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/tv/ - Television & Film

Displaying 3,000 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
200651838Post the actor you've seen most films by. I've seen over 30 Jackie Chan films.[View]
200660344Ok, I know I'm in the minority here, but I actually think this is a pretty good movie. I know! …[View]
200660259>'this show....you own it as much as we do' vs. >'go watch something else'…[View]
200660099are there any actors from hollywood that were actually from 'the streets'?[View]
200660192>another Scorsese wop movie set in New York with the occasional dad rock song playing I didn…[View]
200660044Christopher, did I ever tell you about the Nazgul? They were awful, terrible undead (wo)men who were…[View]
200657786Joker wasn't really invited onto the Murray Show. He was doing that thing where people imagine…[View]
200659267>you know..im not wearing any panties.. >thats ok, we can throw that chair out I dont get it…[View]
200659546Tobey is overrated: >Is a dork. The bad kind >Complete simp for a chick. Before he turned into…[View]
200656331>12 mil budget seriously what makes pixar animations cost 150 mil when they are mogged by 12 mil …[View]
200658116Europeans really do this?[View]
200658251why did Gino wear a comically small work hat?[View]
200659594Punisher kino: Those who do evil to others - the killers, the rapists, psychos, sadists - you will c…[View]
200646888I'd watch any movie or show for her. Please Hollywood cast her more[View]
200651915I just found what both Liu Kang and Johnny Cage actors was 35 in 1995. I am 34 myself and all my lif…[View]
200659272>takes place in the inner-city >99% of characters on the show are white…[View]
200656098>decide to watch furiosa >within the first five minutes there's a morbidly obese woman li…[View]
200659361he could have just used his brother's money to get out of debt and then run a successful and po…[View]
200635084The Road to El Dorado[View]
200646212The Boys: 50 minutes of walking around a farm. What a fucking joke this show is.[View]
200655943just got hbo max, what are your must-see kinos on here?[View]
200658074sorry I doubted you /tv/. I thought it was a got ripoff. It was much better than that shitty soap op…[View]
200659145Post some good Afrocinema[View]
200658027/ftl/ jimbo #108: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxaknmfr1Wg >…[View]
200658263the exact moment i dropped the bear: >expect kitchenkino >instead i get 30 minutes of extreme …[View]
200659029>Kolchak, you expect me to print this?! Some kid murdering people by writing their names in a not…[View]
200657455Cate Dunlap from Gen V[View]
200653139what's the first movie you're gonna generate with your home video AI?[View]
200657484BUT YOU DREAM, Crateros! Your simplicity long ended, when you took Persian mistresses and children, …[View]
200658850Post the last film you watched.[View]
200658969Tell Me you Love Me: >when the judge facilitates the communication of your sentence anyone else w…[View]
200658925DC bros we eatin good[View]
200656984>My name's Abby. Abby Anderson You're Joel, right?[View]
200658115Here's your Reyes Ricardo, bro.[View]
200658564Why did he not want to marry 10/10 grace kelly's character Lisa in Rear Window?: he was a poor …[View]
200658758My thoughts on Pink Floyd's The Wall: >All the critics said it was shite. The movie tanked a…[View]
200658473>2024 >still no bodybuilding kino after pumping iron…[View]
200657212You are tasked with making a Roman Holiday sequel. What's the plot? Who do you cast?[View]
200658535so....just setup camp near a waterfall or a small island and live happily ever after?[View]
200651061Are the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies any good or are they just capeshit?[View]
200650909What happened to the zombie genre? There used to be multiple movies and shows coming out pretty much…[View]
200652133>hear them mention 4chan >immediately switch off Did anyone else do this?…[View]
200658206what are some western movies[View]
200658410Horizon: An American Saga: minus one day, boomersissies[View]
200653394is New York pizza really as good as the movies show?[View]
200658093>watch Miami Vice expecting pastel pink neon kino >every episode after season 2 looks like thi…[View]
200652442/got/hotd/: Simply a Sword bearer edition Previous thread: >>200647148[View]
200656938The Boys S4 - Ep 3: Anybody else surprised they didnt kill the Jesus guy on this scene?[View]
200657921Capeshit bros we eating good on all fronts. Ignore the politically charged chudcels overreacting to …[View]
200657608This guy is going to make Mr. 3 into the surprise fan favorite of the next season, isn't he?[View]
200657967ITT: Movies Ahead of their Time: Weirdly prescient kino[View]
200657937mfw Muldoon is the favorite character of every woman: I don't get it? He dies like a bitch…[View]
200653710Would Jurassic Park have fared any better with Hitler in charge? Conversely, would Germany have fare…[View]
200656891American Murderer: What did you guys think of this movie?[View]
200657553Oh my god I don't mind that she's a woman, but why the fuck is she talking like a fucking …[View]
200648949For me, it's 1200s[View]
200658100>Kurt Cobain: dead >Layne Staley: dead >Chris Cornell: dead >Mark Lanegan: dead >Scot…[View]
200649946>Korean war 3 years >M*A*S*H 11 seasons[View]
200654829My Two and a Half Men ending: This is obviously not canon, but this is how I would have liked to see…[View]
200657560>goes out with a guy because he stalked her >they even do the sexual and go to see his mom …[View]
200656901Why did people start pretending this guy was an auteur?[View]
200657258My parents think I'm autistic for calling the gasoline 'guzzoline.'[View]
200641278Fun fact: Neither Mad Max or Mad Max: Road Warrior had a single black person.[View]
200644586>Boomers pissed and shit themselves laughing at this[View]
200657489so why did he choose to go live in West-Berlin and not the communist utopia in the East? seriously, …[View]
200656665Why do I like Gossip Girl, Cruel Intentions and Mean Girls so much?[View]
200654619Druk remake: Is this Oscar winning movie ever gonna be remade? There's been talk about an Engli…[View]
200650281how do we fix star wars ?[View]
200656601Which other beloved actor hides a deep dark secret?[View]
200653428What are some times you acted like Miami Vice (2006)?[View]
200656378*sigh*: Somehow Dark Universe returned[View]
200649840Is Brett Cooper a good choice for Snow White?[View]
200655050Holy shit[View]
200656192damn: this is cautionary tale about inceldom and danger women are in because of stalkers[View]
200655829I want to go back when movies had rizz and great soundtracks[View]
200648782Property of Hideo Kojima.[View]
200657132Is Janine hot?[View]
200650747This was a 10/10 until the last 15 min they go “genocidal authoritarian good actually”[View]
200656958/tv/ I am looking for an epic, or at least uplifting, movie to watch - action, war or fantasy/sci-fi…[View]
200656999Who could possibly stop her?[View]
200643267>amazing short story >amazing video game >tons of lore How is this not a movie yet?…[View]
200656281No matter how much trash MCU becomes, nobody is ever going to convince me this netflix trash was eve…[View]
200652875Cardi B: OKURRRRRR[View]
200656450>*schlop schlop, guurrrrrrp, suck, schlop, schlop, UUGGGGHHHH, schlop, aaah* >You have a wonde…[View]
200653711This shit is about to bomb hard: It's opening weekend for Horizon. The Saturday night screening…[View]
200656996James Marsden: What does /tv/ think of him?[View]
200656147>I have relationships with men, and sex with women[View]
200652404What would a modern classic Simpsons-style show look like in 2024? I.e. a show is made to have that …[View]
200657510thoughts on the topics discussed in the latest episode of The Daily Show, which is a television and/…[View]
200653959So what's going on with From? There was a brief popular when pic related raised /tv/'s int…[View]
200656012This show's writing sucks lemming dick[View]
200656458This type of character is actually fucking boring.[View]
200655513her best film?[View]
200655639/ftl/ morningtank #107: Queen edition >Bloodgames Season 1 https://www.fishtank.live https://www.…[View]
200648927Remember when Paul W.S. Anderson made a spiritual successor to Pandorum mixed with Blade Runner? Of …[View]
200656667I don't get this movie.[View]
200655700Gamestop to merge with Blockbuster, starting a new streaming service, buying Star Wars and producing…[View]
200656524>Allahu akbar! What did he mean by this?[View]
200653968Interview With the Vampire is absolute KINO: If I'm guessing right, most people here probably a…[View]
200655832yo where's the sequel??[View]
200656392>Come Kamela, Gavin Newsom, Obama and Leftypol chodes, >My job here is joever I must hit the r…[View]
200654726This: They understood the assignment[View]
200654766Realistically, is there any way to talk your way out of this?[View]
200654415cast him[View]
200656234boomer really went crazy for her? she mid as fuck fr....she ain't got no gyatt[View]
200643277It's me man! It's Bill Nye, the uh, science guy man![View]
200652399What a piece of shit. I was expecting some 'deep woods' mystery kino, not 'men bad' relationship dra…[View]
200650866>I dry aged steaks in FEMBOY CUM and this happened![View]
200656177How the hell am I supposed to finish this tv series when I have to stop and fap every goddamn five m…[View]
200653833Who's your favourite movie voice? I like Christopher Lambert's crunchy soft tone.[View]
200655569ITT: Wrestling kinos[View]
200655914Is Edward scissorhands a good movie?[View]
200652648I absolutely can't stand it when a good and strong character that you're rooting for becom…[View]
200655013>CLONK! >*theater erupts in laughter*[View]
200653098>from genius mastermind George Miller[View]
200653515hey tv, what is your favourite body horror movie?[View]
200628519>hey hun! welcome to your local Blockbuster! What are we renting today? Oh wow, more superhero mo…[View]
200654697Pure tragedy kino of the highest order.[View]
200652037What are some essential prisonkinos? It doesnt look that bad on the inside[View]
200655874what are some films set in rural America?[View]
200654936>Jews aren't funn-[View]
200654534Recommend me some good historical tv shows, for someone who has already watched and enjoyed: >Rom…[View]
200653408>You have to crawl in the tube Why are scifi shows like this?[View]
200653001>i want to play a game...[View]
200654191There’s sometimes a buggy[View]
200654179Is this an Undertaker board or a Kane board?[View]
200655147What the fuck was his problem?[View]
200647080rec: post less known films to watch[View]
200653877Were you pleb filtered by AGGRO DR1FT or are you the world's greatest assassin?[View]
200655492[Blair Witch Project] Did you boomers actually think this movie was real found footage back then?: a…[View]
200648755Henceforth you shall be known as Darth...[View]
200653123>Don't you get it!? You see the hat!? I am Mrs nesbitt![View]
200654214>ITT: times you acted like Peter Five Eight[View]
200631681What was the last film you saw that you would call 'great'?[View]
200649989What did we think of this show?[View]
200654785>What're you watchin'?[View]
200649309>hi Mr Anon, no need for you to stay around and watch your kids >we're going to take them…[View]
200654666>Moment of silence in the theater after a character dies in the movie >*T C H K K*…[View]
200654647Name it[View]
200653894>shows that peaked at season 1[View]
200654861Felt like I was watching a k-drama soap opera my gf likes watching Why was this so praised here? It…[View]
200654851I just masturbated 20 times in the past 12 hours and I genuinely hate myself now. Kinos for this fee…[View]
200654756>excuse me but I think some things were Lost in Translation™[View]
200654763what is?[View]
200650175Galadriel is back[View]
200652976Is there a worse scene in the entire 130 year history of cinema? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAB…[View]
200653230WHAT was happening again?[View]
200649206refute this[View]
200654452Start doing this >[View]
200649602Anyone care about season 2: Or has it been too long?[View]
200654673What would you do...[View]
200653938gorekino thread: Anyone got the gore webm of the spic cartel in South America cutting the fellow bro…[View]
200653545Why do boomers love this show? It's all my parents watch[View]
200654576Are bonita fish big?[View]
200651360Should I watch The Boys™ season 4[View]
200645710Write me something meaningful! Also I think The Whale is the Forrest Gump of our times.[View]
200653693Frollo was right. This freak should hide from the view of the public.[View]
200647214why did the chuds all act like Grindelwald was the good guy?[View]
200649135When is season 2 of Gen V coming out?[View]
200654304Cast him also he’s the only guy who can save star wars[View]
200652093was classic simpsons really that good or is it just nostalgia? conversely, is neu-simpsons really th…[View]
200653560This movie had one of the most fun portrayals of Gabriel and Lucifer: https://youtu.be/j_gFjrO8Mck?s…[View]
200654193Times you acted like marton csokas[View]
200644158>Season 1: grounded and decent writing >season 2 slop >season 3 slop >season 4 slop…[View]
200654124I watch for She[View]
200653794Just saw this kino AMA[View]
200652892Are there any naturally beautiful movies still being made? Even good looking movies nowadays are jus…[View]
200654028Neytiri is...[View]
200652484/ftl/ morningtank #106: brokeback mountain edition >Bloodgames Season 1 https://www.fishtank.live…[View]
200650718RIP Martin Mull 1943-2024: You're laughing. Martin Mull has died and you're laughing? F…[View]
200644735What are the best movies about war crimes and historical atrocities?[View]
200653027>go to bed wishing not to wake up in the morning >wake up >torture through day >repeat m…[View]
200653817Any comfy kinos about getting married & starting a family in the rural country?[View]
200651636>Eat at a global chain restaurant tonight. Get the ketchup. Have a warm pint at 8 o’clock in a mo…[View]
200652505Why are people saying he's a good actor all of a sudden? All his deliveries make me cringe, it…[View]
200652680chud contrarians BTFO[View]
200651910>Ok...? I suppose the joke here is that you think I would desire to sleep with you. >I'm …[View]
200644533WebMs of interesting scenes of film & TV.[View]
200652183Help me find the film: Please help me find the film. I only remember one scene. Some two-story apart…[View]
200651002These types of characters are fucking boring.[View]
200652912Post the best milfs today in movies/series[View]
200653347Is it even possible to faithfully adapt Dragon ball into live-action?[View]
200653126What's next for her career?[View]
200646309Knock knock: I need hdmi cable[View]
200650086What did he say?[View]
200652293What the fuck was his problem?[View]
200641017My mom loves Christopher Reeve's Superman, and Henry Cavill's Superman. But she says this …[View]
200651347when did Japan stop producing kino?[View]
200650403The fuck?: >cut to Dementious charging towards citadel with 1000 bikers >cut to Furiosa cuttin…[View]
200635397Chestnut.2023.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-BYNDR: >Chestnut.2023.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264…[View]
200652143The Great debate[View]
200651597>meets someone who believes the same things he does >acts like a sarcastic and abrasive teenag…[View]
200652708Punished Norrington A Man Without a Country[View]
200652216This was a 30 year old man in the 1980's[View]
200652237was this the most based tv show ever produced?[View]
200652606Was it a flex? Or was he just lotmaxxing?[View]
200652990>ITT: movies that are basically your life in cinematic form[View]
200642471AI Thread: Because every other board has one. bing.com/create[View]
200648182why was it ok to complain about lucas but complaining about disney is 'grifting'[View]
200652695Was it really just an analogy for homosexuality?[View]
200652112I have never seen a single Harry Potter movie: and I never will[View]
200652286What roles will he play when he's an old man?[View]
200627032Kinds.of.Kindness.2024.720p.HDCAM-C1NEM4: >Kinds.of.Kindness.2024.720p.HDCAM-C1NEM4 >Kinds.of.…[View]
200646808>Twisters >Stone Cold Fox >Longlegs Will this be Kiernan Shipka's breakout to the big …[View]
200652600they waited 10 years just to avoid being called 'matrix clone'[View]
200646685Why did they choose to make it look so ridiculously plastic and clean? Even the (far too few) locati…[View]
200648308Time is a flat circle.[View]
200652492>Good afternoon Mr.Anon I'm agent Rush of the FBI and I would like to ask you some questions…[View]
200652418What is your favourite episode of Thomas and Jeremiah? And whom did you root for as a kid?[View]
200652409You've ruled the world long enough, Sid. You want a piece of me? Come and get me. Come get me, …[View]
200651349>Lets ruin the show's perfectly fine ending by running back on all of my previous themes and…[View]
200610412Recommend me some lesbian kino[View]
200651871Did you watch Red Right Hand on Hulu yet? I enjoyed it, but it would have been better if there were …[View]
200650810Stop posting this bish everything she's not even that hot[View]
200650835>So I heard you’re a fan of book to film adaptations, Anon. You said you like Lord of the rings, …[View]
200636000a fucking PIZZA[View]
200643780>umm actually I'm not a neo nazi. I just joined them because I was being bullied by minoriti…[View]
200650694>watching the goys season 4 >frenchie scene comes on…[View]
200644887>Upcoming Blade Runner movie >Upcoming Zelda movie >Upcoming Metroid movie Why is she in ev…[View]
200643529Eastbound and Down: why isn’t this shit more popular? it’s fucking hilarious, and no one knows about…[View]
20065038210/10 soundtrack, 6/10 movies without it[View]
200651987When i find myself in times of trouble Im postin sneed on /tv/ clean it up oh jannie, all for free[View]
200647148/got/hotd/: muh prince edition previous thread >>200631170[View]
200617795>Slowly explains the idpol battleground star wars has been in as if its new when everyone has bee…[View]
200651758Honest thoughts on 2001?: Just watched this for the first time and want to know what you guys think.…[View]
200651534>Killing people? That's fine. Killing babies? That's okay. But... fookin roicism? Fooki…[View]
200647594Batman: Caped Crusader: https://youtu.be/AdzSiO-7LyM?si=SgHnqP1kJ9LR9XZH >Bruce TImm and Matt Rea…[View]
200650885THEY FLY NOW?[View]
200650447Are you enjoying Amazon hit show The Boys, Television & Film board?[View]
200649214What did you think of this?: Did it try to hard to be retro?[View]
200650140>one episode of people standing around a table yelling >one episode of the usual DID SOMEONE S…[View]
200650618When did South Park peak?[View]
200651264>Character is learning to walk again >'Learning To Walk Again' by the Foo Fighters starts play…[View]
200648541The breaking bad of movies.[View]
200650705>If you stop the Kennedy assassination, the world will plunge into nuclear war…[View]
200646128Singing about me hmmmm?: https://youtu.be/Ictmc_no9S4?si=6AhV9nhIZ7zmYf5O[View]
200650384Just saw this. It was pretty funny at first but completely shat the bed in the final act[View]
200651157>bad guy gets a massive advantage >can just shoot the good guy or something and end it >dec…[View]
200650125HOLY KINO[View]
200651121>I'm... I'M GOOMING[View]
200647916Kino’s back on the Menu: >Peter Five Eight stars Jet Jandreau as a real estate agent in a small m…[View]
200649259why didn't she give it up for charity?[View]
200650381bear s3: >we're changing the menu every day >this is non-negotiable wouldn't any rea…[View]
200648867Well, well, well: What do you have to say for yourself, /tv/ - Television & Film?[View]
200648815/ftl/ sleeptank #105: us edition >Bloodgames Season 1 https://www.fishtank.live https://www.youtu…[View]
200649555Post movies with cruel slave owners who like torture niggas Just for fun[View]
200650821Is this the most pointless TV show in history? It added nothing to the close of the (pretty good) mo…[View]
200646471ITT /zombies/ Night of the Living Deb (2015): Just saw that film and it's okay, rewatchable, co…[View]
200647091my dad works at nintendo and he said master sol is secretly a sith lord but with amnesia[View]
200644423They NEED to make a movie/show about this: Just visited the Devil's Tower with my family and ju…[View]
200650827Huh? Where am I? Anyone catch that new episode of Matlock?[View]
200650690whats /tv/'s thoughts on directors marrying their actresses[View]
200650686>Janny: You shitposted across multiple boards, you spent a fortune on VPNs, you made terrible pos…[View]
200650673Amazon should make a show about these retards[View]
200646103How would audiences react to accurate medieval colors (no thick dark blue filter), clothes, armor, a…[View]
200629379How do you respond without dying?[View]
200650336Next Top Who-re: Do you think she could fit that entire Dalek eyestalk into her mouth? She has such …[View]
200650332>plays a douchey smart aleck to perfection[View]
200650500>But I always thought that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the strings. …[View]
200650421Why did the 3 Jews martin and the DD brothers portray Europeans as vulgar degenerates?[View]
2006489901 is great. 2 is good. 3 was good. The prequel could've been good. The rest are bad.[View]
200646900Who did it better?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCDIYvFmgW8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoMq…[View]
200650282A store bought item and a stolen item contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there…[View]
200649653What the FUCK did I just watch?[View]
200650298Holy shit. Imagine going back to 2012 and showing a star wars fan this image then telling them every…[View]
200648607Dude, I had you![View]
200649244I don't understand this movie[View]
200648740This actually healed my soul. Thank you kind saars for recommending this film to me. Any other movie…[View]
200645709you see the joke is that calling blacks niggers is inherently more dangerous than holding up a simil…[View]
200645044Start doing this.[View]
200649566>star wars continuity errors :| >star trek continuity errors :o RLMtards will defend this…[View]
200642854>watch movie >don't get it >it's somehow my fault fuck you…[View]
200649971What are some kinos about inflicting suffering upon yourself just to see if you can endure it?[View]
200647761>random man walks up to father's daughter >says to the father 'thanks for raising my fuck…[View]
20064991693 years old[View]
200644027>world premiere in a few weeks >still no trailer or screenshots…[View]
200649862does he?[View]
200648896IRL, he'd be holding the bible and have a ten commandments poster behind him This scene is mass…[View]
200647893*mogs the entirety of western media in you're path*[View]
200649702times you have been purposely trained wrong, as a joke: times you have been purposely trained wrong,…[View]
200646138>watch an old episode >every factory worker is white can't help but wonder how many of th…[View]
200649072>open a cute animals video >piano starts playing…[View]
200647913This fuckin guy had 8 legs I swear to Christ[View]
200649293For me it’s Bourne Supremacy[View]
200649382Why is the look of this movie so memorable and instantly recognizable? I can't think of any mov…[View]
200645817X-Men '97 is the only good Disney product in the last 20 years: And I'm tired of pretendin…[View]
200641148not great but not as bad as this board claims[View]
200647834Parker Posey[View]
200649410'We can't possibly wipe out all of them...'[View]
200648371Hello I am a woman. What are some woman movies i can watch? Movies about what it means to be a woman…[View]
200649289Most movieslop enjoyers, unless they are two digits IQ consumers, live in a constant state of depres…[View]
200649307FURIOSA: Why didn't anybody tell me it was kino? It reminds me of The Northman[View]
200647958Love Lies Bleeding (2024): This movie is literally about a giantess muscle mommy fetish, and you are…[View]
200648948>surrender dook-ACK![View]
200648383Best Emm-: Now that's over. I've been shilling this CUNT against watson/robert posters ali…[View]
200648040I'm showing these to my GF for the first time: Which order?[View]
200643512Holy shit this was ass. >painfully boring >generic cast >incredibly racist portrayal of ind…[View]
200623128Why is there so many ass shots in Doctor Strange 2?[View]
200648733>good action >fun plot >foreign >best movie since A New Hope >no woke message shit Wh…[View]
200644164Is this achievable natty[View]
200648630Hello I am a man. What are some man movies i can watch? Movies about what it means to be a man?[View]
200646903Best of the trilogy hands down[View]
200649014Can we all link this at the end of our posts: https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1719653375100567.webm…[View]
200648994>Robocop this, Total Recall that >Endless Starship Troopers seething >'wow you can see puss…[View]
200645451I don't know why everybody was so mad about this show. I've played all the major games (FO…[View]
200644239Futurama is deeper than you think[View]
200648884Can someone make a video edit of Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-Changin https://www.youtube.com/wa…[View]
200648915Movies for this feel[View]
200645920Why did she hate her kids so much to subject them to that?[View]
200643351Stupid bitch: Got what she fucking deserved[View]
200648260Count Dooku, my arch-nemesis.[View]
200647697anyone know anything about this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJmG28mruCk i think it looks neat. …[View]
200648653>the best western ever created is a fucking videogame and no movie has been able to top the weste…[View]
200645300Palpatine having sex with Michael Fassbender: https://youtube.com/watch?v=R-7ybCze-Cg[View]
200648350So he just starts eating his nuts before he's even paid for them? Do people really do that in r…[View]
200648557I don't like Asian movies because all the characters look the same to me.[View]
200648636Caption this[View]
200648523Normal version or Director's Cut ???[View]
200648533The Muppets hosted a Diddy party? Damn this shit runs deep. Speaking of running, who do you think Pu…[View]
200645574One surprising thing I found about Frieren is that people in that world actually take religion serio…[View]
200648284what movie have you coomed to the most?[View]
200644855>to this day you can't post this with a flamewar going up on /tv/[View]
200643626There is so much wrong with this image that I don't even know where to start. Is nuance dead in…[View]
200648276Scenes that traumatized you as a child.[View]
200644388Oh MyG. Can't believe even Mario is part of this. This is getting outta control![View]
200642476Have there been any remotely good vampire movies in the past ten years?[View]
200647019What are the best WWII kinos?[View]
200648139JA RULE[View]
200647991I could've fixed her.[View]
200638205Adulthood is when you realize that the only television worth watching is The Sopranos and classic Si…[View]
200632424Martin Mull is dead. Say something nice about him[View]
200647583You know, we’ve been posting on this board together for 9 years and we still haven’t learned each ot…[View]
200645244another one bites the dust[View]
200647607>btw, it's canon that GleGle has fat tits that strain her T-shirt and is a slut that loves s…[View]
200647454why was she so mean to Joi?[View]
200640318Was it redddit?[View]
200645288>Introduce Anakin as an incredible mechanic who built his pod racer and 3-po >Never bring it u…[View]
200646800this chilled me to the bone. it was honestly the most horrific event in world history.[View]
200647182How do you respond without trouble proceeding?[View]
200646604is there a more industry plant shill than Grace Randolph?[View]
200643230>the last film to celebrate sexy women >it's Into Darkness…[View]
200646569>What did you said, bud?![View]
200646967>nigger and gay father >lesbian mc Why is it okay when japan does it?…[View]
200643011>Zorba >300 >Troy >Alexander >(no Byzantine kinos) Bros... Why is there so little Gre…[View]
200641904>character comes out of the conflict completely changed[View]
200647211My car topped out at 140 this morning[View]
200645322Nevar Forget[View]
200647185What are your thoughts on Emma Stone?[View]
200643748ITT: Characters going AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH[View]
200637279Whats his name again?[View]
200647162LOCK ME UP[View]
200647145Now that the dust has settles: Were the potatoes fried? Chef Phillip swore up and down that they wer…[View]
200631170Prev >>200621017[View]
200647073>Paul McCartney composes 'Get Back' in about 2 minutes out of thin air while waiting for John Len…[View]
200643878They really lick each others puss?[View]
200644848This faggot stole the premise of a short story I wrote in 2017 and made it into a gay movie, 'Everyt…[View]
200646898holy shit: what's y'all thoughts on this hidden gem? I'm currently marathonning it an…[View]
200646790i feel like this film gets glossed over because stupid mask memes[View]
200635093Is the best of eastern time travel fiction better than Primer?[View]
200646530the exact moment i dropped the bear: >expect kitchenkino >instead i get 30 minutes of extreme …[View]
200644353why does he pretend now that he never cared about star wars[View]
200644668/ftl/ tetty edition #104: Tetty Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 https://www.fishtank.live https://ww…[View]
200644681Does anyone else here like this series? i find it comforting[View]
200644920>if you stop watching shitty shows 'the algorithm' will tell disney to stop making them does he r…[View]
200643696>this was a looksmaxxed couple according to boomers[View]
200646447Do the actors and actresses in hollywood like the 'woke' movies and tv shows they are cast in?[View]
200646396Dean Yeager radiates pure evil. They should have brought him back in the sequels like they did every…[View]
200646421>Took all of producers' cocks to get the role >Is named Milly Alcock And you fuckers are …[View]
200643187Why didnt the rest of the world help them?[View]
200643991Who's next?[View]
200644574Kino Scenes: >I can't believe you committed suicide. I cannot believe you committed suicide.…[View]
200645378He now looks like one of Tony's consigliere, would Chrissy had made a good boss?[View]
200640756how the fuck do you survive this[View]
200641824>berserk but better[View]
200641117That boy needs therapy.[View]
200643832New AI movie trailer is out: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1dq7d6q/aigenerated_movie_tra…[View]
200646061Horizon: Westernbros... we're goin' home.[View]
200642545Funniest joke EVER - Martin Mull(RIP): >A 75 year old man goes to see his doctor to have his annu…[View]
200644776Very bad feminist advocacy: men are mean, liars and unfaithful by nature, women are all nice and sup…[View]
200645311>gets kidney from wife >divorces her is he based or cringe?…[View]
200644455Big Door Prize: They've just announced it's cancelled. After not resolving any of the rela…[View]
200637988>triggers manchildren with absolute kino[View]
200645845it's time![View]
200645832Fuck you, asshole.[View]
200645649RAW TIME[View]
200643740something of a book detective myself: you are amidst analyzing an occult book for a high-paying sata…[View]
200644634Deadpool and Wolverine: >20th Century Fox logo lying destroyed in a post apocalyptic world Man th…[View]
200637021watch Caddyshack NOW[View]
200641843Westerns: I don't get it. They all look and feel exactly the same. GBU had a great score and me…[View]
200645482honestly, it's worse when they reveal that the father isn't black[View]
200639861What did they mean by this?[View]
200639295This happened.[View]
200643967>Eggers thinks he can surpass Herzog, Kinski and Adjani ohnnononhhaaaa[View]
200645214certified kino?[View]
200644355She can do no wrong in my eyes[View]
200628650Is this scene actually fap worthy?[View]
200645141>here's your captain smoker, bro[View]
200641811what what?[View]
200644556Is it any good? I'm thinking about marathonning it but some say it's woke and 2,5 hours is…[View]
200644966Impossible. The Sith have been extinct for a millennium.[View]
200645072It's Summer!: Movies that amplify with high temperatures?[View]
200639909Go ahead, get it off your chest.[View]
200644506Is this the single greatest moment in American late night television?[View]
200621779Anya Taylor-Joy is the most talented actress alive.[View]
200642752>Right. Cheese in, nice and hard. Beautiful. Look at that, it's stone cold in the middle. De…[View]
200642738>makes your character death kino[View]
200643102>your lifelong friend and benefactor dies >immediately conspire to kill his son so you can mak…[View]
200642502It's over.[View]
200640818not great but not as bad as this board says[View]
200631632WHY WONT THEY FORGIVE HER?: she did nothing wrong.[View]
200641760>fligugigu's in your general direction how do you respond?[View]
200640403Uchiha fucking shits. If he'd done his job the entire series could have been avoided.[View]
200633044If I like aqua teen, what other animated shows would I like?[View]
200644501did they think it will catch on?[View]
200641633Will This Be Any Good?: Only 2 more months. Will they ever explain the bonus situation?[View]
200644473>the charges, officer?[View]
200644265mfw when the protag says the thing. Post your favorite examples that makes you make this face[View]
200644419Fall asleep post boring movies[View]
200640670RIPLEY: pure 100% USDA prime certified kino. who was your favorite character and why was it inspecto…[View]
200620797itt: horrible designs[View]
200644404>Allahu akbar! What did he mean by this?[View]
200643257They really did clone Tyrone...[View]
200644305TIL she was portrayed by a man[View]
200639422Michael Myers can't stand them: why?[View]
200643918*shows pictures from african villages while people criticize disney*[View]
200642884So you're telling me the 'hyper advanced aliens' didn't think to check if they could survi…[View]
200642670>this made Zillennials crap themselves with laughter[View]
200640129What did Johnny Bravo mean by this?[View]
200641831DID YOU CALL CLAIREBEAR?!?!?!: >What about Claire?? What happened with Claire!? Why did you fuck …[View]
200639210Elden Ring movie/anime might happen: Cast them https://www.ign.com/articles/hidetaka-miyazaki-open-t…[View]
200644046Niche J-Horror: I just watched pic related the other night and it was fantastic, what other gems are…[View]
200643936I thought it was a mere antique, but now I am threatened by this....Clawfoot.[View]
200642692Movie that made you go: >*chuckles* >This is America…[View]
200643617Does this film prove that Joel Coen is the talented one, or that Margaret Qualley is talentless?[View]
200643422Monterey Pop film 1968: Everyone looked so good back then. What are some other good concert films?…[View]
200640491Bring me back[View]
200638207Was John Wayne right about this movie[View]
200643656American here: Is there a shortage of hot women IRL[View]
200639804just as bad as I thought it would be[View]
200639315went for the smut, stayed for the kino[View]
200640735Anon, have you penetrated anyone yet?[View]
200643004albums + movie = KINO: how can kino + auda mesh itself so completely? >In August 1995, the Fort W…[View]
200641879OPEN YOUR MOUTH[View]
200643572>Noo dont beat me up aaagghh!! Have /our gooks/ made any decent moving pictures in the past 5 yea…[View]
200643353Trois Couleurs trilogie: literally the greatest film trilogy in all of history, nothing even comes c…[View]
200639680why don't they make hetero kino anymore? everything these days has uggos and fags front and cen…[View]
200643419How come a brit is the only guy left with a good US politics show? It's the perfect mixture of …[View]
200643327>snood new bf Oh no no no white boys how y'all even recover[View]
200642909Not great but not as bad as /tv/ claims[View]
200643298Characters you are turning into who you when you were younger thought were a complete myth and fabri…[View]
200641662What movies does he watch?[View]
200643213HEY HALPERT[View]
200642163/ftl/ ghoul jet #103: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxaknmfr1Wg …[View]
200642805I can fix her.[View]
200643106what did she mean by this?[View]
200642690Take a bump.[View]
200639483I was watching the Prisoner of Azkaban and I wanted to deep throat Draco Malfoy.[View]
200641113Delta P...When it's got you, it's GOT you![View]
200643032Hellsing Thread: TV or OVA? In terms or soundtrack TV clears. >agreed?…[View]
200640184Alatriste: Best historical film of the last few years, unchallenged.[View]
200642340What went wrong with Hayley Atwell's career?[View]
200640170I don't get it. What's the appeal of this?[View]
200642647I have a question: How the fuck did Borden come up with Nikola Tesla for the answer to his method, w…[View]
200642892>car honks >it plays la cucaracha[View]
200641560Not great but not as bad as this board says[View]
200637804VERHOEVEN KINO: why are all his films so misunderstood; popular and successful with the masses, yet …[View]
200607375/hor/ - Horror General: LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! Edition previous: >>200558501[View]
200635421She was hot, wtf was Al's problem?[View]
200642178>mum and dad called me a retarded fucking idiot who's good for nothing, again Kendall is the…[View]
200642165Literally the best TV show the year[View]
200641298What is the appeal of character designs like this?[View]
200642392Post kino gifs[View]
200641014>When you go >Would you even turn to say >'I don't love you >Like I did >Yesterd…[View]
200630545What did he buy?[View]
200641942Why do I envy them when they were completely fucked up?[View]
200631092What was with the eye symbolism in blade runner?[View]
200641656Not great but certainly not as bad as this board claims[View]
200636933why do americans call these whore movies?[View]
200640510not great but not as bad as /tv/ claims[View]
200636438Japanbros...our response?[View]
200640842Midnight TPB: I know you fuckers are up, get in here are you excited for the new season at the end …[View]
200642156>japanese ''''acting'''''[View]
200640150I dare say this was the final nail in /tv/'s coffin. It's true it was shit long before thi…[View]
200630685holy shit watch goofy movie RIGHT NOW[View]
200639990*huff puff* Once I get to Page 10, Helm's Deep will fall![View]
200635800itt: times /tv/ led you astray: >avoided seeing furiosa because i heard it was dei wokeslop >l…[View]
200641838What is the best adaptation of Moby Dick to cinema in your opinion, /tv/? Also, what any other kino …[View]
200641841how much lore do I need to know before watching this?[View]
200638539I dont seed.[View]
200640646>MIP ROCKS![View]
200629208Why was it such total, unfiltered, undisputable KINO???[View]
200641737not great but not as bad as this board claims[View]
200639640>VHS comes with a cool 3D insert I miss this bros. I know Lost World and Independence Day had one…[View]
200641673Why are a lot of youtube pranksters very serious off camera even when talking to close friends[View]
200641318>show is called MILF Manor >it’s nothing but washed up old hags Do milfs even exist?…[View]
200633451China.Girl.1987.MULTi.COMPLETE.BLURAY-XORBiTANT: >He's Italian >She's Chinese >th…[View]
200623237/tbg/ The Boys General: Best marriage advice edition previous >>200614629[View]
200639150Give me your best true crime documentaries.[View]
200641544Real MF Acting Hours: Post em. I'll start >Adrian Brody as old school Italian mob boss in P…[View]
200641257There's actually 4 fucking seasons of this? I enjoyed the first but do I really care to watch 4…[View]
200641445not great but not as bad as this board says[View]
200638909How would you write their final episode?[View]
200640319Meg Griffin Love Thread: She doesn't deserve all the abuse. Let's show Meg some love.…[View]
200637147>Dude, what if the Avengers were also the X-Men? Very creative, Dwayne.…[View]
200638919Emilia Jones: How can we save Emilia Jones' Career?[View]
200640376/ftl/ jeet neeptude #102: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxaknmfr1W…[View]
200632710>showed Weekend at Bernie's to my class of zoomers today >told them it was a huge deal in…[View]
200638857rare movie type: Most movies nowadays put the credits at the end. Many movies begin with the credits…[View]
200635451What does /tv/ think of The Battle At Lake Chiangjin? Most USAnians do not know that in the Korean W…[View]
200625590NuTrek Retrospective (2017-2024): The team at Paramount+ has been hard at these past few years to de…[View]
200626789/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Zhang Yimou edition >/film/ cha…[View]
200639744Who the fuck okay'd this?[View]
200636306movies about people that wasted their life trying to be a programmer while hating problem solving an…[View]
200639245I’m not wearing a tie at all[View]
200639555How do I get rizz like Glep Sig to sig Asking for a friend >Captcha: PPMDJT…[View]
200638911I declare.[View]
200640367I think the greatest thing about Judge Judy is that her decisions are legally binding. Imagine that.…[View]
200638888>big character >named 'Tiny'[View]
200640462>You know what our kids movie needs? >Some good old implied sex innuendo Why were boomers like…[View]
200640445Cast him[View]
200637448Doctor Who is a broom.[View]
200638288What did you think of Mamma Mia?: What did you guys think of this movie when it came out?[View]
200639620>I wanted to be like a child again. I needed to believe there was something more than this awfuln…[View]
200619142What was the moral/point of this movie?[View]
200640161What anime could work in live action?[View]
200640255>parody films were killed due to seltzer and friedberg >mad magazine has gone out of business …[View]
200639678Coen Brothers: Coen Bros. comedies or dramas. What's your predilection, friendo? Also, call the…[View]
200635225>Trailer ends >Lean over to friend >'That looked preddy good' >'Yeah, we gotta see that'…[View]
200631444AVENGERS 5 plot and cast leaks: >Similar structure to Avengers: Infinity War, with different grou…[View]
200636140I want to watch some summer, bikini kino (the bigger the better) Any recommendations?[View]
200638076>general who likes war and death >named kill gore really?…[View]
200640080What are some movies that explore the theme of time?[View]
200636138>Turns your mid sci-fi series into kino[View]
200637676Uhhh...: So is this show just three seasons of Reese shrieking at the camera?[View]
200635816So you guys watch any cool movies recently?[View]
200630633This film was shamelessly satanic[View]
200639717>White woman goes missing and becomes national news >Tells cops two mexicans kidnapped her …[View]
200639692This is the most retarded movie I've seen in a long while.[View]
200638829>THIS IS KATANA[View]
200639252Wow men are disgusting[View]
200638877/ftl/ night time #101: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxaknmfr1Wg …[View]
200639549That was hilarious[View]
200639493The George Lucas hate was an orchestrated harassment campaign to coerce one of the most powerful ind…[View]
200639469Would he be a more suitable choice to debate Biden?[View]
200639402This is almost as good as GoodFellas: There, I said it. Don't believe the mixed reviews. It…[View]
200628293>throws on a bunch of unnecessary add-ons to your car >doesn't actually fix anything wron…[View]
200635229why did he do it?[View]
200639320This is how it feels to watch the movie[View]
200635199Will the alien franchise be saved?[View]
200639163I love this stuff[View]
200633373The Bear Season 3 is out - what's the OFFICIAL /Television & Film/ verdict?[View]
200637645Haven't seen season 3 yet. Did he get back with his cute gf or did they shoehorn a romance with…[View]
200639226>Tell the janitor of /tv/ - >We are but shitposters for the NEETing day. Our gayness and our g…[View]
200635560Alternate reality where John Frusciante doesn’t kill River Phoenix and George Lucas makes Indiana jo…[View]
200632040Now she's reached the sexy roles part of her career, what's next for her?[View]
200637438Now that is TRULY crazy.[View]
200638927fishtank slopgames #101: trish edish https://www.fishtank.live https://www.youtube.com/@fishtankisli…[View]
200639032\Would you like to sEE my cock BERZERKER Would you like to make fuck BERZERKER[View]
200635490https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn5SkCvPEYo Can we all agree the opening scene to Scream is pure kin…[View]
200638807Do you have a favourite film, /tv/? I don't really think of having a favourite film, or favouri…[View]
200636669Watch Alice (1988): Pretty sure its free on Youtube.[View]
200638681FULL COLORS[View]
200636488When are we getting the Mike Ehrmantraut prequel?[View]
200589972For me, its Callisto.[View]
200637024What's the Goya of film?[View]
200637712New Rome series: rap music in the trailer? at this point you just expect a Blacklus gladiator, whate…[View]
200638626>How DARE you go through my desk. You ought to be ASHAMED of yourself. I'm not so sure Hitle…[View]
200637772>one of the most popular monsters/creatures in pop culture history >still hasn’t been utilize…[View]
200634588https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWnqX41JHuM What are some other kino animated shorts?[View]
200638535HBO's swan song, and possibly the last major television production that stuck the landing[View]
200638497.: >>this rock has been waiting for me my entire life. kino[View]
200637809TILL WE DIE[View]
200638150Is he the most justified villain in the history of television? >gaslighted, psychologically abuse…[View]
200637112>Harry Potter >Dune >DC Is Euphoria the last real HBO show, which is on life support becaus…[View]
200638029This is how you get the hotties to cream their seats:: Woooo!!! >>https://www.youtube.com/watc…[View]
200638144Can we all agree that Dick Dastardly did nothing wrong?[View]
200636950Is there a single millennial sitcom worth watching?[View]
200636052Why did they make him a horse?[View]
200635544This piece of fucking shit filtered me and ruined my evening. What other Uwe Boll films should I wat…[View]
200635606>watch old Ebert & Siskel reviews >Ebert was buttmad that David Lynch made his waifu do a …[View]
200566379/kdg/ Kdrama | Korean Drama General: Suzy's new movie is a flop edition Previous: >>20048…[View]
200637844You had my attention and but now my watch has ended. Fucking bullshit.[View]
200636764Why isn't she sexiest woman & A-list actress yet? Wokeness ruins white actors like Jensen A…[View]
200637668>Turn on MTV in 2006 RIP OUT THE WINGS OF A BUTTERFLY[View]
200636718/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #100: Tard Duel Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 https:…[View]
200634850now that harmony korine's 'florida trilogy' is finished, what do you think? i'd say it…[View]
200632205Have you ever felt like just packing up your bags, leaving everything behind and going anywhere, any…[View]
200635472Why doesnt Joe just kick him off protect our parks? He makes fun of him nonstop[View]
200637389Yo /tv/ what's that show or movie that you really like but also kind of hate? Mine is Boardwalk…[View]
200637252Moe's Tavern[View]
200637417Gavin Troy[View]
200636154/tv/ loves Nicolas Winding Refn and Mads Mikkelsen but no one ever talks about this movie, why?[View]
200637386Anon, wanna come over and watch the Paint Your Wagon with me?[View]
200634638What’s your favorite part: >He is predominantly of Irish descent;[17] a DNA test on the series Fi…[View]
200636842>kicks the ladder[View]
200636605How much of this movie is supposed to be ironic and tongue-in-cheek and how much is just Harmony Kor…[View]
200632772Scott Tenorman Must Die: Your honest thoughts?[View]
200636817>SHARK BAIT OOH HA HA[View]
200636411i watched it three times and i still don't get it, something about identity and the impossibili…[View]
200637091Live Action anime: Not really live action but the closest you can actually get without the clunkines…[View]
200637036IT'S NOT PAUL ANYMORE[View]
200636296Why did he have it out for Pippin[View]
200636916The Crow: The trailer looked fine. Why all the butthurt?[View]
200636720How was it bad again?[View]
200633611BARBIE & KENDRA CRASH JOE BOB'S DRIVE-IN JAMBOREE: Anybody watching this in place of The La…[View]
200636750RIP MARTIN MULL, 1943 - 2024: They got him. RIP Martin Mull.[View]
200636700Men live like this and see nothing wrong with it[View]
200635045Why does Disney want to introduce kids to twerking?[View]
200634495Dark Universe is alive but it's a movie theme park now[View]
200635385Breaking Bad: How am I supposed to take this character seriously lol[View]
200635576I need to know what happened to Susan[View]
200636533What would you do?[View]
200596562Live action Eva will NEVER work and be good because they'd make Asuka black, and you know it.[View]
200630015>Walk down the street >Get arrested[View]
200635437How come not even Refn fans gave a shit about this show? At least Too Old to Die Young had a few fan…[View]
200616341HORIZON AN AMERICAN SAGA CHAPTER 1 PREMIERES TODAY: Kevin Costner plays a 69 year old gun fighter ba…[View]
200630056>we need a new action star >we found JUST the guy whats next for his hollywood carreer?…[View]
200632194What the hell happened to these actors?? Do they just have shit agents or something?[View]
200636308Why the fuck am I supposed to feel bad that this guy is killing his torturers again?[View]
200636286HotD: How will House of the Dragon botch this scene?[View]
200632503Live Action Berserk: A network like HBO could probably make a good 2-3 seasons out of the Golden Age…[View]
200634617It can be combative!: What is the best scene in deadwood? For me it’s either Bvllock getting his bad…[View]
200631729What does /tv/ think of Dunkirk?[View]
200633638>close your eyes. it won't hurt none. joe, relax. breathe easy.[View]
200636086>she said 2$[View]
200633513/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #99: 14 year old trish edition ||||||||||||| https://f…[View]
200625924>He has LE PLATE?????[View]
200635932Was he justified?[View]
200635931Is there anything decent to watch at the kinoplex currently? Also did you notice that this board has…[View]
200632184Taylor Swift and Sidney Sweeney in talks for Marvel's THE BLONDE PHANTOM: >In 1940's Ne…[View]
200635892So I just watched this and the only thing I got out of it is that California sucks.[View]
200635330Did you have a TV on your room as a kid?[View]
200635132>watching Monterey Pop (1968) about the hippie festival in California >all the women are thin …[View]
200635640PVRE SOVL[View]
200635532SVU: >I am not gay! I have relationships with women >And Sex with men I can't find a faul…[View]
200633485What the fuck?[View]
200634139>you have your mother's breasts Can Chad use these cheesy pickup lines?…[View]
200623461Post your top 5 Arnold kinos[View]
200634096i'm prairie doggin it right now as i type this[View]
200627769Is Shameless (US) good?[View]
200634880>WHO WATCHES PBS!?[View]
200634839Why does every food reviewer when they taste good food say it melts in your mouth? Is that even a re…[View]
200635289>argento responds to criticism that his movies are for misogynistic psychos by making a film wher…[View]
200632516Guys, I'm trying to find a movie I saw some post about it a few months ago. This is what I reme…[View]
200631154There can only be one, /tv/.[View]
200630044It's Friday. what are the watch plans?[View]
200629162ITT: Relatable scenes in films.[View]
200621317>One billy this weekend What went so right?[View]
200633719>watch the movie >the poster is literally the opposite of it What other kinos do this?…[View]
200633146what did they mean by this[View]
200634199Live action Gaston casting that would've been better than what we got[View]
200631032Alright pedowood forgot to make entertainment for another year. Give me suggestions for good Sci-fi …[View]
200632531Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.[View]
200633379Who is the better superhero? Batman or Rapeman?[View]
200634479ITT: /tv/ with nothing but insufferable characters[View]
200627850Locke & Key: Is it worth watching?[View]
200633599What an absolute mogging.[View]
200632957Is this considered /a/ or /co/ or /tv/?[View]
200619243/druk/: Friday summer fiesta edition[View]
200633492shittank #99: gayvier edition https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxaknm…[View]
200634306Got any Lars favorite flix? Mine would be 'The Element of Crime'[View]
200624114Cast them.[View]
200634260i'm gonna sound like a shill but this was the greatest audio/sound theater experience i've…[View]
200629028>you're going to fly at a much higher altitude so enemy radar can spot you and will make you…[View]
200634245Why would the Borg stop on deck 16 instead of just assimilating EVERYONE?[View]
200633173>Yes, I was wondering whether you had any pirate memory games suitable for children between the a…[View]
200625534Nosferatu: Eggheads.. we're so fucking back[View]
200630158ITT:: Comedy kino[View]
200633143Is the gay shit I hear is in this film just journalists seeing what they want to?[View]
200633069I just want a version where they all tell her to stfu and torture her into giving up the stone.[View]
200632677My love for you is like a truck >Berserker Would you like some making fuck >Berserker…[View]
200633089Olivia Wilde[View]
200633775Hey Vsauce. Michael here.[View]
200632703What sort of career will he have after his inevitable jump into acting?[View]
200633963OH NO[View]
200621437what happened to this dude? he has basically disappeared since the last Alvin and the Chipmunks movi…[View]
200632569>TOP 10 ANIME BETRAYALS[View]
200610352/who/- Doctor Who General: Something for the dads edition[View]
200621594crazy towns lead actor is dead at 49 cause of death undisclosed sticky where?[View]
200633780ITT post kino villians[View]
200631488>2010 >George Lucas sucks >everyone who likes the prequels is stupid >Lucas doesn'…[View]
200630462And yours?[View]
200629529Best kinos with this type of vibe?[View]
200609256Throw out your crazy movie ideas that would actually be really good and also financially viable; i.e…[View]
200633429>millennials in charge of prestige TV[View]
200632887You can tell a lot about person and whether or not their opinions on kino are worth taking seriously…[View]
200626676What was the most recently made film you deemed to be 10/10?[View]
200631244>and to think they were THIS close to regionals![View]
200612254Humiliation ritual[View]
200633103What those /tv/ think of Cbeebies?[View]
200632292Rest In Peace Mr Mom.[View]
200631355what the fuck was his problem?[View]
200631877find a flaw[View]
200632352>The deficit rag[View]
200632669Can a Michael Jackson biopic (or weird Bubbles the chimp fever dream) still be not only made but rel…[View]
200623918Do you want to write a movie? Want to talk about it? I'm listening, anon[View]
200632023This is the worst movie I've seen in my life and I've seen The Room. Just distilled A24 sl…[View]
200629412Now that the dust has settled: What did I think of it?[View]
200632506Don’t you think Biden looks tired?[View]
200629697Why is there no comfy tv shows or movies anymore?[View]
200632280Stephen Strange Sorcerer Supreme ... jfc Marvel[View]
200632224How did they get away with blackface in 2009?[View]
200631017Eddache: Why anybody at /tv/ talks about this guy and their video essays?[View]
200631651>gets in one little fight >Mom orders him to move 2000 miles away to California What was the …[View]
200630717Come with me, transexual seagull: Settle down and rest with me[View]
200632093Is anti-white male filmmaking based?[View]
200629273/ftl/ post this rat? #98: >>200627490 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/…[View]
200630024Bravo vince[View]
200631912Best skit?[View]
200630085/bcs/ - /brba/ Better Call Saul/Breaking Bad: so what was the point of this guy again[View]
200631057Why does /tv/ shit on Eggers now?[View]
200631737look at me: im the OP now[View]
200630157This is a political show, so how are they going to reference the Palestine protests? What angle coul…[View]
200631524Did this movie glamorize the motel lifestyle?[View]
200627599Emma Robert's new movie Space Cadet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wL3evhiN5k you watching t…[View]
200631454here’s those high schoolers I was telling ya about[View]
200628280What is Japanese television like?[View]
2006168610 kinos: >0 kinos 0 kinos![View]
200630417I don't get it.[View]
200631577lotr had less walking than this[View]
200631569Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: What was your favorite final runway?[View]
200624850streets ahead of the first movie, yes?[View]
200625663Why do boomers have such insanely shit taste in movies?: >tried watching Godzilla Minus One with …[View]
200626327zoomers are doing pretentious 'video essays' about smiling friends now[View]
200631251U2 Albums From Best to Worst[View]
200630726>80% surrender rate! 80%! >You had orders what’s a >Mattah wit you?…[View]
200630854disingenuous film making or tour de force?[View]
200622190Fury (2014): This film is going to be 10 years old in October. I fucking love it, and especially tha…[View]
200628028AI: >be me >spend my entire 20's learing to write, direct, film and edit >AI comes out…[View]
200630148/ftl/ - bloodgames #101: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank/director FUCK YOU JET >>200629755…[View]
200631102What the fuck is this? The most upvoted 'reviews' for Platoon on letterboxd.[View]
200629733It's been 84 years, but I can still smell his fragrant sweat. My heart had never known love, my…[View]
200631093Why are fujoshis like this?[View]
200630344Ayo hold up...[View]
200622226>The theatrical cut 10/10 >The director's cut 6/10 It's crazy how big the difference…[View]
200629766It had to have been embarrassing for Vader to see his son act like such a little bitch.[View]
200630521You.ARE watching the most based cartoon ever shown on X, right /Television & Film/?[View]
200629996I didn't get it. Hedonism bad but good? also what was that ending scene?[View]
200606471Was it Fury-o-so kino?[View]
200627460Why is Reagan always portrayed as evil in every movie? Are there any pro Reagan films?[View]
200621473Peggy had the better pitch[View]
200629773ITT: Protagonists who are also the Antagonist[View]
200630611How will House of the Dragon botch this scene?[View]
200630349Big expose article coming on pic rel in the coming months, likely right before the release of Joker …[View]
200629252fishgames #98: >>200625189 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx…[View]
200628897>is a terrible fucking actor and ruins every scene he's in in your path[View]
200625348Luv Daisy. Nuff said.[View]
200629818Wow they're mad as hell huh[View]
200628832What's the sardines equivalent of film?[View]
200628336What are YOU lookin' at?[View]
200624746>Drag, innit? Anyway, cheers guys.[View]
200629807Why does he play the same character in everything?[View]
200625797If this came out before Fury Road, the hype for Part 3 would be unreal.[View]
200605521Was Duck Tales a mistake?[View]
200622471What am I in for?[View]
200630186We have just folded space from 4chan: Many coomers on 4chan[View]
200621017/got/hotd/: What could've been... prev >>200616713[View]
200630155What made it so comfy?[View]
200628588What was her problem?[View]
200630119What an unexpected wild ride. I feel like they accidentally made a movie that’s way deeper than writ…[View]
200624448I can fix her[View]
200629003Does anyone else watch Bridgerton?[View]
200630040i used to be rock lee, but then i became shinji kinos for when you keep downgrading in life ?[View]
200629869I just smoked a bowl and then saw this in my YouTube ads...: Is this real or am I way too high? Anyo…[View]
200629872>deranged savage ugly af black girl brutally attacks a poor cute defenseless white girl >Homel…[View]
200628227Choose the better movie[View]
200625403I hear it's kino, but is it kino worth burning three hours over?[View]
200627587my mother literally just gave me varsity athlete line wtf[View]
200625216>Feminist society fails in 20 years >Chudtopia thrives and grows What did tGeorge Miller mean …[View]
200627893Scenes that hit too close to home on Friday nights[View]
200627533Deep dark fantasies[View]
200629716>Ok here's the thing guys >I need you to destroy the NCR so the marketing guys can keep u…[View]
200628901Will there ever be a successor to this kino duo?[View]
200627857On the planet Zeist.[View]
200607644Who are the most diabolical villains in TV?[View]
200627523*instantly inhances your kino*[View]
200629492I miss this nigga like you would not believe.[View]
200629155Is Saving Private Ryan worth a watch?[View]
200622889>I'm late, Jerry! >And I'm keeping it.…[View]
200629377YA Novels That Should Be Adapted Into Movies[View]
200619934the ending was perfect.[View]
200620015What are some examples of dishonest filmmaking?[View]
200627943>four 3-hour-long films Jesus, just make it a mini-series.[View]
200628329Why do younger siblings always tickle older siblings?[View]
200629011GET THE FUCK OUT[View]
200629116The film which you are about to see is an account of the tragedy which befell a group of five youths…[View]
200625553ITT: Hollywood mysteries. Whatever happened to Lindsay Lohan's twin sister?[View]
200626551What was his endgame?[View]
200628825WTF guys. I thought TLOU was just fiction. Now I'm scared. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vijG…[View]
200628816Posters for films.[View]
200628743I love this guy like you wouldn't believe: Holy heckin basedrino[View]
200623817Goddamn, I love this flick.[View]
200611356>Forces a crew to listen to her shitty romance story >Forces them to take her along on a free …[View]
200628661>Gabrielle was Fleur in miniature; eleven years old, with waist—length hair of pure, silvery blon…[View]
200628647Why did she do it?: Why did she do it?[View]
200623162What's next for her: Why didnt her carier take off after GoT?[View]
200628626Jakebros, are we back??[View]
200626725Hello again! /tv/ - Representatives of the indian people are of most importance!: Sir, I am calling …[View]
200628534Perfectly aged shows: Rewatching this shit it seems to me that it fits the current times way more th…[View]
200624300there hasn't been a better batman movie since 1989[View]
200628558What would Venus Xtravaganza be doing in 2024?[View]
200628061This is still by far the best batman movie ever made. And it will continue aging like wine, since it…[View]
200627490/ftl/ x /fit/ #97: >>200625189 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v…[View]
200623911Why does he make Craigfags seethe so much?[View]
200627174What's the point of this scene?[View]
200628264Such a manipulative mother[View]
200627042>I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board How do you respond?…[View]
200628196Full CGI movies with this quality when? https://youtu.be/2bmsNa9GOR0?feature=shared[View]
200628195Why do only the girls get the hot evil bitches? When will the boys have our turn??[View]
200622608Remember that time they made a whole TV show based on a meme template?[View]
200622585>Y'all gettin' any Bane up your way?[View]
200627984this makes my peepee feel weird[View]
200628085>You really are a funny guy! hdyrwsm?[View]
200624086Remember Robin?[View]
200623944Why haven't you made any films?: James Cameron: 'Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter h…[View]
200623233Why did it flop?[View]
200619221This settled it. The discussion is over.[View]
200627966Kinos that make you cry?[View]
200598926>he literally tried to warn you every week on Real Time >comes out with sensible opinions and …[View]
200627951HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN: This movie sucks but you should watch it. https://youtu.be/_V5KySGiKVI…[View]
200623378Briana Middleton Joins Apple Series 'Neuromancer' as Molly Millions: https://deadline.com/…[View]
200624663Four fours[View]
200627812I live for this shit[View]
200624950What bombshells CNN[View]
200627642/tgif/ - Thank Gnome It's Friday General[View]
200627413>Alcoholic character lives in a cheap motel and is dating a stripper[View]
200623038Why did they shill for TFA? Why did they shill for TLJ? Why did they shill for SASWS? Why did they s…[View]
200623257>Jews aren't funn-[View]
200627499What are the best Found Footage films /tv/?[View]
200626768Favourite underrated movies, /tv/? >Once in the Life(2000) >3000 Miles to Graceland(2001) >…[View]
200626013ITT - Actors who seem like real human beans: starting with a /tv/ favorite[View]
200627213<THIS IS KATANA[View]
200615868Keaton somehow looks the least retarded out of all of them[View]
200621811Let's be honest here, where the fuck would he even be without Nick Mullen?[View]
200626751Why was he portrayed as the villain, again? Everything he said makes total sense. Wtf?[View]
200625221>Wait, this is your home planet? We're the evil invading aliens!? Really makes you think…[View]
200624345>If you watch my show, I will send you this book featuring me in a variety of sexually explicit p…[View]
200595746Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Suspiria ‘77 edition >/film/ charts htt…[View]
200626754What would Sam Witwicky's dad in Transformers have to do to afford his house in california?[View]
200626483How did he survive without a brain?[View]
200620930>dude catholic church bad >dude they molest kids even in 1300 >dude they're prejudiced…[View]
200623826Had the biggest butt of any Jedi in history. what a waste.[View]
200615467Season 4 verdict?[View]
200625868is it worth to watch?[View]
200622663>no shoulderpads how hard is to follow a stablished character model, do people dont have eyes?…[View]
200613159Why are we supposed to like this show? I can literally think of 2 times this show genuinely made me …[View]
200625775Comfy Horrors Movies?[View]
200623258>why’d you do it? Why’d you eat Cyrus?[View]
200626399We need a trilogy[View]
200623098Films that are too badass for normies: “A TERRORIST CROSSED THE BORDER AND BLEW UP ONE OF OUR BUILDI…[View]
200626355>i love legitimate theater[View]
200625091>I know a lot of you might be disappointed that you didn't get to see Charlie Sheen in tonig…[View]
200622332The New Norm Show: >show literally made for 4chan >zero threads Why are you guys not more exci…[View]
200625189/ftl/ '/ftl/ irl' #96: >>200622901 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/wat…[View]
200616877>eat an oyster[View]
200625460Who was in the wrong here?[View]
200626073Kino Wife Thread: If you could jump through the screen and do unspeakable things with a character, w…[View]
200622106>you have a 80% surrender rate! 80%! Was it mean for him to say this to the prisoners?…[View]
200622079>No, girl who can't touch her loved ones without sucking the life out of them. You do not ne…[View]
200624408Netflix's One Piece: Season 2 looks alright[View]
200592828What is the best zombie movie, and why is it Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead?[View]
200625644Why were the 2000s so comfy for horror kino?[View]
200625814Re more Chinese mf KINOs like this???[View]
200625771Which one of you is Key Grip?[View]
200624249name one thing he did wrong. he's literally the only moral character in the show[View]
200625601Spirits before beer or vice verca? Anyway, let's talk about LLV[View]
200624835ITT: actors you liked until you read their early life and education[View]
200623947Disney has announced a new film reboot of The Mighty Ducks franchise. It’s rumored to combine the or…[View]
200624298More than brothers? What kind of love then?[View]
200623939Currently marathoning this for the 10th+ time. Why is it so comfy kino, bros?[View]
200625169Tic-Tac, sir?[View]
200624852Spartacusbros, we back or what?[View]
200625366Now that the dust has finally settled, who was in the wrong here??[View]
200624892>This was considered a comically awful life in the 1990s[View]
200623931Godzilla 1998: It filtered so many generations of people.[View]
200625219Nefer, my wife.[View]
200625168Movies for this feel?[View]
200624776I did not care for End of Evangelion.[View]
200614070Do they really?[View]
200623568Have you watched 'Devs' ? What is your verdict?[View]
200620922Fantasy kino[View]
200619263What did JK Rowling mean by this?[View]
200624617Are heart attacks really that painful?[View]
200623155I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conque…[View]
200624956Saul do you have any percocet?[View]
200620949>Hello Anon, what's happening? Ummm, I'm gonna need you to go ahead come in on Saturday…[View]
200621914Malcolm in the middle: I never saw the series. Is worth watching?[View]
200620874>you're glib how do you respond without sounding glib?[View]
200621245Deadpool and Wolverine: Where are the leaks?[View]
200623861fuck you: fuck you[View]
200623048Why didn’t they include the scenes where hitler follows him around like a bashful schoolgirl? Pullin…[View]
200607715Japanese Movie and TV Thread: What are your favorite Japanese movies and TV shows?[View]
200624080AWWW, FUCK! They will shit the screens with this crap now.[View]
200624464Any kino in there?[View]
200619935>I will fucking end you how do you respond?[View]
200622684Recommend me some films that are full joy, romance, longing, and love of life.[View]
200622717>This ring...this one ring could have saved one more jew...AHHHHHHHH IM GOING CRAZYY…[View]
200622322>palistinian coded characters[View]
200624217Uh... does Barzini know about this?[View]
200624073>movie villain who is bad becuase he realized that being evil makes him happy, instead of having …[View]
200623058The ending for the descent was considered too scary for the american mind to handle so they gave the…[View]
200622648Hunger Games: AHEM Everyone please gather round. I have an announcement to make.[View]
200624067My Super Jungle Power Potion will give me the strength of ten gorillas![View]
200622040ITT 'Fuck you, I liked it': That's right, I said it. And I meant it too, unironically.[View]
200623364Watchers: from the producers that saw From[View]
200622901/ftl/ jet nipstune #95: >>200620096 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/wa…[View]
200623426>Want to see movie >No friends >Muster up courage to head to local theater chain, alone …[View]
200622935Rey vs Paul: Who wins? Did Denis get too cocky or will this be the ultimate humiliation of Disney St…[View]
200620045I wish I could be like Mauler and be able to find the smallest plot holes and inconsistencies to lor…[View]
200593167TV Mandela Effects: What's your favorite television & film related Mandela Effect?[View]
200623489Just rented this from my local blockbuster. What am I in for?[View]
200620962Count Dooku, my arch-nemesis.[View]
200619297>too scared to name the jew, makes up an imaginary bad white man What a reddit show.…[View]
200622970>there's no scraps in my scrap book[View]
200622447What went wrong?[View]
200620971A communications disruption can mean only one thing.[View]
200622512He's afriad of the Jewpacabra[View]
200623448Inglorious Basterds: >Hitler orders every German to fight till the last man >Majority of them …[View]
200606537Whats the most boring movie youve ever seen? A movie thats just an extreme snoozefest? For me it…[View]
200614443What's your proposal for Incredibles 3?[View]
200623273/tv/ favorite snack while kinomaxxing: what's your kinomaxxing go to food, /tv/ bros[View]
200619222Sadie Sink's new movie A Sacrifice rated 43% on Rotten Tomatoes: is her career over?[View]
200622680I LOVE SUGAR I want to be both Sugar's baby and the father of Sugar's baby. I want to be S…[View]
200621133Anyone else hyped to see this? Tornados are based[View]
200620695Well maybe you should have a girl, /tv/.[View]
200622234the fuck was her problem?[View]
200623160Is the Jetsons problematic because it has no black people in the future? https://www.youtube.com/wat…[View]
200623012Previously on The Shield...[View]
200614629/tbg/ The Boys General: Time to breath edition previous >>200608008[View]
200622416ITT: Memes that /tv/ forgot https://www.youtube.com/@dennisderabbit3865[View]
200620978Name a more impressive cast: >George Clooney >Woody Harrelson >John Travolta >Sean Penn …[View]
200621525What am I in for?[View]
200620681ITT: We write the official /tv/ theme song I'll start: The[View]
200622878SINGING ABOUT ME HMMMM?: https://youtu.be/Ictmc_no9S4?si=tysnqPR5aKsNfE6L[View]
200620468>Aaron take your clothes off and lock yourself in the basement for 12 hours…[View]
200619500>coworkers ask me what my plans are for the weekend[View]
200621212What's the consensus?[View]
200622815What are some good swedish kinos?[View]
200620764New AI movie trailer is out: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/1dq7d6q/aigenerated_movie_tra…[View]
200622787Yo, we have some fucking GIRLS watching Monty Python here. Maybe they could be my wife since we like…[View]
200619521Sneak Peek at season 3 of 'ROME', 2025 only at MAX[View]
200622744/tv/ webm general[View]
200617624So are we getting another evil kryptonian or what? Also why does the suit look like cosplay?[View]
200621320Who is going to take care of her now that he's gone?[View]
200622583can somebody please spoil this fucking movie? finding plot leaks or a synopsis for this is impossibl…[View]
200621580>House of the Rising Sun starts playing[View]
200603183Galadriel is back[View]
200622156this scene was so unrealistic[View]
200622473ITT Remakes that are better than the original[View]
200622177Crazy: >Hey, but that's how it goes >millions of people >living as fo-oooo--olks >m…[View]
200622354Ghostmaxxers create history. Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men t…[View]
200610177good show. why isn't anyone talking about it?[View]
200622321>Hagrid may have moved slow, but it was only because Hagrid didn't have to move for anybody…[View]
200618088Hey Shark Tank CHECK OUT MY WIFE'S ASS[View]
200620038What did /tv/ think of this?[View]
200622162Fucking struggling to watch season 3. Holy shit is this because: of the writer's strike or some…[View]
200615880David Yates: What an absolute hack, I have no idea how he got control of the Harry Potter series whe…[View]
200621817Why the Philippines can't produce any kino?[View]
200615711Look, I love Smiling Friends, I really do. I think it's a fun show and most of the episodes are…[View]
200619139Which way?[View]
200621977So is this just a Rick and Morty episode?[View]
200621854Awesome or overrated?[View]
200621702If you are still watching this show then you are an idiot. These people hate you.: Case and fucking …[View]
200613988*Gets completely redeemed in the eyes of real fans while the culture warriors out themselves by cont…[View]
200606998I hate this stupid retarded loser so much[View]
200612488THATS MY WIFE’S SON[View]
200621768Why doesn't the gop nominate Destiny for the presidency? He probably would have mopped the floo…[View]
20061743325+ Years of Daily Show Clips Gone: ComedyCentral.com had been home to clips from every episode of T…[View]
200621682Post Actors/Actresses with the same acting range in all their movies: >le lonely wolf desert eagl…[View]
200621641Did it actually move or not? Was George right?[View]
200620565Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry LINKED UP: Need it or keep it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vea9Sdn…[View]
200619366>makes good affordable tvs >single handedly keeping the sovless technology that is OLED at bay…[View]
200616428Why haven't they produced any kino?[View]
200620881Weirdest body horror?[View]
200621468When suspension of disbelief is not enough: We're supposed to believe this is the hottest boy i…[View]
200620096/ftl/ - Fish Tank All-Stars #94: I have no caps from this season edition Also someone make an OP cop…[View]
200613531Hey where's Jesse goin?[View]
200621394She killed millions[View]
200621450Wait sir, you dropped your gun on the floor![View]
200619253>be me, watching free documentary on YouTube >gf: ugh, stop watching motorcycle stuff, we need…[View]
200616075Any good cooking kino you recommend?[View]
200621409>haven't seen the show outside of a few scenes in passing >saw scene where this character…[View]
200621398I just watched a clip of Rick and Morty and that it was ok But that shit came out like 10 years ago?…[View]
200621283>90s teen movie >Homely girl turns out to be hot…[View]
200613014I'm gonna miss this nigga as Bond frfr[View]
200621104Rings of Power: Her character doesn't smile the whole season, not really, because she's a …[View]
200620741Thousands of American citizens entrusted with facilitation of the voting process committed high trea…[View]
200621130>*sniff sniff* What's that smell, Rig? You burning local?[View]
200618966He's right you know[View]
200620824ITT: Movies that changed your life[View]
200619348>girlfriend make's me watch this >have to sit through 40 minutes of pedo propaganda as a …[View]
200616965>your favorite movie >has it got any nudity in it?…[View]
200616713/got/hotd/: Best prostitute edition previous thread >>200610547[View]
200618706Thoughts?: Can only think of him calling out to Bodie, trying to get him to listen.[View]
200620887>is that...black and white morality? hmph...[View]
200619769ITT: Post an image, get a movie recommendation[View]
200621399has there ever been a worse performance in the history of televised debate?[View]
200620852Japanese TV: How to watch regular Japanese TV from Europe? Nothing special, just the average person…[View]
200619215>You have to buy Disney+, otherwise you can't watch the Marvel and Star Wars movies >Okay…[View]
200620317I find myself currently engaged in the undertaking of meticulously gathering together a distinctly c…[View]
200618961>forget it jake, it's chinese district[View]
200620144Do the people funding movies/series actually watch movies themselves? Feels like they're sellin…[View]
200620702Have you ever had a dream that made you watch a film you'd never seen?[View]
200619095What is this style of acting called?[View]
200620020What a ridiculous concept[View]
200620639Hunter Schafer: What the best selections of her body of work?[View]
200620583I've gotta escape! Ooooh![View]
200614829>tfw you accidentally wore your NIGGER shirt to the meeting with Kojima…[View]
200619538Parker Posey[View]
200620562>They irritated theyr own planet? Kino, I clapped[View]
200620538>I'm looking for a girl-[View]
200616454SINGING ABOUT ME HMMMM?: https://youtu.be/Ictmc_no9S4?si=tysnqPR5aKsNfE6L[View]
200616201What the literal FUCK is wrong with Disney?[View]
200620463Pathfinder: Is this movie any good? Poster is cool.[View]
200602706What do you put her odds of survival at?[View]
200618202Are there any deaf people hear? how the hell do you watch films?[View]
200618363last time you cried while watching television or film?[View]
200615284Characters that are literally you[View]
200617573Do you think this faggot is going to try and rush another movie ahead of the election or are people …[View]
200619673>slit your wrists >slit two[View]
200620147What are your thoughts on S3? I'd have happily said this was the best show on TV right now, eve…[View]
200619552People who previously enjoyed this series, what series or films do you recommend now that it's …[View]
200615468ITS NOT YOUR FAULT[View]
200614054Jared: How did America really get so enamored with this pedo looking fuck in the first place? Were p…[View]
200617840>Yes well done Slitherin, you managed to obtain the highest number of points by studying hard and…[View]
200587227What do you guys think of Alien 3?[View]
200618461this shit worth watching?[View]
200618964Someone told me this was cute. It's kinda cute, but not really like SUPER cute.[View]
200614904>character picks up gun >shotguncock.wav[View]
200619049How did Cody Ko escape the Dr Disrespect treatment?[View]
200619930>Goodlands >Nights of Hell >The Fat Green Square >The Old World >The Apple of Knowled…[View]
200618005hi guys, seen any good MOOOOOvies lately?[View]
200614365Was it really that fucking hard?[View]
200618707Name a more reddit scene in cinema history[View]
200615271You did watch it, right?[View]
200618390>Everlasting suffering? Well of course that's possible. >Everlasting pleasure? Well, erm,…[View]
200608864You guys enjoying the Harley Quinn isekai? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9KfHf114Fo[View]
200619645AI movies you'd like to see. Or AI Movie trailers I want a Pro German WWII Movie, A Movie about…[View]
200616192>ALL MUST CHOOSE[View]
200618149Any kinoes with this aesthetic?[View]
200619610that kid from s: That kid from school thread, Ill start. >that fat bitch who is in love with the …[View]
200600165How did they manage to pull it off?[View]
200618201/ftl/ it's just this guy over and over and over and over #93: >>200615967 https://flowstr…[View]
200617705Kino film still montages thread post the vibes >movie: Black Rain[View]
200619333Mad Men: What was this shot meant to implicate?[View]
200619262ITT: Movie scenes you found too hard to watch[View]
200617492the most influential canadians in history[View]
200612958ITT: Characters you are slowly becoming.[View]
200616275Why is his body like this?[View]
200615456why did He do it?[View]
200609145Neytiri is...[View]
200615788Watched this tonight: It was ok, mostly carried by great acting from Woody, TLJ, RDJ etc. The messag…[View]
200614544Would you rather be a tallest hobbit or the shortest elf?[View]
200619168Recommend me some films that will fill the viewer with a sense of joy and appreciation for the beaut…[View]
200617101Phil Collins Hill[View]
200612404Why is Mike's opinions so powerful?: It's actually quite scary.[View]
200618920>So what's the deal with soijaks?[View]
200616477Forrest Gump: Any vietnam experts here? Did the viet kong really have aerial assualt capabilities? I…[View]
200615952>Anon! Am I still to create the perfect thread?[View]
200617940HBO MAX original movie The One With Hope[View]
200608845What's the name of this 80's movie where the nerdy guy doesn't get the girl, she ends…[View]
200612744Milf Manor season 2: ah hell yeah[View]
200618784first slop just dropped https://x.com/Mr_AllenT/status/1805628715017072924[View]
200617343why is noone criticising these two frauds for blatantly ripping stuff off of obscure films, like the…[View]
200611061This marks the death of the Western. The box office flop combined with rapidly changing demographics…[View]
200610252What do they want, /tv/?[View]
200616025This suit alone mogs your Gunn-slop.[View]
200615169why was he canceled?[View]
200616228/V/tard here. I don’t watch as many movies and I want some insight on critics and scores. I watched …[View]
200610500This destroys the American.[View]
200616875>It's another progressive liberal does not acknowledge the degeneracy of homosexuality and p…[View]
200616128Haven't watched any of the Deadpool flicks and won't, but how cataclysmic would it be for …[View]
200614281Who murdered Sophie Anderson? Dick Bush we know you post here, give us the details.[View]
200617067Tommy like wingy[View]
2006183191,Too much whipped cream 2,Strudel looks dry 3,I'm positive I'm developing diabetes after …[View]
200609045finished season 3. kinda disappointing.[View]
200615134Top 5 movies 1) Predator 2) Total Recall 3) Terminator 2 4) Conan The Barbarian 5) Last Action Hero[View]
20061210118 year old Jennifer Lawrence in her breakout role on The Bill Engvall Show. Was it any good?[View]
200618107Here's that high school student I was telling you about.[View]
200614140You would do the same if you were tortured non-stop for an entire year, your flesh ripped from you m…[View]
200606507When has a show's intended social message backfired on you? I used to Bojack Horseman. There…[View]
200617906>Sauron's goal is to...industrialize the middle earth and make it a better place to live in …[View]
200609712What is the best summer movie, anon?[View]
200617948Blood Meridian - Yeah, good luck with that.: A film based on the novel Blood Meridian will never wor…[View]
200617360Well, what show they're referring to? Dante must die edition: not the capeshit amazon show[View]
200614887Why wouldn't you be his friend? Because he would be 'too excited' to be your friend? I wouldn…[View]
200617108So yeah it's been a while since the last History of Power Rangers, as such I need to address a …[View]
200613745Why is there so much xenomorph porn on e621? I never saw the appeal in them[View]
200612938>Marty, we need to go to the future to save your kids! Bring Jennifer along. >What the fuck, M…[View]
200607840What are the best dinosaur movies? I'm a fan of One Million Years BC (1966).[View]
200616954Is it impossible to film?[View]
200614880>Would've got away with it, but your son, fuckhead that he is, left his driver's licens…[View]
200612892I haven't laughed this hard in years: It's the best joke on TV.[View]
200608125>two A list actresses who look exactly like each other >Hollywood has only taken advantage of …[View]
200615885Movies like Let Me In or Prisoners? Kind of similar to that other thread yesterday I’m looking for f…[View]
200615180I only watch trailers: you get to see the best parts, can watch several movies quickly, and it'…[View]
200612555Second-Hand Store Kino Finds: post your recent physical media hauls, /tv/ - double points if they…[View]
200611193A 3 minute song will give you the same satisfaction as a 2 hour movie[View]
200613861It's dogshit.[View]
200616630Why are Europeans better at making cinema than a Americans?[View]
200616911What are movies where the villain had an undeniable sense of style?[View]
200610552>Elvis would have the three young girls up in his room at night kissing and talking and hugging. …[View]
200617007Hayden Christensen was in a Christian film. Has anyone seen it?[View]
200615967/ftl/ is anybody watching this?: >>200613689 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtu…[View]
200616031I just woke up from a coma. Who's the bald guy? Where's Mike?[View]
200615568any movies like /druk/ or flight?[View]
200616453It died on the vine.[View]
200610547/got/hotd/: Dunked edition Previous thread: >>200605506[View]
200614402>I have seen significantly more youtube react videos to lord of the rings than I have seen new re…[View]
200612119>Perhaps humans should just fuck on off the planet. I'm David Attenborough. See you in hell.…[View]
200608660why are conservatives so bad at making media?[View]
200600136in 200 years we went from horse and buggy to the industrial revolution to the computer age. In GRIMs…[View]
200615499Documentaries about movies: Rich Hall has made some of the most intelligent, funny, entertaining and…[View]
200615125How is anyone surprised that The Boys turned into a shitshow?: This show was insufferable from the v…[View]
200605212Why are we supposed to instantly forgive this little piece of shit when he betrayed his father and s…[View]
200615766ITT: Television & Film characters that are literally you.[View]
200610763Why do I see so many people complain about her long hair in this being distracting? I think it looks…[View]
200613968>I tried my best >But I guess my best wasn't good enough…[View]
200615740>crashed my car >it's totaled but the other guy is worse >walked up to see an elderly…[View]
200615516>Ctrl + F5[View]
200615543In hindight, this show was really just one giant media literary test.[View]
200615370Wtf living in Los Angeles sounds awesome!!![View]
200614306>Characters credit card is declined at the store >He panics and runs out…[View]
200613820>manage to finally get a girlfriend >despite her being pretty ditzy I still feel insecure abou…[View]
200613774Ehm bros how long does it take for fingers to grow back?[View]
200612634I never watched the entire show. Did they ever figure out whose line it was?[View]
200610782Is Voldemort the worst written villain in any media? He is so boring as a dark lord figure compared …[View]
200614646I'll call now[View]
200610246>Movies where the critics got it right.[View]
200608024She would've been the perfect Ellie for TLOU series: Why wasn't she?[View]
200612900>filters /tv/[View]
200614854>random man walks up to father's daughter >says to the father 'thanks for raising my fuck…[View]
200614831What are the best Nazi films?[View]
200610192Not gonna do it[View]
200614773A Family Affair: The movie is terrible, even for Netflix romcom standards but I wasn't familiar…[View]
200612023>wake up after a night of drinking >95% of the world's population has dissolved into red …[View]
200612150>revenge movie >villain gives 'you're just like me' speech at the end when the protagoni…[View]
200613406What was the point of this unfunny retards?[View]
200613689/ftl/ lore edition #91: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxaknmfr1Wg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=…[View]
200614678>no seinfeld thread what are your thoughts on julia's body of work?…[View]
200612147dam, this movie hits hard[View]
200612403Having a daughter must be rough[View]
200614380will movies ever bee good again?[View]
200613427The Sisko[View]
200610419After Hogans Heroes, Bob Crane got his skull bashed in by a friend who videotaped him having rough s…[View]
200613766Should I go to the movie theatre alone tomorrow? There will be 'Spirited Away' during the day. What …[View]
200611034Filoni kino coming[View]
200611575More kino like this?[View]
200614301Give me some Birthday Boy Cinema.[View]
200606008Which one are you ?[View]
200614260Aah, yes. Mos Eisley... Home![View]
200611839“Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first stage it is ridiculed…[View]
200614228Are there any kinos about a terminally online schizo getting a cute gf?[View]
200607272Amazon Prime King Edward[View]
200612639Post average looking actors: Is he the most talented actor with the most average looks?[View]
200613914>I questioned a historical event[View]
200603970Is saying you don't like the new Star Wars movies really that bad?[View]
200613870>VHS comes with a cool 3D insert I miss this bros. I know Lost World and Independence Day had one…[View]
200599710Fuck Neuman. Kiss Neuman. Mating press Neuman into a bed. Massage Neuman's shoulders. Eat Neuma…[View]
200613162>I understand... >In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. >HIS name, is Robert Pau…[View]
200613699ITT: Celebs being BASED[View]
200613189>this will sell our movie[View]
200608636>excuse me, can you direct me to the bathroom for transwomen?[View]
200607805>This dude is only 30-years-old Wtf He looks closer to 40[View]
200612171I really liked this one where Butters danced in a tutu[View]
200612732Gee I can't wait too hear my coworkers talk about this hella litty and ironic show turned movie[View]
200613216He's a good actor, I don't know why he hasn't gotten anything big since he played Nac…[View]
200611804>The movie really is amazing my girls were completely engrossed by it because it really does make…[View]
200613431>Anime is not television & fi-[View]
200613371Brainscan the ultimate interactive experience in terror, comes in CD-ROM[View]
200613049Why does skip when my baby kisses me?[View]
200613146Why do actors kill their mystique by doing podcasts?[View]
200613299>*doo do do do doo do do do* I remember watching episodes of Family guy as a kid in 2000s and it…[View]
200612525We are further away from Plinkett's Phantom Menace review than the review was from The Phantom …[View]
200612495Ashley Barrett: You will never work for her she will never crush your balls why live ?[View]
200597615Well Seymour, I made it, despite your directions..[View]
200613120>The U.S.A. has the military might to defeat three galactic powers >Still no free health care…[View]
200610133Does this takes place in an alternate reality where no one knows what a fucking vampire is?[View]
200610486>here's your kino bucket bro![View]
200611041What kind of phenotype is that? He basically had no forehead.[View]
200612080The Bear: Umm....Carmychuds? How the fuck do we respond to this??[View]
200608008/tbg/ The Boys General: Dick-less edition previous >>200600625[View]
200610938This scene perfectly encapsulates how it feels like talking with atheists. https://www.youtube.com/w…[View]
200612741>Rhaenyra: 'I would NEVER order the murder of an innocent child' >*everyone scowls at Daemon* …[View]
200608541!PAPI¡ STRANGE AYUDA ME[View]
200612263Star Wars is a kids movie. Grow up and watch real movies.[View]
200612067The Wizard[View]
200599713Is this the best Spielberg movie? It's the only one that I can re-watch and get a kick out of a…[View]
200606672>LISTEN BITCH COOKING IS LE HARD It's really not though[View]
200607063What happened to Disney?[View]
200610053Is it the best made for TV movie ever made? I consider it a classic in the low stakes film genre.[View]
200612494>She said 2$[View]
200608527Alita 2 spoilers: >alita is having an existential crisis about being a war machine built to kill …[View]
200611264Describe the saw movie if this was the room[View]
200612140If you hated the ending how should it have ended?[View]
200611239I’m excited for it[View]
200581853All the Rightwing Dogwhistles in Smiling Friends Season 1: I've been seeing a lot of people tal…[View]
200607161What role do you think Sydney Sweeney color play in Star Wars?[View]
200609979Was he right? Is Don just handsome?[View]
200610159ftl gunz #90: never goon edition https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxa…[View]
200608473Legionnaire (1998): Having marathoned Jean-Claude Van Damme's filmography from the 80's to…[View]
200606407I don't get the hate. It was a pretty enjoyable comedy with enough of a physical spin to it to …[View]
200611697>dee-bate, hahaha, dee-bate. funny word >thank you…[View]
200611413Post kino character introductions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTkA6MXdV2M[View]
200612126I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard.[View]
200611885Why didn't he eat his spinach and kick popeyes butt? He was clearly the stronger one of them an…[View]
200610660Post some /tv/ approved anime[View]
200609685Space Jam: This film changed my life.[View]
200611296>Now is not a time, what time do you close?: How do you respond without sounding mad?[View]
200604731>Yeah well you're forgetting one thing, bud. IM THE WOLVERINE Classic…[View]
200599786There is no source material for season 2 and 3. How bad are they gonna butcher it anons?[View]
200598741My estimation of Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi just fucking plummeted.[View]
200610779Don't you find economy of cinematography ridiculous? Hundreds of millions of dollars. Years of …[View]
200611747>Yeah I know he's getting a bit long in the tooth, not moving or thinking as quickly anymore…[View]
200611737>Japanese commercials[View]
200609310ITT best underrated films of the 1970s[View]
200608173I got to experience this as a kid. Too bad they shut it down.[View]
200607727A Maccababy’s Gotta Do What a Maccababy’s Gotta Do: https://youtube.com/watch?v=WqsAYX3S-Lg…[View]
200609866Have we watched the new season of The Mole yet?[View]
200610889cool bts moments[View]
200610022Faggot show[View]
200609496I refuse to believe this[View]
200611206>You're anon from 4chan aren't ya? >You post tranny threads, yet this is a televisio…[View]
200611170Better Sex Gifs[View]
200611001>you are now aware that Gene Shalit is still alive[View]
200598257Anybody find it weird rita made out with Dexter after she sucked his dick? Is that a thing irl?[View]
200610813Bad guys of /tv/: Which individual / group does the best job of being bad?[View]
200609591>Turns your flick into kino Willem The Foe sama... Forgive me..[View]
200609914Characters you're slowly becoming.[View]
200604978Eventually one of them will die, which will make the other the one... what then?[View]
200610996come on, lets do it[View]
200609778What makes it so comfy?[View]
200610866Oh hey, just going to commit some war crimes: Who wants to join me?[View]
200610362Has a movie ever made you want to visit somewhere?[View]
200610738Are you ready for another 4 years of >every villain is a trump from the brilliant seething Movie…[View]
200595445Why is Zendaya in everything when there are so many other young black actresses that could be fillin…[View]
200599573Holy fucking shit[View]
200606956Shrek 5 leaked trailer breakdown: Wide shot of shreks home. Sounds of Donkey yelling and plates brea…[View]
200602143>season 1 >greatest tv ever produced >season 2-5 >worst tv ever produced…[View]
200610379I’m gonna come right out and say it: Fargo S2 fucking sucks. Patrick Wilson is a bad actor. Ted Dans…[View]
200610223Who else was on their way to kill Euronymous?[View]
200608702It's Paul Wall, baby[View]
200608464Does LITERALLY nothing wrong in this scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xHSaXn4SiY Why do peopl…[View]
200601841I'm new to Star Trek has the original series aged well or should i watch the Next Generation in…[View]
200608261Why does Wakanda look like a shithole?: Even compared to real cities in Africa. The fuck was Feige t…[View]
200609951There's nothin' better than a girl and her troll (in Central Park other than the demon lor…[View]
200610351>go to prison and ruin your life to catch this drug dealer for us It’s not that serious be fr…[View]
200605257When did anime peak?[View]
200602035what the fuck was his problem?[View]
200606617Why yes I’m a ninja…how could you tell ?[View]
200608634Post-American Civil War II - WHY DOES NOBODY MENTION THIS?: Kevin Costner's 'THE POSTMAN…[View]
200605506/got/hotd/: He is awaited edition previous >>200587436[View]
200609410CageKino of the absolute highest order.[View]
200605831Obese woman in Furiosa: >Does nothing >Doesn’t help rescue Furiosa What did George Miller mean…[View]
200608385dude… white people are like evil and stuff…[View]
200609480Richard Donner flipping (You) off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYcytoIenls[View]
200603055Is boxing the best sport for making kino?[View]
200609808imagine having a daugher lmao[View]
200606779>Melvin doo Peak comedy[View]
200609890Ghostmaxxers create history. Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men t…[View]
200609117Why didn't he just come?[View]
200609736Are there any trannies in the catalog tonight?[View]
200604999Sisters: what a great film[View]
200607373You know, not all the Star Wars content in the past ten years has been terrible.[View]
200601723How come e-celebs getting their own show never work?[View]
200601977How would Xavier fare in the world of The Boys?[View]
200605177These are the only good TV shows >The Sopranos >Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul >The Shield …[View]
200609654Movies are the only thing that keep me sane these last few months: Every time I feel like shit, I ju…[View]
200607541>Talkin' about... she met AH king...[View]
200607855What the fuck did I just wach[View]
200603209She's dead. Wrapped in plastic.[View]
200609519> NAMI SWAAAAAN! >ROBIN CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAWNN! By the way, which actors will play crocodile and R…[View]
200609546what the fuck was those things supposed to be?[View]
200605679This show just doesn't miss[View]
200608329OOTL. Why is The Acolyte being bombed SO hard? 3.4 on IMDB and 14% Audience Score on RT? WAY worse t…[View]
200609309>2024 >still no martial art action kino better than this why is that /tv/?…[View]
200609159Wtf am i watching[View]
200609246I have an idea for a reality show: Tell random black people that slavery has been reenacted and see …[View]
200601158What did this scene mean in 'The Triangle Of Sadness' ?[View]
200607568Just finished it: What did I think of it[View]
200602760General /tv/ WebM thread.[View]
200606168Can we talk about Ellie Kemper[View]
200606023Here's your Sauron[View]
200608454>my favorite movie is All About Lily-Chou Chou What kina of person do you imagine?…[View]
200608409>I'M THE OLDESTFAG![View]
200608978kinos for this feel?[View]
200605446>dude just watch the kino, just ignore all the interracial sex and nigger schlongs in it *you ar…[View]
200607940I FUCKED TED, /tv/, I FUCKED TED![View]
200608571>A woman's desperate search for her long-lost sister, a famous YouTuber who investigated par…[View]
200608827>You WILL honor the memory of this man who loved nothing more than sucking gook dick Do bongs rea…[View]
200608557The Shield: >When was the last time you saw your dick without using a mirror?…[View]
200607905What do you guys think about S11E20?[View]
200606665What does /tv/ think of Steven universe, have you guys watched it?[View]
200608366>and in case I don't sneed ya..[View]
200579351Which actress would you cast for the role of 'genetically perfect woman'?[View]
200606145>Hey /tv/! I'm putting together a team to determing the best heist movie and why it's O…[View]
200598264What seasons of House of Cars should I watch /tv/?[View]
200606315Incredible... nuclear plebfilter...the whole thematic landscape of this film needs decades to get fu…[View]
200606487Fishtank Live: Bloodgames #89: crippled gay edition https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.yout…[View]
200608100ITT: Scenes with infinite rewatchability[View]
200607491Do you watch Westerns?[View]
200606632I wonder how SNL will address last night's debate.[View]
200607833Only black and white classic film That's not fucking boring How did they do it?[View]
200605842What is the moral of this story?[View]
200602735Is The Cast Too Bloated?: >Superman >Lex Luther >Supergirl >Mister Terrific >Ultraman…[View]
200607998Why did Sweetums turn on the other pirates and help Captain Smollet and his crew?[View]
200607289Wow, I just I love my friends, and I love my God, and I love my country and uhh God Bless America I …[View]
200605931Future archeology documentary: Hello are there any documentaries about future archaeologists uncover…[View]
200606003Of what relevance were Stephen's dirty underwear and personal hygiene to the limbless, headless…[View]
200607941>muh Trump[View]
200606607Just began watching Rome. Salve, fratres.[View]
200607890Conan's princess.[View]
200600625/tbg/ The Boys General: Starlight baby killer edition[View]
200603991>fucking dogs is... LE BAD White women BTFO[View]
200607438>adowanawanafeee like I did that day >Take me to da place I love, take me all da way This thr…[View]
200607627>no EVs lmao[View]
200605386Good movies to watch on a day like this?[View]
200605921>stares out you >opens his mouth slightly >tilts his head >starts talking in 'le epic ob…[View]
200601720Dr Fate and Hawkman were the only good thing DC had done without Snyder. Ok bye.[View]
200607598Somehow, Kathleen Kennedy still has a job.[View]
200589882Emma Stone: Good actress or just a pretty face?[View]
200601828Do you review movies on the internet?[View]
200607396Two minutes into absolving her sins and she gives you this look. What would you do?[View]
200602805It keeps happening[View]
200558501/hor/ - Horror General: I PUSH MY FINGERS INTO MY edition prev: >>200534093[View]
200603731Horizon: An American Saga: TODAY O D A Y[View]
200607235>HIS A FAKING FIEF[View]
200606550THE most meta film ever.: Also Top 10 sequel ever. Can’t refute that.[View]
200607071still my favorite comfycore movie what's yours /tv/[View]
200606500This guy looks nothing like Green Arrow. He's not even blonde[View]
200602225I'VE GOT BALLS OF STEEL[View]
200607026this is gonna be great[View]
200606957> Who's doing this? > who's killing us? Robbing us of life and light.…[View]
200603436He's right behind me, ins't he?[View]
200600873>let's put a crusty 40 year old in the role of what should've been a taught 17 year old…[View]
200604049Wait, who created these plans again? Where and why and how?[View]
200601976This literally feels like they gave some studio hack from the 50s future technology to make a movie.…[View]
200606209That was a really nice movie. And NO blacks in it. How refreshing.[View]
200602295I want to be him: He’s polite yet feared by everybody. You can try to talk him down, but he’ll just …[View]
200601700The secret to adapting an unadaptable novel is dropping all the weird/unadaptable elements: Bravo Vi…[View]
200606608Is this guy coming back to South Park?: >new season airing later in the year than last >last s…[View]
200606215Why would Fry be into Leela? She's a really bad person and an absolute cunt.[View]
200606541what was one kino that made you go >”Come on, man… gimme a break! What a bunch of malarkey”…[View]
200606533Quiet place day one: It was alright, 5/10 overall There were a few neat scenes scattered around but …[View]
200604920>makes kino for over 10 years and then stops for no reason What happened?…[View]
200595294>*forces Jedi to retreat*[View]
200594820HELLO: AGAIN[View]
200606455I make the popcorn, you pick the kino. I'm feeling Sinister, The Strangers or Waist Deep. Any …[View]
200606269Millennials vs zoomers[View]
200605808Am I the only one who immediately calls bullshit when the critics score is that high?[View]
200595751>hotel has its own channel[View]
200606304The girl who Escaped: what does /tv/ think about this movie? 25 year old 5ft 0 midget larping as gir…[View]
200605183>the rebels starship looks like a giant turd what did lucas mean by this?…[View]
200605914The girl with No Number: what did you guys think of this movie? (Vietnamese girl in america)[View]
200599285Heresy or Kino?[View]
200605598Roger Moore > Daniel Craig[View]
200570307Should I be cautionally optimistic about this? The trailer looked cool but Catwoman looked retarded …[View]
200605881Best of Tubi/Plex: Post the best movies you've seen on these sites[View]
200604953Admit it, we would LOVE to get one of these.[View]
200583054>Last 24 years were all a dream >You wake up in front of your TV >It's really Saturday…[View]
200603302>30 seconds into chocolate cake and chill and Janey-E gives you this look What do, bros?…[View]
200600824Uh oh, 'woke' Quiet Place is actually good: What now, /tv/?[View]
200599438Which one is better?[View]
200605023Don't forget where you came form Butters. You're swearing a lot and pretending you're…[View]
200601718This is quite easily the most 80s movie of the 80s, but it seems to get overlooked entirely with all…[View]
200603759>walks into room with Starlight >fockin' ell it's like a morgue in here…[View]
200604535What did they mean by this?[View]
200605310Ghostmaxxers create history. Ghostmaxxers are history. Throughout the ages, it is ghostmaxxing men t…[View]
200603414Parker Posey[View]
200605269Can I interest you two in some delicious beets?[View]
200599781>protagonist goes through a character arc Is this necessary to have a good story?…[View]
200605167Movies where the protag gets to make out in his mustang with his teenage gf and get matching tattoos…[View]
200605123Now that the dust has settled: Was Mandingo (1975) succesfull?[View]
200603134Is that the fucking executive who died in the Wayne tower during the Ka-el/Zod fight? Damn this is s…[View]
200602648Jesus is back[View]
200604958Can't wait.[View]
200604770When and why did they stop being conservatives?[View]
200603355/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
200601849And Harrenhal? I suppose meat's back on the menu, boys![View]
200604922Unnerving media: >Buy some peanuts before you sleep[View]
200602377The sting of my words, the gravity of my tone, the inherent venom in my vocal vicissitudes: They all…[View]
200595375Blow A-Train[View]
200602099The kino girls.[View]
200604699What's up with the speed-racer movie getting a cultural reappraisal as some sort of masterpiece…[View]
200594495ITT: pics that saved /tv/[View]
200587436/got/hotd/: Baela and Rhaena Edition Prev >>200572688[View]
200603651IM NOT RACIST[View]
200600951attack of the clones[View]
200604601I pooped a little[View]
200604552What was her problem?[View]
200604408More like monk GYATTso[View]
200590766chowderhead is a great insult and should be used more[View]
200601455Golden age cartoons: 1930-1959 ish Which studio had the best? Warner brother including leon schlesi…[View]
200604417>unwholesome pedo rapist who hired hitmen plays nice man who cared about children Disgusting and …[View]
200602838Luke, watch out for that vicious bounty hunter Boba Fett. Did I ever tell you l fought his dad? He w…[View]
200601927Stop all the downloadin'![View]
200600529I need some recent horror movie recs actual horror and not 'funny' horror[View]
200600538Sydney Sweeney star wars: Fellow coomers...we won[View]
200604229Unpopular opinion: Zendaya's MJ was the best MJ[View]
200597318>Sir a second pterodactyl has hit the visitor center. Jurassic Park is under attack.…[View]
200602698/ftl/ gunz #88: Tay waiting at her porch for angry tayrats edition Important Links: donjolly.com htt…[View]
200603000Why did Darth Maul get fat?: this would've been The Book of Boba Fett all over again.[View]
200602699You wouldn't hurt Rosie's feelings would you /tv/? The troooooooooole in centrallllll par…[View]
200603894Anyone remember Muesproductions?: This is him now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_x1HF8WrTI…[View]
200602674greatest kino of all time[View]
200587575What did the writers of The Boys mean by this?[View]
200603821They call him samurai![View]
200600728>No magic or secret, they're just a bunch of guys who wear masks and can explicity change th…[View]
200602509WOP WOP WOP WOP[View]
200602198I present to you, one of the most kino TV shows of all time.[View]
200603593straight line bros...why did he do it[View]
200603555What, is that all? Is this the thing that makes zoomers piss and shit on themselves in fear?[View]
200603456I miss my nigga[View]
200586338> Makes a video about season 4 but admits he didn't watch it. > Says it will get canceled…[View]
200602174>Welcome…to subdivision /tv/, where dreams are conveyed and babies are made.…[View]
200602415What kind you of doctor are you?[View]
200603210so, when are we getting that avatar anime i hear the sequel's nearly finished being written[View]
200599625Did they do anything good?: Theyre just spamming and buy review ratings. Who gives me back my time?…[View]
200602626Luc Besson is making a Dracula movie: With Christoph Waltz and Caleb Landry Jones.[View]
200593786Marvel's NOVA: >The upcoming Disney+ series has reportedly already found its showrunner, and…[View]
200601333This one episode was more exciting than everything in Andor Season 1, everything in Mando season 3 a…[View]
200602175movies women will never understand[View]
200590010Ghostbusters: Why did Frozen Empire flop?[View]
200601469so now that this is out on streaming who has a hq mega or link for download please ill make gifs fr…[View]
200602207Did you get filtered?[View]
200602658Actors that are 'the real deal'[View]
200596416ITT Unadaptable[View]
200598570Have you ever had a thread, that you were so sure was a sticky? What if you were unable to bump limi…[View]
200601436I am on season 1, is this fucker not Damon’s son?[View]
200601725Since we're in the era of adapting anime and vidya to film, what do you want to see made into m…[View]
200599370Funniest comedian alive?[View]
200599291Refute this /tv/: Lonesome Dove is the greatest Western film, the greatest TV mini-series, and the g…[View]
200601831its nice to finally see some straight whyte people shows. no faggs, trannies, and only a token zesty…[View]
200594589Vincent Price: https://youtu.be/6_znqhYKGUY?feature=shared[Embed] https://youtu.be/h3myG3XcpvI?featu…[View]
200601987Why is real life so much scarier than any horror movie?[View]
200600455Bitches leave[View]
200600740What exactly does it MEAN when a movie is in the public domain?[View]
200600566>needs eyes to see >decides to take them from the only guy with glasses was it autism?…[View]
200593153So what is it?[View]
200602041>gets a makeover with long extensions >hair gets cut shorter than it originally was the next …[View]
200601966is he gonna make it[View]
200577301MCU set pics compilation: Starting with Captain America: Brave New World. Anthony Mackie as Sam Wils…[View]
200600944Where's the lie tho?: I can't find one /tv/. Can you?[View]
200600938she furious, but in the latin female tense.[View]
200596220Why do his clothes phase through the walls with him? Hughie lost his clothes when he teleported and …[View]
200594667Why did she torpedo her entire career and relevancy to cater to people who already dropped and aband…[View]
200601757This is kind of a weird direction for Matt and Trey to take there isn't it?[View]
200600332you are grounded for 11111111111111111 days[View]
200601480Should you avoid casting white women if you plan on having a long show? They simply cant keep up[View]
200600481What's his name again ?[View]
200600173Truman Show 2: >Truman enters the real world but is harassed by everyone >Fans that stalk him,…[View]
200590694He was right you know[View]
200601138How do we make Predators scary again?[View]
200601581did this movie kill the franchise forever?[View]
200601329Why didn't Dumbledore just go after Voldemort himself?: seeing as how he's the only one Vo…[View]
200589476Ok but low-key it's kinda true...[View]
200595397Actors that need new agents: for me, it's Kinoman[View]
200601560Homer literally ATE his best friend. That was a pretty fucking fucked up episode m8s.[View]
200601427When are we going to get a Sims Movie?: It's going to be happen eventually, you know it[View]
200597641Batman went from a cultural phenomenon to irrelevance: The Batman is probably the most irrelevant su…[View]
200600458/ftl/ gunz #87: >>200598560 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rx…[View]
200600555Toon in with me: https://archive.org/details/2021_20230411/2021-06-16.mp4 https://archive.org/detail…[View]
200601180PEOPLE OF ETERNIA[View]
200600011Should I watch the Bear?[View]
200596219literally me[View]
200600760Comedic Kinos?: >They let fucking 5 ass... 7 motherfuckers be cops, Mr. McKenzie, K9 Unit. >He…[View]
200600132Media Literacy is needed now more than ever.[View]
200596352Shame about your son tho...[View]
200598317K I N O[View]
200580881/tv/ BTFO[View]
200591419ITT: shows only you've watched[View]
200600872imagine if this episode aired today[View]
200593133Mel Gibson's FLIGHT RISK starring Mark Wahlberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsodKijrc_Y …[View]
200594890I could've actually been a great filmmaker/artist if only the circumstances have been more pref…[View]
200596525>The plan is to adapt elements from Jason Aaron's “Avengers Assemble” event. In that, Mephis…[View]
200599084Marvel has a big upcoming disaster that will make The Marvels looked like a success in comparison. …[View]
200600614BAne?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2rPgEBMUQ[View]
200592546How did he do it?[View]
200599603Marathoning this flick right now. Anyone else seen it? Notice me, senpai[View]
200583565Here's your Max replacement bro[View]
200600198What anime could work in live action?[View]
200574566the most expensive movie in history of cinema[View]
200597002I watch the boys for she[View]
200600358Chinatown (1974): Does this film hold up today?[View]
200598664Any kino about Alley Cats?[View]
200591750Have modern action movies gone too far? Does anyone miss semi-realistic fight and action scenes? I f…[View]
200600154Mission Impossible ruined Hayley Atwell's career[View]
200598616What are the best scifi action kino that I haven't watched yet?[View]
200599642Best way to watch is through one sitting. Raw dog no phones[View]
200600054What are some kinos with this kind of vibe? Hard mode: no The Wire[View]
200600029Anyone knowledgeable about the giallo genre? I'm trying to remember the name of this lesser kno…[View]
200599155Are there any adult women with the same personality as Jade West? She was my ultimate TV crush but I…[View]
200599737Young Rhaenyra doesn't have that honkin' fucking nose, and this is just upsetting to me. I…[View]
200596939Jack and Delbert Grady0: moments before Jack Torrance met Delbert Grady, the woman in pic related cr…[View]
200595018Did someone SCRATCH MEEE!?![View]
200597347Is this the greatest comedy of all time?[View]
200599842Get. That. Nigger. Faggot. Out of here.[View]
200596950Everybody ... everybody show bobs and vagene![View]
200594527Any serial killer kinos?[View]
200597507>'it seems today that all you see is violence and movies and sex on TV' >'but where are those …[View]
200597664>boyfriend comes home smelling like watermelon and vanilla >feed his dog a bag of chocolate ch…[View]
200597803I'm watching this on tubi right now and I got to the mer.aid scene but they didn't show he…[View]
200598560/ftl/ president tai pt II: >>200596530 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank https://www.youtube.com…[View]
200599124Is there a TV/film equivalent to this album?[View]
200594077What's her best movie?[View]
200596241Is Pandorum worth a watch?[View]
200597421>It was an abortion, Michael. Realistically, how do you respond to this?…[View]
200599309W-We lost....[View]
200596697I call movies 'motion pictures'.[View]
200598183Now that the dust has settled who was actually in the wrong here?[View]
200595969When did smoking on screen become less common? It's objectively cool and makes films better.[View]
200599172Wat the FUCK?: Jay & Silent Bob is part of That 70's Show now? I didn't expect that.…[View]
200586576Superman/Zoomer Kent: Clark Kent now changes his HAIR as part of his transformation into Superman Ho…[View]
200594903>learns about Dexter looking into his birth father by answering his phone when someone calls >…[View]
200599002Stargate SG-1 is the greatest show of all time[View]
200597235Is Taissa Farmiga's career over?[View]
200595898>That was one hell of a stunt you pulled, detective. >Sarge, I didn't think that- >Tha…[View]
200597049too based[View]
200594657Can anyone explain why would Batman EVER use a credit card in any situation?[View]
200598870Sex is bad mmkay?[View]
2005867243 Body Problem: He shold've just said >The story about Red Riding Hood didn't happen bu…[View]
200597109Criminally underrated movies only (you) watched: >Astronaut: The Last Push Low-budget movie about…[View]
200589282Has a character’s physique from fiction ever inspire you to transform yourself?[View]
200593804Does anyone here find Emma Roberts creepy?: She's good looking but she creeps me out for some r…[View]
200598801>The movie really is amazing my girls were completely engrossed by it because it really does make…[View]
200598092>Let's try spinning, that's a good trick![View]
200598735rs thread: thoughts on the debates?[View]
200598617'I thought i saw a puddy cat': >'I did, i did see a puddy cat' WHat did he mean by this?…[View]
200594665How does he do it?[View]
200598299Underrated and the best of Romero trilogy[View]
200581428first AI commercial: https://x.com/Mr_AllenT/status/1805628715017072924[View]
200597655Hollywood and the BNWO: Hollywood has been pretty blatant with their occult BNWO White genocide prop…[View]
200598492>This.... is crack.[View]
200598414>movie trailer >starts with a single piano note…[View]
200584487I would watch your acolyte show if i could see anything at all.[View]
200597052Our generation's Marilyn Monroe[View]
200593763What would be you're dream role for Sophia?[View]
200588580>This is a looksmatched couple in 2024 What the hell happened?[View]
200598357Which starship troopers movies should I watch whilst I wait for Helldivers II to finish downloading?[View]
200598354An AWFUL adaptation of Shakespeare, an AWFUL film, and AWFUL acting from Welles. It completely chang…[View]
200595283Channing Tatum to Produce and Star in GHOST Remake: >'We’re going to do something different,” Tat…[View]
200587633Movies/series about why small American towns and states so decayed, ugly, dystopian and grim?[View]
200597443Jack Benny: https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Jack_Benny_Singles (Radio series) https://m.youtube.com…[View]
200598103I've made a little sign for you. It reads, 'This thread is archived.' You'll get your chan…[View]
200596445Inside Out but it takes place in the mind of Staff Sergeant Barnes from Platoon[View]
200595364What the fuck was his problem?[View]
200595178You now remember Jason Segel[View]
200598061>Every single line is taking the piss >Every scene has a visual gag >Even the camera is tak…[View]
200593495Is Mad Max 1 just supposed to be life in rural Australia on a normal day? Things don't look too…[View]
200596807Life is unfair.[View]
200593523>WE RIVE IN A SOCIETY[View]
200597880Zack Snyder likes to Watchmen in tight Spandex beat each other up while muttering awful one-liners.[View]
200597777Heretic (2024): Why is the creepy guy with a weird religion never a Jew in these Hollywood movies?…[View]
200590604negan edition previous >>>200582918[View]
200582107Why did they have to do a trench run instead of just flying over to where the exhaust port was and g…[View]
200597608maxton hall the world between us: Kino.[View]
200591458>Erm,,, that is not hecking wholesome >You need to be better >You're, like, being real…[View]
200596530/ftl/ president tai #86: >>200594385 https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank >glacial genny Thanks …[View]
200595339Le fils du Masque (2005)[View]
200594279Favorite MLP kino?[View]
200597174What are some movies about seagulls?[View]
200596604>if you wanna stop me then you're gonna have to fuckin out act MEEEEEEEE!!!! I am so sick of…[View]
200595403Hazbin hotel: Remember when it got adopted by Amazon and the board was full of threads, and the show…[View]
200596665i live for this shit[View]
200595003>United Citizen Federation depicted as prosperous, democratic, capitalist society with no indicat…[View]
200592506Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry are secret agents in Netflix's THE UNION: https://www.youtube.com…[View]
200594700When is my boy Jason coming back? and don't give me that 'legal problems' bullshit. No one care…[View]
200593431Who's winning the debate tonight? Alternate future Biff or Uncle Junior?[View]
200594508' SUPERHEROES ARE ASSHOLES ': who did it better?[View]
200596672Oh no, not me, I never paid for it in my life.[View]
200593845Is this a korean kino or korean slop? Be honest with me, /tv/[View]
200594027>Sounds like you got a big cock pissing in there? Want to got to the ballgame and sing the nation…[View]
200596026>mention de palma >Everyone of you faggots responds with “Sisters is his best film” Is it that…[View]
200595329It was alright[View]
200594557What are the best Sci-fi films in the last 20 years?[View]
200595139Why do manbaby fascist shills hate the acolyte so much?[View]
200595505When does it get good?[View]
200596399>ITT: Times you acted like 1989's Alien Private Eye[View]
200596244Can yall give me some movie that can scare me in day? i watched top of movies that 'will' scare you …[View]
200595922When did you realize that boat ramp/inlet failure videos are simply better than any other visual med…[View]
200593877mmmmmmmmmmmm: whatcha saaaaaaay ayyyyyy mmmmmmmmm[View]
200596297>The plan is to adapt elements from Jason Aaron's “Avengers Assemble” event. In that, Mephis…[View]
200594895Why do these people like zendaya so much?[View]
200595730has any woman ever looked like that tomboy chick from Atlantis The Lost Empire?[View]
200595994What’s the best film and what’s the worst film?[View]
200586392Elden Ring movie might happen: Hopefully its animated Cast it https://www.ign.com/articles/hidetaka-…[View]
200588468Harry Potter: just don't change them and bam: I know you're out there Producer lackeys. Li…[View]
200593592So he's her mother?[View]
200595623What subjects would they tackle in the current year?[View]
200595301Are they really Palistinian coded like tikt0k says?[View]
200591658Respect to Dafne for taking her Jedi role serious.[View]
200595384He’s the best Spider-Man we’ve had But tv isn’t ready for that conversation[View]
200591250What was their fucking problem?[View]
200595510Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: What was your favorite panel moment?[View]
200586744/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Izzy Adjani edition >/film/ cha…[View]
200594385/ftl/ 'the source is offline' #85: >>200592161 >hack_blastard in the flesh https://flowstre…[View]
200593900Elizabeth Taylor - overrated. Vivien Leigh - underrated and best Cleopatra.[View]
200595308Evening gentlemen: My friend Omar and I are unstoppable.[View]
200595242Where can I find him?[View]
200591221>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH: Can anyone make a jak out of this guy getting his balls lasered off…[View]
200589499>skinny John Cena[View]
200594485>fun and enjoyable >film ends setting up for a sequel >actually looking forward to it …[View]
200582925What killed cinema? >inb4 nepotism jews etc. No, I honestly mean the medium itself lost its appea…[View]
200589472What was any of this supposed to mean?[View]
200590441More vidya film kino like this please[View]
200591072will Acolyte make Eon see the light?: No one wants that smarmy taylor-johnson weirdo they keep tryin…[View]
200593394Post good underrated horror movies 1910/1969[View]
200594731Have new MILF or GILF actresses or presenters developed in the last few years? The usual suspects ar…[View]
200592701The galaxy was fine with a guy that looks like this becoming leader for life?[View]
200586695what illness compels people to consume like this[View]
200590048It's kino and has the best fights of Bruce's career >b-b-but it was released posthumous…[View]
200589684Is Maya Hawke actually a good actress or just another nepo baby, or both?[View]
200593261*saves DC again*[View]
200592484what the heck[View]
200589621In American Graffiti, why did those girls let their kid-sister get into a car with some random adult…[View]
200594259I thought this came out already lmao[View]
200592199>Joke character constantly complaints about prostate problems and becomes suicidal >'Haha, cou…[View]
200588252I've never seen an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. Which one should I start with?[View]
200592722what could have been...[View]
200592936What happened to romantic comedies?[View]
200588707Have you or someone you know ever bought anything because they saw it on a tv commercial?[View]
200593287Any more bright ideas?[View]
200594292how did these two not kill each other yet?[View]
200573549/tv/ webm thread[View]
200589694>thin tony becomes fat tony >skinner isn't really skinner these 2 story lines really ruin…[View]
200590125She's beautiful[View]
200591638What should I watch tonight /tv/?[View]
200574969What the fuck[View]
200593687I took the hostages.[View]
200589986Wile E. Coyote is literally worse than Hitler[View]
200593779Jet Li - The One: When you discover the most dangerous one in the universe is you I liked this movie…[View]
200592844LITTYKINO IS BACK ON THE MENU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8XH3W0cMss >Callum Drift (Dwayne …[View]
200593603Are you a big enough guy?[View]
200592942wtf was his f'in' problem??[View]
200589111>Let The Bodies Hit The Floor starts playing. Yeah, I'm thinking it's kino time.…[View]
200586426ETERNALS 2 still in development: It's on hold until the Multiverse Saga ends, but Kevin Feige s…[View]
200593534You can't just have the MC change his mind at the last second, that's fucking bullshit man…[View]
200579504Come up with a sequel. You can't retcon the ending.[View]
200592813Parker Posey[View]
200592247SUBLIME DIVINE PERFECTION: margot won[View]
200592491What are some good videos or even podcasts that discuss movies? Video Essays are literally driving m…[View]
200558553AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA: >all the haters coming up with excuses for why they sti…[View]
200592996It will be easy like breaking a toothpick[View]
200577268Alright /tv/, throw me some numbers[View]
200592795Wtf did I just watch[View]
200590229>we all want to be Roger or Don >we're really all Pete Is this true /tv/?…[View]
200588466Why don't actors look like this anymore?[View]
200583366He unironically becomes dumber every year, is all the weed smoking killing the few remaining brain c…[View]
200593100What's the punchline? https://youtu.be/UKCmefQdplI?si=8hpV-qnr4XOYq8iL[View]
200592161/ftl/ mental retardation #84: >>200590274 >REEEEEEEEEEE watch wherever the fuck you want ke…[View]
200587949>alien? spriiiiiiing breaaaak springgggg breakkk[View]
200589700Are you ready for a NEW Mel Gibson kino?: starring a BALD Wahlberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o…[View]
200590493He was based[View]
200592333Did it ever get cooler than this?[View]
200588488SeaQuest DSV: What does /tv/ think of it? Worth watching?[View]
200592471Why aren't there more movies with vaporwave soundtracks like Drive?[View]
200592854One day til Real Time. Start the clock.: What do you think Bill will say about tonight's presid…[View]
200591036If being a hollywood writer is meant to be a über-competitive job, why isn't every film Gravity…[View]
200586697>'Did Patton Oswalt... suffocate his wife with a pillow? Uhh... actually, she ate too many KFC BO…[View]
200591958Hoo-ee! Ha HA! Sometimes I 'maze myself! Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear![View]
200579944Sadie Sink's new movie A Sacrifice comes out tomorrow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H73Wnzi9…[View]
200590709Do you agree with this tier list, /tv/?[View]
200551633>anon, I require your assistance in rescuing my son Rya'c from a Goa'uld prison planet.…[View]
200590903whelp, at least we'll have /tv/[View]
200592295>the man with the golden gun >he'll SHOOT everyone…[View]
200590614>Acting career fumbled >Singing career fumbled >Not hot enough to model Goddamn bruh.…[View]
200590773Was it kino?[View]
200592424Kino of the decade[View]
200567278TolkienBros we are so back[View]
200591904>showed up in cod:iw and hitman >was the antagonist of roadhouse Which UFC fighter will go to …[View]
200592110Are you excited for 'From' season 3?[View]
200592319M.O.? Is that he's good... Once the Sarah Gadon thread got posted he jumped right in before any…[View]
200560680VICTORY LAP: J.K. Rowling Mocks Detractors After Historic HBO 'Harry Potter' Announcement:…[View]
200591882Why did she [spoiler[kill herself[/spoiler]? Octavius wasn't going to harm her. Was she afraid …[View]
200592106Oh Lordy, you've been stealing From the thieves and you got caught[View]
200585601is she box office poison?[View]
200590965What the flip was his problem?[View]
200591684das rite[View]
200585551Was rewatching the Sopranos and it's obvious that Tony was falling in love with Meadow.[View]
200589778First short was great, everything else was shit.[View]
200591556Cast them for the inevitable Netflix remake.[View]
200591647Reminder this happened[View]
200590541If these two brothers had worked together Kings Landing, the Lannisters and Starks would have fallen…[View]
200591357>Alright listen up you tight ass tie wearing old guys! All you understand is money and hiring and…[View]
200591542Any kinos about cheating and getting away with it?[View]
200591449Remind her she's loved.[View]
200591346>LE LE LE LE[View]
200570913New movie directed by Mel Gibson: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ojC9JBuccJA[View]
200591356List of Black Vulcan names >Tupac >Teal'c >Turok >Tigger…[View]
200591347Greatest magic act in history. https://youtu.be/5_KcQt0z-eE[View]
200589745For some reason I always liked this Paramount logo the best, with the painted mountain and the 'A Gu…[View]
200591307>Simbelmynë, ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebears. Now it shall cover the grave of my w…[View]
200590451He... he was in the wrong bros.[View]
200591276There are no good gay cowbo-ACK[View]
200586174Superman: >we need the broccoli hair audience[View]
200590274/ftl/ goblinas galore #83: G O B L I N A S A L O R E >>200588507 watch live free at https://f…[View]
200585849I loved how this looked and sounded. Rarely have I also been as captured by a story as this.[View]
200545541>Have a negroni. >Have two.[View]
200590962Herr Pavel, I'm SS.[View]
200587099>customer says they don't like mushrooms >AAAAAHH FUCK >no....NO! You WILL eat the mu…[View]
200590603What are the chances he lived[View]
200586343What the hell happened to disaster movies?[View]
200589436Break the wrist, walk away[View]
200590169What did he mean by this?[View]
200584100Now that the dust has settled, was this the high point of the show?[View]
200590545Fargo Season 2[View]
200589510LOSE? I DONT LOSE! I WIN!!![View]
200580276Friends, please recommend me some samurai kino. I have already seen so far: Three Outlaw Samurai Swo…[View]
200584940Batman returns (1991): Michael Keaton is a better actor than Val Kilmer and you are not going to con…[View]
200589155First look at 'The Thicket', a Tubi Original film starring Peter Dinklage as a bounty hunting midget…[View]
200590086>Your problem is that you don't trust anyone[View]
200586457What is film director Eric Butts magnum opus?: The clique, normie ,knee jerk response would be to sa…[View]
200589336What was so funny?[View]
200589456By convincing the Yord to go back and help Sol, she gets Yord killed and saves the 'Sith' guy from b…[View]
200588452the end of Mark Normand?: This guy is starting to get desperate. His shtick has worn paper thin. It …[View]
200589931Donald Trump and Joe Biden debate is about to be the funniest television moment in a while. We'…[View]
200586350Home is behind, the world ahead, And there are many paths to tread Through shadows to the edge of ni…[View]
200589812>the buried treasure belongs to him because... It just does okay!?![View]
200575401Objectively the best Star Wars villain since the prequels.[View]
200576385BASED, globekeks BTFO[View]
200589166>causes the end of the world because she was insecure about her relationship >blames her boyfr…[View]
200589409It's about a Jew broad that fights Draculas[View]
200588389They were once men.[View]
200585078why was she indifferent to being kidnapped?[View]
200589647>I'm sure to beat Godzilla because my speed is superior[View]
200588409How do people watch a 2 hour film? My attention span is completely fucked.[View]
200589464Characters who you were genuinely sad when they died[View]
200575847Are you looking forward to the upcoming live-action Street Fighter movie /tv/?[View]
200580993Dracula Untols climbs streaming charts: >..much like Tom Cruise remake of The Mummy, which gained…[View]
200587572Topsters thread: Need recs, here's my favs in no particular order >obligatory fuck the 300 s…[View]
200587592I see better in the dark...[View]
200588867What is Vin Diesel's best film in your opinion?[View]
200589528How did the coin get there?[View]
200586262So what was wrong with the car at the end? Why did it ruined Herb? I thought it looked kino.[View]
200588507/ftl/ yeah this shit stinky #82: How do you fix this 'show'?? >>200586513 watch live free at h…[View]
200589293>mindbreaks /tv/[View]
200586973He earned it[View]
200588403>we're leaving[View]
200588976Peter Pan 2003: >“I was very nervous about kissing Jeremy,” said 13-year-old Rachel Hurd-Wood. …[View]
200588995>Explosion sound effect[View]
200589362>cancel culture is good actually >also it’s the fault of chuds Wow moffat, bravo…[View]
200585753What did you guys think of the New Norm?[View]
200589237>Taika Waititi is funny direc-[View]
200589182some say go woke go broke: >I say go woke get yoked wow you guys were right all along. this is th…[View]
200583161Nikita thread (1997-2001): I always liked it, even more so than X-files.[View]
200588893Kino machine[View]
200589225>*fucks you're wife in your path* >because he don't need to come up for air, he can …[View]
200589223ONE PIECE Season 2 Castings: Looks like this is the end of the casting announcements for now, based …[View]
200587316Is it for zoomers or millennials?[View]
200584927How many kinos has Emily Blunt starred in? At 41, she must've been in at least one by now.[View]
200587659/tv/'s greatest white rapper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rog8ou-ZepE[View]
200583690/tv/ is Humungus board: Lord Humungus praise thread[View]
200585407This is absolute kino[View]
200588909Was it worth the wait?[View]
200581970/who/ Doctor Who General: why did Chinball have to make Jodie look as sexless as he looks? Regenerat…[View]
200588643Why didn't the dumb bitch know how to wear her hoodie correctly?[View]
200588286>zoomers laughed, farted, projectile vomited, pissed, and shit their pants at this..…[View]
200588551Calibrating Your Kino: Specifically Gamma. My new TV allows me to choose between 2.2 and 1886 Gamma …[View]
200585072If Paris Hilton was the biggest actress everyone loved to hate in the 2000's who is that actres…[View]
200584081New Baseball Kino Incoming!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r_nbHSOyDE >'After dedicating the…[View]
200587408Which fat dude is going to win?[View]
200588245>characters that are literally us[View]
200588312Did he put Czech land on the map?: How many Czech people were inspired to become scientists etc?…[View]
200587207will Dune 2 sweep the Oscars next year?[View]
200588067>Kino af ost >Genuine feels moments >Characters are extremely likeable despite being retard…[View]
200586968name of this movie pls?[View]
200587315>hello, fellow gamers[View]
200588207Now that the dust has settled, was Chad done dirty? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po5B_elq7p8[View]
200587952Was it kino?[View]
200588058The Book of Lucifer -- Part 2: Within the thread that follows, is the second excerpt from the Book o…[View]
200586491Movie themeparks count as /tv/: >Be Disney >Facing massive competition from Universal because …[View]
200587153Why hasn’t the saw series implemented a trap like this?[View]
200586562she's like ryan gosling but for women[View]
200586766Homer Simpson is a sex symbol[View]
200584780so is Hemsworth just a bad actor[View]
200586842is this true?[View]
200584617why's there never been a Space Gladiator movie? different aliens battling from different planet…[View]
200587484Did Sopranos copy the Simpsons, or the other way around?[View]
200587691who you got?[View]
200583423SOMEHOW: Somehow we've lost gorgeous George again[View]
200572278The Bear 3 is a travesty: It's painfully obvious that season 3 of the bear didn't have wri…[View]
200578469Which one are you /tv/[View]
200587366Cheese kimbap![View]
200587420nobody will like this boomer superman look. Especially not young people. Superman looks like a grand…[View]
200585055Is anyone else watching this?: She's a French female Sherlock Holmes HPI: Haut Potentiel Intel…[View]
200581056Natalia Dyer: What's next for her career?[View]
200585136I have his mentality and I don't like it. How do I change it?[View]
200583135Do you prefer Sidney Prescott the lead of the OG scream movies or do you prefer Sam Carpenter the le…[View]
200586513/ftl/ grim forest #81: Is it cringe? Is it kino? glacial genny >>200584099 watch live free at…[View]
200584004>this movie is bussin frfr[View]
200586441Press S to spit on Disney Wars grave. >An insider at Lucasfilm claims that Leslye Headland’s upco…[View]
200587071She's so fucking hot[View]
200583041One chicken curry burger with tots![View]
200586839And with that they banished the awful lemon tree forever because it was.. haunted![View]
200583977How many times do you rewatch The Simpsons every year?: Classic seasons only, of course.[View]
200587036>when the civilian expects you to provide food after they pay for it[View]
200587035Why did she do it?[View]
200581960Why did she do it[View]
200585560How can I profit from my mommy issues like Jefferey?[View]
200586882>The upcoming Disney+ series NOVA has reportedly already found its showrunner, and an offer has a…[View]
200586386Are you a video renter or a video owner?[View]
200586806>Stop! or my mom will shoot[View]
200585288Anatomy of a Murder: >(jimmy stewart voice) mmhmm yes yes i see well then mmhmm yes now oh ohh oh…[View]
200584604>Furries, tranny's, and neo Nazis come together to critically analyse Star wars and comic bo…[View]
200556495Why do I find gore in media more juvunile and repulsive the older I get?[View]
200581071>how can I portray the right-wing as bad? >hmm, I know, I'll have execute a child-rapist!…[View]
200585652>Son and Sun do not sound remotely alike in Japanese l, Latin or Italian How could Scorsese (and …[View]
200572688/got/hotd/: No son of mine Edition prev >>200554950[View]
200586510Since Hollywooe steals /tv/'s ideas: What;s your pick for music for upcoming /t/v/ shows? http…[View]
200583530>just a heads up I will be saying nigger tonight[View]
200586527>carpenter character has a death scene involving wood[View]
200582918/tbg/ The Boys General: Asian waifu edition previous >>200575137[View]
200583722I dont care if its in the title, I don't like it. Take your ticket and go[View]
200586473>its shrimple. we, uh, kill the fatman[View]
200586082What was his problem? Why couldn't he just let go? Why was he so obsessed with his brother (to …[View]
200581718Is he based, or cringe?[View]
200586382>A documentary about Terrence Howard's worldview, filmed and produced by Tariq Nasheed. Ima…[View]
200565556Remember this shit lol[View]
200583513>sweet mother of jesus[View]
200581711Howdy neighbor! Have I mentioned that there's a cursed burial ground that causes everything int…[View]
200586242>Can I use this chair?[View]
200586020AMAZING: >SIR, iceberg is death ahead! Your order? >Wowow just wow big ice AMAZING... Is such …[View]
200584566Which horror icon would be able and willing to dismantle the US government?[View]
200579484Bongs, how famous was this guy? Compare him to an American celebrity.[View]
200581828When exactly did his comeback begin?[View]
200585952We need more fans being cast in movies 2bh.[View]
200583848i heard spider man was there[View]
200585301A man has a bane[View]
200585938>Erin Moriarty is 30 years old, of course she doesn't look like 5 years ago, people age you …[View]
200582604Was it good?: Will there be a sequel? Did it pozz the IP and remove all the s*x-appeal?[View]
200584629>Bilbo asks Gandalf to look after Frollo >Gandalf fucks off immediately afterwards…[View]
200585740>tfw we will never again have classic action-adventure kino[View]
200584793>Ray, they say it takes two to tango. Well my ex-wife just walked in the door and started a conga…[View]
200582758These are the only good TV shows >The Sopranos >Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul >The Shield …[View]
200583325This movie is complete nonsense[View]
200585594fr fr[View]
200584723Is this movie good?[View]
200584890why did he do it?[View]
200584520Have you watched the Kino of the Year AGGRO DR1FT yet? Available for purchase now on EDGLRD.COM[View]
200581682What the fuck was that?[View]
200585395I don't think this goose is literally me bros[View]
200585351You know... I kinda like that little troll[View]
200585256lame shit[View]
200582039It’s up: https://youtu.be/w6c1ua_tlmo[View]
200561362Who wins?[View]
200563420>Shedding a manly tear. >Using beard oil.…[View]
200500916/film/: Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema. Telepathic sex edition >/film/ …[View]
200585179Any other movies like this? Similar with a dark tone and visually appealing[View]
200583628Why didn't Mike fuck him up?[View]
200579179let's settle this once and for all: is this a dementus board or an octochad board?[View]
200585045>MONSTERS... IN THE GELATIN!!![View]
200584099/ftl/ airsoftskinny #80: >>200582054 watch live free at https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank Thanks…[View]
200582567I hate this movie.[View]
200572546the cheque from disney cleared[View]
200581696I've got full blown AIDS[View]
200584958>movie with parrot in it >says 'polly want a cracker' to the bad guy…[View]
200581858More One Piece cast members and still no Robin. We can only assume at this point that she's bla…[View]
200584033Furiosa: Octoboss - was he kino?[View]
200572390Just saw this and pleasantly surprised at how kino it is. Far better than the first two. Also, catch…[View]
200581691What's the best heatwave kino to watch for max immersion when it's unbearably hot?[View]
200584230Rate my kinostation setup[View]
200583738What happened to this show? Seems like it is totally forgotten already[View]
200584785How can he slap?[View]
200581681Does /tv/ like Katt Williams?[View]
20058154680s and 90s kino: Just watched this for free on YouTube last night, now I’m in the mood for more 80s…[View]
200582220Favorite movie titles?[View]
200584365One of the best movies ever made[View]
200580907Aren't Merry and Pippin like 40 years old? This scene was fucking weird.[View]
200583978Let's mosey[View]
200580249Now you remember there was R.I.P.D 2 Rise of the Damned[View]
200574931>I shall have this one... she's considerably tighter.[View]
200584360Did members of the real mob really kill each other as often as on this show? Like haven't they …[View]
200584162A kino? In 2024? https://youtube.com/shorts/Ke99tMUbH0c[View]
200583046Pirates 4 and 5 are seriously mediocre. First of all there’s no Orlando and Kiera (sans the brief ca…[View]
200584337The main female lead of the last movie you watched is now romantically involved with Snow Miser, how…[View]
200584102If working at The Beef is so stressful and awful and they all hate it why do they still work there?[View]
200583720why didn't yoda sense sith's ki[View]
200583414>m*ds handing out 30 days and permabans for replying to off topic threads (yes, really) >meanw…[View]
200582280MEMBA US??[View]
200582824Characters who are BHC(Big Human Cock) only[View]
200576874Best Villain Ever: Really[View]
200583409Loo Loo Loo I've got some South Park[View]
200584015New Peacock Documentary on Jinnkid by 50 Cent: don’t watch this it’s not good. they leave out all th…[View]
200574154What the fuck was her problem?[View]
200582493>Oh, n-[View]
200583851/lgbt/ BTFO[View]
200583044What are we watching ?[View]
200583109People will never forgive JJ Abrams for destroying Star Wars and Star Trek These were the biggest ne…[View]
200558547The Thing: Come up with a sequel.[View]
200580787what time is it?: https://youtu.be/PvBL6GxK4FY?si=6sXWy5rihPyjxig5[View]
200578790whatever happen to joseph gordon levitt?: he was looking to be a big name but it never happened and …[View]
200581378When you find Opie smoking reefer with those colored kids down by the duck pond…[View]
200580576Yeahy, im thinking white kino is back on the menu[View]
200583330woke garbage[View]
200583386tfw you say the R word in the wrong company: >how do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
200583249>I'm not locked in here with you! You're locked in here with me - the Wolverine! Iconic…[View]
200582453Movies that are even better then they were at the time of their release.[View]
200575473was Alain Delon the greatest gigachad in the history of cinema?[View]
200583287Kino, and an underrated lead performance too, Patrick Bateman-esque. Post some lesser talked about l…[View]
200580705ROME: E7S1: filler E8S1: filler episodes filled with nonsensical women losing their shit, instead of…[View]
200582374Lmao no way does Clark Kent have that hair[View]
200576604Mara is best Kate: The Dutchman - Kate Mara has sex with a black man. My Days of Mercy - Kate Mara h…[View]
200581442>I wish I..... >*coughs* >Spent less of my t-time >*wheezes* >watching tv, and more t…[View]
200581920Do ppl like this actually exist?: Are there really people that are so smaht they can figure out some…[View]
200580395Is it good or is it gay? Also, fuck Brida.[View]
200582054/ftl/ autism #79: watch live free at https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank >>200580300 Thanks Jet! …[View]
200581257>Oh you wanted more Sopranos? >Here's a black guy having sex with a white woman instead. …[View]
200582099IT'S FUCKING OUT >AGGRO.DR1FT.2023.1080p.WEB-DL.H264-MEDICINE >AGGRO.DR1FT.2023.1080p.WE…[View]
200582264That's it. I propose we boycott them.[View]
200582930>a new sith character appears and everyone loves star wars again[View]
200582562>That was highly unethical Dementus[View]
200582219Lanthimos BTFO[View]
200577501Bread, unevenly toasted in the fireplace... Cheese, greasy... Cold in the middle... Unmelted... Ah, …[View]
200573287Wait, why is this seen as a bad film again?[View]
200582239Turns out, internet is not real life, huh. People like Acolyte. What's going to be your cope?[View]
200577804We really need to get over these.[View]
200582196What is Nolan's problem? He only made one truly good movie. The rest is tryhard bullshit.[View]
200581278>/tv/ thought these guys were right-leaning and are shocked when it turns out they're not Th…[View]
200582150Most underrated sci-fi movie of all time?[View]
200579378Where's her movie?[View]
200581938>hate the muppet show >still watch the muppet show every week why would they do this?…[View]
200560427Absolutely bone-chilling scene, was unable to sleep for weeks after this scene because of how close …[View]
200582133>With my super science I can flawlessly disguise myself as anyone who happens to be exactly 6…[View]
200579649>One black guy in the whole town >The other black guy is the town doctor ooooooooooooooooooooo…[View]
200581229Can't wait for all the seething when it comes out[View]
200581656yep, it's time to kill another franchise[View]
200578062>le strong women fucking yikes. 30 minutes in and this shit misses the mark completely. FR was wa…[View]
200580083You want to chomp on fresh human flesh? Zombie Plane.[View]
200581570It wasn't meant to be a documentary...[View]
200574636He took our picture without permission![View]
200581865You Don't Know Jack (2010): Just watched this for the first time and it's a 10/10 masterpi…[View]
200581180>WHITE PEOPLE.[View]
200581434>I'm partying with a great group of friends and coworkers, I'm about to start making $7…[View]
200573398Superman? More like SuperFAG[View]
200580994Mega kino inbound[View]
200580077She did not even make it two days…[View]
200560979>i swallowed your cum! That means something! LOL do femoids really?[View]
200545385Help the Internet Archive: They are going to appeal to the courts June 28 at 10am ET. Please be ther…[View]
200577579Write your ideal Shrek 5: Take into continuity the last 3 films to come out of the Shrek franchise, …[View]
200581393Screw you, you big meanie![View]
200562992More like this plox? It's incredible >primitive steppe culture >mystery snake cult >ca…[View]
200579131>there're people starving around the world and you're complaining about ki adi mundi he…[View]
200580300/ftl/ mud?? #78: watch live free at https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank >>200578200 Thanks Jet! …[View]
200580948ITT: Comedians you wish were still around Was rewatching some of his old roasts and he was fucking h…[View]
200578320Guys, I think our girl Dafne Keen is taking the black pill. Also Acolyte thread.[View]
200575137/tbg/ The Boys General: muh crime analytics wife edition previous >>200566660[View]
200579064Any good Frontier kinos?[View]
200579603In Praise of Shadows: I'm a little late to the party, but I went through some videos on YouTube…[View]
200580351Without a doubt the most powerful episode of Stuff the British Stole was the one where I learned tha…[View]
200563928Why don’t you like the matrix reloaded? Are you gay?[View]
200568326Any examples of writers unintentionally making the villains more likeable than the heroes?[View]
200576188You've arrived behind schedule.[View]
200580027After Hours: fr a goated Marty picture litty no cap[View]
200573228Cast them[View]
200578198ITT saddest movie scenes[View]
200580039I drank it.[View]
200580603what did homelander mean by this?[View]
200561202Was Derek a replicant?[View]
200580693Has anyone seen this Bollykino? Title sounds kino.[View]
200580384Remove the pronouns from your bio[View]
200575921TCM is marathoning schlock kino all day.[View]
200580494It insists upon itself[View]
200575200/tv/… shit. I’m still in /tv/.[View]
200580381Any nuclear kinos besides Chernobyl?[View]
200573112Black Validation in American Media?: Why is this so common?[View]
200575174Trandor sisters, they finna resurrect our boy. We eatin' good.[View]
200577346Fall: what did you guys think of this movie? the birds are based as fuck. (spoiler alert ITT)[View]
200579613The most /tv/ character.[View]
200580306>SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND! >¿Alguien comprende que el cubano dije?…[View]
200577239Wait, his plots are based on actual real life?: >Seagal has claimed that he helped train CIA agen…[View]
200575283>anime can't be kin- ACK! https://youtu.be/dD_V70H9VRo?si=bGSpg4MY8TSTYSGc…[View]
200580073>Hey, man, you don't talk to the Janny. You listen to xem. The Janny's enlarged my mind…[View]
200570378is he right?[View]
200579976>She said 2$[View]
200573494>I'm escaping from hundreds of zombies. Better stop by and drink a Pepsi™…[View]
200579455How will DD show adress this ?[View]
200579701'Chick flick masquerading as an action thriller' is an insidious and evil genre. I'm glad they …[View]
200576976Smiling Friends: Do you guys think the Irate Gamer will be in Smiling Friends season 3? What ecelebs…[View]
200579501>you can't shoot a janny[View]
200579463>get a Jewish guy to kill the guy that's literally the fantasy version of Hitler What did th…[View]
200568106Nastassja Kinski career and roles discussion. I personally quite enjoyed her performance in Cosi Com…[View]
200578606>Mr. Hadley, I'm sorry for listening but I know of a way you can keep all that money. It wa…[View]
200578200/ftl/ peepeepoopoo games #77: watch live free at https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank >>200575819 T…[View]
200575328Movies like Let Me In or Prisoners? Kind of similar to that other thread yesterday I’m looking for f…[View]
200569376>locks >loads[View]
200578108assuming we can get the same actor, birdshit and all... would a 'Radagast The Brown' movie do well? …[View]
200579134*dirtbike revving up*[View]
200579109Another film website destroyed by woke agenda First RARBG, then Zippyshare, now this. Hollywood won…[View]
200578438We cannot let these kids cut Footloose.[View]
200576608Wow. Time.[View]
200577832I have my own Mr. Softee truck. It's not boring.[View]
200577550do you think people like Bob Igger will go to hell for the things they have done?[View]
200573811explain why you haven't watched Star Wars Acolyte without resorting to bigotry[View]
200577631>they sell Superman merch in this universe >Clark walks by it every day to work I gotta admit …[View]
200578691Black Noir Cope: Imagine >Black Noir Stunt double has been laughably incompetent up to this point…[View]
200578869what are your honest thoughts on these cats?[View]
200556878The Irishman: Regardless of memes, such as the beat down scene, and the glaring historical inaccurac…[View]
200559992Was it Fury-o-so kino?[View]
200560155/who/ - Doctor Who General: Garbage edition Regenerated from: >>200519726[View]
200567338I don't think this is an amazing show or anything but the amount of desperate nitpicking and re…[View]
200577688humiliation ritual[View]
200575656Dark Matter: What did we think of the ending?[View]
200578626Was this actually just the goth Eras Tour or was it Kino? I've only heard a few songs and know …[View]
200575224Why did we never get an old man Max sequel? They should do it now. Would be ideal because fuck more …[View]
200578263Worzel Gummidge[View]
200577413>is the only character with any motivation who doesn’t lose it at the drop of a hat (based) >o…[View]
200563883The romance shit with MJ makes the Raimi trilogy almost unwatchable. Holy shit what a cunt.[View]
200578071>would you have wrapped your arms around him and give him a big sloppy kiss? >or would you hav…[View]
200575569Anakin,: Go on a sex vacation with Senator Amidala. And don't forget to not turn to the dark s…[View]
200577614>Anime is kin--ACK[View]
200576935ITT: Based moments in television[View]
200577869God Rhaenyra looked so hot this last episode. Especially when she was frightened for her life. Some…[View]
200577189How do I get a gf like this?[View]
200551798Are all women just one visit from their ex away from leaving their husbands and children?[View]
200577932they were kino[View]
200577597Should'a had em bronzed![View]
200577654Will we ever get a Kang Pharaoh spinoff??[View]
200573491Why does the west not make entertainment for teenagers anymore? Japan has the shonen (boys 12-18), s…[View]
200574908Give me a good movie to watch. It should be about a cool guy that just goes HAM and just fucks some …[View]
200575100>May I help you? >Eggs? >Eh? >Eggs? >[VIOLENTLY THROWS UP HANDS IN DISGUST] What the …[View]
200576539Garfield made 208 mil in the theatres Furiosa only made 160mil Let that sink in[View]
200577142>my computer... someone infected it with a ransomware... it's telling me to go to a club or …[View]
200576717Kate Beckinsale or Milla Jovovich?[View]
200569067uh, dare I say BASED?[View]
200571689how do they travel faster than light what kind of engine do they use[View]
200574598Can you help me find a movie? It was about some handsome dude who just got released from jail and he…[View]
200575386IN A WORLD >*pans in to TV screen* >camera shows a balding white man in glasses struggling to …[View]
200577091Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name: Prince of Dragonstone King of the Andals, the Rho…[View]
200563281Kino's back on the menu https://youtu.be/J9KfHf114Fo[View]
200575819/ftl/ - Don Jolly General #1: http://donjolly.com/ >Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at https…[View]
200572485just watched kinds of kindness at the kinoplex: her career is unironically over isn't it? she c…[View]
200576675Marky Mark WALLberg in Flight Risk (2024) Directed by Mel Gibson https://youtu.be/RNGU9jjjHmA[View]
200570081>19 years since the last episode >still the best series with the best ending ever I miss them …[View]
200575922Young and tall and tan and lovely[View]
200576756Name a more hilariously awful scene than this https://youtu.be/IrCrMgVo0V8?si=6-xyiWXoMnHuR2Bs[View]
200576746>'Is it a problem?' >'No, I'm Dunnhier.' A strange tale of hubris right at the beginning.…[View]
200569508>Body checks her opponent during a hockey game >Gets sent to penalty box and proceeds to have …[View]
200576648How about I jump off the roof!?[View]
200574819I try watching movies most nights but they always suck. 1/10 of them happens to be good and I enjoy …[View]
200570121The Platform: (spanish movie. english subtitles) what did you guys think of it? it's kind of si…[View]
200572916Ryan Reynolds posts cryptic Avengers tease on social media: The rumor is that Deadpool & Wolveri…[View]
200571207>Walks down the steet >Get arrested What the fuck was their problem?…[View]
200576439Whats next for Terry Notary /tv/ career ?[View]
200574293>We're talking about a being, whose very existence: >challenges our own sense of priority…[View]
200575245How come Hollywood can’t come up with a character cooler than Fonzie?[View]
200575281King Gillis: >better podcaster than rogan >better standup than chappelle >better sitcom cre…[View]
200575547itt: your favourite actors /tv/ never talks about[View]
200564031How embarrassing[View]
200573046Will you watch the new season of Stranger Things?[View]
200575350>might as well have some of this booty sweat I got back in Da Nang[View]
200575887Idk bros I am kinda onions-ing about this. Anakin felt like absolute menace[View]
200576000Obese character does nothing: What did George Miller mean by this?[View]
200572503What's th best Schwarzenegger kino? For me it's End of days[View]
200575846>it's not to be taken literally https://youtube.com/shorts/PpwgOnUvx3o…[View]
200575783They really tried to push this guy as a Hollywood leading man? LMAO[View]
200575604DROOPERS. Ages receipt new warders. Are soup eerier say, Thor is counciled. Wiccan algo him. Bye sun…[View]
200564180>spared no expense >except on the guy who automated the entire park…[View]
200575472Things that /tv/ anons will never do: I'll start.[View]
200575274Why would the pharaoh do this?[View]
200575426DIVERSITY THREAD: Who are your favorite black artists? Mine are: >Kirk Lazarus >Michael Jackso…[View]
200574449Movies taking place in Sweden?[View]
200572673/got/hotd/: beneath the gold, the bitter steel edition prev >>200554950[View]
200568835Furiosa CGI: It was complete shit. The VFX were horrible, it looked like I was watching a video game…[View]
20057518150+ Years later it still stands as the greatest of all time. How did they do it?[View]
200548649Post famous/tv/ automobiles: Then have some guess the show[View]
200575173What did Fred even try to accomplish in LMAC? >Killed Astro Boy by infecting him with Ligma >S…[View]
200574119AGGRO DR1FT: It’s here https://gofile.io/d/3ztLuX[View]
200563221>television, japan[View]
200570989>female character has depression[View]
200572982Before 'the wall', there is 'the hole'. You know you crave to be in it.[View]
200572595ちょうどキャッチした [Groundhog Day] の私の国でテレビ. ここで疑問に思って.この '繰り返し同じの日' のテーマをより映画か。マーモットの日として良くない確か.し…[View]
200573435Why are horror movies always so low rated even if the movie is actually good?[View]
200571332movie trailers that make you die of cringe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j4dICohrgQ[View]
200566561>movie is called 1900 >actually takes place between the years 1901 and 1945 Why is this allowe…[View]
200571366Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?[View]
200559900>David Corenswet as Clark Kent on Superman Set Actually a good disguise…[View]
200574831I wish there were more animations with cute babies in them. Monsters INC is okay I guess[View]
200574634>Indians are just like nig...ACK[View]
200564061Why is LOTR so shit: ISTG This shit single handedly made me hate an entire genre[View]
200563553How come her career never took off after Glee?[View]
200569555Did Gandalf seriously think an entire party of armored warriors could slink through Moria without be…[View]
200571727For me? Eric Banana.[View]
200574431Remember last decade when fuckin' grown-ass men humiliated themselves because GIRLS were in the…[View]
200573427/ftl/ fixitjet'games' all'''stars''' friend forest #76: watch live https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank …[View]
200574379*does indian joker face*[View]
200572966Sauron is back[View]
200566660/tbg/ The Boys General: Manchild Edition previous >>200562360[View]
200564017Robin, Chopper, Vivi and Croc tomorrow. Has Mr 2 been cut do we think? He should have been announced…[View]
200565457Star Wars: Are we back Abeloth-bros?[View]
200571496>Haha, bitch! >... >You're so pretty I miss you…[View]
200574183ITT: The worst jobs in cinema[View]
200565397>creator leaves the show >show gets better Any other examples of this?…[View]
200574074Why Do White Writers Use the N Word with a Hard R?: I noticed this trend when I started watching Dja…[View]
200573828ITT: Only the most based antagonists.[View]
200567964Bud Spencer: On this day 8 years ago Bud Spencer died. While the mods never made sticky like the ple…[View]
200573821This was a lot of fun. The caustic critics were so wrong about it. Wings Hauser was great as the bad…[View]
200571339Ready to apologize?[View]
200568471Anons here who have never known a woman's touch.[View]
200573592Tribute to anomalocaris: Tribute to anomalocaris: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6YsNRnZRgg8&pp=ygU…[View]
200572730>'No parent should have to bury their child' Boohoo! stop crying and start fighting! I want war i…[View]
200568255>The series follows two intergalactic cops, new recruit John Stewart and legendary veteran Hal Jo…[View]
200573441How do people hate the ending of 2 1/2 men? It's great and funny as fuck[View]
200573382Black Hawk Down: >heroic whites literally fighting off a horde of black savages They hired the bl…[View]
200573026Any other examples of a good movie being shat upon on its release by nearly everyone for no real rea…[View]
200563470Darth Adobo[View]
200569191HBO Max's unproduced GREEN LANTERNS series: >Split narrative between Alan Scott in the 40s, …[View]
200535684What the FUCK happened?[View]
200572511Top 5 movies 1) High Plains Drifter 2) Pale Rider 3) Escape From Alcatraz 4) Gran Torino 5) The Outl…[View]
200572936The moment when /tv/ lost its innocence and became bitter and cynical.[View]
200572932>Do you have any idea what a combination of sexual maturity, and superhuman strength, can result …[View]
200572053why so many 4chan references?[View]
200571841Any horror kinos coming out this summer you're looking forward to, anon?[View]
200566370Kinos of Highest Order: 10/10s only CAUTION: NO REDDIT SHIT[View]
200554723Why would you even commit a crime with this motherfucker running around[View]
200570412You now need to watch The Boys spin off to understand it: >Watch the recap of The Boys before Epi…[View]
200572544Why aren't there more scenes like pic related in movies or tv shows?[View]
200569638Mae is the most realistic character in Star Wars. In real life, people are this impulsive and indeci…[View]
200569002the ultimate simp[View]
200518885Ready for the bear season 3?[View]
200572468>the master...bator[View]
200572426The sting of my words, the gravity of my tone, the inherent venom in my vocal vicissitudes: They all…[View]
200570224What is it with creativity and mental illness?[View]
200567015Adam Curtis: what's his next project?[View]
200560166Were they the good guys all along?[View]
200571426/ftl/ shitgames 75: watch live https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank >>200569673 Thanks Jet! >Tha…[View]
200571909what was his problem? why didnt he want to marry lisa?[View]
200572137Whats taking so long?[View]
200563311this show is dead: Did anybody even watch the second half of S2? It feels like it got overshadowed b…[View]
200571827>Now, can you tell me who the bad guy is? >... >Yes, it's Homelander! Hooray! Now that…[View]
200566126What makes girlbosses so exciting to watch?[View]
200571167Which VCU movie you guys are anxious to watch?[View]
200572012Lost in the crustness, deep in the dirtness[View]
200571975>I love my anons >and I love my 4chan >and I love my board >and God bless /tv/…[View]
200571713>who cares about star wars,think about the starving children in africa >makes 50 videos about …[View]
200554950/got/hotd/: gwayne hightower editon prev >>200545674[View]
200571335I hate her[View]
200571664I will watch for she.[View]
200570823The book is dogshit, holy fuck: >Doesn't open with 'are you watching closely?' >Doesnt en…[View]
200563189How did movie stars like pic almost completely disappeared?[View]
200564806I don't get it. Why did tv viewership dip so drastically during covid? Even sports were tanked.…[View]
200559971>cast them[View]
200571582>anime can't be kin-[View]
200561845This was the most boring season of television I've ever watched. What is the appeal?[View]
200565258Animation will never be the same: >Watch the Sleeping Beauty climax wherein Philip fights off Mal…[View]
200570196What the FUCK were they thinking?[View]
200569076why is no one talking about this absolute KINO?[View]
200562210>for fo hunned years, that word has kept our people down[View]
200560567>We need this thing to blend into LA in 1984 >Let's give it an accent that will make it o…[View]
200556570Horrific scene what the fuck[View]
200570556>gratuitous cleavage >interesting characters >lots of fun cameos Why don't they make k…[View]
200556320Can we all agree he's a hack?[View]
200570114Furiosa / Fury Road: I'm rewatching Furiosa after having not seen it since the theatre and I…[View]
200566049Zemeckisbros, are we back?: >Entire movie shot from a single angle Could it be kino?…[View]
200566565THATS MY BOY[View]
200569483There was this boy I sent to the gas chamber at Huntsville here a while back. My arrest and my testi…[View]
200568776>we need to show that this character is a completly degenerate, deranged, disgusting creep >le…[View]
200568700We should've seen more of Maeve >agreed?[View]
200568132MEL GIBSON IS BACK: >Flight Risk GIBSON IS DIRECTING AGAIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojC9JB…[View]
200570624A.I. Movie Art: 1995’s hit movie Watermelon World[View]
200566952early photos: Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (2025)[View]
200564062Ayo where the sequel announcement at?[View]
200570512what are some films that use split screen?[View]
200569673/ftl/ midgames #74: watch live https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank >>200567486 Thanks Jet! >Tha…[View]
200564317He literally did nothing wrong. Also how did you like the new movie. I thought it was solid, nowhere…[View]
200565165Unforgettable moments in Television & Film history[View]
200570403>I act like a goofball in a mask but Im really the biggest monster in the story.…[View]
200566010Butters wearing a bear outfit for Paris Hilton is pretty cute[View]
200570095When is Hollywood going to remake Roxanne / Cyrano with a modern setting, about an incel helping Cha…[View]
200567896>gets BTFO the entire movie after the pool on the roof thing >still defies Zero Cool to a duel…[View]
200569712Was Kate Upton simply too big to make it in Hollywood?[View]
200567845this made millennial dudebros foot and holler and high five with laughter[View]
200568175>Be cave people living quiet life in nature >one day like 10 loud and angry post wall roasties…[View]
200569639Star Wars: Old Republic movies when? https://youtu.be/2bmsNa9GOR0?feature=shared[View]
200569315Meta moments in TV & Film[View]
200568997this is king Edward now? you have to be kidding me!! for how long do we have to keep tolerating this…[View]
200568206Why would you make this the final line of your romance movie?[View]
200567815Only the French would make a movie about a guy who trains another guy to seduce the girl he has a cr…[View]
200562292Are there any solid arguments to him being the best Batman?[View]
200568329So hes definitely autistic, right?[View]
200562833this what my family gatherings look like[View]
200568901Why are they incapable of making a good movie? What is it about film making that they just can’t wra…[View]
200567433I kick ass for the Lord![View]
200569161George and Newman were such worthless sissies and deserved to have their boypussies pounded into obl…[View]
200568800>browse entire catalouge >no smiling friends thread…[View]
200565735>black commissioner gordon they specifically chose to do this[View]
200567865Idk about you guys but watching this big ass Afro fall off the wall had me dying. Did they really ex…[View]
200569005>solving a Rubik's cube was considered an insane achievement[View]
200567655People are shitting their pants over this movie: Will it be another Hereditary situation, or is Nic …[View]
200568170Who plays him in the biopic?[View]
200562355If he got a parade, would he not have been as fucked up?[View]
200568773Is this really how sisters act?[View]
200566834Sarah Michelle Gellar Cast in ‘Dexter’ Prequel Series ‘Original Sin’: WE ARE SO BACK![View]
200568647Pick It Up. Pick. It. Up.[View]
200568678Yup. It's kino and it's making a24zoomers seethe.[View]
200565320The first season gives me so much 90s/ early 00s nostalgia, even though I was born in 1998[View]
200567217>Everybody knows that the dice are loaded >Everybody knows that Snyder is better…[View]
200566311>light best friend and kid on fire >no questions asked…[View]
200567486/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #73: Gooner Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 starts Jun…[View]
200565358Lower air brakes wont deploy The computer recommends purging what do?[View]
200566606NEVER fuck with a white bitch's nigga[View]
200566498>Let’s see Flat Stanley’s card[View]
200567393>I'm glorifying early cinema ova heah![View]
200567496BREAKING NEWS: They arrested Superman[View]
200562376What are some good Russian kinos?[View]
200560018*invented salad*[View]
200567678What did they mean by this?[View]
200566595In Dark Matter, is the MC supposed to be autistic in-story? He has no social skills, really slow in …[View]
200567389ITT: Characters who would be anons[View]
200566395Will we ever get a show like Burn Notice ever again? I wouldn't mind a reboot[View]
200567381Mirrormask 2005[View]
200563399Why didn't Rambo just leave town? There were dozens of towns like that one, why staying in the …[View]
200565867Is this a reasonable price for a digital movie rental?[View]
200565669Guilty pleasures: I'll start[View]
200567271And what of Green Dementus?[View]
200567259Watching so many overrated movies lately...[View]
200566306REBEEENGAAAAAAA!!!! Libertad! Libertad! Libertad![View]
200565056>It wasn't bad. >It wasn't good. >But it wasn't bad.…[View]
200566849Who should play Elvis in biopic and why it is my man Young Gerald[View]
200551321How can they see the galaxy if they are in it?[View]
200556930Post your Trailer Park Boys waifu[View]
200566874>I want you to hit me like the dirty slut that I am. Does jail really do this to you? Did she des…[View]
200566034are we hyped?[View]
200565617Let's say it was rebooted today. Virus: *Reboot* It's intital infection of the ship and ki…[View]
200563354Why no one has ever done that in Star Wars?[View]
200564572Netflix House: Didn't we learn from Star Wars Hotel that very few people actually want to LARP?…[View]
200565159Name a more unlikeable protagonist.[View]
200566573Last man on earth: Re watching the last man on earth, I think I would have killed Phil/Tandy. Season…[View]
200566555>here's your new Dexter Morgan bro will it be kino?[View]
200565221Was the wolf actually a psychic?: Then why didn’t they add more of that to the story? Makes no sense…[View]
200555513Basically just rip off foreign films to become a film god in the domestic market[View]
200565291the fuck am I watching… where is the fucking soundtrack?[View]
200566051Who are the people in this photo?: I stole it off a shitty Cracked article (they've been going …[View]
200566274this is not fallout[View]
200564230It's time to admit that slice-of-life films kinda suck, and if it weren't for living in a …[View]
200559317>2016 >Everyone loves RLM and mercilessly mocks Chris Stuckmann >2024 >Everyone loves Ch…[View]
200563300name a better Cruise kino I'll wait[View]
200563462It’s as bad as you’d expect from Coppola post 1970s[View]
200563369He's like a Redditor's view of what a 'badass' is[View]
200562360/tbg/ The Boys General: Ghoul edition previous >>200557623[View]
200563726What went wrong?[View]
200562146Why is the show trying to be 'sorkin-esque'?: >Everyone's neurotic to the point th…[View]
200564906Padawans can't triforce[View]
200563136Will it be kiņo on the small screen?[View]
200565504She was a girl He was a troll CAN I MAKE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS[View]
200563477/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #72: jon is not gay edition >Bloodgames Season 1 st…[View]
200564549I will continue to burn fossil fuels, condemning the entire world to a future of high energy, wealth…[View]
200487494/kdg/ - Kdrama general: Seo Yea-Ji comeback edition Previous thread: >>200408775[View]
200543556So we can get this cancelled right?: This isn’t ok. This cannot be on television.[View]
200558380Whatever happened to original ideas? Nowadays every movie is a remake of a remake, a reboot or a de…[View]
200565278>Why don't you want to use my pronouns?[View]
200564154Hell yeah![View]
200563356>it's bad on purpose lmao How is he anything other than a talentless hack?…[View]
200562058>*PAT* >* PAT PAT*[View]
200563194Do you think Simone Ashley has a future in Hollywood? What kind of roles would you like to see her p…[View]
200563083Emma Watson should do a TV show. Maybe some Apple TV sci fi kino.[View]
200563951>Tell me more about the 'kinos', anon[View]
200565022Juliette Binoche's performance in Trois couleurs: Bleu was a real tour de france[View]
200560379Did the admin died?[View]
200564821>People. Spending their lives. Virtually. Discussing fictional stories, one after the other. Neve…[View]
200564554>best musical artist of all time >no biopic How do we fix this? Who should play Layne…[View]
200563365How many Oscars will A24's Death Stranding movie win?[View]
200556667Was he right?[View]
200564758it's ogre[View]
200564801IS THIS THE REAL PRIZE OR PLANE FANTASY There's literally nothing crazy or weird about the dial…[View]
200564584Remember the attempted mob lynching scene in The Flintstones?[View]
200558951Season 4 is the worst piece of media ever created[View]
200563675Why didn't Wanda JUST adopt America Chavez?[View]
200560522>So there goes Pennsylvania and...I...NO, NO, NO!!!!!...DUMB DONNY HAS JUST WON THE 2024 PRESIDEN…[View]
200547266You stole the stuff. Give it back.[View]
200561720>pretty much advocates for present fathers >gets shitted on by everyone lol why? Even things…[View]
200562541>medical show has anti-smoking episode[View]
200564449movie length: What happened to pacing, movies are supposed to be 90 mins tops. Why can't people…[View]
200557576WB is playing it so smart with the Harry Potter franchise that it's hard to believe this is the…[View]
200549137Hugh Grant tortures two Mormon girls in a Saw maze in A24's HERETIC: https://www.youtube.com/wa…[View]
200562915The dad in Mrs. Doubtfire is not only an idiot, he is also a piece of shit. >Movie starts out sh…[View]
200556796I am in love with her[View]
200563974EU bros, not like this[View]
200564006So the black man is Jesus?[View]
200561465So I watched Shutter Island for the third or fourth time. I get all the known tropes and conceits bu…[View]
200537887Bambros…we are so back[View]
200563872I don't get it, this movie was straight up bussin when I was a kid. even as a child I had some …[View]
200544863Elden Ring Movie could happen: >Cast it[View]
200561003WOAH WOAH so you're telling me 'peasants' actually had good food and had better variety than mo…[View]
200563714Any other composers that base their music on plot elements, with musical cues? I love when music is …[View]
200555653This sucks so bad because of how awful of a actor Harrison Ford is, he can't act worth shit and…[View]
200558269So this movie was great: Never listening to this faggot fucking board on anything again. This place …[View]
200562985>add a black character because people complain about lack of diversity in the show >make all o…[View]
200562492Uh oh[View]
200555198'Star Trek TNG season 1 is really good, stop criticizing it!!'[View]
200563359SATAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!..... leaaave him. https://youtube.com/shorts/FfcOJ-iCapQ[View]
200555915>average 25 year old in 1959[View]
200561340Cheese kimbap![View]
200562364Now that the dust has settled: Is she a good actress?[View]
200563180> This is what black people go through Holy shit. I had to stop watching because it was making me…[View]
200560878Black Men Are Awesome: The Movie[View]
200563023I cried very unmanly tears at the end of this. And I'll defend to the death, my claim that Anna…[View]
200563013what are your thoughts on French cinema?[View]
200558369which is the best adaptation? should there be another remake, could one even be made in this day and…[View]
200546278>Who was your childhood crush?[View]
200559431>*casually destroys the 'go woke go broke' narrative in your path…[View]
200562961Are these characters that bad?[View]
200562242Why does this guy plays the same character in every show[View]
200562946>So you're telling me you pay special attention to men in movies and television and think me…[View]
200562677Cast it[View]
200562914Watched this gem thirty times now and still cannot figure out how the sheriff's boat with the l…[View]
200558490>Look son, I'm acting![View]
200544994Can we expect big things from Francesca Capaldi her new movie Last Night at Terrace Lane?[View]
200562332…what happened to all the minorities between Star Wars Acolyte and the prequels?[View]
200560428I love television and films so much bros[View]
200551859/Theboys/ wait room: New ep soon[View]
200560907Movies, entertainment and the world itself died during the 2010s but this is never discussed. Is thi…[View]
200562372>What does the 'S' stand for? >On my world it means Rizz…[View]
200560917Film request: I was recently re-educating myself on topics of capitalism and white supremacy thanks …[View]
200562338>Enter kinoplex >This happens Wwyd?[View]
200561486>Sean Connery was just 19 years old when he played James Bond. Damn. Why did people age so badly …[View]
200554672Blow Out (1981): is this a good movie?[View]
200557623/tbg/ The Boys General: New episode just dropped, why arent you watching it?[View]
200560185>shows called 60 minutes >its not 60 minutes long…[View]
200559716This was really really good. Why the hate?[View]
200557629Even post-jamming a stick in her brain, Sister Sage is still smarter than this entire site combined[View]
200560266>plot includes a giant humanity-saving space faring colony ship >it’s called “the arch”…[View]
200557575What does the \ mean on his planet?[View]
200550475Mogs your Gunn-slop.[View]
200561931The Boys: >Her smile >Gone[View]
200561873>blocks your path[View]
200561261For me its Firecracker's : A christmas wish[View]
200561805Just fuck real movies I guess[View]
200561399Which celebrity death affected you the most? This was me when Leonard Nimoy passed away. Live Long a…[View]
200551104Finally, MCU Phase 4 retconned.[View]
200561671NIGGERO NO JUTSU![View]
200559503>Chaddest of Chad's >6ft4 >Confirmed big dick >Superstar >Multimillionaire …[View]
200559740They say Go Woke Go Broke WELL I SAY GO WOKE GET YOLKED[View]
200559035>Movie has a wholesome BMWF couple[View]
200561459>talking about movies because X actress if hot[View]
200561263Actually i like this nigga.[View]
200559799ITT: post the last kino that made you shout 'Allamaraine!'[View]
200561426Why is Hughie Why?: I get it I get it he was the reason for how everything unfolded but that's …[View]
200559929/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #71: Sexy Grandma Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 star…[View]
200561377Name five cinematographers you like without looking them up[View]
200561374Hate-shills (a.k.a people who hate eveything) are more annoying than regular shills. To make this n…[View]
200553342IT'S UP!: The Bear S03E01 Tomorrow 1080p DSNP WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-NTb [eztv] >The Bear S03E0…[View]
200558155Tell me what to think of it[View]
200561294Euphoria.: >Im a faggot. I'll fuck anything I want. Men, women, trannies. I eat what I kill…[View]
200548589It's official: https://ew.com/kevin-feige-confirms-fantastic-four-is-a-period-film-8669750…[View]
200559348Boomers please respond: what exactly did he want to buy for a dollar?[View]
200556992>Kills a whole bunch of jedi, tries to kill his own apprentice and a literal child >'Hahh jedi…[View]
200561059What are some Shark or Sea Monsters kino?[View]
200550107The Nanny: Has anyone watched The Nanny recently? Is it dated? Looking for a good 90s sitcom.[View]
200561099Basically Pandorum without horror. First two episodes directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. Absolutely nob…[View]
200560095Dyslexia! Duffman's secret shame![View]
200558181Saturn makes those born under him petty, /2P/ malignant, care-worn, self-depreciating, solitary, dec…[View]
200560961What am I in for?[View]
200560718Sure don't make then like they use to[View]
200560910Robert Zemeckis is making a movie from one point of view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_id-SkGU2…[View]
200560901I have an idea for the next season: gay niggers kissing sloppily for 8 episodes straight. Once per e…[View]
200560856Still waiting for a better movie.[View]
200559146Why hasn't she won an Oscar yet?[View]
200559789No one that looks like this would talk to or hang out with a bunch of nerds unless they were being h…[View]
200556387Masons did it, didn't they?[View]
200560135Do you love Beetlejuice?[View]
200558812Now that the dust has settled, was Harley Queen a honka honka?[View]
200560629men did kino things before kino was invented[View]
200560237I don't get it[View]
200560220Holy kino[View]
200556824Is this worth checking out?: Just saw a new season dropped, realized it came out in 2019. Is this wo…[View]
200560475The Last Man on Earth (1964): Just found this gem played by the great Vincent Price. It is first and…[View]
200559498>BRADU PLS NO[View]
200560227I like Star Wars (OT & Prequels)[View]
200560364Everybody knows the best characterrrrrr in South Parkkkkkk is Butterrrrrrs yaaa yaaa yaaa[View]
200560162>ruins theatre and subsequently cinema in you're path Nothing personell…[View]
200554591I forgot how much of a steaming pile of dogshit this movie is. I rewatched it with an open mind, and…[View]
200558439Are the Starship Trooper sequels good?[View]
200559719What is the most realistic film featuring Gnomes ?[View]
200559800Zamn. This show does in one frame what most shows can't do in a whole season. A picture truly d…[View]
200556847which films are worth watching[View]
200560160Disneywars is karma for Lucas haters[View]
200559500You just know[View]
200547683why did trannys never throw a fit about this one? They literally make a mockery of their whole gimmi…[View]
200559905What happened to the casual sexiness/erotic/flirting in movies, /tv/? I dont mean perfectly top mode…[View]
200558000Books used to have covers that looked like movie posters: Some even had taglines. Then at some point…[View]
200550645Well hello beautiful *winks*[View]
200559013Is this the best comedy movie ever made?[View]
200558347It's kino Aus bros[View]
200559592Is THIS too much to ask for?: >trillions of money >all the technology the industry has (camera…[View]
200559633You Don't Know Jack (2010): Just watched this for the first time and it's a 10/10 masterpi…[View]
200542934I don't understand. He wanted to be a woman?[View]
200546336Somehow they found a costume that can hide Daf's...lower body proportions.[View]
200556479Imagine watching this scene with your family[View]
200545040/tv/ approved negros[View]
200558610Anybody here watched the Interview With The Vampire series? Is it good Vampschlock?[View]
200546053Go on, say it...[View]
200557561This used to be normal in kid's television. What happened?[View]
200558795Jason Schwartzman tutors Carol Kane for her Bat Mitzvah in BETWEEN THE TEMPLES: https://www.youtube.…[View]
200558597La La Land (2016): A movie has never hit closer to home for me. Fuck. I don't want to lose her,…[View]
200559107live tv kino[View]
200558912Poor guy became a sorry ass extra... was it Bill Hader's fault?[View]
200557511/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #70: RAINTANK Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 starts …[View]
200546177'FUCK HER!' HBO Harry Potter 2 Series By SUCCESSION Team Causes Trans Rage: Tonight's announcem…[View]
200558618They named Flanderization after him, but truth be told his characterization didn't really under…[View]
200554431Denied acting opportunities for being a straight white male: Comedian and star of the recent Daily W…[View]
200558408ITT: Funny rape scenes: Are there any other examples of actual funny rape scenes? Vid related https…[View]
200557994kino's exploring these two giant themes?[View]
200558799>what a sneed fest holly shit[View]
200551885Was he really THAT bad?: I don't get why everyone cried about his portrayal of Lex[View]
200558743Will her character redeem herself in the next season Cobra Kai?[View]
200558631IT'S TIME[View]
200558546Shes right you know. Fiction is nothing to get worked up over.[View]
200558583EVIL CHICKENS !!![View]
200556025>you get this What's your next move /tv/[View]
200540807Who mogged who?[View]
200555278Name ONE (1) Zombieslop actually horrifying PROTIP : YOU CAN'T[View]
200557441Why is he the best character in The Boys?[View]
200557794>It's simple... >We find ... the One Piece…[View]
200552269HAHA RAPE FUNNY this was american humor at its peak[View]
200557680Darth Shark is cool. Deal with it haters[View]
200557438Stop saying I'm mean, I'm a nice guy. Just ask Sam.[View]
200555721Why are the circuses with animals illegal?: Anon, 24 lvl from Poland. I was raised in the circuses w…[View]
200555794The Crew (2000) was this necessary[View]
200555989Now that she is an academy voter, will Kate ever be nominated for an Oscar?[View]
200557516We are still getting a Wonderman series right ?[View]
200558076>Sure, we shitposted here tonight, but I go way back. And in light of recent off-topic bans, it…[View]
200558062What did I think of it?[View]
200551035ads have made this literally unwatchable now[View]
200556633I don't get it. How is this funny?[View]
200557728He’s supposed to be the good guy?: >born into nice, upper middle class family >decides to beco…[View]
200557237>JSDF soldiers deployed to the Middle East and came back without killing a single person, and I a…[View]
200557678>Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words You gotta give ’em that ‘ha…[View]
200557129The Force Awakens turns 10 next year: The first Disney Star Wars movie will be a decade old next yea…[View]
200557282Lets say you get arrested and can no longer torrent. As part of the plea deal, the judge has restric…[View]
200556565Click: >tfw realize you lived the last 10 years in fast forward autopilot mode…[View]
200554649>'If you kill me I'll take over your body!' >*Rey kills him* >*Nothing happens* ??????…[View]
20054471670s sci fi[View]
200551214Why did George rely so heavily on CGI this time around?[View]
200555565Cringe Jewish slop. I was expecting some horror kino and instead half the dialogue was 'fuck nazis a…[View]
200557474So they were all pretty bad, but which was the worst?[View]
200556804Is it better than BB?[View]
200556339Ginsberg was portrayed as more creative and talented than Don: Wonder why...[View]
200557338Ash vs Evil Dead: >thoughts on this masterpiece It started strong but in later seasons relied to …[View]
200556885whatever happened to joseph gordon levitt?: his career literally evaporated after don jon where he h…[View]
200556986>now I got a bigger problem >well what's that? >Laura's a nigger…[View]
200557257Would you watch a Bollywood movie filmed in Toronto or Brampton Ontario?[View]
200557219Alien vs Predator reimagines the Predators are super jacked WWE wrestlers who radiate so much sexual…[View]
200547612this is the most disgusting body type possible fat egg man with little stick limbs. his pale sickly …[View]
200556663Did these movies ever explain Voldemort's goal or motivation? They felt rushed as shit compared…[View]
200547165Will you watch Sadie Sink's new movie A Sacrifice?[View]
200555500The Great Debate[View]
200553939What are some of your favourite movies to watch while high?[View]
200556156>I'M A MAIN CHARAC-ACK[View]
200554311>Tim Burtons >he literally didn't do anything except slap his name on it as producer…[View]
200555396>David Lynch movies aren't about the plot bro. Haha, don't be like cinemasins. There…[View]
200556005>Hello I'm the Nostalgia emotion I remember it so you don't have to…[View]
200551089>dude nigga with a library card lmao Ruined[View]
200553957itt: legit scary jumpscares[View]
200556839Do you watch Westerns?[View]
200548276recast him[View]
200555440Not better than Casino but way better than Goodfellas[View]
200556123Fuck it, post some good fanmade posters[View]
200548571R.i.P. Bill Cobbs: F[View]
200555822The great debate[View]
200556716>MUH MEDIA LITERACY: I fucking hate the 'media literacy' talk. >Retards unironically think you…[View]
200556128Sheev - because he keeps a small shiv-like lightsaber hidden in his sleeve Count Dooku - because he…[View]
200556436AW YEAH, New Episode!: Time to fast forward through all their scenes JUST LIKE I DO EVERY EPISODE ^_…[View]
200556332Sophia Loren: what's her best role?[View]
200553872What does /tv/ think of The Doors (1991)?[View]
200545203official THE BEAR SEASON 3 watch party thread. get the fuck in here, chefs.[View]
200551602I'd like more non-(g)A(y)24 slow burn Thrillers with minimal dialogue Like the burning for exa…[View]
200554782>Crawl down that drain, wagie[View]
200553468This was so comfy. I used to have the DVD set[View]
200553233Are you ready to say it yet, or do you still need another lesbian witch show to convince you?[View]
200555871Was this not just a case of a washed up celebrity snapping and revealing his mental illness to the p…[View]
200556395Wow respected public figure Elon musk is in this movie/tv show?[View]
200556285Jessica Chastain thread: what's your favorite film starring her?[View]
200556347your screenplay sucks >t. based industry jew[View]
200554937/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #69: Hello Nurse Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 start…[View]
200555988who did you vote for ?[View]
200543552>the answer to all our prayers >a dvd that breaks supes…[View]
200554778I still have 15 years to stop myself from becoming uncle Rico. Any tips?[View]
200555668>mutt girlfriend gets killed >get hot mogged supergirlfriend in her place >get new cool da…[View]
200555607>Unbanning myself was the first trick I learned. >The world's most powerful mod is no mor…[View]
200554855Is twilight the last gasp of white female subculture? The last worldwide tv phenomena that spawned f…[View]
200550112Which is the most ruined?[View]
200541543>*electrifies your cinema with heart rushing kino* Was this the best film of 2022? No, the best f…[View]
200537038ITT: /tv/fus of yesteryear[View]
200550577this gay show is literally about a homosexual pirate blundering men’s booty and sucking their dicks,…[View]
200547159What is the best episode of Home Movies?[View]
200548037Tom Hanks and Robin Wright get de-aged for Robert Zemeckis’ latest Oscar bait HERE: https://www.yout…[View]
200548675There is a surprisingly lack of reaction channels covering this movie. What are some other popular m…[View]
200534093/hor/ – Horror General: Swedish Sorceress edition prev: >>200475041[View]
200554161Now that Greta has earned mainstream appeal, what's next for her directorial career? Think she…[View]
200551895>season ends >marathon the entire thing in 2 days is anybody else like this?…[View]
200554210>the moment /tv/ turned gay[View]
200554367I forgot when the last Marvel flick came out dit it finally die? pic unrelated[View]
200551480I think Egypt really went down the shitter with the Steve Martin dynasty. Don't you?[View]
200555453>Things just got zestier Now I can’t stop thinking about all the BBC loads he’s taken. Rawls gett…[View]
200552631The Union - new Slopflix with Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry: Mark Wahlberg plays a bumbling, working…[View]
200553456Is he the greatest martial arts actor of all time? Has anybody come close to beating off as many thu…[View]
200552840How would you handle Jerry's death in a 'Seinfield' sequel? Hardmode: No hammers[View]
200554432Red One: >Red One is an upcoming American Christmas action-adventure comedy film >The film st…[View]
200548257I know a life of crime led me to this sorry fate... and yet... I... I blame society.[View]
200551734So I watched this movie and only after googling it do I learn that this actress had cut her hair sho…[View]
200538974Firecracker is…[View]
200554621How did Glep do it?[View]
200555177CGI movies with this quality when?https://youtu.be/2bmsNa9GOR0?feature=shared[View]
200548292Now that the dust has finally settled can we please talk about this movie. I've never sat down …[View]
200550052*enhances your kino*[View]
200555017Cast him in the inevitable biopic[View]
200544622I don't watch this garbage or anything released post-2014. But I gotta ask, why does it sound a…[View]
200552401Who's your favorite celebrity that other people hate?: I feel bad for the Vietnamese people, bu…[View]
200541689Not the GAY beer!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[View]
200549352Pirates 2: verdict?[View]
200552021why did his hair turn white?: in the mini series they say henry bowers confessed to killing all of t…[View]
200553553The only anime that matters.[View]
200545674/got/hotd/: dunk and egg edition prev >>200535870[View]
200554536West Side Story (1961): My father is a bastard My ma's an S.O.B. My grandpa's always plas…[View]
200550265Why does his dub voice sound like such a nerd?[View]
200553670Both Nu-Max films are bad, in a world of lawlessness women are now able to live amongst hundreds of …[View]
200554357Was this film a metaphor for male pattern baldness?[View]
200546390whos youre go-to actress when you start directing pic related is mine t rad[View]
200551424>Me-Me?!? You mean ME!?! Rick Grimes carried The Walking Dead, even when it started going down hi…[View]
200552536ITT: Shows only you watched[View]
200554078Bruno albouze/best celeb chefs: >filters your average home cooklet with recipes that require actu…[View]
200553156I can't believe this was greenlit, produced, and then allowed to be aired on Nickelodeon[View]
200553863Why did Zach go after Bill Nye? It's 2024. Couldn't he let things go.[View]
200553883I like Ike[View]
200553870Why are celebrity chefs a thing?[View]
200553817>DUH LEMME SMASH THE GUYS HELMET INSTEAD OF STABBING HIM Has Disney made back their money from bu…[View]
200552713/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #68: these threads are a great example of sunk cost fa…[View]
200515874I miss her already.[View]
200553675>rock 'em sock 'em cultural appropriation[View]
200550756Why was prince of egypt so kino[View]
200553105After Gus talked to the DEA after Hank implicated him because of his fingerprint being at Gale'…[View]
200552992Why is it considered an old person show?[View]
200552915One of the most interesting superhero movies I've ever seen. Ip Man has no secret identity, not…[View]
200553453S M I L E[View]
200552615The jig is up![View]
200553398You know what to do.[View]
200545786hi /tv/ , how do you feel about adam lanza's film taste?[View]
200541705ITT: Oh yeah, that happened: Those sequels, revivals and reboots that came and went silently.[View]
200543374The trailer looked pretty good bros[View]
200553115>goes to planet to find a hot babe >Creamatoria…[View]
200552610Are these characters really that bad? (Yes)[View]
200553107Movies DEFINED by their Soundtracks: BRREE BREEE BREEE BREEEEEEEEEEEEE[View]
200553093Alien (1979): Why was she as big as the actual alien? It must’ve been intentional[View]
200542165wow it's fucking nothing, more like The Snoring[View]
200552812OH SHIT[View]
200553015>Dance Party Ending[View]
200538690SOMEBODY STOP ME![View]
200549235>cuter >younger >already the better superman (it's not a high bar) we fucking won…[View]
200552569Why couldn't he shoot baby Hitler?[View]
200552759>creates a D&D universe better than any D&D universe, even Tolkien's prollem f@m?…[View]
200545949>ruins your japanese kino[View]
200551302Let me tell ya something[View]
200545476>I'VE GOT BALLS OF STEEL[View]
200552702....and your host, STEVE GUTTENBERG![View]
200552690SWIM NIGGA SWIM[View]
200552598Pooping back and forth forever: Its a classic scene but I don't even know what the movie is cal…[View]
200542480‘Harry Potter’ HBO Finds Creative Team In ‘Succession’ Duo Francesca Gardiner & Mark Mylod: 'ARE…[View]
200552543Anyone find Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley to be creepy[View]
200519975JK Rowling Announces HARRY POTTER TV SHOW Showrunner & Director: >JK: 'I'm truly thrille…[View]
200549656READY 4 another day of countless BOYS THREADS to Infest the catalog TONIGHT, /tv/?!!!?[View]
200552410Who ordered the poo poo platter?[View]
200532788What do you think of the Vatican's film list, /tv/? Kino, slop, normie-tier, or based? FOR RELI…[View]
200538069>kills you everytime you use it[View]
200552261LA MER[View]
200549550Rosie from Troll in Central Park crying because Gus and Llort were fighting, but they sing a song an…[View]
200548017DDL has one last role in him... what should it be? God?[View]
200549415George Miller's Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga[View]
200551899Here humour peaked[View]
200551892Name a cooler sidekick.[View]
200540800The princess Tiger Lily dances in the manner of her people and seems to nonverbally invite you to jo…[View]
200551660>So guess what dumb thing Trump did today! >*audience bursts into laughter*…[View]
200549963Predictions for the Frasier reboot second series?: Scene 1: John's Living Room - Morning (The c…[View]
200537595Me and my sister watched a couple episodes together and she said that it was 'pedo TV' lol is she re…[View]
200551511I just want my kids back[View]
200550715/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #67: Red Jon Edition >Bloodgames Season 1 starts Ju…[View]
200547728Have you ever watched a movie that's categorized as LGBT and why did you do so? For me it'…[View]
200524618>voices opinion >makes idiots angry[View]
200548106The timespan between theater and home video: Zoomers will never know that it would take 6 months for…[View]
200536722The Acolyte: What did we think of Episide 5?[View]
200550913Now that the crust has settled, was it a good adaptation?[View]
200551111>Shane? >SHANE![View]
200551223>character is a hired assassin[View]
200548349Does Pulp Fiction deserve the praise it gets?[View]
200548944If Star Wars was a long time ago, then what's it like today?[View]
200551148>Woody, give me another beer. >>I'm sorry Mr. Pederson, but my chiropractor says I can…[View]
200548847ITT: Subtle symbolism in film and television[View]
200549285Film titles that feature symbols other than basic Latin script and Arabic or Roman numerals.[View]
200550708Does anybody else think Homelander has a little sugar in his tank, or is it just me?[View]
200547826How do I improve my media literacy?[View]
200536751Kat Mac: after Walker: Independence flopped is her career already dead?[View]
200550907Can someone with Britbong/footy knowledge explain this scene from Trainspotting 2 and what the fuck …[View]
200536308>The Phantom Menace has no main character and that's bad Do you think this is an accurate cr…[View]
200527260Confess your /tv/ related sins[View]
200550675These things never get em completely dry[View]
200549154Was this a realistic portrayal of how a son speaks to his dad?[View]
200549050Look like i just found Casca for Berserk live action[View]
200542950I always aspired to be Burke, but I turned out to be Gorman[View]
200548823Bros I just finished all 11 seasons of Frasier how do I cope with this new sense of loss and emptine…[View]
200549228I don't get it[View]
200547844Ack-ack! Ack ack ack! ack ack ACK!: >Ack-ack! Ack ack ACK! ACK ACK!! Ack ack ACK! Ack. How do you…[View]
200549790This shit is literally not even slightly funny. Iys like a show made by talentless fagget e celebs.[View]
200550069NAMOR solo project in development: https://comicbookmovie.com/namor-the-submariner/namor-solo-projec…[View]
200544732H-he's so talented! >le black and white xD >le wind noises xD >le weird heads and face…[View]
200550245>Ayo Janny, lock that thread. >Lock that thread.…[View]
200544333*TIK* *TOK* IGER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2jzqFaXX2g[View]
200548432Super cute >find out she was a massive cunt behind-the-scenes :([View]
200545824Was he the bad guy?[View]
200550050The bear: >Claire JUST[View]
200549153/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #66: Le Jim Face edition >Bloodgames Season 1 star…[View]
200545050Was this an appropriate reaction? Why does being told to smile irritate so many?[View]
200549736even Newman had multiple top shelf babes...: was it really that easy to get a gf in the 90s?[View]
200549025*artistically mogs the entire MCU with a single shot*[View]
200548403BCS: I just noticed in S5E7 of Better Call Saul that Gus' title at the Madrigal board meeting i…[View]
200549823Imagine making a movie so good it causes everyone else in the genre to just give up.[View]
200545001See How They Run[View]
200549715get really for the big kino: Go Home Western Man[View]
200541820Worth a watch?[View]
200548553/tv/ bros, how do we respond?[View]
200539568Frank: What the hell did I just watch? Weird ass movie.[View]
200549182Name a more useless character.[View]
200549201Was he retarded or something? How can anyone be that bad at making movies? It's like he didn…[View]
200546929what are the essential chudkino[View]
200523321What was the exact moment, for (you), when Star Wars died?[View]
200548688This movie was ahead of its time. After losing my virginity and not being an incel I finally get the…[View]
200544733Never seen this. Is it worth watching?[View]
200532903>completely MOGS that pussy Kylo Ren[View]
200547572>The series follows two intergalactic cops, new recruit John Stewart and legendary veteran Hal Jo…[View]
200544309this happened[View]
200545313Documentary Kinos?: We talk about movies and tv all the time, but what are some good documentaries o…[View]
200547957watching so many overrated movies lately...[View]
200546372The Concierge of Crime: Raymond 'Red' Reddington.[View]
200546441Now at least, we will....go on.[View]
200548905>Simbelmynë, ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebears. Now it shall cover the grave of my w…[View]
200544026Can someone help me find one movie! I have seen that movie really long time ago. That movie was one …[View]
200548759>I GOT WORMS[View]
200541767I don't get it[View]
200548371>named stormfront >is a nazi pottery[View]
200531951Watch Wayward on Netflix: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27427326/ >A bucolic but sinister town exp…[View]
200547833>upper middle class family >father is the #1 suspect in a gruesome murder of his ex lover …[View]
200542437Would he be entitled to backpay from the military for the 70 years he was frozen?[View]
200543561Based quoted from actors[View]
200545671>it's about what she wants What a dumb show[View]
200538786This is what a dignified ending for an animated sitcom looks like. Look how simple it is. So why is …[View]
200547484>media everywhere is sensational about Yasuke >not a single one, not even a blurb, mentions th…[View]
200548241>that’s gay hahahaha you’re gay how do you respond without sounding mad?…[View]
200548048kek get rekt femcel[View]
200542897Its genuinely shocking how good this movie is. Gunn is a fucking kino master.[View]
200547817>Look Dad, I'm the Commish![View]
200545000I don't give a fuck about word-of-God or whatever anybody said after the fact. I say Mr. Pink s…[View]
200546147Did Mike get any pussy?[View]
200537843Station Eleven: Why did this leftist feel-good crap make me tear up like a little bitch?[View]
200547748>I'LL TAKE YOUR SNEED![View]
200547302Bros, I love this show so much. Amazing set work to make things look period accurate. Very realistic…[View]
200543653>This will sell tickets to our Sopranos movie[View]
200537580What the fuck was David Chase's problem?[View]
200544610R: 725 / I: 140 /ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #64: Yon Edition >Bloodgames Seaso…[View]
200547436the older i get the more i just rewatch shows and movies that i have already seen instead of checkin…[View]
200538811Bill Cobbs died at 90: Today's a sad day. F[View]
200545757the sloppiest zoomer slop you've ever seen[View]
200546770Find Nedry. Check the vending machines![View]
200542498Who was in the wrong here?[View]
200494352Has anyone on /tv/ met an actor/actress? I'm 22 and I've never met anyone remotely famous.[View]
200547385this is going to have john wick tier fight coreography,no way is gonna be bad[View]
200547376Just found out he’s younger than I am, wtf I thought he was in his mid-late 30’s.[View]
200542592The Rebound (2024): Hoping for a better future, grade eleven student Zen is working hard to compete …[View]
200540710Do you think we'll get more backstory on these two in the next season?[View]
200531585smiling friends: >I love my friends >I love my god >And I love my country >And uh, God b…[View]
200545480>There's no time... You have to leave me behind...[View]
200546878>No need to fear, citizen. We're just taking a few extra precautions with the release of the…[View]
200546412Besides the hair color, this was perfect. James Gunn is a hack.[View]
200543060Is Beetlejuice a good movie?[View]
200546639How do you respond to him without realizing you are overly sensitive and angry? Protip. You cannot.[View]
200546464>25 years later >still the only online romance movie ever made Why did the genre never take of…[View]
200546476Shaken, not stirred.[View]
200539647Why are white guy asian girl relationships shoehorned into everything?[View]
200546763Remember that time Zoomers and Alphees went to Neptune?[View]
200538736>casually does hard drugs and then shows up to work the next day still high >doesn't get …[View]
200546710>there are people on this board who watch movies or shows with no superpowers involved >there …[View]
200546680>oh, is that a drag queen story houa?[View]
200545145Idea: A streaming app where shows and movies that get low user ratings quickly get kicked off the pl…[View]
200546591so bad and yet, so kino...[View]
200514285What happened to beach movies or people just going to the beach in movies, /tv/?[View]
200546376>what's it gonna be, nipplebee?[View]
200543477How is she going to look in the rubber Corenswet suit style?[View]
200519726/who/- Doctor Who General: Bicycle built for two edition Previously on /who/: >>200476047 Abor…[View]
200544056OOO OOO OOOO OOO[View]
200544534https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdzSiO-7LyM Will Batman: Caped Crusader be kino or cringe?[View]
200545938>I kinda feel like partying right now[View]
200538208LEAKS CONFIRMED: >Superman has been active for a couple of years and is struggling to reconcile h…[View]
200545567What is your favourite shootout scene?[View]
200530055Failed Dark Universal's Films Find New Success on Streaming: >Dracula Untold and The Mummy, …[View]
200544706>imagine her powers of seduction, I mean suction[View]
200546142>you have sex out of wedlock >you kill unborn children >you have man-on-man relations >y…[View]
200545974Daily America’s Next Top Model thread: Who’s the most fashionable Top Model winner?[View]
200545493Why would they have underoos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? What was on them? Do they have comic …[View]
200542310THAT'S A LOTTA NUTS[View]
200544940Who was the best Full House character?[View]
200539007If I was gay, this is the type of gay I would be, ngl, defending my marajuana plants with a big ass …[View]
200536074Fallout: Why did they wait so long to leave the Vaults?[View]
200545715>villainess has a facial deformity >we're supposed to hate them >i can't help fee…[View]
200545761This little fella is so funny lol[View]
200545665>Black pipo can enact revenge on anyone who wronged them and they'll be in the right >Wyp…[View]
200544027No, seriously. Why is this dude so crazy? >gay Yeah we all know he's gay but closeted homos …[View]
200544367>Holy fuck...it's like...so fucked up...he eats a girl out on her period and drinks bathwate…[View]
200535870/got/hotd/: BEHOLD THE WORK OF RHAENYRA TARGARYEN edition prev >>200525061[View]
200544544/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #63: Jon fucked Summer in the ass Edition >Bloodgam…[View]
200544744Did 'Joker' really re-enact the Blue Bear whiteknight's for Power Girl cosplayer nerd hero chad…[View]
200528492>OMS DID THE ROUND THING JUST GO INTO THE NETTED THING? LETS GOOOOO! How can people watch this fo…[View]
200541732What if I told you that you were meant to act? What if I rubbed your back and said to delve into you…[View]
200544172why doesn't Hollywood do Biblical epics like The Ten Commandments & Ben-Hur anymore?[View]
200540426Marathoning this kino currently. What can we learn from it ?[View]
200538419how would you rewrite the battle of endor?[View]
200542111...and where do you live, David Caruso?[View]
200544962>I'm not a locum with motive to suture myself >I've been a cynic for too many years …[View]
200544561I fucking love this shit[View]
200544533these are all the lead actresses for the WB in 1998. what do you notice?[View]
200544876I threw a wish in the well: Don't ask me, I'll never tell I looked to you as it fell And n…[View]
200542777Why did he do it?[View]
200544841>Dies literally just before making it big That is so fucking depressing.…[View]
200537872New Norm Show on X Is Hilarious: The liberal tears being shed over this - my new favorite show of th…[View]
200544818>Sounds to me like a blackmail[View]
200544488Outta my way, Jerkass![View]
200544111Okay! I’ll do a damn lot count![View]
200544714What do they watch?: Post janny films[View]
200542449The only times I ever see this movie mentioned is in connection with The Departed. Is it even worth …[View]
200540484they are at war BUT they're singing a children's song[View]
200543735Why is she being pushed so hard all of the sudden[View]
200544425Why didn't she just dream about being Freddy Krueger?[View]
200543650I have never been more insulted by a film in my life[View]
200514735I can't believe he published this.[View]
200544385I remember my mum buying this on dvd believing it was going to be a romance movie lel[View]
200543253Rewatching now. It’s so fucking good. And Kiera is gorgeous[View]
200519466Not yet.[View]
200543294Here 2024: Forrest Gump 2, Forrest and Jenny reunite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_id-SkGU2k…[View]
200535150what the fuck was his problem?[View]
200543184This sucks and is reddit[View]
200541811Official season 2 episodes power ranking: 1) Mr. President 2)Brother's Egg 3) Pim Finally Turns…[View]
200543388>Watch film/show with a strong, silent white MC >immediately want to copy all his mannerisms a…[View]
200531805Which was a worse reboot 2010s onward? Fant4stic, Ghostbusters 2016, Ghost in the Shell 2017, Tomb R…[View]
200542477Dr. Patel, I am from CIA[View]
200537279Four fours.[View]
200543016It do be like that[View]
200539483Name a better sitcom?[View]
200538479Which celebrity death affected you the most? This was me when Leonard Nimoy passed away. Live Long a…[View]
200543618>click on deleted scenes >there are scenes…[View]
200539204The Shield: Just finshed season 1 >Was it kino Yes >Was it shit? Also yes, it looked like some…[View]
200543148Archer 1999 was a great season & I'm not gonna pretend it wasn't. >inb4 but muh dre…[View]
200542773are a lot of actor and actresses neurodivergent: this two very good looking milf doctor n very good …[View]
200534986Still the best depiction of faeries in cinema[View]
200542702Now that the dust is finally starting to settle down it's time to admit that it's good.. a…[View]
200540285L'avventura (1960): Just finished this and I only watched it for Monica Vitti. What did I thin…[View]
200543432What are some movies you really wanted to like, but just can't??[View]
200541406Based this is like those Eddie Murphy movies where he plays multiple roles. Dane looks great here[View]
200541309Why do bad things happen to good people in South Park?[View]
200533657Boring effeminate sentimental shit. People usually say that Carpenter's 90s films are second-ra…[View]
200530014No Anya No Watch[View]
200540074/ftl/ - Fishtank Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames #62: sneedleigh edition >Bloodgames Season 1 start…[View]
200538097No one actually lives like this, right?[View]
200534566The great debate[View]
200544866Tucker is an absolute KING: Absolutely slaughters liberal 'great replacement theory' critic. https:/…[View]
200538513This is the good shit.[View]
200540621>makes snowflakes seethe like no other animated show before Mr. BASEDum roberts more like it.…[View]
200540117Would this defense even work in a real trial ?[View]
200542357Out of all the arthouse movies to gain a following on /tv/, why this one?[View]
200543142>But sire, milions will die! >Trillions.[View]
200543092The Wire: Why did avon get so upset at stringer for asking bro. Mouzone questions?[View]
200541554This is your last chance: After this, there is no turning back. You eat the pan seared halibut with …[View]
200543053I love this part of the movie because it's all slow and ominous then out of nowhere this guy po…[View]
200542131nickelodeon kino thread[View]
200541694>You're not brave. Men are brave. What did he mean by that?[View]
200542860>Dementus buddy, what’s going on big guy you just shot my men[View]
200540726IT we name movies that don't have some kind of woke attribute that is mainstream Joker 1. Uncut…[View]
200540572>We need to cast a relatively young Asian ma- >Sir someone just hit your car in the parking lo…[View]
200539035What are some must watch german comedies?[View]
200541551Welcome to Robert's Kinoplex. We are currently marathoning Star Trek: The Original Series and t…[View]
200538502>movie has a shot of the twin towers[View]
200542626Falling Down: You didn't forget him did you, Anon?[View]
200542604>he GAPED me Jerry >he gaped you? >wide as the grand canyon >i can't believe this..…[View]
200538199What does /tv/ think of Pitch Meetings?[View]
200542447Tom Cruise thread: Tom Cruise discussion here[View]
200540136OH N-[View]
200540164I HAVE NEVER SEEN a shittier CGI in a movie or a tv show, the first 5 minutes felt entirely AI gener…[View]
200541523>Christmas movie >fight starts >someone says 'I'm gonna deck your halls'…[View]
200538538Jessica Alba and Kate Mara joined The Academy today. How will this affect their careers?[View]
200534121Post the comfiest kinos.[View]

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