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you may not post in this thread unless your favorite mon has a 3 digit physical defense stat
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nuh uh
you still can’t outstall the wall
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What do you guys think about Mega Aggron? I think he's a ton of fun to use, but while he's design is alright I think it could be better as it's a bit too fat for my liking. I would've preferred something like this. Any good mega aggron redesigns by fans?
it makes aggron actually good
if you ignore the fact that it needs a mega stone (which games, official or otherwise, are stingy about giving you) and it takes up your mega evolution slot
its defensive bonuses could be nice if the mega stone didn't prevent it from holding leftovers
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That joke about you guys being sexually attracted to pokemon... is a joke, right?
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Holy cope
There are like 5 boards for porn but you decide to spam your garbage here because you are an attention whore with just 1 Reddit meme to abuse.
You have no identity, just another a little shitposter in a long list of shitposters
sex with pokemon
people fuck animals irl already anon...
Only fully evolved though.

Updated with Florian and Rika. Discuss and/or cope.
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JOHTO boys are undesirable manlets.
>Shortstack Dawn
The hat I guess? Or maybe they are just taller and that's it
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A 3% more of mass in her chest and pokemon fans would say she's a tit cow like with May

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Do you like this sandbugdragon?
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No Mega.
That's a good thing, though. Flygon shouldn't be subjected to the pain and horror that is Mega Evolution.
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I can see it
Me too. If only we could hear his precious purr...
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Time for a bird thread
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*Insert RA2 psychic dominator noises here*
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peacox returns
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Missile command! ..........~...~...~...~

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Do you have an obscure pokewaifu?
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A battle girl who spends most of her time shitposting in small private hacker forums but also trains her body on the side
She could tell faggots to 1v1 her in real life and actually win
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why yes, yes i do
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Sharon from Pokemon Duel
I miss her every day...

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He's all decked out!
Must be awfully costly to wear boots on one's talons.

Picking Rowlet as the starter in SM/USUM is the ONLY correct and canon option. Otherwise, the masked wrestler would not get the masked wrestler Pokémon.
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Sapphire version, pick May, choose Torchic.
Brendan will have Mudkip and May gets Blaziken like in the anime and merch
Interesting. Unrelated to the topic on hand, but in USUM Hau's Popplio will always be female too.
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>old anime pic
>"pick the non canon MC"
Nah, Norman has a son who picked Treecko
>Hau has Decidueye in the anime.
irrelevant, it's a completely different continuity
> promo art
irrelevant, promo arts are never consistent
That's GF admitting that those evolution lines are meant to be female and their current 7/1 male to female gender ratio is just to fit in with the other starters.

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Post the biggest instances of Game Freak being pathetic.
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Gen 8 and 9 as a whole really.
This one really hurt me.

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How did they get away with making such a sexy girl in such a woke game?
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W-why is she smiling at me like that
What Togepi did she kill?
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She's got eyes on her prey.

Beeg boi
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she's only following her master
Can it fit in the palm of my hand?
she's female
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Wanted to get into rom hacks after they added an emulator. Anything without Fakemons is fine but especially anything with side quests and new regions/maps.
Kanlara Ultimate

Has a new region/map/quests
>No fakemons except a few buffed up forms of already existing mons, optional to use
I've been playing Unbound for the first time, and it's been enjoyable so far. So I'd say that.

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Wow his wife wants his baby batter and look how she makes him eat the chocolate she bit off of at the end. Leaf is the one with the pants based on the description. How many times you think Leaf fucked Red so far?
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We are talking over thousands bro.
It feels like two autists taking advantage of each other and neither one realizes they're being used.
I think Red is only attracted to Leaf and Leaf has a thing for fucking his brains out to where it's just full of her in his thoughts when it comes to women.

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Times Pokémon got political?
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>some faggot actually made a whole new save file to get this screenshot
Biden won tho
Pretty sure that’s a photo.
AKSHUALLY this is from the postgame. In the normal game you fight him midway through the game as well, which would've been the easier way to make a photo if he wanted to make one specifically for this.
Let me guess, you think injecting pokemon is "valid".

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It's going to be cool seeing grown up Bonnie in Z-A
Or Zygote Bonnie...

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