptible to, "Oh the author/creator woke up one day and scrubbed their collection so now there's little to nothing" events.

I'm glad we had the burst of big time pdfile audios from the girls like meimei and nyanspurr. That was the most fun I've had with FSA in years desu and I'm sad both have stopped.

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wagering my pawg ex, kik: wageringenby
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Kik betaboi1999 tell me your wager
Open to any wager Kik tylerkias
Kik: wiks01

43m looking to compare with younger. Betting wife nudes. Wife will see all of the winners tonight.
bbc looking to wager

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26M showing off my smooth ass and hole

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Hit me up if you want to watch and discuss the tributes I have done today so far. Get our cocks hard and stroke together
kik: mikeyzi43 (27m norway)

ready to show how i use my toy like its your slutty little hole, doing multiple creampies tonight!

please be shaved! defined midriffs and cute butts preferred
38, m, bi, sub-leaning switch, Germany
Particularly interested in femboys, trans and non-binary folks or younger tops into older subs.
kik subdad86
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Hmu if u eat ass Kik nonameq204
black top looking to show off message me


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Share your favorite NSFW telegram group.

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My telegram is @xyzrufiner
22m here, looking to build a long term chat with husbands that are into showing their wives and talk about them. Be real please.

I'm also into black girls, fit girls, mature ones. Anything with some nice ass.
Trading feet but will trade other too

m22 us

Need a F to make me cum to/for her,
or cucks to feed me their girl

j.ames.dawson kik
johnsmitherz telegram
johnsmitherz snapchat

trading videos of my gf for yours or your wife, have to be willing to verify your girl and ill do the same because i prefer longterm arrangements to get each other new content

cucks come say hi, if your slut is hot and we keep in touch a bit who knows what fun we can have with her..
> Degenerates
> Porn/hentai sharing group.
> https://t.me/+tXLUXuYbGYQ5ODE0
cum join use ;)

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Time for a new thread. Time for more peaches. Keep them smooth and soft.

Previous thread >>33361257
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Nymmi :3
send a video of you fingering your ass
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Hi, I'm a submissive femboy looking for a good cock. I'm looking to be a whore for a dom, BBC or someone who feminizes me. I respond to all messages. I just want a big cock to impregnate me.

kik: femboyniqui12
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Who would be into eating my ass while kneading my balls or milking my cock?
kik subdad86

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Read the rules first >>17318579


Do not post content of others, do that on >>>/s/

Cis-fem only. Looking for other content? Search the catalog >>>/soc/catalog
Please don't post content without a timestamp proving you're real.
Do not post or request personal info of any kind.
No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
No contactfagging, soliciting, or advertising.
No "more pls" posts. Ask the girls for specific requests
Have fun.

Old thread:

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tease our cocks with those cute shorts
You don't have to timestamp again, but you should take those pants off.
You need to stop getting skittish, ma'am. This is a welcoming environment.

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A thread for people who are looking for a partner with which to partake in the filthy, deviant act known as "pegging". Consider including some or all of the following information in your post:
>physical description
>what toys, if any, you own
>prior experience
...plus anything else you feel like adding. Good luck, everyone! I hope you find someone.
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fuck it lol
>not gay or bi (i ran trials)
>dm for either this or to help me test out a blue/black mtg deck. i'm running Persist/Reef Worm combo as the primary but it's also a for-fun so i've got a Kokusho and Leviathian paired up with Burning-Rune Demons to make enemy suffer. i suck and it's my only deck so pls do not toast me with a turn 3 poison deck, i don't pretend it's a competition level setup. also it's color coordinated to be purple/blue lmfao. cheers

discord: Knightsundere
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27/m/east bay, california
six feet tall, 180 pounds, blue eyes.
if you like literature nerds i'm your guy. also a cat person and a cyclist. i bet if we met up at a coffee shop or the like i could make you laugh.
kik: cryinshameless
34 m USA married str8

The discord notification sound gets me hard and I'm looking to sub for a domme that takes advantage of that.

Disc - silverjay2345
38, m, bi/pan, sub-leaning switch, Germany
Don't have any anal experience besides playing with myself but the thought of getting pegged definitely does something to me. Feel free to add me if you are up for a chat.
kik subdad86
Any women in georgia? lol

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
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I am at a horrible lowpoint in my life, I am completely miserable. I need a female to come make it worse. Please be sadistic and cruel. Mtf is also okay if feminine. Im begging, please.

Kik walkinglikeaman

Bumping this one. I was in a weird headspace when I wrote this one. I realise now I didn't really say too much.

24 F. I'm Sarah. Asian-Australia

Anxiety, BPD, and major-fucking-daddy issues.

Some company would be nice. Good grammar is a must.
Still the same username?
I see you removed me right after I said something, was there any particular thing I did wrong?
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Discord: shuno_ntr

Straight White 31 Year-Old Male from USA.

>About Me
I'm a nerdy guy who likes video games, watches anime and scifi shows, tech enthusiast, likes to build computers, etc.
I tend to be a serious person overall, but I have plenty of capacity for humor when the atmosphere is casual and right for it.

I have a really powerful cuckold/NTR kink, so I get turned on to the idea of being in a relationship with a girl that openly cheats one me with other men, even though I would be expected to remain loyal regardless. At its core I think I'm just attracted to extremely slutty women and I have a strong masochistic side to go with it.

I basically just want to be the loving nerdy boyfriend of a total slut. I'd love to be with a girl where we cuddle and watch shows together and sleep together every night, but when it comes to sex she wants huge dominant guys. She'll always have me to either make me watch or to come home and tell the story.

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As always, send a nude to the 3 posts above and don’t forget your 27yo French OP here!

Good luck!

My Kik: hetero45000
443 replies and 45 images omitted. Click here to view.

This thread us dedicated ti the outcats of society, make friends and build connections, this goes out to the seat sniffers the, borderline suicidal with a magnitude of mental health disorders, The NEET;s and hikkimoris without no place to discuss thri interest in anime or vidya or autismo without being bullied at every turn, I'm not going to prop up some bullshit lists, you post what you want and what you don't want and your be surprised the amount of outcasts congergrate to this sute, Have with it in common with you want to add disregard normalfags and yes in special excations 21+ are welcomed too now lower so drop your stats and meet new anons, I've been an NEET HIKI LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW SOCIETY IS RIFFED ACCOMPINED WITH ADDICTION AND MENTAL FACADE MY USER TAG IS

(my discord) hikkiopfuknow

Hope to talk to you fucks three:).

Free feel to drop stats what you;re looking for, interested in etc.. Just make bonds
Sorry correction


FUCK MY AiDS keyboard

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Post your current favorite song, post selfie, and rate

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Op looks like he should be listening to this instead

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California Thread
These things keep getting archived lol
Previous Thread: https://archiveofsins.com/soc/thread/33299015/

>physical description
>looking for
>not looking for

Go nuts!
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26 m San Diego
5’11 athletic attractive and sane. Blonde hair brown eyes.
Looking to jerk to pics of your girl. If you’re close we could meet and talk about it or something.
Kik based_gaz
Tele scottfreee
Hey is this discord or what?
Sharing nudes of a little stank ass asian gook nerd in college. Would you fuck her smelly ass anyway?

Just say you want to see this stinky gook and if you’re from San Diego if you want to rape this bitch..

Kik ickygook
Telegram chankstank
Teleguard M7LXFHZ3E

kik: Ascendancy2956
Discord: ascendancy29

Just looking for someone to talk to, preferably female/mtf. Younger and older are both welcome.
29/M/909/Inland empire
>physical description
Reading, gym, snowboarding, anime/manga, playing smt5V right now etc.
>looking for
Peeps to hang out in person/ meeting new / intresting people. Interested in people with a different walk of life. If you're a girl, a Cute girl to flirt with and have cute dates. Taken so not interested in anything more than that.
>not looking for
Crackheads. People who are far away. Stinky people.

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Post your Telegram groups and channels on Telegram! SFW encouraged.

You can also find or submit your own groups on @soclinks
360 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
>exposing/whoring out my collection of slutty Aussie college girls (friends, classmates, mutuals, workmates etc.). want to see them all tributed, degraded and rap3d(rp). dm to look at the "menu" and pick out your own little Aussie cumrag to break ;)
>tele: alexsluttery
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Anyone wanna chat about her?

DM Open

Telegram: FunCum1
M26 add me
[F4M] Looking for a submissive and honest sub


Trading feet but will trade other

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Post masc/Femboy feet here

This pic is from a guy I met on Discord, if you want more of his pics, just leave your tag
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Big soles

Damn you got a very hot cutie foot, looking really soft too. Definitely would play with those feet
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Are there any goth, emo and femboy here?

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