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Anyone here need an accountability buddy for work? I WFH and haven't done shit for like the past two days. I am 30, a software engineer, have ADHD, Pacific Time zone. I need someone to video chat with me for like four hours a day PLEASE. Ill obviously try to keep you on track with whatever you're working on too.
Use the existing contact threads, there are several SFW ones up.
I won't video chat, but I'll send messages and talk with you
>t. probably needs this more than you
beanbean.bb is the discord. Happy to harass you to get out of bed or whatever you need.

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Linux users thread

>About me
>Your favorite distro
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Name: Anastasia, may or may not be subject to change
A/S/L: 19, boymoder on HRT, Poland
Interests: Linux (obviously), Arch to be specific; vidya, especially indie platformers/RPGs; movies
Likes: cats; sleeping; cuddling; good, seasoned food
Dislikes: social situations; mean people; creeps
Mostly looking for talking with like-minded people, though wouldn't oppose a relationship if we click (I'm bisexual, attracted to feminine people with some exceptions)

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spoken like an ubuntu african who has never written a shell script
23/M/Central Asia (that's between Russia, China, Afghanistan and Iran, clockwise).

Trivia: I'm not human according to Cloudflare. I download music in lossy 140kbps and then feel fine. I'm balding and I'm faded. Whonix, Qubes, RSS, Obsidian, obsessive manic political thoughts on caffeine. Moved from Russia 2 years ago to avoid possible drafting. Dropped school/piano/talking to people 16yo, was a bit sad for a few years, getting life back to this day. Executive dysfunction is still here.
Used to collect various images, now I only save porn. And rarely even sort it. But I'm saving and tagging my own thoughts and quotes of other material, which I wasn't doing just a 3yrs ago.
Hope next year I'll move to apartment in the woods. Having victimless crime in law system sucks. Got a tech job I hate, but I would probably dislike any other anyway, so going with it. Music a few hours a day.

Interests: internet privacy and anonymity (anti-aml/kyc sentiment, frontend trackers, mixnets... hatred for tor-blocking firewalls and captchas), irl anonymity (doing X without providing ID, shared access points, sim&imei)
Underfulfilled interests: pharma drugs and RCs, DIY cosmetic, BCI, longevity, PCVR, youtube prod, gamedev
Basic interests: hiking, anime, travel, piano
Games: Sunless Sea, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Pathologic, Life is Strange, NITW, Frostpunk, Metro, FTL, TWOM, Darkwood, Machinarium (a t m o s p h e r e, man)

Looking for: interesting people to connect with and put effort into conversation that feels worth it
Not looking for: voice chat, games, fast short replies, sexting, RP, no common interests/vibe, depressed

tox: 689A2E4DF98FF6186F9187F6F8DBD9461A204980FDDE2E97D3AE5931B0A91C4EF584344FE7E0 (ransomware operator tier)

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I'm surprised people here don't use Session
i'm not surprised. use SimpleX to find out why. think Session hashes make better usernames? how about abandoning the entire concept of usernames and userhashes entirely? Session feels like an abandoned blockchain messenger tech demo. SimpleX has yet to release a single changelog that's failed to impress or excite me.

the developers are still ignoring some security issues from what some of my friends who still use it are telling me, see if this one's still not fixed: open Session, get to its settings, then take a look at your remote recovery phrase. does it pull up your system authenticator and require your fingerprint or pass(cod|phras)e, or does it still just show the phrase without any safeguarding?

either way, remote recovery phrases increase your attack footprint. it sacrifices security on the altar of convenience. SimpleX lets you recover from a database backup, but your contact list only exists on your device, you have to perform that backup manually and restore it with a passphrase of your choosing, unlike how Session assumes you're lazy or retarded and rolls one for you.
Or Matrix, especially since it comes bundled with Mint.

I use Debian btw.

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>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls

You can share also what you were using for language studying (guides, sites), if you took any exams/certifications, how much time you can dedicate to studying, etc.

Also if you moderate any language discord serves, please, share :)
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31, M, CST
>Native language/Languages that you can teach
Russian, English (second)
>Target language
>Short bio, interests/hobbies
I know some basics in both, Spanish is just too useful here, and German has always been my weak spot
>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
chat/VC - yeah, video calls --eventually
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>Native language
American English
>Target language(s)
한국어, français. Dunno, just want to learn a second language. Maybe Spanish, Japanese, or Tagalog. I have beginner knowledge in all of the mentioned.
Very into strength sports, bodybuilding, BJJ, nutrition, cooking, and drawing. Not into games but enjoy anime and other media
>VC is fine
>ASL (optional but please state your time zone)

>Native language/Languages that you can teach
English, Nepali

>Target language
French and Japanese

>Short bio, interests/hobbies
I like drawing, cooking, sewing, anime, cozy games. I like discussing psychology and generally put effort into listening to people/ being there. I have a lot of stuff going on so sometimes I don't reply on time, but I try to be consistent with my replies.

>Ready for chat/voice chat/video calls
I have anxiety so although I am ok with vc/ video calls, I would need some time to be comfortable enough.

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Post your current favorite song, post selfie, and rate

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wheres the selfies, all i see are youtube links
Op looks like he should be listening to this instead

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A thread for talking about music with people, finding music recommendations, or talking about your favorite artists.

>Relevant info about yourself (musical skill or talents)
>Genres and Artists you like
>What music you don't like
>What you're looking for
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I have a youtube channel where I upload all original music, all different styles as well.. I'd love if you could check it out, and give me feedback. I haven't been inspired in a month, and I just need a little motivation friends..



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Are there any Indian women here? I'm into dating women who don't worship deities but I'm willing to accept a pagan or witch or something but I think Indian chicks look good as fuck alot of ethnic women do... I used to be straight white power but I love their women I mostly just don't like niggers mostly black men and not ghetto black girls are cool and hot them y2k blax Indians are cool Asians etc my dad was a nam vet so I grew up hearing a lot of that Charlie's gooks slopes shit like grand Torino lol but yeah any ethnic women give me a shout
I'm tryna see what's good
I'm paid for by the government I could get u a green card and I could easily support me and a woman that weighs like 120-130 lbs food sustainable wise easily for life lets start a whole family I have a hyper sexual problem so we could make tons of kids...
Don't hate on my post I've made a lot of progress in the last five years of life and I've got a lot of million dollar ideas let's find happiness where these other hating ass faggots can't becuz they lack the ability...
Discord : basedrapist
the posts on this board are getting increasingly desperate lol
Transparency gets u what u want shame won't ever keep me from saying what I want
>I've got a lot of million dollar ideas
I notice that none of your ideas have worked and actually earned you that million dollars
>I've got a lot of million dollar ideas
I have a trillion dollar idea
The problem is getting funding to get it off the ground.
hello, you were born in 1974 or 1976?

why do you type so strangely? are you mentally ill? do you have friends?

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post gender bent pics and rate
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I have missed these!

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Just looking for people to chat with who I can fw
big into vidya and history
Use the existing threads

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18m femboy, if u have any requests or questions for me I'll be happy to answer. (Anything is on the table I don't care)
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Im going to kill myself
Is this Naomi?
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Wash yo ass squash squash it, I can see very well unwiped shit on your asshole
I’d like to see you cover you with milk and cereal
Send a video of your asshole gaping and getting fucked by a dildo, use bunkrr or catbox

Thread Français
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En même temps tu t'adaptes. Sur internet c'est mieux de parler anglais.
On a déjà une mauvaise reputation de toute façon.
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ca c'est juste à cause des nègres et des bougnoules, ils sont "français" que quand ca les arranges ces sales crouilles
Jsais pas, pendant un moment on se partageais de la salope française ici mais ça remonte un peu. Après j'avoue que les negres et les bougnoules cassent les couilles
criss de nègre
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Natural Perky Body from Philippines 19F x Nursing Student xx

Show us your juicy thighs, any way you may. Any sex welcome, just keep em soft and clean and shaved.


>>17318579 #


>keep em shaved, bushes or whatever are fine if they're there but the focal point — thighs, gotta do a service to them.
>Timestamp (today's date on a piece of paper in pic) if new or otherwise MiA for a while
>No stalking, harassment etc.
>Short clips: https://www.redgifs.com/
>long: https://www.erome.com/
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They would be if they didn't have dicks
Here’s another pic I took, wanted to show off my thighs
Any chance I can see you standing too you look so good
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Thigh is the best for asian do you agree
19F Single From Philippines x
Yes you look super hot can you do more sitting down on a chair

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Figured I would make a new one since the previous one already reached 500+

>Looking for
>Not looking for
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female, 19, usa (texas)

>non-sexual interests;
anime, collecting manga, tv n film, cooking, caseoh, youtube, reading, music, etc etc

>sexual interests;
ddlg, cnc, masochism, incest, degraded, praised, bondage, being controlled + manhandled

>looking for;
a daddy/dom i can be sweet with, go to, and having a caring side with but one that will also control me sexually but in aspects of my real life too. asking permission to go out, what to wear, etc.

i'm a little shy at first but once i open up i'm superrr submissive


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>about me
I recently moved to the Midwest from the east coast to live with my wonderful older boyfriend that I met on chan, just looking for friends/people to vent to. I love movies, anything horror related or art house kinda vibe, I listen to everything but really need some new music recs, I like art a lot and just anything cool/interesting
I'm a good listener as well
>looking for
Someone to vent to when I'm feeling mentally ill, friends in general, people in the area
>not looking for
Insufferable assholes, conservatives
Tag is Schwartz4L
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24 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU (Wanna move to USA)
>about me
Im pretty curious, openminded and honest, if u dont share those traits please skip me as we probably wont get along.
Mostly into nerdy stuff and nature. I can be pretty random, blunt and I believe I have ADHD.
>looking for
Trans or cis gf from USA. (Pls no bpd lol)
BIG PLUS if ur masochistic or sadomasochistic.
Feel free to hmu even if u have weird/degenerate needs/desires (sexual or not) as Im quite flexible so I dont rly mind those kinds of things.
>not looking for
Online only.
Discord: aurelian4
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21 femboy sissy looking for anyone (preferably fem:3) pervs to goon with all night while i play hentai games! i have absolute tons of hentai n pics and i’m into almost anything, will send list if we talk ;) ill show off my clothes n toys from my moms dresser to you even if we get along…, so please hmu, i’d love to serve n be slutty :3 ! i’m relapsing, so help me go crazy as an attention whore :3
kik: femboy_noelle
discord: femboynoelle
snap: noelleluv25

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California Thread
These things keep getting archived lol
Previous Thread: https://archiveofsins.com/soc/thread/33299015/

>physical description
>looking for
>not looking for

Go nuts!
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34/M/Ventura County but in LA most weekends

>physical description
5'9", Hispanic, handsome (allegedly), if I wear a hat you'd think I'm younger

Trying different local food spots and restaurants.
Cooking, casual hiking and walking, watching movies and anime, swinging kettlebells
I go to a concerts, festivals, or pretty much any event that sounds interesting almost every weekend. I like enough different genres of music that we'll find some common ground.
If you like to actually move/dance at shows, we'll get along. Throwing up trap arms and hardcore two stepping goes a long way.

>looking for
people to hang out with or more

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27/M/The Valley
>physical description
>Swimming, pool, anime, manga, video games, cooking, gardening
>looking for
Someone to hang out at my house, play nintendo games, go swimming. I am a virgin and want to take things slow. Lots of cuddling while we watch anime or movies.
>not looking for
men, ugly face, gross body
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26 m San Diego
5’11 athletic attractive and sane. Blonde hair brown eyes.
Looking to jerk to pics of your girl. If you’re close we could meet and talk about it or something.
Kik based_gaz
Tele scottfreee
Hey is this discord or what?
Sharing nudes of a little stank ass asian gook nerd in college. Would you fuck her smelly ass anyway?

Just say you want to see this stinky gook and if you’re from San Diego if you want to rape this bitch..

Kik ickygook
Telegram chankstank
Teleguard M7LXFHZ3E

I notice I have better conversations with anons through email. Post here if you're looking for internet penpals.
It takes less than a minute to make a protonmail throwaway.

Basic template:
>About (ASL optional)
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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Lol thanks for trying to keep the thread alive anon.
Hope some anons got some emails!
you're welcome! I wish these threads were more popular. the degeneracy on this board my god...

you didn't answer my question though...I asked about your other interests
Nice thread idea.

It seems I'm at another crossroads in life and I'm wondering how many more are left.
Music, music-making, all things audio, birding, hiking, anime/manga, Western animation, cars, sports, developing an interest in ecology and habitat restoration
>Looking for
Good talks with genuine folks
>Not looking for
Lewds, extreme mental illness, cute girls who live very far away from me
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I too have better convos with anons when we email. I'll give it a go :D
>About (ASL optional)
19f living near the coast in SoCal. Im an intj-t studying comp sci who spends the rest of my free time on my computer or phone.
I really REALLY like sanrio, and not just the big characters. I like collecting vintage pieces and pictures as well. I also like listening to music such as ambient, lofi, breakcore, and more. I watch anime as well and my current favorites are Madoka Magica (aaa new movie :D), Devilman Crybaby, and Cells at Work. I like manga too but I havent read much unfortunately. I play vidya, and I program too, mostly web development with backend too for my web applications.
>Looking for
Friends :D
>Not looking for

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>your niche interests
>looking for
>not looking for
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>ASL Male 25 Texas
>your niche interests ai chatbots (currently doing studying on morale grey on legal areas regarding them and outright them from customers)
>looking for: people who like /g/ stuff
>not looking for: arguments , contrarians , retards
*stealing from customers and practicing EA type practices
Looking at the Channel again, I think the episode is on there unfucked. It had no issues and was very close to my vague memory, so it's found. It may have just been Dailymotion fucking up when I watched it
M- 22 - VA

huge into occultism/mysticism ex: crowley, ars goetia, anne rice, faust, borges, lavey, nick land, so on. Always looking for more and more recommendations. I’m also a huge fan of Uncle Acid and Queens of The Stone Age (music bands) . I’m also quite the junkie and love talking about drug experiences and psychonaut shit.

looking for people or discord servers with similar interest in the occult / pyschonautics/ forementioned bands.

not looking for anything weird or creepy or any conversation about topics that don’t interest me.

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weirdo, huge weeb, ironically racist
Interested in anime & manga, VNs, film, video games and sewing cosplays
people who can hold conversations, similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships and connections
>DISCORD @notarappist

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