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>fun facts about you
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info
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>fun fact
I'm not circumcised and I have 2 webbed toes
>looking for
the mother of my future sons
Still captioning and all
Just tossing it out there...

I want more outta life

I'm not gay
I'm more straight oriented but I've done whatever u wanna call gay shit and I don't really care...

I don't suck dick or get fucked so idk what a faggot is

I like women tho I'd rather be seen in public with sum fine ass bitch I haven't met any twinks especially near Pittsburgh pa that look good enough to fuck or be seen with in public or date so idk how y'all feel about that...

I like girls tho I wanna make sum kids and live that life it's more accepted and an easier path for real from what I've seen I'm not scared u are...

I want a woman that is like 130 lbs 25-40 years old and has her mind in order... No kids we can make em...

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I like these, but they don't stick around as long as some of the other ones on /soc/
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Why are you simping so hard man? 176 pounds is more than the average American woman and we’re extremely fat over here lol
Simping for who?
The average American woman is also 5'4, not 6'0
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okay, finished tops, favourites, world map and cant live without, all thats left is the drawing and stats.
jesus christ this takes forever
>see a bunch of bumps and images
>it's people arguing over a 19 year old
Ffs I hate this site.
I kinda disagree with that sentiment. I don't think gaming is as much a narrative medium and improvement in game design is removed from story structure.
Remakes do tend to be made for SOVLLESS reasons though.
>Made anon kek
That's what it's all about tbqh.
It's weird as a former Ancap (when I was like 14) to now see Stirner back in "mainstream" political discussion.
Wrong, all the women here are like 6'2" what the fuck are you on about?
bippidy bump

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This thread aims to maximize the chances of 2 anons to be together and motivate lurkers with low-self esteem and confidence to approach other anons. A main rule for all of those who add remember hit up the anon you added with a description about yourself or checking your traits with their traits they're interested into.

>AS and maximum distance
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept (facial, body, personality anything else)
>Traits that are totally not your type
>Their interests

>Body traits
>Personality traits

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24 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU (Wanna move to USA)
>about me
Im pretty curious, openminded and honest, if u dont share those traits please skip me as we probably wont get along.
Mostly into nerdy stuff and nature. I can be pretty random, blunt and I believe I have ADHD.
>looking for
Trans or cis gf from USA. (Pls no bpd lol)
BIG PLUS if ur masochistic or sadomasochistic.
Feel free to hmu even if u have weird/degenerate needs/desires (sexual or not) as Im quite flexible so I dont rly mind those kinds of things.
>not looking for
Online only.
Discord: aurelian4
20ish to 35

biological f
(No trans please)

RVA or surrounding area

>physical features
Feminine and decent hygiene. Not into big girls. A little weight is fine just don’t be a 300lb “””chubby””” girl. No single moms, I haven’t dodged kids this long to raise someone else’s. Open to having kids tho

>career/life situation

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your username doesn't work
>AS and maximum distance
18-25/F, idc
>Traits that you would really like to find in your future partner(facial, body, personality anything else)
Has passions in life or drive, is willing to go on dates, travel, try new hobbies, and be outdoors. Into fashion, cooking, has some artistic outlet. Overall i'm open to a lot. If not in the usa, willing to play games, read together, or watch shows.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you find attractive (facial, body, personality anything else)
This one is hard. I'm open to a lot, just not obesity since i'm fit.
>Traits that others find "unattractive" but you accept
Same as above. I guess i'm open to obsessive and clingy personalities.
>Traits that are totally not your type
Obese, has no passions or drives in life. Unable to ask questions or answer them.
>Their interests
As long as there is passion, it's good. Fashion, art, cooking, music, the outdoors, homesteading, gardening, video games, crafts, etc.

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I ran out of characters but a warning is right now I work a lot and don't have a phone at work so I reply better on weekends when i'm not working out or hiking and weekday nights.
For more life/goals, I went from a chronic spaghetti spiller to having my ideal job with good pay that lets me do the hobbies I love. I have a lot of accomplishments i'm proud of that I can tell you about if i'm comfortable with you but it takes time for me to warm up.
Also i'm open to new friends so guys or people who don't want anything can add me if you want to talk about any of my hobbies.

Put whatever info thats needed like the sort of info bout you and your discord, plus add lookin n not lookin for
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Maybe for your next similar work of art, try a more sophisticated pallete.
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Its your girl sabby 19F single natural perky from Philippines x Nursing Student




autistic as fuck. 35 and still talking like an emo kid because disney ruined star wars. cheer up pussy faggot
That's random. Might I know you from somewhere?

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Tits are the qualifier but all your body is welcome.

Read before posting: >>17318579

>Females posting pictures of themselves only
>No contactfagging, disc0rdfagging, soliciting, or advertising.
>Timestamp if new or haven't posted in a while (today's date written on paper)
>No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules.

Want to share a video?
For short clips, use https://www.redgifs.com/
For longer videos, use https://www.erome.com/

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I love this slut
The thread is dead except for calix dropping in every so often and spam. So annoying the other woman who is dropping pics is stupid.

Her pics are great and she's clearly new to this
>No contactfagging, disc0rdfagging, soliciting, or advertising

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>about you

>looking for

>not looking for

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Do you have somewhere you post your art?
no such thing as non binary
trump lost
i don't care
enjoy getting raped in prison by a black guy with a really big dick, incel freak

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Welcome to the Shut-In Contact Thread

>Old thread >>33065062
>What do I do in the threads?
Talk to people, make conversation. Don't try to get into anyone's pants. It is a social thread on /soc/, for actually being social, without nudity!
>Wait, is this some super-secret cool kids' club where you can only be some sort of shut-in freak to participate in?
No, we are moderately tolerant of normalfags here. Feel free to participate, just don't be a dick.
>I DON'T LIKE ___________
Discuss it with us, but civilly. If you are spouting out cusswords and insults because you don't like something, chances are, it is not going to change and you will be blown off as some anally pained droll. Now, if you are civil, people will work with you.

>Can I put in contact info?
Sure, you may use this template or any of your own.

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21 femboy sissy looking for anyone (preferably fem:3) pervs to goon with all night while i play hentai games! i have absolute tons of hentai n pics and i’m into almost anything, will send list if we talk ;) ill show off my clothes n toys from my moms dresser to you even if we get along…, so please hmu, i’d love to serve n be slutty :3 ! i’m relapsing, so help me go crazy as an attention whore :3
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: femboynoelle
snap: noelleluv25
21 femboy niagara falls buffalo NY
stole some of my moms bras n panties, n wanna show off my slutty holes n cock to anyone who wants to see!! i’m into nearly anything and will send anything, so ask away! i desperately need to be pegged by someone, so let’s make a time to have some fun n get dirty ;)
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: femboynoelle
snap: noelleluv25
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In need of a cute neet/femcel to tap to me about her interests and maybe some lewd stuff idk. Bonus points for any piercings/dyed hair
23 m usa
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Dont have the template?
Let me help you out there.
Save this pic and crop out the gender that ISNT you.
Write some things about you that people may want to know.
Spruce up the pic and give it some pizzazz
>Welcome to the party.
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I know the thread says just yourself, but if I'm given the entire template I'll use the entire template, dammit
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26 M Croatia

>about me
-anime, mango and video games; also love aquariums and fish/plants.
-Am obsessed with psychological horror/thriller and Korean films.
-Love going to the cinema and sometimes hiking.
-Never smoke, never drink or do drugs.
-Catholic, but don’t go to church and don’t mind other religions/agnostics/atheists

>looking for
-A femanon that feels we can connect.
-Someone whose definition of happiness is relying on each other and cuddling while playing games
-I don't mind mental illness and neets, I will always love you

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I just like the old template better.

discord: microsoftsqlserver2019
Holy shit dude, how do you cope?
This is just residual hope anon.

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emo/scene/mcbling/anything in that area tap in!!
tell us abt urselves :D

got a haircut and root touchup 2day, get me ur thoughts on that too lololol
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Amazing sex?
i can't think of anybody who still uses myspace
I can be an animatronic can i pleeeaaase mutilate you
modern take on scene girl
nice, thanks for giving us something to look at
do u live near portland? i swear i have seen you before

post the last song you listened to and a random image. what happens after that is up to whatever.

>The Wagon - Dinosaur Jr.
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>Red Hot Chili Peppers - Other side

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this song reminds me of the last boards of canada album
holy shit this thread is depressing. not a single reply to anyone.
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i liek pretty guitar:)

disc, sleepyhead02826

D.C., Maryland and Virginia thread

>looking for
>not looking for
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M- 22 - VA

huge into occultism/mysticism ex: crowley, ars goetia, anne rice, faust, borges, lavey, nick land, so on. Always looking for more and more recommendations. I’m also a huge fan of Uncle Acid and Queens of The Stone Age (music bands) . I’m also quite the junkie and love talking about drug experiences and psychonaut shit.

looking for people or discord servers with similar interest in the occult / pyschonautics/ forementioned bands. down to vc and chat most nights. If you’re down to clown in person, that’s cool too - we can run some rituals together lole.

if our conversations consist of bland greetings or something im not really interested in then you’re what im not looking for. Not looking for hookups.

32m. Maryland USA. Fit Latino with a thick dick looking for fun. Ladies, looking to cheat on your man or wanting to show off to a stranger? Guys, your girl open to fuck another man? Are you a cute petite femboy? Don't be shy. Hit me up too! I have pics and vids of myself to share.

Kik/telegram/discord cresentmoon91.
22 MTF Harford
5'8 200lb blondish brown hair and green eyes
Hiking camping fishing hunting cooking vidya bones history guns and other stuff
>looking for
Freinds and people to talk to
>not looking for
Anything sexual or romantic
Erithealien on disc

Pennsylvania - PA
New Jersey - NJ
New York - NY
Delaware - DE
Maryland - MD

>looking for
>not looking for
324 replies and 76 images omitted. Click here to view.
26/M/central PA

Probably the best looking guy on here. 6’4” 220 athletic with a thick cock. Must be extremely discreet. Not leaving my contact here but reply with yours if you want some magic. If you won’t let me treat you like a slut don’t bother.
24 male in mays landing new jersey looking for someone to chill and do drugs with also im homeless so a couch would be nice I do have a job though. Not looking for anything romantic
contact is hotstep_1
NJ nudes

21 femboy niagara falls buffalo NY
stole some of my moms bras n panties, n wanna show off my slutty holes n cock to anyone who wants to see!! i’m into nearly anything and will send anything, so ask away! i desperately need to be pegged by someone, so let’s make a time ;)
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: femboynoelle
snap: noelleluv25

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As always, send a nude to the 3 posts above and don’t forget your 27yo French OP here!

Good luck!

My Kik: hetero45000
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Kik: DepravedSicko

Im male, 25 yrs old, dutch and STRAIGHT.
Im hung, very dom and very depraved.

Looking for:
- Other dutch people especially
- Chats about IRLs
- RP partners. Ill play the M role.
- Dirty chats, about anything and anyone.
- Worshippers, males have to pretend to be female.
- Feeders, Whatever you like (no cocks tho)
- Truth or dare.
- Caption trade buddies. (Be talented at writing)

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25m stroking my small cock to anything I'm sent, will send vids and cum vids kik Lookinforfun19967
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21 femboy sissy looking for anyone (preferably fem:3) pervs to goon with all night while i play hentai games! i have absolute tons of hentai n pics and i’m into almost anything, will send list if we talk ;) ill show off my clothes n toys from my moms dresser to you even if we get along…, so please hmu, i’d love to serve n be slutty :3 ! i’m relapsing, so help me go crazy as an attention whore :3
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: femboynoelle
snap: noelleluv25

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What are you gooning/edging to today, /soc/?

Goon Resources:
>Make your own cave
>Unsecured IP cams (some of them are in bathrooms and bedrooms)

Interested in hooking up with other gooners?
>looking for
>not looking for

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502 replies and 94 images omitted. Click here to view.
Not sure if this counts as the topic. But my gf can't make ends meet and decided to start selling herself online, and for some reason I decided to help her. What would you do in my position? She's with me now, can verify

Kik randoscrando22
Big veinyy dick with second screen tributing and gooning for ONLY the following:

Hentai, goon fuel, censors, big tits, hypnosis, big dick blowjobs, facials, Blacked and Bleached, and Celebs.

Sydney Sweeney, Peyton List, Emilia Clarke, Christina Hendricks , Allison Brie, Pink Pantheress, Megan Thee Stallion, Sophia Vegara, and Kat Dennings

Kik: GoonMeeDaddy
if you can cum just from feet then add me and i will feed you while you show off that foot obsessed cock of yours
disc _bjelke
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Teleguard: B3VSXSBQP

I'm 6'2, athletic, and 8".. Looking to be spammed with all types of perversion. I'm very open minded.
Also, looking for an obedient little toy who will do as they're told.
18m. Would love to share nn pics of a petite 18 year old high school crush with a big ass! Especially if you are a bull or have a big cock! If interested dm me. Maybe you'd want to talk about fucking her in front of me.

Kik: Raven19852

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Read the rules first >>17318579

Do not post content of others, do that on >>>/s/

Cis-fem only. Looking for other content? Search the catalog >>>/soc/catalog
Please don't post content without a timestamp proving you're real.
Do not post or request personal info of any kind.
No bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
No contactfagging, soliciting, or advertising.
Have fun.

old thread
504 replies and 89 images omitted. Click here to view.
Post your butt please, you don't have to show your asshole.
>She actually did pass out
you should definitely put here the public link for controlling that lush so a random guy can make you come
Can we get a new thread please? I'm still at work and don't have any macros on hand.
new thread

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