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Sceptile > Decidueye > Torterra > Meowscarada > Venusaur > Meganium > Serperior > Chesnaught > Rillaboom

Charizard > Typhlosion > Infernape > Blaziken > Emboar > Cinderace > Incineroar > Delphox > Skeledirge

Greninja > Empoleon > Swampert > Blastoise > Samurott > Feraligatr > Inteleon > Quaquaval > Primarina
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it unironically only went downhill after Charizard
What if you killled yourself? >VERY POSSIBLE
Do it now, retard.
>Do something
Not your personal army faggot
>sinnohfetuses pretending Turdterra isn't a shitty knock off of Venusaur.
Kek you guys are kinda hilarious
Sceptile > Decidueye > Venusaur > Meganium > Torterra > Serperior > Chesnaught > Meowscarada> Rillaboom

Typhlosion > Infernape > Skeledirge > Blaziken > Charizard> Emboar > Delphox> Incineroar >Cinderace

Greninja > Feraligatr> Empoleon > Blastoise > Swampert > Samurott > Primarina> Quaquaval > Inteleon

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Adding the Fairy-type was the best thing to have happened to Pokémon
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I want a fairy type to hug me until I finally feel happy.
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I hope we find happiness one day...
Today was the first fucking day in my life I ever related fairy to faggots, just because the 4chan toxic gays
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I love cutesy pink shit more than anything, but I'm kinda bitter about how fairy took so many cute mons (especially from normal) and made them all fairy. And I don't like having what's pretty much a containment type for cute, girly mons. Like before the cutesy mons were spread out among the types and there was good variety for cute teams. But now everything even remotely cute or girly has this type slapped onto it. IDK, there's something annoying about knowing that every trainer with a cute aesthetic is gonna be using the same damn type. We're never gonna get someone like Whitney as a non-fairy specialist ever again and that pisses me off. Don't get me wrong, I like all the individual fairy mons, I just hate that they're all thrown into this one group as "the cute type" or "the type for girls." Fairy had some benefits for type balance but I don't play competitive and these games can be steamrolled with one mon so I don't care about balance or meta.
Grown men playing Pokemon is one thing, but those obsessed with fairy types? They don’t even count as human.

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What changes and would he be a better or worse main character than Ash Ketchup?
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>Rank lower than Ash in the Indigo League.
>Get btfo by Ash in the Silver Conference.
>Quit being a trainer and become gay researcher.
>Totally irrelevant now.
Is there a bigger fraud than Gary Oak?
>no pikashit
Automatically superior
Still, could Blue have the last laughter against red and gold?
>Pointedly ignores the loss of the hick in AG despite quitting
What thing

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A thread died for this leafeon
Is this an ai generated post or what
Leafeonbro... you were a digimon spy this entire time?
sex with gomamon

eyes are windows to the so-
Too late
Delicious tears
cumple lol

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Typhlosion is so cool
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>no one mentioned the video footage of Typh-H eating Dawn
I'm proud of you /vp/.
We are busy vornyposting on the snek threads, sorry for taking too long
Typh-H hugging their trainer: Prequel

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Can she be anything but female?
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Male Goodras are cuter.
>the voice comes from the opposite side of the person talking
retard gif
BBW if female
Chunky boy with a fat sweaty cock if male
Yeah, it has about a 50% chance of being male.

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>Unova fans when they’re asked to praise their games without arbitrarily bringing up Gen 4 for no reason
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I applauded it for being different
Is there any reason as to why people make shit up so much when they dislike Unova?
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>unova haters when they're asked to criticize the games without bringing up trubbish, vanillite, or kanto
>Slandertubers not cropping up any kind of new video material challenge
case in point

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It's dead, isn't it?
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lol blame the arceus shovelware
gap years are worse when the last game was abysmal dogshit nobody wants to play
Pokémon Smile is great wtf are complaining about
Fuck your gainax Zelda clone, you deserve nothing.
Yes and only Palworld's blood and testes will revive it

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Post and talk about bun girl!!
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It's genuinely my favorite thing about her. I genuinely want to run my hands through it and take in the smell and texture.
Rosa is fucking hot. You're just a faggot that hates beauty.
Same! Rosa has a very nice body, but her hair is definitely her most defining aspect, at least for me. Both that and I just think her long sleeve shirt is cute.
Rosa's so fucking hot. I want to breed her so badly.
>i like rosas hair
>also im posting her without buns
what lunacy.

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Pokémon Infinite Fusion Discussion
Previous >>56406958
https://fusioncalc.com/ -> Infinite Fusion Calculator
https://if.daena.me/ -> Where you can view custom sprites and sort them by head or body.
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/f20qyqw00w8r9/Infinite_Fusion_downloads -> Infinite Fusion game, where you can fuse Pokémon and put them on your team!
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eHkOWVlyhlGtQoBHIMm_vuwftxx23B-3 -> Google Drive of edits and custom sprites made by 4chan and elsewhere. Reply to this post if you want your custom sprite added to the drive.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18vPJjAr7rB6ec95NHkNflszxIAb1OoCX -> Backup
Google Drive
Pokemon Alt. IF Discord Link: https://pastebin.com/MrXXuVRq
To add new custom sprites to the game, simply insert them into your Custom Batters Folder. Once you boot up the game it'll automatically index the sprites into the correct individual folders.
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Make the mouth a 3 with a fang and im sold
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An edit of a DA fusion.
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I'm creating this lapras thread because the last one died way too quick
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Good riddance
>the original redditmon
Someone apparently thinks Alomamola is a knockoff of this thing.
Go away retard

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Please let this be a normal snek thread.
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What's better, getting caught and constricted hard from the start, or starting with less pressure and realizing too late that freeing yourself when it starts to get too much is not all option?
only indians watch vore porn in front of everyone and get banned from entire airlines for it
I'm actually praying for you, Shaun. I know you're in a tough situation with your porn addiction causing your life to go downhill. Many folks from India struggle with such issues, you're not alone. I recommend you check out the semen retention generals on /x/. I hope you will be able to overcome your difficult situation and be able turn your life around and find a job that you'll be able to maintain, and hopefully find a loving husband some time in the future.
I wonder if Shauniqua will ever take her meds and just realize she just self inserts as the girl she wants to be
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>Mr. Mime, Scyther, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir and Tauros all have evolutions, regional forms, Mega Evolutions or a combination of the three
>Jynx doesn't have anything other a pre-evolution from Gen 2 and likely never will
It's not fair...
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Same reason Porygon was blacklisted from the anime, I'd assume.
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>Jynx is ugly as shit and protected entirely by being Gen 1. I have no idea why anyone would want it given anything instead of it being buried in time.
>"Jynx is ugly!"
>has 5GB of Eeveelution porn on his hard drive and wants to fuck Ivysaur

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Today is Pokemon Black and White's 14th Anniversary, /vp/!
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>Criminal pokémon
This is how Japan sees the US
>*starts a flamewar*
>No, that doesn’t count cuz Jannie will never ban me, unova fans are treated like sacred cows in India.
sweet double standard and hypocrisy
You literally insulted the XY fans first, you mentally ill.
You’re free to believe whatever suits your narrative, much like the narcissist you’ve proven to be.
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