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For all my fellow snooty north eastern friends.
95 replies and 29 images omitted. Click here to view.
being a druggie, web happenings, trance and midi music lately
>looking for
20, Male, eastern MA
99% Percentile IQ (as measured by SAT, ASVAD, VOCAB Size)
Athletic build
Cauliflower Ear (life long grappler, let me be your defender)
>career/life situation
national guard/college
jui jitsu

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Seek retards at your local red arrow you must
wheres the burly vermont /soc/ communities hiding spot
M anon here in burly

This thread is where submissive obedient bottom chubby femboys and trans girls can meet up with heterosexual dom masculine alpha men to fuck and cum together.

So leave your Age, location, sex, and kik!
35 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
u post ur discord/other contacts and then i add you on a throwaway and we can talk
I like the sound of that;)
Not sure if I'm your type though I am m,21,UK
Cis male but very friendly so if that's your style hmu on discord
I’m looking for ultra plus size. I’m a fit cardio dude and I wanna ride a whale.
Kik: 999tgirl999

Big dick tgirl looking for other femmes

Post a recent photo and your last hree songs listened to on your streaming service of choice:

1: HIM - Killing Loneliness
2: Billy Idol- Rebel Yell
3: Judas Preist - Electric Eye
283 replies and 213 images omitted. Click here to view.
Calvin Harris - How Deep Is Your Love
Faithless - Insomnia
Eminem - Biterphobia
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I made this thread four fucking months ago, why is it still here?
Bumping my bullshit.
Cherry Waves - Deftones
Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru
Black Moon - Creeper

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bored. taking requests
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Stick to your tranny threads
100% you complain about the state of modern women despite encouraging whorish behavior on here.
Everyone likes a whore until they fool themselves into committing to one.
id make you squeeze every drop on my balls no matter how long it takes
I'm not gonna indulge in some boring whore antics, she's not supposed to voice her wants or care about it, she must live for her master instead and do his bidding.

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>I'm 22
>5'9 or sth like that
>I think I might be trans but still I'm not that sure
>going to college but lonely lately
>searching anyone who would be interested in talking about anything (I mean, mostly about hender stuff etc.)

If you're interested hit me up on discord.
histerius0 or Histerius
>I think I might be trans but still I'm not that sure
that will drop you from a 50% dating pool
to a 3% pool of gays, bisexuals and other trans

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Read the board and site rules first >>17318579

Do not post content of others, do that on >>>/s/

>Cis-fem only
>Timestamp if new
>No contactfagging, soliciting, advertising, or shilling
>Do not post or request personal info of any kind
>No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing
>Do not feed the trolls.

Want to post videos?
For short clips, use https://www.redgifs.com/
For longer videos, use https://www.erome.com/

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Requesting a solo gif or webm of you bending over whenever you get the chance.
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Found the right webm for that!
Nice spread, but I meant you standing up and bending over. You totally need to do more of your pussy naturally opening though.
oh... Naomi, oh...
yes please

Very girl next door.

She will give me many strong sons with freckles and in return they shall have my blue eyes.

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/legwear/ - Female Legwear Thread

females only!
Are you new? Timestamp please!

from:>>33245876 (404)
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this thread is to find people from Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Brazil and other Latin American countries

>looking for
>not looking for
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anyone using session?
Once I make it I'm going to move to south america and meet a cute otaku girl there. Then we'll marry and I'll make her happy by taking her to japan often. I can't wait to love her and make her really happy.

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Do girls find me unattractive?
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eh, look fine to me. just not my type. look like an average guy to me.
Dude does not need to lose weight?? Lads tend to suit their weight better than girls. But even then he doesn’t even look fat? He looks average

He is good looking and I’m sure you’re just a salty little retard who likes getting a kick out of insulting people

Myself and other bio girls agree that this dude looks perfectly fine and attractive and surely out of everyone’s opinion on this thread…ours is the most important as it is our opinion he wants to know
Im a bio girl and you are a 9/10
speak for yourself, I'd rate him a 3. but thats also because the guys who have shown interest in me have been conventionally attractive chads so I dont need to save the ego of some 4chan attention whore
Looks like ur typical beastie boys fan the old choice number deux type of guy a c, c++, visual basic, fruity loops pirate ass dude from deviant art and mirc back in the day...

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postem uma música que vocês gostem e a tag de vocês do discord
op começa:
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algm para conversar?
Há um monte de expatriados na Confraria
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oq isso significa afinal?
pedi para conversar, nada a ver com isso "_"

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Last one is dead. Post your shit.


28 / ftm / brazil / on t for the past 10 years, I have no tits but still have a pussy

Want to talk with older (40+) preferably fat man that are ACTUALLY transphobic and conservative IRL. I'm into more serious conversation about politics and mind games where I'm humiliated and made to confess I'm a whore for the alt right. Being humiliated and controlled by conservatives makes me wet.
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F lesbian futa gooner who's addicted to pumping her cock to cosplay whores and busty hentai women

Telegaurd UF2HP95D6
22m bi, looking for a jerk buddy to trade and stroke with
Big into loli, feet and cocks, also getting a knack for loli captions~


trade some
m 28 bi gooner perv here. break my brain with filth and let's take each other deeper and darker ;)

looking for incest chats :3
share your fantasies or even experiences with incest, no matter how young the participants ;3
looking mostly for naughty older brothers or people who know there's incest in their families, especially if they ever saw or heard or just know that their father or a man in their family fucked your lil sis or sibling

btw you don't have to send pics at all

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Post what you're looking for.
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No way this is real feels little fake
Wat dem titties doin tho Heehee?
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Yo this TXCord meet going crazy
Yo... this mcdonalds lobby is goin crazayyyy
We can post you all we want because you're too big of a coward.

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Looking for that side fun? Side emotions? Find it here! 34/m for F Kik xiwesix

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Thread for black anons to post socials
>Looking for
>Not looking for
*smacks lips* lemme get dat cornstarch bb

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Send me mom or sis/daughter pics and I will let you know what I'll do.
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Help me blow! I need to finish quick. Feed me or I can trade..

Kik: cardown1
Got a collection of cute face selfies of my cousin. Looking to feed while you stroke, trib, wyyd, save, etc.

Cucgf discord
Cucgfcuc kik

Sharing 19yo goth gf feet, nudes, pre goth pics, vids

Come dom me and print her pics or I’ll feed and we can both cum on cam while you humiliate me ?
F 32 Bored hmu to chat

mean, pent up tgirl
violent & disrespectful chats
I just want to straight up be mean to someone and sexually harass them

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