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You're a special attacker you dumb tranny

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Pokemon can be our companions so can they be our wives as well?
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Stop spamming your template thread, tranny
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>because you decided to marry an animal instead of an human
relax he didn't marry your mom, homo
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It's canon.

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This thread a successor of Novel AI request thread >>56427886

This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to make their own Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator that recently upgraded to V3. Users paying $25 a month have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations. Though some actions, such as upscaling, alternate resolutions, and image variation, require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is available for free using ‘buzz’ for currency gen and you get about 50 every day plus some more for liking models and giving genning likes and such.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation and sharing to connected email accounts, texts, and social media platforms. An ad watch is require between each image generation, but paying for the premium service nullifies this.

Local Generation using Stable Diffusion requires a decent video card. Guides for local genning can be found in the /g/ threads:

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requesting lillie in a wet swimsuit
Maybe, but I'll probably be okay. No explicit nudity.
That looks very cute! I love how she’s pulling her shirt down to cover herself, I really like that kind of thing.

The second pic is also very cute! She looks very nervous about showing herself off to you.

You’ll probably be okay, but it never hurts to be safe. These pics probably break the rules anyway, but you’ll hopefully be fine if there’s no genitals visible.

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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

>Thread question:
What's the most difficult part of characterizing a pokemon?

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I've seen plenty of "I woke up as X character from pokemon!" there were for non-playable characters like Ash. Either way they're stealing their lives.
In this essay I will explain why Hard Enough is actually a very elaborate NTR and defacement story about someone stealing Brock's body and proceeding to have sex using it, knowing full well the real Brock would never get any.
What would you honestly change if you were isekai'd as Ash right before his journey began?
>report Erika for unfair bans on her gym
>not meet "Richie" so Team Rocket can't harass me and fuck up the match with him
>dust off Kingler, Muk, and some of the less used Pokémon in Johto
>catch better Pokémon in Hoenn, Torkoal and Corphish fucking suck
>also bring old Pokémon back to prevent the same shitty ending from that league
>accept the Frontier Brain offer, even if temporarily
>prevent the Ambipom ping pong episode from happening at all costs
>before leaving Sinnoh, investigate what happened to Tobias
>avoid Cameron so he fails and doesn't enter the Unova league
>dunno about Kalos, maybe break into Team Flare's base and hopefully find an Essentia suit prototype?
>dunno about Alola either
>don't get traumatised by tentacles even if I still lose to Bea
>put Team Rocket in jail
>probably put Giovanni in jail as well

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>What would you honestly change if you were isekai'd as Ash right before his journey began?
I would beg Brock to teach me how to cook.
>discover the fairy type/evolve hisui mons/nutrition/gravity training/etc
>report sabrina and the cerulean sisters to the league
>vet a trusted neurosurgeon with a Lucario to fix the brain tumor Ash has that makes his IQ cap at 70
>get myself checked for imbalanced estrogen levels so I can actually go through puberty
>send a letter to Serena calling her a cringe bitch for not being a trainer like me coupled with claims that I think girls who can beat me in a pokemon battle are hot. This will hopefully activate her dormant Player Character genes and guarantee I get a battlewife in the future
>fuck Pikachu anyways
In Born Of Caution the MC get Ash's Treeko.

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It's just going to be like that Zango program from the early 2000s. Just a retarded shovelware game that serves up targeted advertisements.
Get well soon.
what the fuck are you talking about
Back in the early 2000s, there was a program called Zango that would basically give you access to free games in exchange for targeted ads being put on your desktop.

I remember it because back then a friend of mine asked me to help him uninstall it after he got a really weird ad.

Considering how bad modern Pokemon is I would not be surprised if newer Pokemon games end up this way.
and yet you'll still buy it.

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I = II > III = IV >> V >>> IX >>>> VI >>> VII = VIII
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II = IV > I = III > VI > IX > V = VII > VIII
I > iv > iii > ii > v > nugens
This one is correct

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Best girl thread
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Anon you can't do that on a blue board!
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would you enjoy being the girl in that scenario
Man, all your questions are so stupid.

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they need to nerf this strongmon
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In-universe, how does Acid Armor even work? What about *liquifying and re-solidifying yourself would make your defenses stronger?
(*Gen 1 doesn't even show the Pokemon solidifying again, so I don't know if it's fighting as a blob or what.)
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That's a lot of posts getting eaten lately, no matter where I post through, weird

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Its actually insane how long people waited for a remake and this is what they got and these games will never be remade again
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The closest you get to a Sinnoh remake is the Spear Pillar in PLA. Enjoy!
>A man paints fences for a living
>Said man did a good job on a fence on Heart Gold Street
>Your fence on Brilliant Diamond Blvd is the same area/length
>You pay this man to paint your fence
>He does a crappy job on your fence
>You get angry with the service
>"Well anon, I guess you don't deserve to have your fence painted then."
They're announcing a Platinum remake in 8 days
that's what you get for begging for remakes consoomercucks
they could have at least did the soundtrack better. neither bdsp nor pla did it justice.

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why is she so perfect? a man could not ask for a better pokemon to be his wife
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Why did they give this pokemon such hips and thighs?
You get to breed her every night.
You'll never want to go out and battle again.
Those are completely ordinary pet animal hips. Stop questioning Tajiri's vision.
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There’s just something about her.
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Fair enough. It’s better if it’s left up to interpretation. I’m not sure I want to consider the implications of the Pokémon movies actually existing in universe.
Based version.
Needs freckles on her other cheeks
Of course. Most art of Nemona’s butt seems to forget her freckles, unfortunately.

(Kek, I’m acting as if it’s a canon fact that she has them down there. To be fair, it pretty much is.)
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>> that you almost fail to notice when she pulls you towards her
Absolutely kino! I can see Nemona being the one to take charge in a moment like that.

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First Partner Edition

Previous Thread:

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I use Ultimate Guard FlexXFolio Xenoskin 9 Pocket. Good quality, and the front and back are sturdy.
Not a fan of silver, I like the yellow border because it's one of the unique attributes of Pokemon cards. Silver (shiny) borders should be reserved for full art and better cards.
cringe, please tell me they don't all look this obnoxious

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Which is your favorite and why?
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hitmonlee is a pretty good mon in vgc, but most people sleep on him
Hitmontop was suprisingly useful in smogon singles in quite a few gens
Their animations are fun

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Post the weakest fully evolved pokemon from your top 10 favorites, other anons give suggestions on how to make them good.
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I was being sarcastic, idiot
Eevee shoul get calm mind in its moveset.
>first post
>cartoon animal
Can this be filtered already?
Maybe if it became the latest overused catchphrase on /v/ then maybe like what happened with søy and cumbrain.
He’s just Lapras but mechanically worse and not given to you for free
It hurts
I like Dewgong. He has a very appealing design.

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