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New Pecharunt movie announced for 2025
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Sorry I let it die
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Not in particular, genuine ryonatards are beyond deranged and urgently need a F.S.03 correction as fast as possible.
Are you into ryona?
Also who drew this? Was it made for the thread?
Goodnight absol

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>GF at its finest.
The Eeveelution movepool.

Yet everyone goes after Flareon for what others like Glaceon are equally guilty of. What is that 130 Special Attack going to do when Glaceon has a dickshit movepool of STAB + filler that is mostly physical?
Why don't you niggas play the game? Blue still uses an Eevee at Pokemon Tower, first time using a Flareon is at Silph Co, at Lv 40, it would be using Ember either way
Flareon was part of the original Eevee trio. Jolteon and Vaporeon were great at some point.
Glaceon and Leafeon were shit since their introduction, fucking Leafeon have 130 Def for no reason.
it's good in trick room

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Nintendo be like: yes delete all pokemon music videos from youtube immediately

We need to ban irrelevant hackroms like pokemon prism that 2 people in total were going to play lol

-Allows leakers
-Allows advertised playstore ripoffs
-Allows all pokemon clones that blatantly copy their registered IPs, designs, names, gameplay, and even graphics lol
-Allows unofficial pokemon merch
-Allows resellings of their merch, and even collaborates with the reseller poketubers (i didnt quite understand this part but it could be to excuse the 6 dollars each packs)
-allows poketubers playing the hackroms they ban and even collaborates with them (autism)
-allows internet artists to profit off their brand with payment commissions too

Is this self hate, or Nintendo's inherent carelessness for pokemon as a tool to sell their consoles effortlessly?

For me, It's Penny.
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Penny is a fucking cunt.
Yeah but that's funny
I thought we agreed here that she just has one of her Eevees under her shirt.
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On model Penny is better. The massive breasts just look silly.

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Beetwig, Flarrapin, and Bubbunny.

Beetwig is Mecha
Flarrapin is Kaiju
Bubbunny is Magical Girl

Guess the name of the overarching theme.
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god fucking dammit dude
stop scrapping your designs if you ever want to get anything done, how many times do you have to be told this
why don't you show some of that instead of your shitty starter designs every fucking thread.
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Alright then
but we need a fire turtle starter so I can run it with blastoise and torterra (and torkoal, of course)
this is the sixth time you've posted that this month

Post em if you got em, Talk about your current hunts and recent captures or failures.

old >>55816973
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just because you lost the battle for the day doesnt mean you lose the war
dont give up
poipole took 2 weeks
deoxys in emerald almost as much time
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No pain no gain. No sleep before it shines.
I've been on Reshiram for like 2 threads now, I do a few hundred resets a day

Masuda hunts take so much longer for me, idk if it's just so monotonous or my luck is terrible, but hundreds of eggs and I still haven't gotten a shiny buneary yet
i tried to push for 600+ per day but it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things
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depends on the day, i've barely hunted today so far due to being busy or playing other videogames and feeding a crave for fnati for some fucking reason but that goes into the latter but i think i can start buckling down and grinding encounters now.
if we're going on from start of hunt to getting a shiny i've been on vanillite for maybe a couple months or more counting phases (though i've had longer full odds hunts) but counting each phase maybe like a couple weeks for each so far. g-ponyta's been an on-off hunt if i want to double hunt but the first phase was back in 2022.
>Masuda hunts take so much longer for me, idk if it's just so monotonous or my luck is terrible, but hundreds of eggs and I still haven't gotten a shiny buneary yet
i find masuda method tedious no matter what but when you go through hundreds of eggs it's even worse. i believe you'll get that reshiram and buneary soon.

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discuss building brown bricks in minecrap
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clique will eternally be trannies
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if we dont pick pixelmon we will lose this
Where's the downside?
the downside is that it doesn't fucking spawn anyways
unless you sacrifice entire countries' worth of goats

besides nothing stops anyone who actually wants it from opening blockbench and making that a skin of dragonite to include in the serb modpack
you can even apply it as a "color" feature that'll work on any differently colored dragonite so long as it's a texture, check out the color features on conkeldurr to see what i mean

>Ash is asexu-ACK
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tickle her armpits with my tongue until she gives up
Imagine how much of a Hag she must be right now.
She's still the same age because no one grows older in the anime. If she ever appeared again she'd look younger with the modern artstyle.

>basically confirmed to come out in january a month before gen 10 on thé swith 2
why does GF want legends game to flop so badly?
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They're trying to write a narrative where Gen 10 happens outside 2026.
I mean, I am a three-year patternfag, but I'm not a stupid cunt and marketing Gen 10 in the 30th anniversary is a no-brainer (the old "they rushed game to get marketing muney111", ABSOLUTELY equates to "they'll draw out a Gen to hit a marketing milestone". Game Freak decide what games come when, Nintendo pay for Pokémon games to come yearly (or near enough) and TPC markets what they get handed by Game Freak).
USM was the highest-selling third version ever and sold 2m AFTER both Switch and LGPE's release. It sold right up until Sword and Shield, because it was the VGC game.
>highest-selling third version
This is because it was the ONLY third version that had two versions besides B2W2, so those get a boost regardless. The only reasons it even beat B2W2 is because USUM released only a couple months after the Switch released, while B2W2 released basically a full year after the 3DS released. Also, B2W2 sales sharply stopped because of XY, which was the beginning of a new gen. Meanwhile something like LGPE didn't have the same effect on USUM sales like SwSh would have if it released earlier. That's why USUm stayed a VGC game for longer.
>that's because it was the only third version, except that other third version that came out after its system had been officially replaced by the launch of a new console
So we have a factor of two, but three points is a line and it seems rehashes on dead systems trended upwards, because the only cunts buying games then were pokédrones and kids who didn't have a reason to buy the new system yet, because they weren't needed, required or desired prior to that.
It DOES prove engagement was essentially higher, BW was the lowest selling new Gen pair, but had a higher rehash sale total while SM sold more with a higher total for USM.
Point is, until the game for VGC is reoplaced by ANOTHER game for VGC, it will continue to sell. When it gets replaced is when its sales start dying off. And 18 months of promoing events will drive it that 1.35m it need to best the previous release for the first time in series history.
y'know up until know, i would have argued with you that gen 10 was '25 not '26 but i thought about it and realised it's not that crazy since the the games have been coming out in November and the anniversary is in February only 4 months longer.

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What the fuck
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You're done
*points behind you* Look it's Dogposter!
*runs away*
That artist idiot is dead, and so will you
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*uses EQ on you*
Nice try dumb dog

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What's it like working for Oleana?
I wouldnt want to work for a white woman that has sex with an indian guy even though I like Rose. Whites that worship nonwhites are just evil within
Now that Rose is in prison, She'll basically groom me into being the new chairmen, constantly treating me to her legs after a hard day at work.

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I think we found the top 5 most forgettable Pokemon
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Chestnaught and Delphox aren't great mons, but at least the fox can piggyback off of Braixen's design. I'd say most of the gen 5 clone mons, the monkeys, and probably watchog are truly the least popular.
<a regional bird and a starter
miss me with the bulbapedo retardation.

Trumbeak is relevant in indigo disk too, this is handicapped
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>hands down the most popular monkey
Based and deserved, the others are just dragging him down.
I think Quilladin being there despite being a fucking starter speaks way more than anything else on that list.
>Terapagos in the top 5
I thought we just said everybody hates the turtle.

Yeah because we all know that attraction to animals is called pedophilia.

People look up middle evolutions less. They usually want to know about the baby form or the fully evolved form.

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3 Pokémon games in work right now according to Khu
1. is Z-A
2. is Gen 10
3. is a mystery (possibly Unova remakes or Gen 10 DLC)
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Cool, can’t wait for them to all be disappointing
Khu deserve to be drafted and killed in Israel despite being in China. He never leaked anything anyway so nothing of value will be lost
Khuck was proven a bluff. Said only inexistent bullshit about gen 9 and excused it by saying it was "cut content" everytime.
To be fair no normal person would listen to a screeching downie, you were paving for this to happen and keep believing to every bullshit you see on the internet.
what i hate about Nintendo is that it hunts down randoms that post pokemon music on youtube or free rom hacks, then lets play store ripoffs advertised on youtube roam freely, lets pokemon ripoffs exist with no issues, and lets leakers free.

Ridicolous cucks
Stop posting khu he's not a real leaker, i know who you are, stop spamming the catalog
All fields

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That was the case originally, but SMT is only really still alive for the diehard fans. Persona has completely overtaken SMT and ATLUS would rather keep shoveling Persona 4 and 5 down our throats forever.
I am not the OP, retarded autismo
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Gonna assume you mean Khonsu Ra
Also, anytime you're stuck on something in SMT, remember this- USE BUFFS RETARD.
Luster Candy, Debilitate, Dekaja, Dekunda are your best friend. It's late game now so get a demon who's good at casting support skills.
If the MP cost on the first two is too much you can substitute with moves that lower Khonsu's attack and increases your team's defense: Tarunda and Marakukaja.
Always debuff to max (in this game is +2/-2) and use your strongest ice type moves. Good luck.
You're still engaging with Pokémon content which is a tranime franchise
How are you even having issues with V? Idunn's apples trivialize the game, the raptor magatsuhi skill trivialises all the bosses.

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