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Do you remember Greta?
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You can respect your opponent while also feel shame for losing.
That's fair, but I think she shouldn't feel bad or shame for losing. I think if she tried her hardest in the battles then she should be proud! I'd love to encourage her to try harder! Maybe train with her.
I want sex with Greta.
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I don't know, she was kinda vague, saying they're "stretches" that build bonds, trust, and morale within dojo. I guess they're very intimate.

>Are those training sessions long and hard?
Well... she WAS telling me all about how the sessions can go on "for hours" and always leave her soaked in sweat and very sore afterwards. I thought it was odd because usually stretching is only a prelude to the real workout and they're supposed to help avoid symptoms soreness and injury, but then she told me... "In the Battle Arena stretching IS the workout, and it always requires a partner or two for maximum efficacy. I've actually been looking for some new sparring partners with greater endurance and stamina than the weaklings at my dojo right now. I'm always thirsting for new challengers and I accept all comers, but nobody has been able to satisfy me.
Say... why not bring a friend along and swing by sometime? I've been needing new pupils to help stretch me out and push me past my limits, my doors are always open~."

I asked my buds to tag along, but they're lazy slobs full of excuses and I don't want to let her down. What do you say anon, wanna take the trip with me down to the Battle Frontier? My friends will be really jealous when they see our gains... and I don't even know why... but somehow I get the feeling that's not all they're going to be jealous of...~

[NSFW: https://files.catbox.moe/dv9h8z.png ]

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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

>Thread question:
What's the most difficult part of characterizing a pokemon?

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I wouldn't sweat it. The region isn't really that important if your story is distinct. Born of Nutrition will be its own thing and yours will too. Don't force yourself to write a place you have no interest in, it'll affect the process.
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Accurate. Every other fic writer I've talked to has had an inferiority complex.
There’s only a few regions, you’re going to get overlap on stories. Just write it, anon
Based Colress.
Wow they're both literally me

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This is my Blastoise. My dad won him for me out of a claw machine at Circus Circus in Las Vegas. I must have been 7 or 8 so it must have been 99 or 2000.
Around 2007 we lost pretty much everything in a big house fire. This Blastoise and a Bulbasaur keychain that has been chewed up by my childhood dog Henry were the only things of mine to come out ok.
The Bulbasaur keychain reminds me of my dog so I always kept it close.
My dad died a few months back, so I’ve been looking at this Blastoise a lot more lately. That’s about the long and short of my blog post, thanks for checking it out. Post Pokédolls.
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I could never hope to wash my eyes.
>melanin detected
you are not white
... are you saying your friend exposed himself in front of you and rubbed his ballsack all over your charmander plush
what the fuck
My condolences
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Reminds me of winning a Togepi doll at an arcade when I was a kid. I remember how excited I was to win something and when I showed my dad he took it and farted on it before giving it back to me saying "Togepi went to sniff my butt"

>Pokémon Smile was never taken seriously
Pokemon mobile apps are all Spyware
>Pokemon Smile
Isn't that the Ifunny rom hack?

Sad thing is this isn’t even a joke. Pokémon masters for example may collect you name, email, home address , phone number, etc (whatever that means) and basically do whatever the fuck they want with it.
iirc they changed it to Pokémon Noon due to an actual Pokémon Smile existing.
Any evidence of this? I thought Go, Sleep, and Unite were the spyware. What does Masters need any of that for? To see who we fap to?

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Now that the dust has settled, what is the /vp/ consensus on PokéRogue?
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was kino before the troons took over
Trying way too hard
It's good, but the Emerald Rogue update clears it by a mile.
If GF had made this but it was exactly the same you'd sing its praises. I hope Masuda's been eating plenty of pineapple if you're gonna guzzle that much cum.

That said, I hope that after GF inevitably shitcans this they make their own version, seeing how popular it got. They'll probably ruin it, but still.

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they need to nerf this strongmon
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He's really cute and underrated
New Sylveon from the same artist
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Post cute grass cats
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Every cat ITT is male.
Idc cus im bi
I'm not your master, I'm your partner!
joke's on you, everyone ITT is ultra gay

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> Poor Glaceon :( She's my favorite Eevee evolution.
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neat, im gonna use glaceon next time. i’ve tried leafeon before but its move set is so dogshit in gen 4 i ended up dropping it.
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This is my wife. she loves me very much :)
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This thing would be so much better without the tongue wrapped around its neck. As is it's one of the worst water starters out there, only marginally beating Samurott. Just goes to show how one design element can ruin an otherwise great 'mon.
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What does RillaGOD have to do with Greninja?
Holy ESL
I like Cinderace and Lucario more
The tongue breaks up the colors and adds a nice visual flair to the design that's lacking heavily when either the tongue is put away or someone does a design without it.
I also appreciate the tongue mimicking clothing in a more organic way than something like Cinderace, who just comes out the box looking like he's wearing a uniform.

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Which outfit do you prefer for Clair?
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I was infatuated, which was confusing to little me. I’d think a girl around my age is cute or think nothing of her at all, and that’s it.

Seeing Clair in the anime and in my magazine guide washed a totally new feeling over me that I never experienced before. The anime especially made the feeling strong, with that form-fitting outfit and everything. My mom teased me about it because, uh, it was obvious, but she assured me it’s normal and told me she crushed on Basil from The Great Mouse Detective.
>My mom teased me about it because, uh, it was obvious, but she assured me it’s normal
and now you collect images of Clair on the internet. your mom is a dumb bitch.
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Imagine thinking the HGSS redesign is better
He's not a faggot or a furry at least
I literally have zero images of Clair saved on any of my devices, asides from this one image I just posted. But what do I know, you know me better than I do of myself.
No, I never posted in any Clair threads either, tyvm.

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I drew mawile once more
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draw her with my wife goodra
good shit i love seeing ur mawile
She looks like she's trying to do Michael Jackson's "Thriller" but is endearingly bad at it
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Did an attempt. I'm planning to add a Lucario (or maybe a different biped?) sitting in her jaws and complimenting her horns' strength. Or perhaps asking if they can lie back, to her replying that she wouldn't recommend it - that is still a mouth, after all.

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why does no one play multi battles
it's literally the most fun type of battle
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Pokemon players don't have friends

Why do you think so many people bitch about version exclusives and trade evolutions?
Compared to standing on water it's honestly not bad.
trust issues
How old is that image now?
And then they have the gall to wonder why their skyscrapers collapse

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Does anyone else think Cara Less should have been the main villain of Sword and Shield?
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The fuck is this
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She wanted to return to the ocean
The whole excuse/ justification/ cope for the abomination’s existence is that the Bri’ish mix and matched fossils. Don’t push that shit on another region.

Welcome to the Jasmine thread. How tough are you?
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