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The hottest steel type ever!
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>The hottest steel type ever!
Incorrect, she's not part Fire.

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Hello, Kanto Ministry of Pokemon Welfare & Ecology? We found a pink Rhydon, which is very queer and unprecedented!

Should we put it down for being different?
This episode didn't take place in Kanto
Hawaii is still part of America you dumbass.
what the fuck is wrong with your encoding

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Which is your favorite and why?
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Hitmonchan is my favorite Pokemon he will always hold a special place in my heart
Why are so many of you hating on Hitmonchan? I thought we were brothers
Lee is my favorite desu. I like Chan too but alas... and I never used Top.
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In-universe, how does Acid Armor even work? What about *liquifying and re-solidifying yourself would make your defenses stronger?
(*Gen 1 doesn't even show the Pokemon solidifying again, so I don't know if it's fighting as a blob or what.)
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did your school also have a small Tamagotchi craze back in early 2000s?
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It was in the late 90s for me, and yeah, it wasn't even small! Pretty sure they actually had to ban them, but then, they also banned gameboys, so that's how gay that school was. You can probably tell that's where I got my views on rules in general, and teachers in particular.

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Post and talk about bun girl!!
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What colour do you think her butthole is?
Pink. probably really tight too. It'd be based if she started off really shy about it but then got all demanding and forceful with me.
Cute! She would definitely be very shy about it.
>reproduction is prohibited
TRY to stop me reducing her to a mess with my tongue then stretching her silly
Kek, I didn’t notice that.

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Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl
>Gen 9
Legends Arceus
>All these samey bubblehead bodies
>On Switch
SwSh: Yes

SwSh: Yes

>Forced EXP.Share
SwSh: Yes

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>Focused on exploration
SwSh: No
PLA: Yes
SV: Yes

>Sized pokemon
SwSh: No
PLA: Yes
SV: Yes

>Texture on pokemon
SwSh: No
PLA: Yes
SV: Yes

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PLA is Gen 8 though
>Gen 7
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon

>Gen 8
Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee

>Gen 9
Isle of Armor/Crown Tundra

>Gen 10
Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl
Legends Arceus

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Opinions on Pokemon Glazed? I'm about to try it for the first time
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Ah I see, thanks
Everyone says it but it really does feel so authentic in a way that pretty much no other romhack can emulate, no pun intended.

Unbound, that one is peak.
>people online were saying to stick to the original because Blazed apparently has a LOT of new bugs not present in the original, and they aren't worth dealing with
I read similarly, also that the most recent update to Glazed is way more up to date than the most recent one for Blazed Glazed, leaving it obsolete.

I definitely recommend it.
4.0 (which is supposed to add 2 post-game islands) has been in development hell for 6 years now, but the occasional teasers Spherical Ice has posted on their Twitter and Youtube look really promising! Updated sprites for all the major trainers, new custom music tracks replacing all the re-used FRLG OST, trainer customization, new area previews, updated world map design, and it even looks like some stuff with Looker got added!
It might be the one hack that could stand with or even surpass Unbound.

The dev said on Twitter back in early January "Gaia 20v4, posting this to force myself to do it". If that's true it could drop within the next 3 months, keep an eye out for it!
will definitely give unbound a try too. probably before gaia, because unbound seems a lot more interesting
The scarf Pikachu made me lose interest after the follow his ass bit at the beginning.

Truth edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.

>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator

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Last thread.
Thread question: Do you include things like the Battle Subway and PWT in Nuzlocke rules?
Yup, I can't progress past Lilycove City until both Magma and Aqua Hideouts are cleared out, and I'm starting the former now
I have a bunch of grunts to fight, but they should be straightforward, and the bosses I think I might have a good plan for when I get to 'em
Even encounters I need to prepare for, since over half of the stuff in Magma Hideout can go boom, but thankfully, Quagsire's Damp shuts that down
And, now I've got my first Rock-type in Golem, which is fine by me; Golem's Sturdy will likely prove useful for something
And you've still got Victory Road and the Elite 4 after all of that. The hack maker isn't messing around.

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Please let this be a normal snek thread.
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only indians watch vore porn in front of everyone and get banned from entire airlines for it
I'm actually praying for you, Shaun. I know you're in a tough situation with your porn addiction causing your life to go downhill. Many folks from India struggle with such issues, you're not alone. I recommend you check out the semen retention generals on /x/. I hope you will be able to overcome your difficult situation and be able turn your life around and find a job that you'll be able to maintain, and hopefully find a loving husband some time in the future.
I wonder if Shauniqua will ever take her meds and just realize she just self inserts as the girl she wants to be
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The latter, a slow build-up of dominance and strength leading to a futile struggle. The former is also nice. This is all asuming we're talking we're talking about femtrainers losing control of their pokemon or encountering one in the wild.

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Whats the criteria of getting a regional vairant? Popularity? Controversy? Is just random?
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Man does his crotch look weird in 3D.
Holy ugly and Samurott
Looks like the small pecker chudjak meme
Now THAT is some garbage taste.
Who is the holy and the ugly one? I guess Typhlosion is the holy one, since it's a psychopomp, which probably means that you think Decidueye is the ugly one.

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I was dead for a little while but I'm okay now Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated Sep 9th)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Yodayo: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:

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Check your email Lilo.
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Well shit, I didn't think anyone was going to figure it all out in a day. Enjoy your dolans.

One down, one to go!

Also fite my Inkling some time.
doubt it'd allow for any "copyright material" to be used in the service for fesr of litigation. section 230 is pretty much only toilet paper at this point
You've been one of my favorite bot authors for a long time, and your service is greatly appreciated.
super necro bump

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Kinda crazy that Legend Z-A is probably the Pokemon game surrounded by the biggest pressure from fanbase...ever.
>graphics wise
After SV and its technical issues everyone expects Legend ZA to be a lot better or at the very least to have a stable performance
>as a follow up to Legends Arcues
PLA was a game that completely broke the pattern we had for over 20 years in Pokemon games. Different style, different rules, it was so inventive (for Pokemon standards) and a lot of people was impressed by it. Now everyone excpect PLZA to be even better
>First game to be set entirely in a city
I feel like this doesnt get talked enough. Its something Pokemon NEVER did before as we have no idea how it could work and who GF will make it work conisdering most new games were just open wilderness areas.
>A follow up to XY
XY is the only entry in the series to never get an extension of its world, ideas and features...untill now. Many people want to see how Kalos themes, story and lore can be explored further
>The big silence
Its been almost 7 months since the reveal and we have no updates and we know almost literally nothing about the game. It feels like the most mysterious Pokemon game they released probably since DP (and the promo campaigns worked different back then anyway)
>TPC hyping it up
I dont think they ever called any of the upcoming games "Ambitious" which i read as risky and them trying hard to please the fanbase.

I think people's expecttation are getting higher the longer they wait with revealing anything which might result in even greater negativity if they dont deliver
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That's because people are retarded and don't understand how video game development works. They showed off nothing, as it only recently started production (within the last 8 months from Pokémon day). They took 3 years to make L: A, being generous and assuming the same for L: Z-A, that's one year pre-production and two development (same as with New Gen games and L: A), meaning they started concept work for L: Z-A round about when they were finishing off SV, leaving them to start production the following year around the same point they started conceptualisation.
I'd be genuinely surprised if they weren't at least mostly done by the announcement. I still remember the skyrim guys getting pissed off people were asking about the new elderscrolls game they announced, I think 6 years ago now? Instead of caring about their new product.
I feel like Lza was probably in development after the end of La.
>I still remember the skyrim guys getting pissed off people were asking about the new elderscrolls game they announced, I think 6 years ago now? Instead of caring about their new product.
To be fair, the general expectation of gamers back in the day was that if you released a trailer, then you were close to finishing development and were just about to ramp up the marketing push.
Then came modern design philosophy where everything has to be a minor cult, and you need constant hype and speculation (engagement) from your fanbase in order to keep stringing them along until they are able to consoom the next product you release.
We dont know if its a good or bad thing because we never got a game like that. You can be sure there will be some wilderness, be it real or artificial in Lumiose
Has this even been confirmed, or is it just speculation?

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Kneel. Worship. Obey. Take the quiz to see what Goddess you get: https://uquiz.com/QgKBlE
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We ordered the mods to ban him again. They always obey Pokegoddesses,
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Thanks again for the free bump, ban-evading Shaun! Stay seething and dilating!
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I want Clair to spit in my mouth

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I don't even understand half of these
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I did something similar to it but I dropped before finishing it, you just realize that a lot of the connections just doesn't make any bloody sense
Right but it's not a biological thing, just a conservation thing
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>Plate Tectonics and the Ages
>the Ages
Arceus is a hand. It's one of the whatever-number hands that it says in the dex. I just fucking realized. It's a fucking hand. It's a hand like going downwards.

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How many shiny Dynamax Adventure Pokemon do you have?
Are you going to even try to get them all?

Previous thread >>56353449
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just bred this lil guy
Very cute anon. I really want to play my Japanese copies of Gold and Silver more because it helps me get reps in and I fucking love how they layout the status screen, but my lack of NTSC-J Stadium 2 and N64 kills the motivation. Glad to see the shiny worm. Did you chain breed a female shiny gene dratini from the red Gyarados, or use some other method?
Red Gyarados, fortunately the 1/128 odds made it pretty fast despite the slow hatch rate. Should be a lot more striking once it evolves. I really should pick up a 64 again though to see this guy in 3d, japanese copies of games are still dirt cheap. pretty sure stadium would cost like $20 tops
I'm thinking of going for mareep next. as soon as I found the gyarados I kinda just stopped progress to focus on breeding. feel like gen 2 is really meant to be beat slowly though
I forget that you can just shiny hunt in this game. I need to try it out one of these days.

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